A Steaming Vat of Liberal Hypocrisy

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

When was the last time you heard the mainstream, alphabet media praise President Trump regarding our nation’s economy?


I’ll get back to that shortly, but before I do let me tell you about why it is so very important that our economy recover from the stagnation under Obama during his 8 years at the helm.

It doesn’t matter in what area one looks…military, national security, energy, workforce participation…you name the area, and strength in that area can’t be had unless the nation’s economy is strong.

This is exactly why Obama never did one thing to improve the national economy…

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Trump’s Strength vs Obama’s Weakness…C’est la vie

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, Hussein Obama delivered a speech in Johannesburg, South Africa, and while not mentioning President Trump by name, obviously aimed his comments at him.

At best, the speech was obtuse.

“Look around. Strongman politics are ascendant suddenly, whereby elections and some pretense of democracy are maintained, the form of it, but those in power seek to undermine every institution or norm that gives democracy meaning.”

With all due disrespect intended…not every leader of the Free World can be as weak, and as ineffectual as Hussein was during the 8 years of his regime…and good leaders don’t even want to try.

Hussein said that “strongman politics” is on the move. “It’s on a move at a pace that would have seemed unimaginable just a few years ago. I’m not being alarmist; I’m simply stating the facts.”

In a way, Hussein is correct…

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Syria…A War In The Shadows

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Misinformation is a key strategic component of any battle plan. George Washington knew this as being the nature of war in regards to the public and the press.

The war in Syria has for many years been classified by both the mainstream media and by politicians at large as the Syrian Civil War, but nothing could be further from the truth for the fact is that the civil war in Syria is a proxy war being waged by just about everybody except the Syrians themselves.

To fully understand this concept one must first know the players involved in what’s happening inside Syria and why they are so engaged.

And while we hear daily about the “rebels” who are trying to oust duly-electd Bashar al-Assad from power, know that for the most part those “rebels” are not all Syrians per se but are outsiders being driven and financed by entities outside of Syria.

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Syria…Beyond the Red Line

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

War is a dirty game replete with casualties. Collateral damage…as in civilian deaths…is part of the nature of war, but when it’s children who die only then does the world mourn. And when those children are gassed and die gasping for breath only then does it seem that the world get a conscience and a will to fight back.

“The evil and the despicable attack left mothers and fathers, infants and children, thrashing in pain and gasping for air. These are not the actions of a man; they are crimes of a monster instead,” President Trump said upon hearing that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had once again (allegedly) used chemical weapons against innocent civilians.

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Right Issues…Wrong Suspects

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Donald Trump Jr. is, apparently, the very first person connected to a presidential campaign, in the history of historic things, to take a meeting with someone who is purported to have information of some interest on the opposition candidate.

Never mind that Ted Kennedy, while making his own run at the White House, took a meeting with the KGB in an effort to get the goods on Ronald Reagan.

It’s not the same thing, and you know it.

This was Donald Trump Jr. taking a meeting with a Russian attorney…Natalia Buyadamnvowelortwowhydon’tya…whom he was led to believe had some dirt on Hillary Clinton. See…completely different from Ted Kennedy meeting with the KGB to gather dirt on Reagan. Completely different…not even close to the same thing.

It’s like comparing apples to… Continue reading

Obama’s Dry Hump 2017 World Tour

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Lou Dobbs, in a recently published piece, has rightfully pointed out that Barack Hussein Obama…that would be private citizen Barack Hussein Obama, has been shadowing President Trump around the world…meeting with the same world leaders as President Trump.

Obviously, Obama is worried that his 8 long years of trying to make America as destitute as the rest of the world is in danger of being erased as Trump has set forth to Make America Great Again.

If it wasn’t so sad…it would be funny…okay…it is funny.

Let’s have a look at the travel itinerary shall we?

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It’s Time to Investigate the Investigators

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…now let me just see if I have this all straight…

Deputy Attorney General, Rod J. Rosenstein penned a memo to President Trump outlining why James Comey should be dismissed from his position as the Director of the FBI.

President Trump acted upon that memo from Rosenstein and fired Comey.

Liberals came unhinged and demanded that Rosenstein appoint a Special Prosecutor to handle the whole “Russian meddling” thing.

Rosenstein, under pressure from the MINORITY members of congress appointed Robert Mueller as that Special Prosecutor.

Mueller and Comey are more than acquaintances…they are old friends.

Mueller has enlisted the assistance of several high dollar attorneys for the purposes of his investigation…and many of those attorneys are directly attached to Hillary Clinton.

Interesting, but it gets better…

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Ice Creamgate…2 Scoops of Liberal Hypocrisy

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Somewhere in a swirl of depression, delusion and desperation, exists the liberal/socialist party formerly known as democrats. They are unhinged, and more frenzied than a spastic poodle in a room full of ADHD squirrels.

The MINORITY in both halls of congress seems to think they have the power to impeach the president…because they apparently weren’t paying attention to School House Rock as children, and last week, their desperation manifested itself in epic fits of irrelevance.

Just a couple of years ago, Barack Hussein Obama traded 5 Taliban war council members for 1 U.S. traitor, thus releasing the Islamists back into the wild, and theaters of war…and the liberal/socialists said nothing.

No stink was raised by a single liberal anywhere…

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Kim Jong Un…Hell-Bent on War

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

North Korea is a hermit kingdom, run by a tin-pot dictator who is not only prone to having family members assassinated on a whim, but brutal enough to kill those of his own citizens who he suspects might be dissidents and enslave their families.

From his grandfather, to his father, and now to him, Kim Jong Un has isolated his people from the rest of the world, starved them, and murdered them.

North Korea is a nation of nothingness…and yet…

They are terrorizing their neighbors, and holding the rest of the world hostage.

How can this be?


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Presidential Advisor or Manipulator?

Investigative Report by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Syria is a country at war with itself now replete with chemical weapons being used on civilians with each side blaming the other. A war that is not and must not be our war but a war drawing us in via some calculatingly clever and evil men on both sides of our political aisle…men working in tandem to force us into not just that war…but men who actually relish in starting a war with Russia. A hoped for war that will not only see the islamists being able to takeover Syria while we are kept busy fighting an enemy we have been manipulated into believing is such, but a war so that the Trump presidency will fail and fall as will our country as well, thus allowing for the ‘One World Government’ sorts to move in and take over.

A war of politics actually both in Syria and here in these United States for while Syria sees the physical bloodshed and horrors of war there is a man here within our own ranks…within the Trump administration itself…who we Right Side Patriots believe is giving our president tainted, misplaced, and partial at best information leaving our president to make decisions that are truly not in America’s best interests but done with a heart believing that they are.

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