This, That and The Other Thing

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

There just doesn’t seem to be any let-up in the amount of manure to which we are being subjected by the mainstream media regarding current distractions from Joe Biden’s diminished mental state with now less than 100 days until the election.

While we should all be focused on the economy, China’s assault on freedoms in Hong Kong, Iran’s rhetoric against civilization while various parts of their nuclear facilities keep mysteriously exploding (probably due to mazel tov cocktails) and other assorted happenings, we’re stuck in the revolving door of liberal propaganda.

COVID, BLM, COVID, ANTIFA, COVID and so on and so forth.

Simply put, what the mainstream media is telling us ad nauseam regarding COVID and the BLM/ANTIFA crap is just that…crap…and we need to scrape that crap from the bottoms of our shoes and get to the truth.

First, there’s this…

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Racism – Liberalism’s Dishonest Label

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last week, B&G Foods Inc. released this statement: “We are initiating an immediate review of the Cream of Wheat brand packaging. We understand there are concerns regarding the Chef image, and we are committed to evaluating our packaging and will proactively take steps to ensure that we and our brands do not inadvertently contribute to systemic racism.”

First of all, it pretty hard to contribute to something that simply doesn’t exist as a real thing, and second off, I’m confused.

The B&G Foods Inc. statement came on the heels of Quaker Oats decision to pull the Aunt Jemima brand and brand imaging from the consumer market, which preceded a decision by Mars, which makes Uncle Ben’s Rice and a decision by Congara Brands, the parent company of Mrs. Butterworth’s to also pull from distribution to consumers their product brand names.

All of that follows the recent image rebranding of Land-O-Lakes butter so as to discontinue the image of the Indian maiden on their packaging.

It’s all about ending “systemic racism” we’re told.

Now I’m not trying to be snarky here. I have what I feel are legitimate questions and I’ll start with this one…

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America…You’ve Been Warned.

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

After watching carefully the happenings around the country over the past few weeks, and taking into account the actions of those both directly, and indirectly involved, several things have become evident, and I believe a warning needs to be issued.

This warning should be heeded by every American regardless of race, or political party affiliation.

I believe that what we have seen, and what we are likely to see over the next several months could have a dire impact on this country, and on the daily lives of all Americans. It is orchestrated, it has purpose, and it has been directed to accomplish certain goals but the outcome of it will not be as intended by the pandering liberals.

Let me begin with this…

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The Albatross That Is Quid Pro Quo

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots

The albatross is a superstitious relic written about in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” In that poem the narrator killed the bird and his fellow sailors eventually forced him to carry the burden of his crime by wearing the dead bird around his neck. Ever since, the albatross has become a metaphor for a psychological burden that feels like a curse.

The Democrat party has an albatross, a burden that is a curse from which they have but one means of escape…they must remove said albatross from their ship. And that albatross is Joe Biden. He’s in trouble…deep trouble…and the peril for his party is real if they fail to cast the albatross overboard for the trouble Joe Biden is in is much more than political, it’s legal in nature and it’s international in scope. The peril for his party is of his party’s own doing as they continue backing Biden out of a combination of desperation, arrogance, and hatred of Biden’s foe in the upcoming election…President Donald J. Trump.

We want to be very clear here that while desperation over losing the 2016 election and a defacto third term in office for Obama…with Hillary Clinton being but the facade of power in the U.S…coupled with the arrogance of the Democrat party feeling that they were entitled to a third Obama term to finish the “fundamental transformation of America” into a socialist state, did and still does indeed play a significant role in this dire saga. And it’s not blind faith in Joe Biden that has driven the Democrat party to the brink of political disaster…it’s simply their blind hatred of President Trump which has now led them to the edge of the abyss.

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Flynn’s Leaker Unmasked?

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

As ObamaGate continues to unravel Obama’s organized crime syndicate, and as documents continue to be declassified in the case, there remains a lingering question…

Who leaked General Flynn’s unmasked name to the media?

It’s a damned good question, and I’ll get back to that in a bit, but first, we need to have a look at the Flynn unmasking timeline.

That timeline is far more extensive than most know, and I suggest more revealing than it seems on the surface.

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Biden’s the Bait…Wait For the Switch

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

It’s high time that a long, honest look at the democrat’s presumptive nominee be taken, and an in-depth look at what’s really going on with the democrat party be undertaken.

It doesn’t matter what the mainstream media says. It doesn’t matter what the polls say, or at least what the polls that get published and aired by the mainstream media say. None of that matters because it’s all propaganda. It’s a smoke screen meant to provide cover for what’s really happening, and what’s about to happen.

While most would begin the sort of analysis that needs to be done to see where the democrat party is headed, and where their presumptive nominee is headed at the current point on the timeline with but 6 months to go until the election, I’ll step back a couple of months to provide a bigger picture.

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ObamaGate’s Liars, Spiers and Deniers – Part 2

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

There is a need to reiterate a few things from Part 1 of “ObamaGate’s Liars, Spiers and Deniers,” and to clarify a few very important things before proceeding here in Part 2, and in that effort, let me begin with the key names.

In no particular order…James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, and Sally Yates. It’s a long list to be sure, and there were others as well, but those names in the overall scheme of the attempted coup are very important.

Also important to this whole scandal are the following names, and while you have already just been made aware of some them, this list is more specific in its need to be set apart from the previous list…

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ObamaGate’s Liars, Spiers and Deniers – Part 1

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Last week, on the heels of the announcement that all charges against General Michael Flynn had been dropped and that the DOJ would no longer pursue the case, Barack Hussein Obama said, “The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn. And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.”

Allow me to translate that into plain English from the language of the Liberal Elite…

What Obama is saying there is that 1) the liberal mainstream media hasn’t been tripping all over themselves to beat the Russian Collusion drum the way they did for two years at his direction between 2017 and 2019…2 ) there’s not a time he can think of when an accusation from himself and the liberal elite wasn’t all the proof necessary to end a person’s life and career in its tracks…and 3) that HIS basic understanding that one is guilty until proven innocent that liberals have clung to since the 2016 election is at risk.

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Biden v. Reade – Hold the High Ground

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Joe Biden.

Let’s set the gaffes and the now all too obvious dementia aside for the time being and focus on what has become a glaring problem for both him, and the democrat party.

Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade.

According to Reade, that assault took place back in 1993 when she was a staffer for then Senator Joe Biden. The accusation is that Biden kissed her…touched her inappropriately, and even penetrated her with his fingers…all without her consent.

There are some parallels here with the Christine Blasey Ford accusations against now Justice Brett Kavanaugh that must be addressed.

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The News and a Dose of Snark

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Over the past week or so, things have gone from bad to worse as the coronavirus media-driven panic continues to be the only 24/7 news cycle topic…but bad to worse is really a matter of perspective.

You see, to a snarky guy like me, what’s happening out there where nobody is allowed to go has become pure gold.

This is one of those “in-case-you-missed-it” sort of commentaries for those who have basically either shut off the news, or have been out protesting the trial version of communism for the past couple of weeks.

I’ll get to some of the more idiotic liberal coronavirus crap in a bit, but there are a few other things that need to be put into proper perspective, so let me start with this…

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