Welcome to Trayvon’s World

Welcome to Trayvon’s world.

Trayvon’s world is populated by “creep ass crackers” and “niggas.”

In Trayvon’s world, the people HE associates with speak something THEY call, “Black English” and they don’t see anything racial about the term “creepy ass cracker.”

Trayvon himself smokes pot. He has pictures of himself doing it on his phone along with pictures of him holding a gun and giving those looking AT his pictures the middle finger.

Trayvon has been thrown out of school. Not once but twice and Trayvon has things that obviously don’t belong to him. He has women’s jewelry, lots of it, in his book bag.

Trayvon’s world was dominated by those who pimp race and have become purveyors of racial unrest. People like the “Rev.” Al Sharpton and the “Rev.” Jesse Jackson Junior. Such people only raise their heads and voices when there is race to be exploited. It’s a way to put their own names into the headlines and, they think, to justify their own existence.

Trayvon’s world has it’s own band of militants meant to intimidate others. The New Blackkk Panther Party. They make threats and act tough because they believe others will fear them. Fear equal respect in Trayvon’s world and it’s not earned, it comes in response to thuggery.

In Trayvon’s world, what matters is the color of your skin. Black is right and white is wrong.


 Trayvon respects those who feel as he does. He would have respected Obama. Obama, like Trayvon is black. Obama, like Trayvon was a drug user. Obama, like Trayvon cares more about the color of his skin than he does about anything else.

Obama has said…

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Not guilty of 2nd degree murder.

Not guilty of manslaughter.

The jury of 6 women in Sanford Florida weighed the evidence, deliberated and decided.


Is there a chance that Obama will call George Zimmerman and congratulate him?

The man defended himself as the Constitution spells out with his 2nd Amendment right, endowed him by the Creator. Obama has sworn an oath to uphold and defend that constitution.

Obama HAS called a professional athlete to offer his congratulations n being gay.

He called a 30 something year old law school student, Sandra Fluke and befriended her when she was called a slut.

George Zimmerman???


The NAACP, less than 30 minutes after the verdict was announced DEMANDED an immediate DOJ civil rights investigation.

That’s interesting as I don’t remember them demanding any such thing when the New Black Panther Party offered a $10,000.00 BOUNTY on George Zimmerman’s HEAD.

Personally, I am sick and damn tire of ANY group demanding ANYTHING based on skin color and why the NAACP and other black “leaders” continue to harken back and long for the days of 1964 inequality, other than a continued effort to justify their sad and sorry existence is beyond me.

Here are just SOME of the tweets posted just moments after the verdict was read tonight.

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Trayvon Martin Was Black – Zimmerman Isn’t

“First of all, my client will never be safe, because there are a percentage of the population who are angry, they’re upset, and they may well take it out on him. So, he’ll never be safe.”

Those were the words of Mark O’Mara, the attorney for George Zimmerman.

That percentage of the population is also cheering those words.

Whether or not any have the nuts to see their calls to violence specifically against Zimmerman through is unknown but they would rather be feared than respected.

For that percentage of the population…Ask why…Given your proclivity for violence over good sense, your bent for intimidation over common ground and your wanton lack of respect for life and the lives of others…Ask why so many, in your percentage of the population, are behind bars?

That percentage of the population seeks revenge for racial profiling and not that such things as profiling against them isn’t a part of their past but, in this case, Zimmerman vs Martin, it is Zimmerman who is the victim of profiling.

Zimmerman isn’t included in that percentage of the population. He’s not black. Therefore, he, in the eyes of that percentage of the population, is guilty.

Not based on his actions.

Not based on the evidence presented at trial.

Because he is not black.

In the eyes of that segment of the population, Trayvon Martin was innocent.

Not because of his actions or those of Zimmerman.

Not because of any evidence presented by the prosecuting attorneys.


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Zimmerman’s Best Defense for Self-Defense is The Prosecution

Yesterday, the prosecution in the Zimmerman trial showed the jury a recorded interview with George Zimmernam from the police department about an hour or so after the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

It was astounding for several reasons.

Zimmerman, the man who had called the cops and identified himself in the minutes BEFORE the shooting was giving HIS side of the story. He told the police in that 1st interview that Trayvon Martin was on top of HIM, beating him and HE…ZIMMERMAN…Was calling out for help.

At the time of the interview, Zimmerman was NOT lawyered up and now that THAT interview along with the video of a still UNREPRESENTED George Zimmerman, with bandages on the back of his head, walking a police detective through the scene the next day have been shown to the jury…Zimmerman has given that jury HIS side of the events of the night of February 26th, 2012 and he can NOT be cross examined by the prosecution on either of those statements.

As we continue to watch and to an extent, be distracted by the George Zimmerman case, perhaps we should look at it from another angle.

What is happening, day by day in that Florida courtroom, is startling to say the least.

I am not an attorney nor do I claim to play one in the blogosphere but…

Good grief.

One need not BE an attorney to express disbelief at the proceedings.

