Democrats Pre-Planning Their Own Political Funeral

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If you were going to take a vote on making a witch hunt inquiry official, there couldn’t have been a more appropriate day to do so than on Halloween, and that is exactly what the wicked one of the west coast did on October, 31st.

Let me be staggeringly honest here…vodka-soaked Nancy Pelosi spent 7 months trying to gin up some sort of mandate to either move forward with such an official impeachment inquiry, fabricated though it may be, or get to work getting things done to fix real issues we face as a country, and the best she could do was prove that the liberal/socialist radicals that are leading her party are perpetrating a transparent sham.

Save 2 democrats who just couldn’t bring themselves to join the revenge-minded, sour-grapes line of pressured thinking, every democrat in the House voted for moving the impeachment inquiry to the next level, and every single Republican voted against it.

As Pelosi stated some 7 months ago…

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The Insanity at CNN Continues

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There are so many unknown things in our world, it’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Why do whales beach themselves? Where do elephants go to die? How were the pyramids built? What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

Why can’t Hillary just shut the hell up and go away?

There is a very long list of things we may never find the answers to, but there are some things we do know as fact, and one of those things is that…

Liberals are bat-crap crazy.

There is no end to the insanity from the left side of our political aisle, and seemingly no end to the lies the liberal mainstream media will tell to bolster that insanity.

Take CNN as a prime example…

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The Great Impeachment Debacle – Part 1

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has been said that French army tanks in WWII had four gears in reverse for varying speeds of retreat, and one gear forward on the off chance they’re attacked from the rear.

Right now, congressional democrats are backing up faster than a French tank battalion.

A week ago, Nancy Pelosi said that there is no plan, at this time, to hold an impeachment vote in the house. There is one reason why, after three years, they wouldn’t hold such a vote…they just don’t have anywhere near the needed numbers. Let’s face it, such a vote would be the fourth, and the previous three failed miserably.

Adam Schiff, just over a week ago, actually floated the idea that there may not be any need to have the “whistleblower” testify before congress.

Now why do you suppose that is? I’ll tell you why…

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Another Day, Another Witch Hunt

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, they’re at it again. The democrats are once again trying to blame President Trump for their own misdeeds, and they’ve got their collective panties all wadded up.

At issue this time is a phone call. We can assume it is about a call made by President Trump to the new President of Ukraine near the end of July. We can assume that’s what it is, but we really have no confirmation of that.

Here’s what we knew when this whole goofy thing broke late last week…

An “unnamed” whistleblower from an “unidentified” former intelligence officer as filed an “unknown” complaint about “something” President Trump “allegedly” said to an “unnamed” foreign leader regarding an “unspecified promise” about “some sort” of “concerned conduct” from “outside” of the “intelligence community” that doesn’t relate to “intel activity.”

Naturally, one could see why liberals were hopping mad. No, actually, one couldn’t because given the depth of that near allegation of…something…nobody was exactly sure at that point whether this dealt with misconduct from the Oval Office, or perhaps the Loch Ness monster had…farted.

Did I mention that the “unidentified former intelligence officer” did not have first-hand knowledge of the phone call?

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Biden’s Boondoggle – Healthcare for Illegals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, Joe Biden was asked whether illegal immigrants “should be entitled to federal benefits like Medicare, Medicaid.”

His response was stunning, but not unexpected.

“Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for.”

“An obligation?”

We are obliged to take care of people who have entered our country illegally? We’re obliged to provide healthcare, at American citizen’s taxpayer expense to those who are illegally in our country, who are breaking our nation’s laws by setting foot in our country, and who are making a mockery of our nation’s rule of law?

Liberals should be ashamed of themselves, but perhaps not for the reasons most Conservatives are thinking of right now.

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Liberals Taking the Bullet Train to Pandersville

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

With now some 21 official 2020 liberal presidential candidates having thrown their wadded up panties into the ring, and with liberals having neither core values nor any legitimate planks in their socialist collective platform…there is something they all both share, and are trying desperately to one up each other on…

Pandering for votes.

What we have here are a whole gaggle-o-idiots who know that they don’t stand a chance on the real issues, and given where they do stand on real issues, it’s no wonder.

Take taxes for instance…

Liberals want to hike your taxes into the stratosphere. They would have to in order to pay for all the free crap they’re trying to bribe voters with. Free college tuition, paying off student loans, free healthcare for all, free this, free that and one of them is even offering free cash.


