Flags for Whitney – Pants for Mike Brown

brown 1Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of common sense and decency and truth in the “black community.” Oh, it’s been on life support for some time now but, the plug has been pulled…in Ferguson Missouri.

It was, perhaps, THE most disgusting display of thug martyrdom whipped up by the racist propaganda machine yet.

Mike Brown is dead…long live thug culture.

Brown was killed on August 9th by a cop…a white cop…in the middle of a street in Ferguson Missouri and finally, after 3 autopsies and two weeks of rioting, looting, arson, shootings and various acts of mayhem carried out in his name, given a hero’s funeral on Monday.

Ushers handed out tissues…and water…to the assembled mourners.

Brown’s own cousin, Eric Davis, eulogized the dead thug by calling on the weeping voting bloc to, head to the polls, vote for change and said…“enough of the senseless killings.”

Senseless killings?

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been quite the week in the land of liberal loons and at the end of every week, we try to tie it all up in one snarky package…WITH AN ATTITUDE!!!

Let’s not dally and dive right in.

Patriots and Friends…It’s FRIDAY and you KNOW what THAT means…

I’m fuming.

Remember when we told you, years ago, that Obama violated the law by placing the Fast and Furious documents he didn’t want Eric Holder to turn over to the House committee under lock and Executive Privilege key?

Sorry liberals…WE WERE RIGHT!!!

Yesterday, a FEDERAL JUDGE…one U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to be exact…set the fast and furiously approaching date of OCT 1ST as the date by which Eric WITHHOLDER must…drum roll please…TURN OVER ALL THOSE DOCUMENTS TO DARRELL ISSA AND THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE!!!

Does anyone but me smell an impending hard drive crash in the offing?

Now I KNOW that Holder just told the assembled mob in Ferguson that he TOO was a black man but…I do declare…he looks as white as sheet right now.

What’s the matter Holder? Did you just see the ghost of Brian Terry???

By October 1st, Holder has been ordered by the judge to turn over all unprivileged documents AND…all PRIVILEGED documents as well and Issa has until Oct 17th to register any objection regarding any documents that AREN’T turned over.

Why…That’s just a couple of weeks before the…

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White People Are NOT Our “Black Brother’s Keepers!!”

ferg 1I intended to write an article today about the mess in Ferguson Missouri but let’s be honest here…brutally honest…I don’t know what happened when that punk kid got shot by the cop and neither do those who are rioting, looting, committing arson, shooting or going on the attack.

Jesse Jackson doesn’t know…Al Sharpton doesn’t know…Eric Holder doesn’t know…Obama doesn’t know and neither does the grand jury that’s been seated to railroad that cop into court.

NOBODY really knows what went down in that moment nor will they until the investigation is complete and when that is done, if charges are warranted, so be it. A trial will follow, a verdict will be rendered and whatever happens next will happen…but I guarantee you this…if there is no trial or the cop is found not guilty IN a trial…there WILL be more of what we’ve seen in Ferguson over the past 12 days and nights.

It won’t just be contained IN Ferguson either and there’s a reason for that…

Now I said I was going to be brutally honest and so…here goes…

There are good people in Ferguson…plenty of them from both sides of the political aisle and of all colors of skin but what we’re seeing there now is a direct result of idiots and fools.

Perhaps the most inane thing uttered in the wake of the shooting of that punk and while the riots continue came directly from the mouth of Don Lemon at CNN a few days ago…

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Weekend Edition: Allahu Akpoop – NOT Martha’s Vineyard!!!

tnp eagleI have an idea.

As Obama and his absurd ilk have absolutely NO intention of deporting the tsunami of ILLEGAL aliens pouring across our southern border and as we know all too well that a multitude of the future liberal voters, infested with all manner of diseases, are to be relocated to cities, towns and congressional districts from sea to shining sea…

I have an idea…as we now learn of a DEAL made between travel agents masquerading as the governments of Mexico and Guatemala (which in Spanglish apparently means ‘homeland of the scabies ridden youth’ ) by which the parade of illegal aliens will be able to move FROM Guatemala THROUGH Mexico…UNHINDERED by any need for documentation except for new ‘Regional Visitor Cards’ which will be handed out like piñata candy at a baseball bat convention thus allowing MORE illegal aliens to get to the Rio Grande water park FASTER than ever before…

I have an idea.

