Islamic Law in American Courts a Dangerous Precedent

It was almost exactly 1 year ago when, in Oklahoma, an amendment to that state’s constitution, voted FOR by the people OF Oklahoma was barred by a judge. That amendment would have made it illegal, in Oklahoma courts, to employ Sharia or Islamic law.

Opponents argued that the measure was unnecessary because state judges have no reason to rely on Islamic law.


Tampa…We have a problem.

Yesterday, in Tampa Florida, an appeals court has rejected a request to BLOCK a judge from using…ISLAMIC LAW…Thus ALLOWING ISLAMIC LAW to decide a case.

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A Progressive March to the Brink of Self Destruction

The election of 2012 will be the – THE – most important election in our 235-year history. We’ve heard this said and while many agree, I believe it needs context. To say an election is THE most important, one really needs to know which previous election set the standard.

To do that, I believe we must go back and have a look at the election of 1860.

It was the 1860 election which gave us President Lincoln – but it was what led to that momentous moment which makes the 1860 election so important and to this day, the most…MOST important we have ever seen.

We all know that slavery was the…THE issue in that election but few people know why. Of course there are the known factors in that slavery was wrong, the south wanted it, the north did not and the divide would lead to civil war – but what was it which lit the fuse?

To be frank, it was the Kansas–Nebraska Act.

In 1854, that Act, which replaced the Missouri Compromise, was written by and pushed to passage by Lincoln’s future opponent Stephen Douglas.

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Obama, the Emperor, Has No Clothes

None of this should come as any surprise. None of it. The National Patriot has all but predicted it, and now it’s coming to pass.

The Obama doctrine is coming home to roost in the most dangerous part of the world and the result will be an even more dangerous world.

Last week, I posed the question, “What’s next for Libya?”

In that article, I pointed out how the vacuum had been created with the ouster of Gaddafi and how the Muslim Brotherhood was standing in the wings.

Yesterday, as the Libyan National Transitional Council declared liberation following the killing of Gadaffi, they went exactly where I knew they would go.

That council has made it crystal clear that Sharia Law will be the basis of their new government which ensures that their people, the Libyans who fought for their freedom from a brutal dictator of 42 years, will now see it replaced by an even more brutal regime.

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Libya Celebrates…Has No Idea What’s Coming

It’s a question we seem to be asking more and more often. What’s next? This time we ask it of Libya. What’s next for Libya? With Kaddafi dead, one of his sons dead as well and another son’s whereabouts unknown…What’s next?

After 42 years of brutal rule, Kaddafi met a brutal end last week at the hands of Libyan Rebels in his hometown of Sirte.

Kadaffi, from what we know, was making a run for it in a convoy of some 75 vehicles when on the outskirts of town, a French Fighter jet and an American drone opened fire. Neither the French nor we knew Kadaffi was in that convoy and while many vehicles and those inside them were destroyed, Kaddafi’s vehicle was not.

With rebels in hot pursuit, Kaddafi bailed out and ran on foot diving in to a culvert, a sewer pipe with a loyalist. That’s where the rebels found him. From reports, the loyalist was yelling, apparently thinking those who were approaching were fellow loyalists, “The Master is here!” That is apparently when a rebel fighter fired into the pipe wounding Kaddafi then dragged him out while Kaddafi, who have vowed to fight to the last drop of blood started begging not to be killed.

That rebel fighter, wearing a New York Yankees baseball cap, disarmed the dictator of his golden gun and what happened over the next several minutes is somewhat unclear. There was shouting, chanting, gunfire, and Kaddafi, still alive for the moment, was paraded, pushed, shoved, beaten with shoes, hair pulled and roughed up from one vehicle to another, his shirt soaked in blood. Moments later, Kaddafi was dead of a gunshot to the head.

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No matter how you spell it Kaddafi…Qaddafi…Gaddafi…is reportedly D-E-A-D this morning.

According to reports from Reuters, the former Libyan thug, the Madman of the Middle East, who have vowed to go down fighting has fulfilled that promise.

