Liberals…The Gift That Keeps on Giving

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Tis the season when one’s thoughts turn toward family and friends, get-togethers, joy and good tidings and all the things that encompass Christmas, or Hanukkah…including the giving of gifts.

My thoughts, at this time of the year, always seem to turn toward…


The gift that keeps on giving.

Recently, it seems, liberals have made a transparently awkward attempt at becoming our nation’s political party of morality and the keeping of it, and I say…

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The Dawn of a New Religion

Okay…so I’ve been giving this some quality thought.

If L. Ron Hubbard…a science fiction author can start up a religion that sticks pins in a Leah Remini doll, having at its core, several well-known and questionably talented members of the Hollywood asylum for the terminally nuts…and if some dude in prison serving time on assault charges, who helped to co-found a fascist organization…the Black Nationalist organization, could invent from thin air…Kwanza…and con folks into believing it was some authentic African holiday…

Why couldn’t I come up with a religion of my very own?

So…having put my full effort into it…I am now looking for converts to…

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Hollywood and Politics…Gropers Galore

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Over the past three weeks, one thing and only one thing has been the headline story in the news…


Lurid, unmitigated, uncalled for, unappreciated, unwanted and unprovable…Sex. Men, alleged to have had unwanted, unlawful sex with women and girls.Men alleged to have had unwanted and unlawful sex with boys.

Women, who used to be girls, and men who used to be boys have waited 10…20…30 and up to 40 years to level their unprovable allegations against people in positions of power…scampering to the nearest microphone…sometimes with their attorneys in tow…to spew forth tales of their victimhood for all to hear, and empathize with.

Let’s be clear about something here…

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Trump Making Snowflakes Scream

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Does it seem like it’s been nearly a year since America started back on the road to being great again?

My how time flies when we’re winning. The Obama regime of 8 years seemed more like 8 decades, as we watched the systematic dismantling of our nation’s culture at the hands of a criminal enterprise, but candidate Trump said we might get tired of winning so much…

Sorry Mr. President…but we’re not even close to needing a nap yet.

As we approach the one year anniversary of the biggest liberal meltdown in history, there is something I need to do however…

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Liberalism’s Moral Abyss

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The ship, the U.S.S. Liberalism, is sinking being dragged to Davy Jones’ locker by the weight of its own hypocrisy…and I have to admit, there is a certain amount of pleasure in watching it slip beneath the waves.

The NFL, once the highest floating ship in the American sporting world, has become a sunken, man-made reef. As players continue to disrespect the nation of fans who made them millionaires, and as league officials continue to cling to their liberal union inspired agenda of allowing such disrespect, the fan base is continuing to turn their backs on the kneelers, and turn off the televised games bringing the NFL to its lowest ratings ever.

Now even advertisers are floating away in life rafts trying to put enough distance between themselves and the rapidly sinking vessel so as not to get pulled down along with it.

Last week, while the players from New Orleans actually stood for our National Anthem, they suddenly took a knee in a show of disrespect for a New Orleans police officer who was recently murdered…

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Why Liberals Hate Columbus Day

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Ahhhhh…Columbus Day.

A holiday celebrated in many countries in the Americas and elsewhere which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492.

The day is also celebrated as “Día de la Raza” (“Day of the Race”) in many countries in Latin America, as “Día de la Hispanidad” and “Fiesta Nacional” in Spain, where it is also the religious festivity of la Virgen del Pilar, as Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas) in Belize and Uruguay, as Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) in Argentina, and as Giornata Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo or Festa Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo in Italy and in the Little Italys around the world.

Around here…

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The NFL Can Take Knee and Kiss My…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

An open letter to the NFL…

Dear owners, coaches and assorted uniformed thugs, miscreants and felons,

For the past several weeks, we, the people who spend our hard-earned money on things like tickets, merchandise and the products you pretend to like and use…in other words…those of us who pay your ridiculous salaries…have a little something we’d like to share with you, but first…a question…

Just what is it you are protesting?

You claim it’s got something to do with the police, or injustice toward deeply tanned people by the police, or something else along those lines…right?

You do realize that more white people are killed by the police than black people…don’t you?

You do realize that the overwhelming majority of black people killed in this country of ours are killed by other black people…to the tune of about 93%…right?

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Prophecy and Politics – The End is Near

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So much to do, and so little time.

Actually, whatever it was you had planned for the next week, month the rest of the year or perhaps even over the next several years…forget about it.

If you’ve been worried about bills that need to be paid, and who hasn’t been, or if you about to make some big investment hoping it will pay off down the road…

Forget about it.

There just isn’t enough time left to be concerned about anything.

Why not?

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The Whole DACA Deal Explained…Sort Of

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Since November 8th, 2016…liberals have been pitching a world-class hissy fit which officially began when Hillary refused to stumble across a stage in a drunken stupor to face her distraught legions who felt entitled to having her in the White House along with the return of Billy Boy to the scene of the staining.

Liberals first retreated to their safe spaces, also known as our nation’s college campuses with their coloring books, Crayons, therapy puppies and bottles of bubbles, only to emerge in the third week of January wearing vagina costumes and pink kitty caps.

Ahhh…those were the days…

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And the Bronze Binky Goes To…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Lobotomized liberal lunatics are losing their last limp brain cells over imaginary or fabricated elements of racism, and the resulting meltdown is reaching epic proportions.

Does racism really exist?

Of course it does…but it exists only in the vast MINORITY of Americans, as evidenced by what transpired a couple of weeks ago in Charlottesville Virginia.

For more than five months, various racist organizations, including the Ku Klux Klan and an assortment of white nationalist idiots promoted, and advertised on anti-social media, their own websites and I’m reasonably sure in backwater trailer parks everywhere, that they were holding some sort of a rally in Charlottesville on a specified date, at a specific time.

Still with me so far?

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