Obamacare – Make No Mistake…The WORLD is Watching

Fallout from Obama’s man-made disaster, Obamacare, is not limited to those Americans being cancelled by their insurance carriers.

The fallout is not limited to the economy.

It’s not limited to the white house or the liberal/socialist party or agenda either.

There is fallout that nobody is talking about and the ramifications of it are dire.

Dire to national security and dire to international security as well.

And, to be certain, the fallout is not just from Obamacare as Obamacare is nothing more than a microcosm of the real problem.

The problem is trust.

Obama doesn’t have it. His polls are falling by the day as more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that he is unworthy of trust but the polls don’t show the whole story.

For 5 long years, Obama and his administration have been plagued by what HE has called…”PHONY SCANDALS” and while you can fool some of the people SOME of the time, we know that one can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Our allies, around the world have been watching.

As the NSA was spying on THEM…

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Obamacare and Benghazi Now Have Liberals at DEFCON 2

Everywhere you look, liberals are melting down.

They’re losing their collective minds and one is left to wonder which is more devastating to the socialist left…That they have been ensnared in their own web lies or…That the Tea Party has been right about Obamacare all along?

One by one, any liberal that has invested their flagging  credibility in Obamacare…Runs toward the nearest microphone to deliver what can only be described as…BULLCRAP…to try and salvage their hopes for 2014.

Lies, to cover the lies that covered OTHER lies about the BIG lie…Obamacare.

Before I tell you why I think there may be more to it than astounding desperation…Let’s have a surface-scratching look at what’s been going on out there in the Obamanation of liberal/socialist nightmares.

Last Friday, in a press conference, Nancy Pelosi responded to an Obamacare question with THIS bit of absolute denial…

“Did I ever tell my constituents that if they like their plan they could keep it? I would have if I’d ever met anybody who liked his or her plan, but that was not my experience.”


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The Gettysburg Address – 150 Years and 2 Minutes Ago…

Tomorrow will mark the 150th anniversary of arguably, the greatest speech ever delivered by an American president but, there are things you may not realize about the Gettysburg Address.

To fully understand the monumental moment in American history, one must first stand back just far enough to see more of the picture.

The Battle Itself.

Gettysburg pitted the Confederate army under Robert E. Lee against the Army of the Potomac under General George Meade.

In all, 170,000 fought in that battle between July 1st and July 3rd and, on July 4th, 1863, Lee retreated but…Not before nearly 1/3 of his army was killed or wounded and…1/4 of the Union forces were likewise.

The dead had been hastily buried in shallow graves and most were either not or poorly identified.

There was a need to commemorate the battle and pay proper tribute to the Union soldiers whose lives ended there, and that leads us to…

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Veterans Day: Thanks is Not Enough

On the eleventh hour or the eleventh day of the eleventh month…

That was when, in 1918, the fighting ceased in WWI.

It started as Armistice Day…The recognition of WWI Veterans at the time the war to end all wars…Ended.

Over the years and the decades, the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month came to be a day of recognition for all veterans of the United States military.

Today is that day.

There are those, thankfully few and far between, who can’t for the lives of them bring themselves to honor our veterans, and shame on them.

They are the most ignorant of fools and the most foolish of the ignorant.

They are of the ilk bent on burning the flag to make their statements and far, far too knot-headed to realize that those for whom they display their disdain are the very reason they have the right to do so.

To hell with the fools and the ignorant.


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Unable to Defend Their Agenda, Liberals Attack the T.E.A. Party

The die has been cast for the 2014 midterm elections as well as for the 2016 general elections and liberals know that the overriding issues for either election are not in their favor.

This is why we have seen ramped up efforts on the part of liberals to demonize the Tea Party.

Make no mistake, these are preemptive strikes.

During the 2010 midterms, liberals took the Tea Party far, far too lightly and the result was a major shellacking. Liberals lost the house and with it, the smooth waters for Obama’s socialist agenda.

Now, Obama’s party is running scared, sensing a sequel to those 2010 midterms.

Historically, midterm elections do not favor the party in power and liberals know that all too well.

To combat the coming storm, liberals are now increasing their efforts to label Conservatives as the party of evil, vile and destructive agenda motives.

Arsonists…Hostage takers…Terrorists…purveyors of domestic violence…Demanding ransoms…Extremists…Racist…

You have heard the labels and they will only become more vile as we approach the 2014 elections with the Tea Party square in the crosshairs.

The liberal core voters are uninformed, will vote democrat, as they have for decades, even in the face of their own reality, and they are gullible, believing whatever they are told by their party regardless of the truth.

The truth of the Tea Party is exactly the opposite of the liberal propaganda.

