The Dog and Pony Show Defined

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I’m not sure whether anyone’s heard of this, but there’s an impeachment taking place in our Nation’s Capital.

It seems, as best that I can tell, that the democrats don’t particularly care for President Donald Trump, ostensibly because he defeated their anointed candidate in 2016, and has gone on to actually Make America Great Again.

Democrats don’t seem to like a great America and there are two rather obvious clues that go toward proving that. First, they spent 8 years trying to fundamentally transform America, and second, there are exactly 6 more American flags displayed on the surface of the Moon than there have been displayed on the stage of all this election season’s democrat candidate debate stages.

For the record, Americans planted exactly 6 flags on the surface of the Moon, and democrats have planted nary a one on any debate stage.

That said…

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Hey, It’s Only Money…Right?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Alright, it is now 2020, and while others look ahead trying to predict what will happen this year, I will usher in this brand spanking New Year by spanking those who have wasted our hard-earned taxpayer dollars last year.

Now before I get into that, allow me to make a couple of predictions.

Liberals in congress will fail in their attempted coup against President Trump.

Liberals, while adhering to that failure, will raise more money for President Trump’s reelection campaign than they will raise for their own candidates, and before this new year become the year that was, President Trump will be reelected, the Senate will remain in Republican hands, and the House will flip to red.

Oh, it won’t be the end of liberal attempts to overthrow President Trump, or to overturn the 2016 election, and they, along with their partners in crime, the mainstream media, will continue to spread their propaganda to a diminishing voter bloc while wondering why more and more people are tuning them out.

I also predict that before the end of this year…

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Embellished By Faith, Predicated On Facts

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The story of the birth of Jesus, as told in two books in the Bible, is a good story full of hope, and promise. That story eventually gave rise to a major religion, Christianity, and it has been told, and retold for the past couple of thousand years.

It’s a story…but it’s a good story.

That story has Jesus being born in a manger, because there was no room at the inn, shepherds, wise men, gifts meant for a King, and so much more. Christians around the world celebrate the story of the birth of Jesus, and hold it dear. There’s nothing wrong with that.

But it is a story that relies on faith rather than on fact…and one should not try to replace the latter with the former.

Let me explain…

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Liberals, and the Abyss of the Three D’s

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It’s high time that somebody puts all of this impeachment nonsense into its proper perspective, and lucky you, here I am.

Now before I get started with what we’ve wound up with, allow me to recap where we’ve been as this whole clown-show has progressed.

It all started well before the 2016 election, and to be sure, it started before the nomination. That’s when liberals started coming unglued at the prospect of Donald Trump getting the nomination, and what was the initial cause of their ungluing?

Simple. Trump was drawing much bigger crowds at his rallies than was Hillary Clinton, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Trump was far more popular than was the old, inebriated bag.


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Connecting the Ukrainian Dots…A Portrait of Democrat Corruption

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So far, throughout the inquisition against President Trump, the House’s Lack of Intelligence Committee has, behind closed doors, and in public hearings, brought forth a parade of bureaucratic “witnesses” who “witnessed” nothing to testify against the President.

During the public hearings, those of us crazy enough to have watched the debacle were treated to a badly orchestrated, and ill-conceived circular firing squad as one so-called “witness” after another did more harm to the liberal case against President Trump than they did good. But there was something that stood out, something that had it only happened once may well have been ignored as some sort of aberration, but it happened over and over again.

It continued to happen not once, not twice, but several times with each stuffed shirt bureaucrat in the hot seat. It happened because the Republicans forced it to happen, and it was brilliant.

It finally got to the point that to try and make the elephant in the hearing room invisible, democrats on that committee gave it a dismissive name. What I’m talking about is Joe and Hunter Biden’s involvement in the real corruption that should be on trial, and the meddling in our 2016 election by Ukraine.

Democrats started calling all of that…

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Trump’s Only Crime…Exposed

By:Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

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Let’s start with the fact that the impeachment inquiry is not a real event, it’s an Adam Schiff orchestrated and scripted duplicitous abuse of power…with behind closed doors depositions being but a dress rehearsal for public hearings that are simply a man and a party on a phishing expedition looking for a crime to fit their ultimate agenda of impeaching the man they know they simply can’t beat come 2020.

