Please Hand Our “Leader” a Shovel

By Craig Andresen on March 29, 2011

In what I consider to be a “Too little too late” speech concerning our “kinetic action” (a redundancy) against Libya, President Obama failed to, as he so often utters, “Make perfectly clear” many things that must be known.

He failed to explain just WHO the Libyan rebels really are. I believe it’s NOT because he doesn’t know. I believe it’s because he DOES know. We have heard from 1 or 2 who consider themselves “leaders” of the rebel forces that, in part, they have been backed by…Al Qaeda. It is certainly not beyond comprehension that the Muslim Brotherhood is also involved. One must take into account that while not WELL armed, those rebels ARE armed with small arms, RPG’s and anti aircraft guns. Where do you think those came from?

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End Game or Game Over

By Craig Andresen on March 22, 2011

Earlier, I wrote and posted pieces on the entitlement mentality of liberals and Obama’s Middle East policy unmasked. This piece, by combining aspects of both those previous entries, paints a bleak picture of the possible end game scenario.

First, let’s go back to the uprising in Egypt. It took more than a week before Obama said a word about that uprising once it began. When he did, he and other members of the administration seemed at odds over the message but eventually managed to settle on one talking point; Mubarak must go. It didn’t take long before Obama spoke publicly about the Muslim Brotherhood and how he felt they should have a seat at the table in forming a new Egyptian government.

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A Brief History Regarding Wars Against Islam

By Emmanuel Etchells-Ayre – United Kingdom on March 21, 2011

Islam and England have fought many times in the past, mainly on the Indian Sub-Continent, firstly under the auspices of the British East India Company, and eventually under the British Raj.

Afghanistan, as it is currently known, was formed in 1747 under the rule of Ahmad Shah Abdali of the Durrani Empire. In the 19th century, the expanding British and Russian empires clashed over Afghanistan, which resulted in three Anglo-Afghan wars in 70years,the first Anglo-Afghan War Began in 1838, and lasted for around four years , May 1879 The British installed Shir All’s son Yaqub Khan to the throne (1879-1880), who concluded the Gandumak Treaty with the British in May 1879, which transformed Afghanistan into a British protectorate. When Russian forces occupied Panjdeh, a district less.Dost Mohammad’s successor Shir Ali improved ties with the Russians, which resulted in another British invasion of the country, paving the road for the second Anglo-Afghan war (1878-1879).

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CAIR Leading Social Media Campaign Against Rep. Peter King

By Rosie Johnson on March 16, 2011

During the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Muslim radicalization last Thursday, Rep. King and other members of the committee exposed CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) in front of a national audience.

Now CAIR is striking back. Yesterday CAIR National posted on its Facebook page:

“We’re starting a coordinated ad campaign. No money required-just 5 minutes of your time. If you have a large facebook or twitter following, or know someone who does, please reply asap.”

It was a call to action. An email campaign telling Congressman Peter King essentially t to back off. CAIR is planning on flooding FB and Twitter with a call to action to ask for  Representative Kings resignation  on Monday, 3/21/11 at 10 am. We must not let them be the trending topic of the day.

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