Cruz, Rubio, Vattel and the Ineligibility Lies

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Obviously, it is once again time to address a certain issue that has, thanks to Trumpers, elig 1been brought to the forefront because they are scared that their one and only candidate…who is by all indications, running for the position of dictator…is on the verge of being overtaken in some key states.

Ted Cruz IS a natural born citizen and so too, is Marco Rubio.

Oh, I know that’s not the scuttlebutt coming from butt-scuttlers but it is true nonetheless.

Now, if you want me to climb aboard the crazy train of so-called ‘birthers,’ there are only a few things you need to do. Just show me a law, or a definition from our Constitution that makes either Cruz or Rubio Constitutionally ineligible and not only will I ride the crazy train, I’ll sell tickets to it.

Trumps Trump-drunk trolls are all over the place spewing their, and his brand of nonsense regarding this issue and not a single one of them has ever produced a shred of real evidence against the eligibility of Cruz or Rubio.

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Weather Weasels of the Apocalypse REJOICE!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Now that Obama has ISIS contained…Paris, San Bernardino, most of the Middle East, a good portion of North Africa and areas of Europe along with various other places within the geographical boundaries of earth notwithstanding…the collective heads of state have turned their collective heads to more pressing matters.


That’s correct…a CLIMATE CHANGE deal has been reached and thus, for the first time since the creation of the 3rd rock from the sun, our climate will not change!!!

There was a standing ovation as the 195 countries involved in utter nonsense announced that a deal had been reached by which the world’s temperature would not rise by more than 2 degrees Celsius and fossil fuels would become obsolete.

See below for details…

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Trump – All Sound Bite and No Substance

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

oht 1There can be no two people happier about Donald Trump’s empty rhetoric this week than Obama and Hillary Clinton and while Trump continues to grin like the cat that swallowed the media canary, people who should care about real issues are being bamboozled.

For once, Obama doesn’t even have to concoct a distraction…Trump is handling that for him.

Was Trump right to state that we should put a temporary ban on Muslim immigration and employ profiling to minimize future jihadis entering our nation?

Yes, but he missed the key reason why…that being that we are engaged in a war against an ideology and not a religion as Islam is the former and not the latter but Trump has not explained himself and why should he? His Trumpers are eating it up and the media is talking about nothing else.

There’s a reason for that and I suspect Trump has been paying a staff to do nothing but look at social media to discern what Conservatives are calling for. Notice how Trump has yet to put forth an original idea. He takes whatever is the hot-button topic of the week and puffs himself up over it spewing rhetoric with no substance behind it.

Build a wall…make Mexico pay for it.


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Obama’s Oral Orifice Manure Spreading

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

oral 1On Sunday night, Barack Hussein Obama stood in the Oval Office spreading manure from his oral orifice regarding how great his strategy of combating Islamic terrorism has been working and how, if we just stay the course, doing what he says, doing more of the same…everything will be okay.

That strategy, by the way, has been in place from the moment a 7th century Islamic barbarian shot up a U.S. military recruiting station in Littlerock Arkansas in June of 2009. That strategy has been in place through the Navy Shipyard Islamic terrorist attack, the one in Chattanooga, the one at the Boston Marathon, it was in place when an Islamic barbarian attacked four NYC police officers with a hatchet, and in place when another Islamic barbarian, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, assassinated two NYC police offices as they sat in their squad car.

It’s the exact same strategy that was in place when two Islamic barbarians tried to attack an art exhibit in Garland Texas…and it was exactly the same strategy, the strategy Obama says is the only way to keep us safe that was in place last week when yet two more Islamic terrorists…barbarians…shot and killed 14 while leaving 21 wounded in San Bernardino California and to be clear, those two had designs on killing many, many more.

Oh, Obama did have a new wrinkle to toss into his manure spreader…

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O Christmas Cups, O Christmas Cups…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

cup 1The whole world, it seems, is going to hell in a handbag.

Look around…Syria, Russia, Ukraine…Iran is getting nukes for the love of God. Iraq is a disaster, Afghanistan is too and nearly every Butt-Crackistan in the region is either fighting some absurd 7th century civil war or all their jihadis are invading Europe.

China is building islands…THEY’RE BUILDING ISLANDS…in the South China Sea and threatening us and Japan over them and that little sawed-off twerp over in North Diarrhea keeps promising to attack South Korea and US with HIS nukes.

The Palestinians, who are really Jordanians, are attacking Israelis because Israelis keep building homes…IN ISRAEL.

And now…Paris and Mali with ISIS making global threats…

Here at home…the economy still stinks…job participation is at an all-time low…welfare participation is at an all-time HIGH…Obamacare is predictably failing at warp speed, violent crime is UP…WAY UP in our most LIBERAL cities and taxes are going up higher than pants at a “Black Lives Matter” protest are getting lower.

If there’s really a correlation there…perhaps we should lower taxes to get those idiots on the street to pull up their damn pants and while I’m on that topic…note to all common street thugs…wearing the waste of your pants below your ass is not a fashion statement…it’s an I.Q statement that screams you’re so damn stupid you don’t know how to get dressed when you get out of bed at the crack of noon.

The whole world is going to hell and what did the Evangelical holier-than-thou Christians have their saintly skivvies all wadded up over last week?

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Global Warming vs The Great Pumpkin

‘By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

You Have GOT to be kiddpum 1ing me.

