An Untamed Shrew on the World Stage

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Shakespeare once said, “All the world’s a stage,” and last week, at the center of it, was a 16 year old untamed shrew.

A shrew, by definition is 1. a small insectivorous mammal resembling a mouse, with a long pointed snout and tiny eyes, and 2. a bad-tempered or aggressively assertive woman.

Swedish teenage climate change cultist (CCC) Greta Thunberg I suggest meets both of those definitions to a tee, and a week ago, while skipping school, she stood before the U.N. and pitched a hissy-fit of a temper tantrum for all the world to see.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” Thunberg bloviated at a U.N. climate change summit. She ranted, and raved at the adults in the room most of whom are also members of the CCC, and found her…adorable.

Thunberg shouted at the U.N. members…

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Liberal’s Self-Destruct Mode Activated

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

For a party hell-bent on gun control, the democrats sure have been shooting themselves in both feet every time they shoot off their mouths, and in Joe Biden’s case, he can do both at the same time since he seems to always have at least one of his feet permanently lodged in his mouth.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke, out of of Texas has said, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

Well that’s a hell of a thing to hear from someone with an arrest for burglary to his credit. Yes, the charge was dismissed back in 1995, as was his arrest for DWI in 1998. I’m willing to bet Beto wasn’t too concerned about his privilege back then.

After Beto made the, “hell yes…” remark, Republican Texas state Rep. Briscoe Cain fired a tweet O’Rourke’s way stating,, “My AR is ready for you Robert Francis.” Naturally, Bobby Francis claimed that as a threat, and said…

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Tlaib and Omar- The Who’s Who of Flung Poo

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…for months, seriously from the day they entered the U.S. House, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar have taken every opportunity they could find, and when one failed to present itself, those two islamists manufactured reasons to spew their hatred of Israel everywhere they could.

They tweeted, they FB posted, they gave interviews, and joined in on rallies and boycotts against Israel. They have had nothing but vile, vulgar and typically, liberally nasty things to say about Israel and they have openly advocated the boycotting of Israel.

When APAC put together a delegation of 72 members of congress to travel to Israel…guess who turned down the invite?

Yep…Tlaib and Omar…but…

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The Misguided Millennial Miscreants of Marxism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Gary North once said, “Socialism is simply Communism for people without the testosterone to man the barricades.”

Gary North is an American paleolibertarian writer, Austrian School economic historian, and leading figure in the Christian reconstructionist movement, and he has either authored or coauthored more than fifty books on topics including Reformed Protestant theology, economics, and history. He is also an Associated Scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Yeah…I had to look it up too and I discovered that the Ludwig von Mises Institute is named after Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises because it promotes teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics and Misesian views on social and political philosophy.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute that is by coincidence named after some Austrian economy nerd Ludwig von Mises, and teaches Austrian economics is located in…nope…Auburn, Alabama because nothing conveys the true intellectual fineness of Austrian economics quite like a slow, southern drawl.

Even though Gary North is right, never mind him and instead, remember what Ronald Reagan once said…

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The Democrat’s Rat Flap Clap-Trap

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals, it seems, just can’t get out of their own way.

Day after day, week after week, and month by month, liberals manage to cause themselves all sorts of problems, and what happens next is so…



Let me give you a few examples of what I’m talking about. For better than two years, all we heard about from liberals…liberals elected to office, liberals that comprise the mainstream media, liberals on the street and Hollywierd liberals was “RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA.” as they rattled, and prattled on and on about the make believeTrump Russian conspiracy.

GUILTY they all claimed…EVIDENCE was at hand, they all chimed…INVESTIGATE…IMPEACH…JAIL was their collective mantra.

And then, even as it was just getting started, it all began to unravel on them. In the early days of the liberal bloviations, the Steele dossier was proven to be a manufactured phony piece of garbage…then it was shown that it was bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC, and that THEY paid a former British spy to go to the Russians for make-believe dirt on Trump. HILLARY and the DNC were conspiring with the Russians…NOT Trump.

