The Liberal’s Guide to Christmas

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It’s that time of the year when visions of sugarplums start dancing in one’s head and our thoughts turn to the festive gatherings of families and friends.

Christmas…from the reason for the season, to jolly ol’ St. Nick…from the giving of gifts, to food, fun, laughter and decorating.

Christmas is a time for celebration unless, of course…

You’re a liberal.

With that in mind, allow me to provide, not so much as a set of rules, but more as a source of information…

The Liberal’s Guide to Christmas.

Here we go…

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A Martyr to Idiocy

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

John Allen Chau’s name has been splashed all over the news lately, and all over social media. To some, he’s seen as heroic…as some sort of martyr.

The holier-than-thou crowd is putting this guy on a pedestal.

Normally, I wouldn’t give a guy like Chau two minutes of thought, but I’ll make an exception in this case because the notion of raising this guy to a level of near sainthood despite the reality of the situation is so absurd that it simply grinds on my nerves.

Those who are actively elevating this guy, Chau, past any reasonable level are doing nothing but trying to justify their own agenda in a cloaked, self-serving manner.

Where John Allen Chau is concerned…it’s high time for a dose of reality…and here it is…

John Allen Chau isn’t some sort of martyr…

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Liberals…Unencumbered By Reality

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© Craig Andresen/ 2018

In order to be a liberal these days…I mean a dyed in the wool, card carrying certified liberal…one has to be nuttier than a squirrel turd on a pecan plantation.

Today’s aforementioned variety of liberals have an upside down, ass-backwards view of the entire world in which they’re taking up space.

They live in a world of denial, make-believe, entitlement, perceived and pretend victimhood and self-loathing. They believe as fact, things that are demonstratively untrue, and dismiss true facts as conspiratorial fraud. Not even Einstein could quantify the level of liberal stupidity.

Reality eludes today’s liberals as deftly as a skunk eludes a semi in the middle of the road…the difference being that liberals should be smart enough to know better than to play in traffic where skunks simply never see reality coming at them.

Let’s have a look at a few examples of what it takes to be a true liberals in today’s America…

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Thanksgiving…Without the Gravy

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Oh boy…Thanksgiving…according to most liberals, the most politically incorrect holiday between Columbus Day and Christmas.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 at Plymouth Colony by the Pilgrims…that much pretty much everybody knows, but there’s a lot about that first celebration that nobody knows because only two accounts of it were ever written down.

Therefore, it falls to me to provide a bit of a history lesson which I am more than happy to undertake, so let’s get started with what little we actually know about that very first Thanksgiving…

To begin with…

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A Trifecta of Nuts in the News

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, it’s been quite a week.

Imagine if you will, losing the Super Bowl on a Sunday, and then, come Tuesday…magically finding more points than what you actually scored during the big game.

That, essentially, is exactly what liberals are doing in both Florida and in Arizona. They failed to garner enough votes last Tuesday to control the majority in the Senate, and then…magically…last Thursday and Friday…they started “finding” more votes.

I’ll get back to that in a bit, but there was other big news last week…

First…Jeff Sessions “resigned,” at President Trump’s request.

Okay…first of all…

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It’s an Invasion, Not a Caravan

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

We’ve always known an October surprise would be coming…a surprise orchestrated by the Democrats who are desperate for something…for anything…to turn the midterms expected “Red Tide” blue. And now lo and behold a walking mass of humanity suddenly appears out of nowhere all in an attempt to force President Trump into a corner…a corner they hope he cannot escape from unscathed…damned forever by the media for whatever he does or does not do.

And that October surprise was an “invasion”…a caravan the media calls it…a caravan that is anything but. Started in Honduras and being joined by mostly young men from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and now being reported a scattering of Middle Eastern young men too, know that all those walking to our border are anything but refugees. And why…because a “refugee” is defined as, “a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster,” and an “asylum seeker” is someone defined as, “a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another.”

Liberals would have us believe that those who make up the caravan currently heading for the U.S. border are a collection of “refugees” and “asylum seekers,” but that is far from the truth. What is heading our way by the thousands…and with a second wave now being formed…is an “invasion”and there are stark ways to tell the difference. Continue reading

The Mob Mentality of Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“In an orderly and formal way, and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump.”

Those were the words last weekend of alleged actor, Alec Baldwin.

There is no “lawful way” to “overthrow the government of the United States.” We have elections which lead to a peaceful transfer of power in these United States. We do not…”overthrow” the government.

Liberals, of which Baldwin is most certainly one, seem to think that if they don’t win an election…the overthrow of the government is their next option, and because things in this country are much, much better now than they were under Obama regime, for liberals…overthrowing the government may well be their only option.

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Elizabeth Warren…A 100% Real, Genuine Fake Indian

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It comes as no surprise at all that Elizabeth Warren is not an American Indian…we have known that all along…what is surprising however is the fact that after she herself released the DNA results that PROVE she is not an American Indian…she has doubled down on the false claim that she IS one.

Earlier this week, Warren released her DNA results, and also released a campaign ad touting those results as proof that she is an American Indian.

A hungry to prove the thinking world wrong, and to poke President Trump with a stick mainstream media immediately seized upon the DNA test results to crow about Warren being an American Indian.

Then…they started looking at the numbers…and issuing one story retraction after another.

Elizabeth Warren’s DNA results show that she is, in fact…

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Too Many Liberals…Not Enough Squirrels

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last Tuesday, at Orlando International Airport, is where an unidentified passenger tried to take something onto a plane, and the airline told the woman…no way.

The woman was about to fly from Orlando to Cleveland on a Frontier Airlines flight and in a small tote, she had something that the airline told her she could NOT keep on board.

To be fair, the woman, when she paid for her ticket online, did add that she would be traveling with…a support animal. People travel with support animals all the time. Some people have emotional support dogs…others have, perhaps, an emotional support cat.

Whatever the case…most airlines allow most support animals to fly with their emotionally needy people, but…when this woman got on board, and the Frontier Airline flight attendant saw her emotional support animal…she was told that she could not…no way, no how…remain on the plane with an emotional support…

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The Liberal’s Double Standard for Justice

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If it’s good for the goose, shouldn’t it too be good for the gander?

That’s my question in the wake of the Justice Brett Kavanaugh, liberal led and liberal fueled rush to final judgement.

While my friend and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori has done a great job of questioning the validity of the #MeToo movement in her op-ed, #MeToo…A Misguided Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, my focus today is on the #what’snext question.

If we, as a society and as a nation are, as liberals are demanding, to accept every baseless, evidence-free allegation made against a Conservative…shouldn’t we also be believing, without question, every accusation made against any liberal?


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