The Tea Party.


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Debt Ceiling, Shutdown, Obamacare – The TRUTH About the PAIN

You WANT The TRUTH about the “government shutdown” and the debt ceiling debate?

Would you like the truth about the name calling and the finger pointing and the absurd rhetoric coming from the left?

You want the TRUTH?????

Conservatives can handle the truth.

Liberals can’t.

Here is the truth…

Obama has an established pattern of behavior. He’s employed it over and over again.


Every time there is something he doesn’t want in the front of the 24 hour news cycle, Obama creates a distraction to move the headlines away from the real issue.

Why not?

He has had a willing and conspiratorial MSM licking his boots all along and they are more than willing to look the other way any time Obama asks them to do so.

Unemployment was on the rise and the economy failing so what happened? Obama distracted Americans with the need to spend more than $800 BILLION dollars to prop up the economy.

All of a sudden…STIMULUS became the lead story.


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The Shutdown – How Low Can a Cockroach Go???

Here is the proof that even a cockroach can stoop to a new low.

The WWII Memorial in Washington DC, according to its website, “was funded almost entirely by private contributions, as specified in Public Law 103-32. The campaign received more than $197 million in cash and pledges. Support came from hundreds of thousands of individual Americans, hundreds of corporations and foundations, veterans groups, dozens of civic, fraternal and professional organizations, states and one territory, and students in 1,200 schools across the country.”

That Memorial sits in the open air, along a sidewalk.

Also, according to the website: The memorial opened to the public on April 29, 2004 and was dedicated one month later on May 29. It is located on 17th Street, between Constitution and Independence Avenues, and is flanked by the Washington Monument to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west. The memorial is operated by the National Park Service and is open to visitors 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

That means that, regardless of the hours of operation of the government, whether the government is open or shut down…The WWII Memorial in Washington is OPEN to visitors.

There is, however, one exception.

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Gun Control – By Decree or by Treaty

Call it what you will.

The Obama Doctrine.

Agenda 21.

New World Order.

Theater of the Absurd.

The name assigned to it really no longer matters. The actions speak for themselves.

Just 2 days ago, John Kerry signed the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. Yes, he did, He signed it and rather than ink dripping from his pen, it was hypocrisy.

The document signed by Kerry is in direct opposition to a document signed just a week ago by his Dictator boss. THAT document, by executive order, cleared the way for Obama to supply arms to al Qaeda.

Obama gave arms to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious.

He supplied arms to al Qaeda in Libya.

He gifted weapons both large and small to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now, he has absolved himself, as Dictators are always want to do, from any breach of law, so that he can supply weapons to al Qaeda in Syria.

Think about it for a moment…

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Friday Fume

GEEZ what a week we’ve had.

It turns out that, USIS, the company that DOMINATES the BACKGROUND CHECK industry and got more than $400 MILLION dollars of YOUR money in the last 2 years, is the company that “VETTED” both Ed Snowden AND the DC Shipyard Shooter.


16 year old David Schaffner III remembered he had a hunting/pocket knife on him as he went to his school’s football game. HE WAS HONEST ABOUT IT…HANDED IT OVER TO A SECURITY GUARD AND THEN…GOT SUSPENDED FOR 10 DAYS!!!

It turns out his school has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY ON…HONESTY!!!!

And…While defending the indefensible…OBAMACARE…Obama actually said…“The cost of healthcare is now growing at the slowest rate in 50 years. If the current trends hold … we’re going to see a continuing slowing of healthcare costs. That’s going to boost our exports.”



Another week of liberal/socialist nonsense has drawn to a close and since we could all use a laugh…

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

So…You remember those…”EXPERT NAVIGATORS” that are supposed to help you and your businesses find your way through this Obamacare debacle???

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Liberal Gun Policies Just Killed 12 More People

In the wake of yesterday’s horrific events in Washington DC, we have learned one thing.

We have learned that liberals haven’t learned one damn thing.

What happened on November 5th, 2009 at Ft. Hood happened again yesterday at the Navy Yard in our Nation’s  Capitol.

Before the shooter was dead and before the smell of gun powder had cleared from Building 197, liberals, those elected, those who sell socialist snake oil via the MSM and celebrities who think they are so important that they MUST open THEIR pie holes were once again, beating the GUN CONTROL war drums.

They need to shut the hell up.

I have a couple of questions to pose to those knot-heads.

WHY do they think Hasan opened fire at Ft. Hood?

WHY do they think that freak opened fire at Sandy Hook?

WHY do they think Aaron Alexis opened fire yesterday at the DC Navy Yard?

I’ll happily tell them why…

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