Israel’s PM is the World’s Statesman

At last, a voice of sanity has echoed through the chamber of the United Nation’s General Assembly. Following the addresses of Abbas and a ranting Ahmeninejad and a couple of days after a lack luster address from Obama, the voice of reason took the podium.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke just minutes ago to the assembled nations. The Prime Minister spoke to those who stand with Israel, to those who stand against Israel – and to those whose stance, because of their personal and party ideology, cannot be counted upon to defend the principles nor the people of our most important friend.

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Beware of Presidents Wearing False Yarmulkes

This week, with a major U.N. assembly taking place, there seems to be a great deal of behind the scenes scrambling to prevent Palestinian statehood. Scrambling is the key word. Why exactly are we scrambling? Should we not have taken the steps we now scramble to take months ago?

The scrambling is to form a multi-nation block of statehood for Palestine so that the U.S. does not stand alone in the U.N. Security Council in opposition to Palestinian statehood.

This should have been a done deal a long, long time ago but that isn’t the case. It seems that Obama promised Palestinian Authority leader Abbas that Palestine would indeed gain recognition and statehood upon which now, Obama seems to have reversed course.

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Islam IS the Enemy!

Yesterday we looked back with an article, “9-11, We Remember” as many readers shared their memories of that day of unbelievable shock.

Today is September 12th 2011. From the day after until today, what have we learned in the 10 year span? What have we REALLY learned?

10 years ago today, we still stared at the TV and listened to radio reports. We were still in shock. The twin towers were gone, the Pentagon had been hit, there was a hole in the ground in PA where another plane had crashed and we watched and listened.

Across the country, airplanes sat on runways, most of them were not anywhere near their point of origin or destination. Tens of thousands of passengers were stranded.

10 years ago today, Americans wanted to help and thinking surely there would be hundreds if not thousands of injured survivors, we donated blood. Fire and rescue crews from cities towns and rural areas found a way to get to New York and help in the ground zero efforts.

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Tripoli Now in the Hands of Rebels…What Happens Next?

Libyan rebels have moved into the capitol, Tripoli, they have been bombing with NATO assistance Qaddafi’s compound, government officials are calling for a cease fire and many of the Libyan strongman’s forces have been captured or killed. Qaddafi’s hours in power ARE numbered but what then?

Reports, it should come as no surprise, are muddled depending on whose side is issuing the reports.

Rebels claim to have killed or captured nearly 100 government forces in the last several days but the government says it’s not true. The government says NATO bombs have gone astray hitting farms, school buildings and home while NATO and the rebels claim they are pounding Qaddafi’s compound and government buildings.

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Congressman West Shines the Light on the Muslim Brotherhood

Hard left publication of the Liberals, known as “The Nation” published a very scathing article about Congressmen West’s recent outing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Young Muslims are up in arms over West’s recent exposé, and the liberal folks at “The Nation” are determined to champion their cause. How noble. In just a moment, I will share with you why I am so impressed with Congressman West yet again.

But first, let’s take a gander at what the folks over at “The Nation” have to say about Congressman West in regards to this issue.

Quoting the Liberal publication, “The Nation”:

“The Citizens for National Security (CFNS) came to Capitol Hill yesterday to give a Congressional briefing on what they consider a dangerous threat facing America: Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Representative Allen West (R-FL), a man with a history of fringe beliefs and Islamophobia, introduced and sponsored the CFNS presentation. Titled “Hometown Jihad on the USA,” the briefing was designed as an exposé on the Muslim Brotherhood, which CFNS said has been operating a four-phase plan since 1962 to “penetrate the United States and eventually erode its institutions, policies, and sense of self.”

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UBL Dead – Was It Worth It?

By Craig Andresen on May 1, 2011

Bin Laden is killed…dead…hiding no more, making no more videos, taunting us…no more. Was it all worth it?

The thousands of lives of US service men and women and the effect of their loss on those left behind, the toll upon the wounded and their families, the billions upon billions of dollars spent on war, the untold billions spent on security measures…was it worth it?

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What IF????

By Emmanuel Etchells-Ayre – United Kingdom on April 7, 2011

Just a thought here now: What if ? What IF we also took the Holy Writ and corrupted it to say the following (please bear with me here!), in this scenario: Preacher man stands up and says the following:  “The Lord Almighty declares that all unbelievers shall die, regardless of whether they are men women or children, for all are guilty of sinfulness, the sin of disbelief being the chief of their sins!” and he then reads from Deuteronomy chapter seven ….

Deu 7:1  When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; Deu 7:2  And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: Deu 7:3  Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. Deu 7:4  For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.

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England Drowning

By Emmanuel Etchells-Ayre – United Kingdom on March 30, 2011

I am old enough to recall when schools had morning prayers, and religious instruction, When Churches held an annual Whitsunday walk about, where each would walk the boundary of their individual parish, and arrange to meet up with other churches for joint prayers and services at certain points along the boundary.

These walks have been or were at one time a mainstay of the Churches evangelical work as they were a witness and a testimony to God and His Christ, during these walks others would tag along as and when the mood took them, everyone would have a new outfit, women and girls would have home made mainly hand sown dresses , the men would have their best suit (usually their wedding suit if they were married) and wear a Bowler Hat, or a Flat Cap, each Church had it’s individual Banner carried between six men two holding the poles it was attached to, and four who would hold on to the guy cords to prevent any wind dragging it in any direction (The wind bloweth where it listeth).

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Are We Clear on Islam?

John Brewer on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 11:28pm

I love the fact that, in our day and age—check your watch–if you don’t like what someone says or someone writes, all it takes is a simple punch of the remote or a simple turn of the dial or a simple turning of the page to snug back cozily in your echo chamber; however, and however painful it may be, it stands that if someone is to learn anything other than new ways to express the deep-rooted presumptions they already have, it is important for them to sit down and bear the discomfort of hearing an opposing view. After all, the opposition may have a point.

But this is a new day and age—check your watch—and I wish you luck in your cable-news serfdom surfing finding a pointful point among the pointless ad hominems, caricatures, loaded language, non sequiturs, circular logic and ad misericordiams utilized by the self-reverential-and-referential heads on the boob-tube, radio, newspapers, or Capitol Hill today—check your watch.

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