Relax…I’ll get to it…

AND as the ILLEGAL ALIEN who currently has his prayer rug gracing the oblong office has asked…DEMANDED some $3.7 BILLION U.S. Taxpayer dollars to supplement the need for clothing, housing, bug spray, transportation, government indoctrination center educations, $10.10 per hour per ACORN worker, Obama Phones, all the Guatemelons the Guatemalans can eat buffets and various other perks like welfare, Obamacare, and left over Fast and Furious guns for the gang members accompanying the little vermin and their human hosts without allocating a farthing for the silly idea of SHUTTING DOWN THE DAMN BORDER…

I DO have an idea but before I get to that, allow me to also point out that OUR version of Juan (Spanglish for Barack) and Eva (Spanglish for MOOOOOOchelle) are packing their bags (why both are taking mens boxer shorts is anybody’s guess) in preparation for their annual pilgrimage to identify with the middle class by staying in a $12 MILLION DOLLAR home in…

Here’s  my idea and thanks for waiting…

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Racism – A Sword With Two Standards

sterling 1There are a few things you need to know about L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling and none of it excuses what he said on recently leaked tapes.

He’s 80 years old.

He’s been married for more than 50 years.

I’ll hazard a guess that this V. what’s her name isn’t the first bimbo he’s shacked up with.

The bimbo in question is a gold digger and, by some accounts, an extortionist who has kept her recordings close at hand for a time when she got cut off from the money tap.

She got cut off from the money tap.

And, by some accounts, Sterling may be at the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As I said, none of that excuses his view of black people in what we are now learning are more than 100 hours of recordings his extortion prone bimbo has made because, she claims he asked to be recorded as he forgets things easily.

Is the guy a racist?

Yeah, it sure sounds like it but here’s the question. Has he violated any laws with his remarks?

No. No he has not and while his views regarding black people make him sound as stupid as a mud fence…

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Beware the Royal Spawn of Chelsea

YIKESPoor Barack Hussein Obama.

At some point in the future when he becomes a grandparent, nobody in the media will be able to gush over his being our nation’s first black presidential grandchild.

How sad.

First of all, that honor should go to Thomas Jefferson citing his affair with Sally Hemings, a Monticello slave at the time and DNA evidence compiled in 1998 regarding the fact that Heming’s youngest son, Eston Hemings, shared male ancestry with our third president.

While that has been disputed by some, there can be NO dispute over who our first black president was.

One, pasty white, Bill Clinton as deemed by the liberal media back in the day and now, with the mainstream media literally OOZING vapidness from every pour regarding the recent news of Chelsea Clinton’s impending birth canal expulsion, any future Obama offspring would come in a distant third but, while on the topic…

The child of Chelsea may well not even be the 2nd black presidential grandspawn given Horny Bill’s propensity to be as monogamous as a rabbit on Viagra in a hutch full of hot-to-trot bunnies regardless of his poor aim in relation to his presidential humidor, Monica Lewinski.

There could well be more Clinton offspring out there of child bearing age for all we know.

Now, I know there are some out there who believe, perhaps with some validity, that the Obama’s adopted but…

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Battle of Bunkerville – The New Patriot Revolution Begins

blm 1Don’t let the liberals lie and claim there was a “DEAL” struck at the Bundy Ranch last Sunday whereby the BLM agreed to release the cattle they had illegally rounded up.

Don’t buy into the mainstream media soft sell of how the “deal” was something akin to a stand down to allow the courts to further assess the situation because the BLM didn’t want to put anyone in harm’s way either.

Neither is the truth and what the BLM…the Obama regime and the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know is that, in fact, it was what they claim to be the “all talk and no go” Conservatives…Patriots and militia groups that FORCED the feds to cut and run for the time being.

There have been numerous reports regarding what went down and, with so many people claiming this and that, we turn to a source which cannot be impugned.