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To Storm, or Not to Storm

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the southern part of Nevada, roughly 83 miles north, northwest of Las Vegas sits an old, dried up salt-flat lake surrounded by mountains.

It’s desolate out there..It’s hot, dry, and a long ways from pretty much everything and a fair distance from the little town of Rachel.

Back around 1864, lead and silver were discovered in that area, and the mining of it continued until about 1918. After WWII, with new equipment and extraction methods, the mining resumed, but that wasn’t the only thing going on out there in the middle of nowhere.

In 1942, the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field was created with a pair of 5,000  foot salt-flat runways because the military figured it would be as good a spot as anywhere where new planes could be flown, tested, and possibly crashed without having to worry much about hitting populated places. It was also fairly close to where other military testing was happening, like bombing run practices, and soon, atomic testing would take place.

The original base operated off of an area that measured about 6 by 10 miles on what was called…

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Patriotically Correct and Proud of It

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay, I admit it. I’m confused.

Not the sort of confused in that I don’t know which bathroom I’m supposed to use…that’s liberal confused, and if I ever go down that particular manhole, I hope someone has the common decency to put me out of my misery.

Manholes. We can’t call them manholes any more, at least not in Berkeley, California because they just passed a city ordinance dictating that manholes must now be called “maintenance holes.” Apparently, the women of Berkeley are feeling left out by not having something named after them that leads to a sewer.

In Berkeley, you are no longer allowed to be somebody’s brother or sister. You are only allowed to be a “sibling.” By the dictate of the new ordinance, such gendered pronouns as “he” and “she” are be replaced by “they” or “them,” which no doubt will cause no end of issues in certain circumstances.

Let me explain…

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We Must Quit Making Fun of the Baboons

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I would like to enter my name, officially, on a dubious list of America’s most wanted, as an offender of the highest order. I will gladly surrender myself, and I am more than prepared to take full responsibility for my actions.

Please make sure, when issuing my arrest warrant, to spell my name correctly.

It’s Craig…not Greg…and the last name is Andresen…not Anderson.

Last week, Florida nincompoop Frederica Wilson, a liberal loon of a congresswoman, said those who are “making fun” of members of Congress online should be “prosecuted.”

For the record, and let there be no doubt regarding this very important and relevant point…

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Who Let the Cuckoos Out of the Nest?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Thursday, in a stunning reversal of rhetoric regarding the GOP’s border bill that passed in the Senate 84-8 last Wednesday, Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to liberals in the House stating, “In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill. As we pass the Senate bill, we will do so with a Battle Cry as to how we go forward to protect children in a way that truly honors their dignity and worth.”

Oh, the hypocrisy.

Those little illegal alien spawn don’t know how damn lucky they are to have been dragged through God knows how many countries, across God only knows how many borders by adults, whether or not those adults are indeed even related to them, and held in what liberals insist are Nazi-like “concentration camps.”

If those were your garden variety American kids, liberals like Pelosi would have tried to stop them from even being born.

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Shut Up and Eat Your Cake

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Sometimes, it seems that no matter what you do, you just can’t make liberals happy.

Just this past January, the freshly minted liberal New Mexico Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, who, like all liberals, hates President Trump, hates the idea of a border wall, and lover her some illegal aliens went to the border between her state, New Mexico and Old Mexico and declared, rather arrogantly I might add, “While I’ve been to this area of the border many times, I haven’t seen anything to indicate that we have an emerging crisis here at the border, and that’s important to continue to talk to New Mexicans about.”

Naturally, what she meant by, “continue to talk to New Mexicans about,” was to continue to spread the standard liberal propaganda about. She went on to state, “Neither I nor the lieutenant governor saw anything today at our southern border today that leads us to believe the security “crisis” the president has described as he leaves thousands of federal professionals and families in New Mexico in limbo over his demand for his wall.”

Okay…that was in January. Then, in February…

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