Reveal the Truth…Release the Memo

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“It is so alarming the American people have to see this.”

– Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan

“It’s troubling. It is shocking. Part of me wishes that I didn’t read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”

–  North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows

“You think about, ‘is this happening in America or is this the KGB?’ That’s how alarming it is.”

– Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry

“I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice.”

– Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz

They were all talking about one thing…

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Too Many Liberals…Not Enough Straightjackets

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals are desperate. That’s nothing new, but their desperation is growing by the day, if not by the hour, and they’re getting their socialist collective panties all wadded up.

In fact, they’ve become so desperate that they are now willing to blame President Trump for…any and everything that they, themselves do, regardless of how transparent the lie.

Take what happened in Hawaii last weekend as an example.

Last weekend, some numb-nuts issued an incoming ballistic nuclear missile alert that resulted in panic for the citizens of the Socialist Republic of Hawaii. Then, about 38 minutes later…

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A Hole by Any Other Name…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio


Let me just see if I have this straight…

The entire world seems to be on fire. The Palestinians, more correctly known as the Jordanians, are continuing to lob rockets into Israel, ISIS continues to issue threats from under piles of rubble where they used to have strongholds, Muslims continue to invade, rape and pillage Europe…

Venezuela is starving under socialism, North Diarrhea is hell-bent on launching nukes, The United Nations of Thugs, Thieves and Despots is ramping up their hatred of Israel…because Israel exists, and France is…well, France is still France and that’s a whole separate article.

Meanwhile, in our corner of the planet…

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The Craziest Democrat Strategy Yet

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to Neil Sroka, a liberal activist and spokesmouth for “Democracy for America,” which sounds suspiciously like “Organizing for America,” the 2018 strategy for his party’s midterm success should include the impeachment of President Trump.

Here’s exactly what he said…

“Democrats should run on an inclusive, populist agenda of free college and paid family leave, but shouldn’t shy away from supporting impeachment.”

Oh…please make that the foremost plank in the liberal/socialist party strategy.


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Lessons Learned from Liberals in 2017

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

History is a funny thing isn’t it?

It has often been said that those who fail to learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat it, and that much is certainly true.

President Ronald Reagan once said, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

That too is very true.

So…now that 2017 is history, and because liberals are liberals, perhaps it’s time to have a look at just what lessons we learned from those who “know so much that isn’t so.”

To begin our history lesson…

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Why Liberals Really Hate Tax Cuts

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Armageddon is defined as…”the last and completely destructive battle.”

In other words…Armageddon is the end of everything, including life.

So…according to perennial moonbat, Nancy Pelosi, regarding the GOP tax bill “It is the end of the world. The debate on health care is life/death. This is Armageddon.”

I couldn’t find even a single liberal on the record disagreeing with her, so one can reasonably suppose that before the passing of that GOP tax bill just before Christmas, liberals as a whole believed that should it pass…the entire world would come to an end.


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Fire Mueller? What on Earth For??

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio


Just…stop it.

Stop calling for the firing of Robert Mueller…leave the guy alone…let him finish whatever it is that he’s doing, and quit thinking that you’re helping the Conservative agenda by demanding that President Trump, or Attorney General Jeff Sessions fire the guy.

I know a good many Conservatives out there probably think I’ve lost it, or that I’m a RINO now, or possibly worse…but trust me on this…just stop wanting Mueller fired.

There is nobody in any realm of government today who is doing more to prove that President Trump has been 100% right all along, than Robert Mueller.

That’s right…you read it here first…

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Flunky Monkey See, Flunky Monkey Do

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the wide, wide world of places to go, and things to see…from time to time we all like to watch entities that appear to look quite a bit like ourselves, but think nothing of performing acts of self-gratification, ala Pee Wee Herman, and throw their own poo at the crowd of spectators.

Of course, I’m either talking about going to the zoo and standing in front of the monkey enclosure…or…watching liberals being liberals.

For the sake of this article, I’ve packed a travel bag, a couple of sandwiches and a soda and I’m off to Looneyville in an attempt to explain the behavior of liberal monkeys.

Oh, don’t think that I’m relocating…

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Liberals…The Gift That Keeps on Giving

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Tis the season when one’s thoughts turn toward family and friends, get-togethers, joy and good tidings and all the things that encompass Christmas, or Hanukkah…including the giving of gifts.

My thoughts, at this time of the year, always seem to turn toward…


The gift that keeps on giving.

Recently, it seems, liberals have made a transparently awkward attempt at becoming our nation’s political party of morality and the keeping of it, and I say…

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Sanctuary Cities…Harboring Injustice

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

“A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration.” – President Donald Trump

He was knowingly here illegally, in fact he had already been deported five times before and yet he always did manage to return. And it was during his sixth and last return that this illegal alien murdered an innocent 32-year old woman in the prime of her life…and so Kate Steinle became the rallying cry for all that is so very wrong with our immigration system.

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