And while Democrats are now foolishly reveling in what they think are “big wins” for their side regarding what in reality is a “political coup” masquerading as an “impeachment inquiry,” President Trump in the end will have the last laugh for second and third-hand hearsay will not make for a strong legal case where it matters most…as in the U.S. Senate…no matter that Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), foolishly stated that hearsay evidence is better than direct evidence. And while hearsay might make for good soundbites on the six o’clock news and make for eye-catching headlines in mainstream and online media rags, there remains certain truths as to the why we’re at the point we’re at now what with Nancy Pelosi claiming that the House will impeach President Trump before Congress begins its Christmas recess.

And as expected the media is again downplaying the Democrats faux-pas just like they continue to downplay the “Clinton body count list”...just like they downplay the fact that neither U.S. ambassadors nor House members themselves were ever meant to set foreign policy directives. And if one thinks in those terms it also starts one thinking that maybe the trouble President Trump now finds himself in was possibly set into motion decades ago…decades ago when Bill Clinton was president…decades ago when Clinton’s foreign policy directives or lack thereof saw the first World Trade Center bombing morphing into Mogadishu which morphed into the USS Cole, which in turn morphed into Obama’s foreign policy directive of overtly and callously “leading from behind.”

Let us explain.

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A Verdict Desperately Searching For a Crime

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

First off, allow me to state the simply obvious…democrats have lost their socialist collective minds. There’s not a contained democrat or liberal marble to be found, the cheese has slipped from their crackers, they’re crazier than soup sandwiches…

And nuttier than a port­a ­potty at a peanut festival.

Democrats are so desperate to alter the results of the 2016 election before we get to the 2020 election, that they no longer give a happy damn that they’re acting like idiots who claim to be invisible.

While I’m not exactly sure from either a scientific, or medical standpoint what their affliction is called, I am willing to bet it’s really hard to pronounce.

Democrats are insisting that President Trump must be impeached, that much is clear by the amount of bellowing and bloviating they’re engaged in 24/7, but what neither we, nor they can quite figure out is…


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Democrats Pre-Planning Their Own Political Funeral

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If you were going to take a vote on making a witch hunt inquiry official, there couldn’t have been a more appropriate day to do so than on Halloween, and that is exactly what the wicked one of the west coast did on October, 31st.

Let me be staggeringly honest here…vodka-soaked Nancy Pelosi spent 7 months trying to gin up some sort of mandate to either move forward with such an official impeachment inquiry, fabricated though it may be, or get to work getting things done to fix real issues we face as a country, and the best she could do was prove that the liberal/socialist radicals that are leading her party are perpetrating a transparent sham.

Save 2 democrats who just couldn’t bring themselves to join the revenge-minded, sour-grapes line of pressured thinking, every democrat in the House voted for moving the impeachment inquiry to the next level, and every single Republican voted against it.

As Pelosi stated some 7 months ago…

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Cancel Culture…The New Censorship

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Cancel culture.

It’s all the rage right now. Say something, do something, wear something, or be seen somewhere deemed inappropriate by faux liberal intellectual ilk, and you’re finished. You can lose your job, your business, your ability to appear at anything from a concert to your high school prom…and worse.

No proof needed, no evidence of wrong doing necessary.

All it takes is someone else’s pretend offense.

Cancel Culture…The New Censorship…it’s political correctness in steroids, and fascism run amok.

At the risk of offending anyone, real or pretend, your every word is now scrutinized, your every social media post is under the proverbial microscope, your manner of dress, your hair style, and your every interaction whether or not you believe those interactions to be jokes, or serious, is being held to a very high double standard by liberals.

If, on the off chance you happen to be a liberal…well, you pretty much get a free pass. Maybe a liberal here, or one there, will be punished, but by and large, and certainly if you are considered to be one of the liberal elite…you have little to worry about.

But God forbid you happen to be a Conservative…

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The Insanity at CNN Continues

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There are so many unknown things in our world, it’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Why do whales beach themselves? Where do elephants go to die? How were the pyramids built? What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

Why can’t Hillary just shut the hell up and go away?

There is a very long list of things we may never find the answers to, but there are some things we do know as fact, and one of those things is that…

Liberals are bat-crap crazy.

There is no end to the insanity from the left side of our political aisle, and seemingly no end to the lies the liberal mainstream media will tell to bolster that insanity.

Take CNN as a prime example…

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