A Fundamentally Different Transformation

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

That’s what Obama said in the final days of the 2008 campaign. “Fundamentally transforming the United States of America” into what…he didn’t say, but we found out. Obama wanted a Marxist America. He wanted an America that took a back seat on the world stage, and an America that employed a divide and conquer strategy from within to separate Americans into niche groups.

It was the dawn of identity politics to create turmoil within the nation.

It started with race-baiting and instituted a false sense of systemic racism where one no longer existed, and included a world tour where Obama himself went from country to country to “apologize” for American exceptionalism, strength and leadership. Race vs. race led to gender vs. gender, and class vs. class. The liberal media went all-in, Hollywood went all-in, and so too did the liberal elite and their cash cow George Soros.

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The Tyranny of the Twitterati

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

For a couple of weeks now, Elon Musk has opened the floodgates of the liberal hell that was Twitter by dumping their inner-most secrets into the public square. It’s been too long in coming, it is exactly what we thought it was, and it has only just begun.

What we thought it was, was a massive effort to suppress the conversation, keeping out of the public square topics and conversations that would shed the light of truth on the tactics of the liberal elites. Twitter existed to propagandize the information disseminated in the public square and sterilize any attempt to get the truth into the conversation.

Propaganda is so much more than inventing false information, it is also and just as importantly the act of silencing the critics.

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The Great Pretenders

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

A couple of weeks ago, it came to light that a couple of men had been pretending to be federal DHS agents since February of 2020.

Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, both 35 years old and neither sporting an Irish name are said by the FBI to have used their false associations with the U.S. government “to ingratiate themselves with members of federal law enforcement and the defense community.”

According to the FBI an agency that has been too busy over the past couple of years investigating soccer moms as domestic terrorists now say that the two pretended to be members of the Department of Homeland Security, provided U.S. Secret Service members and a DHS employee with rent-free apartments, “iPhones, surveillance systems, a drone, a flat screen television, a case for storing an assault rifle, a generator, and law enforcement paraphernalia along with carrying  concealed firearms, DHS Investigations (HSI) “casefiles” marked “confidential,” and presented witnesses with a badges and other credentials to prove they were supposedly federal agents.

The revelation that a couple of potential REAL terrorists, although not rising to the level of danger posed by parents at school board meetings had been well-funded and pretending to be federal agents sent mainstream media yahoos into a frenzy of disbelief which forces me to ask…WHY?

Let’s see…

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A Party Without a Platform

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“Because of them, Congress was able to defeat the insurrection.”

That’s what Nancy Pelosi said on January 6th regarding the Capitol Police and the so-called “insurrection” that took place a year ago. It was clearly a case of a horse’s ass spewing bullshit.

First of all, it was the Capitol Police who by many accounts of those who were there that day that removed the barricades and opened the Capitol doors FOR the supposed “insurrectionists” and allowed them to enter the Capitol. It was also the Capitol Police who in many cases were photographed and videotaped holding open the doors and calmly watching as the “insurrectionists” made their way through the Capitol that day.

Second of all…CONGRESS was able to defeat the “insurrection?”

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Obama’s Third Reich and Other Things I Believe

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

In 1989, the U.N. told us all that entire nations would be wiped from the globe due to rising sea levels if the global warming trend was not reversed by the year 2000. It’s now 2021 and not a single nation has gone missing.

That, of course, was 14 years after University of California at Davis professor Kenneth Watt, and British science writer Nigel Calder issued their dire warning that global cooling, by as much as 11 degrees would put us in an ice age by the year 2000.

In case you missed it…that didn’t happen either.

Back to the U.N. idiot in 1989 who also said back then that, “the most conservative scientific estimate [is] that the Earth’s temperature will rise 1 to 7 degrees in the next 30 years.”

It didn’t.

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Ghislaine Maxwell…A Canary In a Cage

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Ghislaine Maxwell.

The close associate and pimp of under aged girls of the now dead Jeffery Epstein was arrested last week, and is now being housed in a federal prison in Brooklyn New York.

If anyone knows the inside story behind Epstein, it’s Maxwell.

If anyone knows or has the list of high-powered clients that frequented Epstein’s private island, it’s Ghislaine Maxwell.

If there is anyone who knows the lurid details of what went on with regard to Epstein’s private island, his various other estates and/or on his private plane…all host to the political, industry, social and royal elite, it’s Maxwell, and if there are bodies buried anywhere…

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The Insanity at CNN Continues

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There are so many unknown things in our world, it’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Why do whales beach themselves? Where do elephants go to die? How were the pyramids built? What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

Why can’t Hillary just shut the hell up and go away?

There is a very long list of things we may never find the answers to, but there are some things we do know as fact, and one of those things is that…

Liberals are bat-crap crazy.

There is no end to the insanity from the left side of our political aisle, and seemingly no end to the lies the liberal mainstream media will tell to bolster that insanity.

Take CNN as a prime example…

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Jeffrey Epstein…Suicide or Suicided?

Investigative Report

By:Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

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“We will get to the bottom of what happened. There will be accountability.”

– Attorney General William Barr on heating of Jeffrey Epstein’s untimely death

The timing and the circumstances surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s death was perfect…Hollywood itself could not have staged it any better. And the Democrats are happily wallowing in that timing as it took the public’s attention off the much needed wall, the what is a “trade war” with China, mass shootings, as well as the circus that is the entirety of the Democrats presidential contenders…where by the way there is not a decent one in the bunch. And the timing put the spotlight back on sex…after all sex and sex scandals sells papers and bumps up media ratings better than any other news story can.

And Jeffrey Epstein’s story in itself would make a great movie if it wasn’t such a travesty from the get-go…if it wasn’t such an obvious case of “this guy needs to be permanently silenced” before he can squeal on those in high places in order to save his own sorry self.

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