The unbiased eye of today’s NEW media…


After attempts by Clark County Sheriff, Doug Gillespie, to bluff the militia Patriot groups into leaving while the BLM and federal agents kept the rustled cattle, the Patriots declined to stand down. In fact, those Patriots made a bold move to exert the power of We the People in a most provoking manner.

Rather than stand their ground…Patriots on foot and horseback approached the barricades erected by the BLM and heavily armed federal agents all the while being ordered by bull horned voices to stop, not approach and back away from those barricades.

The Patriots refused and shouted back their own demands that the BLM and those pointing their weapons directly at advancing Patriots be the ones to leave.

Upon reaching the barricade, something of a confrontation between the Patriot militia groups and an armed federal agent took place face to face with the patriots abjectly refusing to be intimidated in any way.

In the video below…

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Amnesty is Nothing But Trading Citizenship for Votes

BIDEN 1According to Vice Weasel, Joe Biden…

“These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully, and by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view. They just want a decent life for their kids and a chance to contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build the next great American century. I really believe that. That’s what they’re fighting for.”

That’s a direct quote from his speech a few days ago at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and, it leaves me with what I believe to be a pertinent question.


He’s talking about ILLEGAL (undocumented in liberal speak) ALIENS.

One simply cannot be an ALIEN…Illegal OR undocumented and still be an AMERICAN. It doesn’t work that way Joe and YOU KNOW IT.

What those people are, to liberals, are UNREGISTERED LIBERAL VOTERS and nothing less.

Hmmm…Come to think of it, I have more than one pertinent question.

Given the FACT that we learned, ON THE SAME DAY as this BLOVIATING, BOVINE BUTT-BLAST’S speech…That ICE, under this regime has turned loose some 68,000 ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…into our cities and onto our streets…COUPLED WITH THE FACT THAT…they have failed to remove from our soil…SOME 870 THOUSAND…ILLEGAL ALIENS…WITH MANDATORY DEPORTATION ORDERS AGAINST THEM…IN 2013 ALONE…


Oh yes…

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There IS Room in the Conservative Tent

In last Friday’s “Fume,” I went off on group of Rutgers University “professors” who are circulating a petition to disinvite Condi Rice from their graduation program this year.

In that segment of the “Friday Fume,” I placed her accomplishments in a nutshell and, it takes a BIG shell to hold them all.

I said it then and I’ll say it again…Condi Rice, based on her intelligence, her drive, her steadfast refusal to be held back by preconceptions of her race or her gender may well be THE most accomplished woman in the HISTORY of the United States and, arguably, she is more accomplished than PERSON, man OR woman, than any other in our history.

Here’s what I DIDN’T say in that piece last Friday because, it’s not funny…It’s a point so serious, it deserves separation from the snarky musings of the “Fume.”

I suspect, that should you boil it all down, the REAL reason those “professors” at Rutgers don’t want Rice to speak at this year’s commencement has nothing whatsoever to do with her support for the war in Iraq.

Nothing at all.

It does, however, in my opinion, have everything to do with the color of her politics.

Allow me to explain.

Over the weekend, Dr. Ben Carson spoke at CPAC and, while his tearing down of the walls of political correctness drew a standing ovation at the conference, it drew unveiled racial hatred from liberals.

Michelle Malkin, a liberal nightmare in her own right, provides an invaluable service to those who seek the truth….

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How to LOSE an Election in 10 Easy Steps

As we have an election in a short 8 ½ months, primaries in just 3 months and, since we haven’t done this sort of thing for the last 15 months or so…I thought now might be a good time for a refresher course in how to LOSE an election.

Somehow, we, as Conservatives, screwed it up back in 2010 and actually won the darn thing.

If memory serves…It was called a shellacking and, we certainly wouldn’t want to have THAT again.

Would we?

So…Let’s get started…

How to LOSE an election.


Don’t do your own.

It takes time…It’s hard and it simply isn’t necessary in this day and age. There are PLENTY of folks scattered about on social media that you don’t know a single thing about who will be more than happy to do your research for you.

By all means…TRUST them.

There are a lot of axes out there and more than enough people willing to grind them and, it really doesn’t matter whether or not THEY share YOUR values and ideology…THEY did the research and, according to them…PIGS can FLY.

Just go with it.


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