The Snowflake’s Blame Game Epic Fail

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, the time has come to update folks regarding the Jill Stein/Hillary Clinton recounts in three states…Michigexc-1an, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Hillary Stein-Clinton was looking for voter fraud in those states…and she, or they, found it.

There was, indeed, voter fraud…on behalf of Hillary Clinton…of which those of us who pay attention to such things knew would happen well in advance of last month’s election…and the recount efforts have now exposed it for all to see.

First…let’s have a look at Michigan.

In Michigan…which was “to close to call” on election night, although in our election night coverage, Diane Sori and I officially, and as it turned out, rightfully called Michigan for Donald Trump days before it was made official…the Hillary Stein-Clinton recount focused the bright light of reality directly where Hillary didn’t want it.

In 50% of Detroit’s precincts, no recount could be done because…the numbers of the votes counted by machines was decisively higher than the number of votes cast by those who signed in at those precincts.

Oddly, if not predictably…

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Flag Burners…You HAVE Been Warned

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I would like to take a moment, to address the myriad of morons who are mulling over burning an American flag.bur-1

While the United States Supreme Court has issued a ruling that flag burning is a right, protected by our 1st Amendment…there are a few things that you should know…and I’ll get to those in a little bit.

Before I do though, let’s first examine why, exactly, you people are doing what you’re doing, because it’s important to have the facts before we proceed.

You bunch of brainless buffoons are burning American flags because…you are disgruntled…but over what exactly?

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Bumper-Humper Terrorists and the Liberal Media

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

osu-1“America, stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak… By Allah, we will not let you sleep unless you give peace to the Muslims. You will not celebrate or enjoy any holiday.”

Those words were among the last written by Somali “refugee” Islamic terrorist, 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan, on his Facebook wall.

He also wrote…“Every single Muslim who disapproves of my actions is a sleeper cell, waiting for a signal. I am warning you Oh America!”

And yet…liberals from the halls of congress, to the media’s 4th estate, to twitter just couldn’t, for the lives of themselves, find a motive for what that 21st century college student with a 7th century mentality did on the campus of Ohio State University.

Regarding those motivation baffled liberal buffoons…

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The Rain Forest, the Recount and Reality

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It seems hard to believe, in this day and age, that there are places where people live that are so remote, so isolated that those people have never had contact with the outside yano-1world.

But such is exactly the case with a small band, about 100 people, who live in a village in Brazilian Amazon, near the border with Venezuela.

They are the Yanomami…an indigenous people to the region.

These are people who have never seen a telephone, much less heard of a cell phone. They have never seen a television and therefore, have never heard of the Kardashians.

Lucky for them.

The Yano have never eaten food from a can. Never seen sliced bread. Have no idea what a car is. Never seen a computer, locked a door, opened a window or went to a store.

The Yano have spent their entire lives, over thousands of years, cut off from the rest of the world in 100% total isolation.

And yet…

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God, the Socialist-Idioticus and 2 Ply Toilet Paper

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The election is

It was a very, very sad day for socialists as they watched their hopes of changing American into a fundamentally transformed nation of drooling hand-out seekers come crashing down.

At Yale University, a professor cancelled an exam for students too distraught over the fall of American socialism to take a test..  In Arizona, high school students walked out of their classes to protest the end of a nation without borders or laws.

Look…we know that you’ve been indoctrinated to pitch a fit every time you don’t get your way, or anytime you’re faced with earning something you feel pre-entitled to, but curling up in a ball, in your safe place with a government granted therapy dog, a box of crayons and a bowl of organic, free-range tofu noodle soup while refusing to go outside for the next four years really isn’t the answer.

In Oakland California…

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Hey Hillary…Kiss My Diverse Ass

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

div-1Last Sunday night’s debate was interesting and for the easily offended, which means liberals and the holier-than-thou crowd…by all means, read on.

I’ve heard just about all I care to hear regarding what Donald Trump said 11 years ago that every man in America, and dare I say just about anywhere else has said at some point in their lives.

And for those who think such crass sexual language is somehow limited to the male of the species…get over yourselves ladies…you make the same sorts of comments and you know it.

Let me be perfectly honest and painfully blunt…

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Kerry Said It, He Believes It, and He’s an Idiot

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ser 1My fellow Patriots…

Today, I would like to insert a bit of common sense into two seemingly divergent topics recently brought to our attention in the oddest of ways.

Trust me, this needs to be addressed in the most serious way I know how and address it I will.

The topics at hand are the religion of global warming, its splinter sect, the religion of climate change and the ever-so-popular religion of peace.

While these two cults wouldn’t seem to have anything to do with one another, I assure you all that the two do indeed intersect and that intersection can be found somewhere between the empty head of one, John Kerry and his southernmost orifice in which the former resides.

According to John “Lurch” Kerry…

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Trump and Hillary…One and the Same

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

For the better part of the last 10 months, Donald Trump’s blind followers have been vile in per 1their comments directed at any candidate who dared to challenge their presumptive dictator and equally as vile toward anyone who dared to support any other candidate than Trump.

Trump has called Carly Fiorina ugly, called Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, ugly and unbalanced, has compared Ben Carson to a child molester, Demeaned Marco Rubio, Called Ted Cruz a liar, insinuated that Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination, had false stories planted that Cruz himself was having 5 affairs, demeaned Jeb Bush, blamed 9-11 on George Bush, incited riots, encouraged his followers to commit violence while offering to pay their legal fees for doing so, mocked Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes and accused Ted Cruz of being the Zodiac killer.

Naturally, Trump’s blind followers picked up every bit of this rubbish and immediately spread it all over social media.

Now, as Trump closes in on the nomination…his blind followers are blaming those whom they so vilely attacked for the past 10 months for splitting the party. It’s OUR fault, according to the Trumpers, that the party is now split six ways from Sunday. WE’RE to blame…or so THEY say.


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Trump’s Incoherent, Obama-Esque Foreign Policy

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Just a couple of days ago, Donald J. Trump gave his first big speech on foreign policy taz 1where he had promised to name the names of the best and brightest who would be advising him. In fact, he made that promise on Morning Joe…just a few short hours before giving the speech.

He didn’t name a single advisor. Not one. Zip…zilch…zero.

It wasn’t that naming names just slipped his mind…because the entire speech was read from a teleprompter. Had there been names to name, as Trump had promised…those named names would have been in the teleprompter for Trump to name…or read…but they weren’t, because they don’t exist.

This is something Trump would have known before his appearance on Morning Joe…that he didn’t have any names to name, but he said he would name them.

Oh my…

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