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Holy Guacamole, Cow Farts and Reparations

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It is now early April, 2019, and while the calendar says we’re 19 months away from the 2020 election, I can assure you we are both a whole lot closer than that to the campaigns in earnest, and it’s going to seem like an eternity before Election Day.

It seems like every few days, some other democrat crawls out of their hole, sees their shadow and announces that they too are running for the presidency in 2020.

At this point, it bears a striking resemblance to one of those little cars at the circus that stops at center ring and about a hundred clowns come pouring out of it. Politics in this metaphor would represent the circus, the 2020 election would be the center ring, and…

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A Foreign Policy Disaster in the Making

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

yah 1Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu had nothing to gain from coming to Washington to meet with Obama and he knew it. That is why Netanyahu cancelled the trip and the meeting. He knows that Obama is all in for the Palestinians, all in for Islamists and all in for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is, part and parcel…Hamas.

Attacks against Israel, by the Palestinians, have been a daily happening since last October because the Palestinians have nothing to fear from their ally…Obama…and they have zero respect for the United States as a whole.

Yesterday, across Israel, the pigs of Palestine struck again, and again, and again… 10 Israelis were stabbed in the city’s Jaffa port section and one American tourist, a veteran, was killed…just a few hundred yards from none other than Joe Biden, who went there to try and mend fences with Netanyahu.

Note to Biden…

One ought not attempt mending fences when the bridges the regime you’re a part of are still burning.

In that attack, the Palestinian pig was “neutralized,” until he was dead at the hands of Israeli police and armed forces.

It was just one in a string of 3 attacks in 3 different cities a couple of days ago with the Palestinians taking advantage of the pro-Islamist, anti-Israel Obama regime and part of what’s been happening in Israel for nearly the past 5 months…attacks which have left 28 Israelis, and some 174 Palestinian pigs…dead.

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Friday Fume

fume 1In a week that just defies common sense and DEFINES liberal nonsense…We find THIS little gem.


According to Yale University…an asylum of higher indoctrination… ‘Robots Helping Kids,’ will ultimately “deploy” robots into homes and schools to teach English as a second language, and encourage kids to exercise.

Says nerd Brian Scassellati of the asylum, “What we want to do is move these robots out of the laboratory and into schools and homes and clinics, places where we can directly help children on a day-to-day basis. Just like a good personal trainer, we want the robots to be able to guide the child toward a behavior that we desire.”

So…it takes a village to raise a child huh? Now it’s gonna take ROBOTS to raise a VILLAGE of IDIOTS but that’s exactly what liberals want, and as if dumbing down kids wasn’t bad enough…NOW they’re going to start turning out MIND-NUMBED CHILDREN by letting MIND-NUMBED ROBOTS TEACH THEM HOW TO BEHAVE!!!

Patriots and friends…It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

When it comes to border security…do you think that maybe…JUST MAYBE…the Obama regime has their priorities a little SCREWED UP???

Just MAYBE???

While tens of THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL ALIEN minors…INCLUDING GANG MEMBERS…pour across our southern border and get everything from FREE TRANSPORTATION to states and cities from sea to shining sea to A FREE EDUCATION without so much as a second glance…

A troop of two dozen BOY SCOUTS from IOWA had a somewhat DIFFERENT experience last week as they traveled from Canada into ALASKA!!!

That’s when one of the Scouts took a photo of the border station upon which…

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This is What Happens When Judges READ the Bill

ka 1One of the key selling points employed by Obamacare snake oil salesmen was SUBSIDIES!!!


To liberals, that meant something for nothing.

To those with a working brain cell…it meant $1 TRILLION DOLLARS of AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY as part of THE largest tax increase in American history.

Yesterday, 2 federal courts offered up two opposite opinions on that spoon full of sugar-coated crap in the Kool Aid pitcher.

Let’s take the second opinion first.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, hearing a case challenging the subsidies related to those who somehow managed to sign up for socialism on that malfunctioning Obamacare federal website and THEY found that the subsidies were A-ok and upheld the federal government’s ability to give your tax dollars to the something for nothing crowd.

Now…the first court decision from yesterday…

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that those subsidies, to be paid to the something for nothings who signed up on the federal site are null and void.

Oh my, what are we gonna do NOW?

Well, according to the lone dissenter from the DC Court of appeals…“This case is about Appellants’ not-so-veiled attempt to gut the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (‘ACA’).”


Not so fast there Judge Panties-in-a Wad…

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