A Broken Debate and How To Fix It

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

What transpired in Milwaukee on Wednesday night wasn’t a serious political debate, it was an exercise in futility and  I’m about to tell you why in a 10 point recap.

First off, when the criteria to qualify for the debate was how much money a candidate has rasied, the entire premise for the debate is bogus. While poling this far out is suspect at best, a criteria for debate qualification should be weighted on how candidates are faring in straw polls, or what each candidate brings to the table based on statements made to the press or during previous runs for office. Money raised?

That’s the weakest reason to be taken seriously and is therefore bogus in my opinion.

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The Democrat Party’s Tyranny Exposed

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Suddenly, our government has come to the conclusion that China is using TikTok to spy on Americans and they are also using the platform to corrupt our elections and indoctrinate our youth. They want to ban TikTok from all government devises.

Bear in mind that at the federal level, this is the same government that has been using social media to spy on, indoctrinate, propagandize and censor Americans for years.

At best, their concern regarding TikTok is disingenuous.

Thanks to Elon Musk, we now know that transparency and the disinfectant known as sunshine comes at the cost of $44.5 billion dollars. Musk has been dumping truth bombs for the past several weeks with the “Twitter Files” and while we haven’t learned much that we didn’t already suspect, we now have confirmation that those of us who had been for years labeled as “conspiracy theorists” have been 100% correct all along.

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The Tyranny of the Twitterati

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For a couple of weeks now, Elon Musk has opened the floodgates of the liberal hell that was Twitter by dumping their inner-most secrets into the public square. It’s been too long in coming, it is exactly what we thought it was, and it has only just begun.

What we thought it was, was a massive effort to suppress the conversation, keeping out of the public square topics and conversations that would shed the light of truth on the tactics of the liberal elites. Twitter existed to propagandize the information disseminated in the public square and sterilize any attempt to get the truth into the conversation.

Propaganda is so much more than inventing false information, it is also and just as importantly the act of silencing the critics.

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Giorgia Meloni – The Italian Trump

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The Britannica Dictionary definition of FASCISM. 1. or Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. Fascism is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

While those are the dictionary definitions of Fascism, they are not the liberal definition of it.

To liberals, Fascism is any person or party that fails to fall into lock-step with the liberal agenda.

That’s why liberals are trying to label Conservatives as Fascists, and it has become all the rage in every liberal circle you care to mention. From elected liberals, to members of the liberal mainstream media, to indoctrination centers also known as public schools to asylums of higher indoctrination…our colleges and universities, every Conservative is a Fascist, and the republican party is a bee-hive of fascism.

Trump supporters?

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The Danchenko Affair

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

A few days ago, something very disturbing came to light via the Durham investigation into the whole Steele dossier scam and the FBI’s involvement in it. While for many, it seems special investigator, John Durham is moving at a snail’s pace and his investigation has been long on hope while being short on results, all one needs to do is look at the complex nature of Igor Danchenko’s involvement in all of it to see just why the gears are turning so slowly. Imagine being in charge of unraveling the tangled web of lies and deceit spun by the liberal machine and their henchmen…the FBI.

Danchenko was indicted last year on five counts of making false statements to the bureau, and special counsel John Durham said the comments were about the information provided to Richard Steele for the infamous Steele dossier. Danchenko has pleaded not guilty, and he’s set to go on trial next month.

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Gaslighting America – Part 2

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Gaslighting is the practice of manipulating an individual or group, by psychological means, into questioning their own sanity. Another commonly known term is, “projecting” which is the tactic of attributing one’s own unacceptable urges or behavior to another.

Projecting or gaslighting as described is the first line of defense for your average 3 year old who has just broken a vase by throwing a ball in the house, and it’s the last resort of a political party under the leadership of a daft old coot who knows that he and his party are about to lose an election because they’ve done everything wrong, and even their own once solid voting base is crumbling away.

Little Joey didn’t break the vase…little Donny did it.

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Earthquake in Wyoming – The Geyser, The Geezer And The RINO

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Wyoming is a wonderful state and it is home to wondrous things. In Wyoming you will find great expanses of prairies, impressive mountains like the Tetons, geologic wonders like Yellowstone National Park and the Devil’s Tower, a multitude of hot springs, wide open spaces and rivers and lakes galore.

Wyoming is also home to nearly 5,000 bison, roughly 320 wolves, 581,348 people, an old geyser that’s faithful, an old geezer named Dick and a RINO.

Last Tuesday night, the vast majority of Wyoming’s republican voters, which is comprised of 75 percent of the Wyoming population fired the RINO, ended the old geezer’s dynasty and sent a message throughout the land that there’s no place for the old political establishment that has been far too content with going along to get along with a party hell-bent on the destruction of American exceptionalism.

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Democrat Voters Exit Stage Right

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The party of liberal Marxism is hemorrhaging voters over their liberal Marxist policies and their response, their solution to stop the bleeding is to pile on more liberal Marxist policies.

It’s a lose, lose scenario and apparently, the liberal Marxists aren’t tired of losing yet.

The party of liberal Marxism won’t be happy until everybody is equal…equally poor that is…and for the very lives of them, they can’t figure out why their voters are beyond mad. To be honest, a good many liberal Marxist voters aren’t too happy with themselves either, and are feeling the pangs of buyer’s remorse.

For decades, actually for better than half a century, democrat voters believed everything they were told by their party’s power elite. They believed that it was the democrat party that cared about them, that only the democrat party could help them, and that the democrat party and the democrat party alone was the party of the children.

It was all a lie, but they had been warned.

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The Great Pretenders

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

A couple of weeks ago, it came to light that a couple of men had been pretending to be federal DHS agents since February of 2020.

Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, both 35 years old and neither sporting an Irish name are said by the FBI to have used their false associations with the U.S. government “to ingratiate themselves with members of federal law enforcement and the defense community.”

According to the FBI an agency that has been too busy over the past couple of years investigating soccer moms as domestic terrorists now say that the two pretended to be members of the Department of Homeland Security, provided U.S. Secret Service members and a DHS employee with rent-free apartments, “iPhones, surveillance systems, a drone, a flat screen television, a case for storing an assault rifle, a generator, and law enforcement paraphernalia along with carrying  concealed firearms, DHS Investigations (HSI) “casefiles” marked “confidential,” and presented witnesses with a badges and other credentials to prove they were supposedly federal agents.

The revelation that a couple of potential REAL terrorists, although not rising to the level of danger posed by parents at school board meetings had been well-funded and pretending to be federal agents sent mainstream media yahoos into a frenzy of disbelief which forces me to ask…WHY?

Let’s see…

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You Can’t Spin a House of Cards

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

It’s now 2022.

2021, a disastrous year by any reasonable stretch of judging such things is over and there is hope, a faint light at the far end of the tunnel. We can see it from here and all we have to do as Conservatives is not screw it up.

2021 was so bad that even Betty White died before it ended. Can you even imaging how bleak things would have looked for 2022 had she hung on for just one more day?

Yes, it is a whole new year with the same old crap in place but it is also a mid-term election year and things aren’t looking very good for blue, liberal Marxist elected officials. Their policies dominated 2021 in all the worst ways possible and as the 2022 campaigns for the house, the senate and some state offices start to gear up to full steam, there has been no talk from the liberal Marxists regarding their plans for getting out of the deep hole they’ve been digging for themselves.

Rather than getting a ladder, they’re just getting a bigger shovel.

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