According to the ENERGY.GOV website…”At landfills, MSW (municipal solid waste) decomposes and eventually turns into methane—a harmful greenhouse gas that plays a part in climate change, with more than 20 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide (CO2).”

What the Obama regime’s Department of Energy is talking about here are two things…pumpkins and farts. The MSW to which they refer are this year’s left over Jack-o-lanterns which, when thrown away, decompose and turn into methane…more commonly known as…FARTS and PUMPKIN FARTS, according to Obama’s Department of Crap That Doesn’t Matter…lead to GLOBAL WARMING!!!

Some Jack-o-Jerk in that department wrote the following: “With the passing of Halloween, millions of pounds of pumpkins have turned from seasonal decorations to trash destined for landfills, adding to more than 254 million tons of municipal solid waste produced in the United States every year. This Halloween, think of turning this seasonal waste into energy as a very important ‘trick’ that can have a positive environmental and energy impact.”

Seriously…they ARE kidding…right?

No, no they are not.

Back to their inane, obtuse cyber-blather…

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Iran Says NO DEAL to Obama Real “Deal”

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Okay…let me just see if I have this right.derp 2

Obama lied.

I don’t know about you but that’s just…shocking.

Obama lied regarding Iran and the “deal” that allows the nation of barbarians to stockpile a nuclear arsenal…THEY never SIGNED it. Oh, I know they said they would never sign the “deal,” hell, I even WROTE that they would never sign the “deal” but of course, that was a MONTH ago and what did I know?

NOTHING…according to assorted liberal knotheads…I didn’t know what I was talking about. I was WRONG they all told me but…I was only quoting the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola when HE said Iran wouldn’t sign onto the deal.

What Iran did, according to the scant media coverage afforded it, was sign a deal they drew up THEMSELVES…THAT’S the “deal” they signed but the “deal” Obama had Kerry capitulate on? THAT “deal” was roundly REJECTED by Iran.

Oh…yeah, we still have to abide by the Obama terms of surrender…that we don’t get out of but…IRAN…they DON’T have to abide by it and guess what? THEY AREN’T!!!

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South Carolina Flooded Because of Gay Weddings?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rob 1Oh…good grief…

While Obama and his socialist ilk do whatever they can to politicize the Oregon shooting tragedy, including going TO Oregon to mastermind the politicizing in PERSON…some on the right, or supposedly on the right, are still having kittens over gay people getting married.

NOT that gay people getting married effects THEM in any way,shape or form but…you would THINK that the holier-than-thous were being forced into ARRANGED marriages with people sporting the same parts as THEY have.

Just a couple of days ago…Pat Robertson reportedly decided to politicize the South Carolina FLOODS by issuing a statement in answer to a call in question…”Are the South Carolina floods a sign from God?”

“Well,” said Robertson…“that’s a mighty fine question. We all know that God’s main weapon of choice for the mass culling of the human race is a flood, so yes, I do think God’s hand is at work in South Carolina.”

And then, he said it…

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Live Long and Perspire…In MEXICO!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

pope 1A papal visit is always good for a spontaneous moment isn’t it?

Or IS it?

As the Pope paraded through Washington DC a few days ago, a little girl, carrying a yellow T-shirt, ran from the crowd, haltingly at first, until Pope Francis motioned for her to join him and then…it went viral…just as planned.

That’s correct…she, that little 5 year old girl was a plant…a child of illegal aliens hand-picked nearly a year ago to do exactly what she did. It was rehearsed. It was staged. It was a public relations maneuver put together by a Los Angeles based, illegal alien support group called…Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition.

Full rights for ILLEGAL ALIENS is what the group SHOULD be called as it is exactly that for which they advocate…full rights for those whose very first act in our country was the breaking of our laws.

According to Juan Jose Gutierrez…

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Let’s Make a Deal…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

lic 2Isn’t it nice to know, that with the world going to hell in a hand bag, ISIS marauding about, Iran getting a nuclear weapon, a liberal/socialist candidate mired in corruption, Putin rebuilding the old Russian empire, more people out of the workforce that ever before and on and on and on…that we have so many single issue voters out there on our side?

Forget all the stuff that is actually going to destroy us or kill us…

Carly Fiorina said that a county clerk in Kentucky should do her job or be fired.

I have seen a good number of those who profess to be Conservatives out there RAILING on Fiorina…”SO MUCH FOR BEING A CONSERVATIVE” they say…if she thinks some county clerk should be issuing marriage licenses…to GAY people…she’s just not fit to be a Conservative.

Here’s Fiorina’s quote…then I’ll tell you MY problem with it.

“First, I think that we must protect religious liberties with great passion and be willing to expend a lot of political capital to do so now because it’s clear religious liberty is under assault in many, many ways. Having said that, when you are a government employee, I think you take on a different role. When you are a government employee as opposed to say, an employee of another kind of organization, then in essence, you are agreeing to act as an arm of the government.”

“And, while I disagree with this court’s decision, their actions are clear. And so I think in this particular case. This woman now needs to make a decision that’s conscious — is she prepared to continue to work for the government, be paid for by the government in which case she needs to execute the government’s will, or does she feel so strongly about this that she wants to sever her employment with the government and go seek employment elsewhere where her religious liberties would be paramount over her duties as as government employee.”


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