One by one…The PROSECUTION brings to the witness stand cops, witnesses, experts and the like and…

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Weekend Edition: It Takes A Village Idiot

Before Hillary Clinton wrote a book about it, it was an old African proverb.

We, as conservatives, have railed against the notion but…Should we?

”It takes a village to raise a child.”

As I think back to MY younger days…To a large extent, there WAS a “village” involved.

My friend’s parents were part of that “village” and so was my church. There were the teachers in my schools, older kids who were either good or bad role models, extended family and neighbors.

Primarily, there were my parents but, to be fair, others; many others were involved in some way, shape or form. A “village” of sorts, I suppose and anything you did, right or wrong, good or bad, was seen by SOMEBODY who knew my parents and had no qualms whatsoever in reporting it TOO them.

Maybe it just took a village to keep an eye out.

There IS another old adage…

“Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot.”

The good news is…We have located the missing village idiots.

The bad news is…

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Liberals Want to Maintain 1965 Status Quo for Minorities

Today’s lesson in “How to Piss Off a Socialist” is simple…

Tell them that they are only allowed to vote once per socialist per election.

That is essentially exactly what a 5-4 decision from the United States Supreme Court said yesterday.

The law requiring certain states, once solidly blue and now, decidedly red, to provide proof that any changes they want to make to their voting procedures are not racist to the United States Attorney General, the 1965 law, was deemed old, out of date and unconstitutional by the Supremes.

What are socialists gonna do NOW???

Well, let’s see…

Obama said, “I am deeply disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision today. Today’s decision invalidating one of its core provisions upsets decades of well-established practices that help make sure voting is fair, especially in places where voting discrimination has been historically prevalent.” 

Eric the corrupt and contemptuous Holder stated:

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Friday Fume

Let there be no doubt that the asylum is being run by the inmates.

While we HAVE made it to the end of another week, we are by NO MEANS nearing the end of socialist idiotic buffoonery.

Now, we COULD just hunker down in a corner and cry into a blanket but, as always, I take a different approach. I say we find a way, every week, to LAUGH at the insane behavior of those out to destroy us through their moronic behavior.

Yes, today IS Friday and I hope that YOU will take a few minutes to join me in keeping sanity alive.

I’m Fuming!!

Oh yeah…THIS is gonna work.

In an effort to get tough with North Diarrhea, John, “I Hate America” Kerry is trying to pressure CHINA into doing something about it.

Can’t ya just hear him begging?

“Come ON!!! I took YOUR side of things in Nam now…SUCK IT UP AND GET ME OFF THE HOOK HERE!! We’ll borrow more money from ya! We’ll forget about the hacking stuff. PLEEEEEEEEASE???”

The problem over there is Dennis Rodman’s best friend. That waste of a sperm cell is THREATENING EVERYBODY INCLUDING THE U.S. AND SOUTH KOREA!!!

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Friday Fume

HOLY CRAP…I thought we would NEVER get to the end of this week.

To say it’s been a banner week for socialist insanity would be a gross understatement wouldn’t it?

The problem is NOT in finding the things which irritate us but in narrowing it down for our week in review with an ATTITUDE!!!

There’s simply no way to mention everything but, I’ll do my level best to hit a few highlights of their lowlights.

Friends and Patriots…Today IS Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

JUST when you think you’ve heard it all…Along comes a WHOLE NEW level of socialist INSANITY!!!

Guess what?


Are you KIDDING ME???

According to socialist agitator HARRY BELEFONTE….

“The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage.”



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Killer Becomes a Hero and Guns Are the Problem???

Diane Feinstein…

Nancy Pelosi…

Chuck Schumer…

Piers Morgan…

ALL of the ilk insisting on “gun control” because “Guns kill people” and “Guns are dangerous”  need to know something.


The problem is a concerted lack of morality. A simmering stew of morally bankrupt, vile, Godless, freaks who have no respect for the lives of others or for themselves.

These are people, whose ideology and view of the world have been formed and molded by decades of YOUR ideology and views of the world.

They feel entitled to what others have worked for, achieved, gained, striven for, invested in and busted their asses to have.

Freedom means nothing to these people. Neither does liberty.

They don’t give a DAMN about their country and would rather have handouts than opportunities.

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Weekend Edition: Politically Correct Racism

February is officially, “National Black History Month” and frankly Scarlett…I don’t give a damn.

It may as well be called, “Not by the Content of Their Character but Because of The Color of Their Skin Month.”

Every February, the nation celebrates racism. Politically correct racism by designating this month as “Black History Month.”

It’s an absurd notion if you shun political correctness.

In an effort to prove we are not a racist nation, the powers that be celebrate one race above all others.

Where is Red History Month?

When exactly is Yellow History Month?

White History Month?

Brown History Month???

And why exactly…BLACK…History month.?

I thought we weren’t supposed to call black people black anymore. When I was a kid, they WANTED to be referred to as NEGROS. Then they decided that NEGRO wasn’t what they wanted to be so they became BLACK.

The United NEGRO College Fund apparently never got the memo.

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