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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio
Last week, legislators in Georgia passed a Fetal Heartbeat law. Governor, Brian Kemp has indicated that, in the next few months, he’ll sign it. The law would ban abortions in Georgia as soon as a doctor can detect a fetal heartbeat, which generally happens at around six weeks into a pregnancy.
Critics of the law, liberals mostly, claim that most women don’t even know they’re pregnant at six weeks, and that such a law is an all-out assault on the reproductive health and safety of Georgia women.
First of all, let me clear up yet another commonly held liberal myth…abortion has little, if anything to do with “reproductive health.” Yes, there are cases where a woman’s health is threatened by a pregnancy…but Georgia has built in exceptions to the law in cases of rape or incest on the condition that the victim files a police report or someone files one on their behalf….and when a doctor determines the pregnancy would cause death or bodily harm to the mother or the fetus would not be able to live after birth.
In other words…