Make America Weird Again

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Remember when, in the run-up to the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton called Republicans, and Trump supporters “a basket of deplorables?” While in the moment, it sure got a lot of coverage from the liberal media, but it quickly backfired when Republicans and Trump supporters suddenly embraced what Hillary meant as a slur.

All of a sudden, “Deplorables” social media groups were everywhere, “Deplorables” bumper stickers were on cars, and right side of the aisle voters were laughing at it and wearing it as a badge of honor.

We have known for years that the liberal media gets “talking point” memos from their liberal handlers on a daily basis, and they run with them. While the liberal media has denied going off of such talking points, all one has to do is scan through the propaganda outlets, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC and you will find that regardless of the channel, they are all using the exact same words, or adjectives throughout any given 24/7 news cycle. From one propagandist outlet to the next, they might alter the delivery in bits and pieces, but the key words, the key phrases are identical outlet to outlet.

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Puddin’ Head and Virtue-Signaling Fools

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

There are a few things that have been stuck in my mind over the past couple of weeks which I believe I need to address, foremost of which was the report from Biden’s DOJ which stated in plain English that Biden is an old, doddering, forgetful man who is so far gone that he can’t stand trial.

That report states, “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

Right there, Special Counsel, Robert Hur makes it perfectly clear that Joe Biden is guilty of both illegally retaining, and willfully disclosing CLASSIFIED MATERIALS after leaving the office of Vice President and while a private citizen. Those are FEDERAL crimes. According to attorney Jonathan Turley, “They could have easily, on these facts, charged the president with mishandling of classified material, willfully retaining classified material, showing that material to others.”

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A Broken Debate and How To Fix It

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

What transpired in Milwaukee on Wednesday night wasn’t a serious political debate, it was an exercise in futility and  I’m about to tell you why in a 10 point recap.

First off, when the criteria to qualify for the debate was how much money a candidate has rasied, the entire premise for the debate is bogus. While poling this far out is suspect at best, a criteria for debate qualification should be weighted on how candidates are faring in straw polls, or what each candidate brings to the table based on statements made to the press or during previous runs for office. Money raised?

That’s the weakest reason to be taken seriously and is therefore bogus in my opinion.

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A Delicate Explanation of Trans-Nonsense

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Have you heard what’s now the grand plan regarding how they want to deal with illegal aliens in the sanctuary city of New York City? Mayor Eric Adams, last week, hatched a desperate scheme by which New Yorkers would encouraged to allow illegal alien families to live in their homes for which the citizens would be paid $125 dollars per month…per illegal alien.

That equates to roughly $3,750 dollars a month per illegal alien.

And by “families” one can suppose it means two Guatermellon men, one Mexican National man, some guy by the name of Mahmoud from Buttkrakistan, two kids they’ve never met before and four black dudes with balls wearing dresses and all going by the name “Rosita” because they’re tired of living in Harlem.

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Bud (No Wiser) Doubles Down on Stupid

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Well, here we are, a scant two weeks since I penned the commentary, “Drunk On Woke, Bud Goes Broke” and it’s already time for an update.

To refresh your memory like an ice-cold Miller Lite, Anheuser Busch hired what I referred to as “woke liberal arts major who has been indoctrinated most likely throughout her government “education” and certainly at some asylum of higher indoctrination,” by the name of Alissa Heinerscheid as their VP of Marketing, and in her bubble of wokeness, she decided that the way to attract what she called a younger demographic was to ““to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand,” by partnering with Dylan Mulvaney, a dude pretending to be a woman.

Mulvaney is a “social media influencer” which is a fancy term for an abject moron.

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No Answers Expected, But I have Questions

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

As our country, and our culture devolves further into the abyss the more questions I have. I don’t really expect answers as most of the questions seem to be directed to abject idiots, but ask them I will.

For instance, a couple of weeks ago, Jill Biden and Tony Blinkin presented the “Women” of Courage award…on International Women’s Day…to a dude. Now I realize that liberals have a collective brain fart when it comes to defining the word “woman” but seriously, shouldn’t one of the main criteria for receiving a “women” of courage award be having made it through at least one period?

For that matter, shouldn’t a couple of the primary considerations for being in the running for that particular award be never in  your life having a pair of attached balls or having garned the nickname “Testiculese” in gym class after getting nutted while playing dodge ball?

I’ll get back to the whole “trans” thing before I’m done, but here a few other things that make me ask questions of abject idiots…

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The Fundamental Transformation of Education

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The situation in our nation’s public schools should alarm every American with a working brain cell. We’re not just talking about kids here. What we’re talking about is future adults and future adults will determine the viability of our entire country going forward.

This all started decades ago with what I believe was a four part plan. First, liberals would sieze control of the education system  via teachers and administrators including boards of education and all of that was facilitated through union efforts. Second came the dumbing down of students which began  a couple of decades ago through the lowering of test standards. Having accomplished both those aspects of the liberal plan, they moved on to phase three, the indoctrination of students which is meant to usher in the fourth and final stage…cultural re-engineering.

To put it mildly, we are on the brink of pinning our nation’s ability to compete in the world on the idiots we will graduate from high school over the next decade who will neither be productive members of our nation’s economic future, nor will they become productive or stable members of our nation’s society.

To this point, I give you the liberal blue state of Illinois.

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TV Ads, Oppressed Black People and Omelettes

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Recently, Dr. Phil did a show entitled, “Defunding the Police: A Failure or a Fallacy?,” and he did what he usually does…he tried to air both sides of the issue and give the people involved squishy treatment by agreeing with them…up to a point.

One of the people on that show was a fellow by the name of, Mychal Denzel Smith. Smith is a podcaster who is decidedly anti-police and told Dr. Phil and the audience that he doesn’t see any need FOR the police.

Naturally, Dr. Phil questioned Smith regarding that stance and Smith said, “When I say, ‘Oh I don’t believe that there’s a need for police,’ what I’m saying is that there has been so little investment in creating the conditions under which police would not be necessary.”

I have no idea what that means, but Smith wasn’t finished.

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The Tyranny of the Twitterati

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For a couple of weeks now, Elon Musk has opened the floodgates of the liberal hell that was Twitter by dumping their inner-most secrets into the public square. It’s been too long in coming, it is exactly what we thought it was, and it has only just begun.

What we thought it was, was a massive effort to suppress the conversation, keeping out of the public square topics and conversations that would shed the light of truth on the tactics of the liberal elites. Twitter existed to propagandize the information disseminated in the public square and sterilize any attempt to get the truth into the conversation.

Propaganda is so much more than inventing false information, it is also and just as importantly the act of silencing the critics.

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DeSantis 2024 – Unite the Right

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Donald Trump was the right man for the job in 2016, and despite liberal efforts to subvert his presidency, he rose above the firestorm of manufactured allegations to set our country on the right track both domestically, and on the world stage. He was the right man then.

He is not the right man for 2024.

As convinced of that as I am right now, I will support him should he run and garner the nomination, a nomination that I believed (past tense) was his for the taking just a few short weeks ago, but now…today…I believe gaining that nomination is, at best, an uphill battle.

I say that based on what I saw last Tuesday in the midterm election.

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