Patriotically Correct and Proud of It

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay, I admit it. I’m confused.

Not the sort of confused in that I don’t know which bathroom I’m supposed to use…that’s liberal confused, and if I ever go down that particular manhole, I hope someone has the common decency to put me out of my misery.

Manholes. We can’t call them manholes any more, at least not in Berkeley, California because they just passed a city ordinance dictating that manholes must now be called “maintenance holes.” Apparently, the women of Berkeley are feeling left out by not having something named after them that leads to a sewer.

In Berkeley, you are no longer allowed to be somebody’s brother or sister. You are only allowed to be a “sibling.” By the dictate of the new ordinance, such gendered pronouns as “he” and “she” are be replaced by “they” or “them,” which no doubt will cause no end of issues in certain circumstances.

Let me explain…

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Illusion of Truth, Circle of Lies

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The 2020 presidential campaign is going to be a doozy, and it will begin to heat up in the next few months. Currently, there are some 23 or 24 liberals who have thrown their wadded panties into the ring, and that number will grow before the list starts to thin itself out due to attrition.

As I have said before, the liberals have no way of winning on real issues, so they are running on a combination of social, and social media issues, special interest issues, identity politics and pandering. As a party, they really don’t have a platform, and as individual candidates, they have no planks that deal with anything of substance.

There is something however, that it seems the liberal candidates, and most likely around which the party itself will coalesce…and it should come as no great surprise…

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Holy Guacamole, Cow Farts and Reparations

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It is now early April, 2019, and while the calendar says we’re 19 months away from the 2020 election, I can assure you we are both a whole lot closer than that to the campaigns in earnest, and it’s going to seem like an eternity before Election Day.

It seems like every few days, some other democrat crawls out of their hole, sees their shadow and announces that they too are running for the presidency in 2020.

At this point, it bears a striking resemblance to one of those little cars at the circus that stops at center ring and about a hundred clowns come pouring out of it. Politics in this metaphor would represent the circus, the 2020 election would be the center ring, and…

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Last Week’s News in Its Proper Perspective

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week was a very interesting week, and one that I believe needs to be put in its proper, snarky perspective.

Ready or not…here we go…

Okay…Syria is all bent out of shape because, last week, President Trump officially recognized Israel’s sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Syria has, since 1967 accused Israel of occupying what belongs to Syria.

Ummmm…excuse me Syria…but perhaps you should have thought about the consequences of trying to invade Israel before you invaded Israel in 1967…and perhaps you should have considered the ramifications of getting your asses kicked in what has to have been one of the absolute shortest wars in the history of wars.

Sure…you figured…hey, new country, how ready could Israel possibly be to wage a war…right? Well, it took Israel just 6 days to whoop ya, and after doing so, Israel had every right to the Golan Heights…so get over it, and get over yourselves.


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The Mueller Report – No Diamond in That Goat’s Ass for Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If liberals can’t see it now, then they have the collective eyesight of Stevie Wonder, Helen Keller, Louis Braille and Mr. Magoo.

The mainstream media has been screwing with them.

Liberals are nothing more to the mainstream media than a dead mouse is to a cat…something with which to play, and liberals have been played for fools by the MSM with regard to “Russian Collusion” for the past two years.

From the day President Trump was nominated to this very minute, the mainstream media has told their legion of liberal cat toys that Trump colluded with the Russians to beat Hillary. They have told their dead mice that Trump was guilty of colluding with the Russians, and that he was guilty of obstructing justice over it.

For better than two years…

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Liberal BS and the Farting Cows of Doom

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The liberal agenda is all BS. 100 percent, absolute, undeniable bullcrap…and I believe that I can prove it.

Honestly, I don’t give a happy damn what plank from their agenda you care to bring up…I can show you how liberals have taken both sides of the issue when it suits them…and many times, they take both sides at the same time.

Sure it’s tricky. You have to be accomplished, pathological liars to do it. You have to be the absolute definition of hypocritical to pull it off, and you must, and I mean MUST have no shame…but we’re talking about liberals here so…

It goes without saying that liberals hate President Trump, and they hate Conservatives who support President Trump. Liberals also hate opinions that not fall into line with their own opinions.

Liberals hate religion, law enforcement, guns…people who own guns and large sodas.

The list of things liberals hate is far too long to compile here, but suffice it to say…liberals are indeed a hateful bunch and yet, they portray themselves as…

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Liberals…Victims of Their Own Desperation

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals are growing more desperate by the day, but the desperation didn’t start yesterday. In many cases, it is hard, if not impossible to pinpoint the nexus of desperation. Most often, desperation is a progression between cause and effect…it is something that sets in over time, and circumstances.

That is not the case with the sort of liberal desperation we are seeing, and let’s be honest in this…we can trace the nexus of it to a specific point in time, and a specific event.

The sort of liberal desperation we see day in and day out now, the desperation that is growing more convoluted by the day if not by the hour had a very specific moment of origin.

The date was…May 3rd, 2016…

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The Sad State of the 4th Estate…Part 2

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Be sure to read, The Sad State of the 4th Estate…Part 1 by clicking here.

Once again, the mainstream media went over the abyss and down rabbit hole reporting fake news and embracing lies in their demented, pathological attempt to “get” President Trump.

Last week, BuzzFeed published what turned out to be nothing less than yet another manufactured diatribe meant to overthrow President Trump. BuzzFeed offered absolutely no evidence of their baseless allegations, and the rest of the mainstream media, like pit bulls on a pork chop, went into a feeding frenzy.

Make no mistake, that BuzzFeed sack of crap story regarding President Trump ordering his attorney, Cohen to lie to congress was every bit as truthful, and factual as the Steele dossier, and their manufactured claims against Nick Sandmann the rest of the Covington Catholic students last week.

But that’s the point, isn’t it? After two years, the Mueller “investigation,” which in reality is nothing more than an orchestrated, taxpayer funded witch hunt, has turned up exactly nothing regarding any illegal activities by President Trump…so…the liberal mainstream media has been relegated to a position of simply making crap up in an attempt to baselessly smear the President.

Not to be outdone…

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Crap We Learned in 2018

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…its 2019…a new year full of new possibilities and new opportunities, and it’s time to look back at some of the crap we learned in 2018.

While liberals continue to pee themselves over Hillary’s loss in 2016, and spew their socialist collective hatred at President Trump, and at Conservatives…desperately trying to take both down…we Conservatives continue to wallow about in all the winning our country is experiencing.

The real difference between liberals and Conservatives as we begin a new year, is nothing new…as Conservatives, we love our country…liberals don’t…and while we actually learn from things related to last year…liberals just never seem to get a grip on reality.

So…here we go…crap we learned last year…

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The Mainstream Media’s Blurred 20/20 Vision

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Obviously, there has been a mountain of things going on in the world over the past couple of weeks, and in a 24/7 news cycle, one would think that the mainstream media would have plenty of hard-hitting, current and relevant things to cover.

Take ABC’s news magazine, 20/20 for instance…

The name of the program suggests it has a clear, sharp vision of what’s important, relevant and news worthy. One would expect current topics, in-depth analysis and introspective investigative reporting…right?

Well…before I tell you what they hyped since Christmas for their first show of the new year this Friday, January 4th, 2019…let me tell you a few of the things they didn’t cover on that show.

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