The reports claim Gaddafi was trapped near his hometown of Sirte, shot in the legs, both of them, captured and died of his wounds at the hands of Libyan rebels.

The former dictator, the longest ruling ever in Africa, has been on the run for months and now, though unconfirmed by U.S. officials, has met his end. A State Department official has confirmed to Fox News that Gadaffi had indeed been captured but gave no more details than that.

Apparently, according to some reports, he was found hiding in a bunker near Sirte when rebels discovered him.

Who exactly the rebels are and what will happen next, if indeed these reports are true, remains a question.

Hillary Clinton had just paid a visit to Libya and their transitional government committee but the door is now wide open. We know many, thousands if not tens of thousands of weapons have gone missing in Libya over the last few months and those weapons include shoulder fired surface to air missiles and the Muslim Brotherhood IS in the area.

Liberal pundits are already, just minutes after this announcement, giving credit to the Obama policy of leading from behind in this…”Kinetic Action” as they try to make the case, now based on the actions of unknown rebels, that Obama’s policy has been vindicated.

Now, both Reuters and Libyan TV are reporting Gaddafi has been killed.

From DEBKAFile:

As long as Qaddafi was at liberty, the interim government was prevented from establishing its legitimacy and a stable administration. His capture completes the rebel victory. The interim regime must decide whether to try the deposed ruler before a local court or hand him over to the international court.

For the rebel forces, Qaddafi’s capture or death would be a major psychological and political triumph. However, Libya remains bitterly polarized between pro- and anti-Qaddafi factions with scores of rival militias and hundreds of tribes at each other’s throats. Qaddafi’s demise rather than promoting unity and ending the conflict could trigger wider civil bloodshed. 

To read the full report from Reuters, please click here.

More reports, though unconfirmed, are now stating Gaddafi had either been shot in the head or possibly killed in a NATO strike but more sources are now stating that Gaddafi, one way or another, is indeed dead!


Iranian Terror Plot and More Exposed

Today, it became known that an arrest had been made in September regarding a triple threat plot to bomb the Israeli and Saudi embassies in Washington D.C. as well as to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.

This plot, from reports, had the backing of the Iranians. The two men named in this plot are Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri. Arbabsiar is currently under arrest and has been since late September while Shakuri remains at large and is suspected to be in Iran. Shakuri is part of the Qods Force, a special operations unit of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard and according to reports, the one who signed off on a $100,000.00 down payment on the hit against the Saudi Ambassador.

First, these men were being watched, closely, as this plot unfolded and the contacts for this hit was made between Arbabsiar and an undercover DEA “source” in Mexico who was posing as a high level Member of a drug cartel. These contacts were made last spring. The arrest was made on September 29th.

Immediately, there are a couple of things that jump out in all of this.

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Obama Doctrine Puts Israel in Jeapordy

It was back in mid August, around the 17th or 18th, that Obama, no doubt arrogant over his calls for Mubarak and Gadaffi to leave their respective offices, stated that Syria’s Assad must go.

“The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”

This has clearly become the Obama doctrine and the point at the end of Obama’s stick is NATO.

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Did Killing Awlaki Cross a Constitutional Line?

In light of the killing of Awlaki in Yemen yesterday, an American citizen, there are some who are pointing to the Constitution’s 5th Amendment and crying foul. Certainly this must be considered and to do so, we must first look AT that amendment.

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived  of life, liberty, or property, without due  process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

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KILLED…Awlaki DEAD…Who’s NEXT???

Early this morning, a joint CIA and Military strike recorded a twofer in the killing of al Qaeda’s Al Awlaki and Samir Kahn!!

Both were apparently in a vehicle traveling in Yemen when two Predator Drones rained Hell Fire missiles from the sky.

Awlaki was the first American placed on the CIA’s Kill or Capture list and the first to meet his demise in that manner.

Awlaki, American born in New Mexico, was well traveled in the U.S. until after 9-11, having lived in New Mexico, Colorado, San Diego and Virginia. In fact, shortly after 9-11, an unknowing Pentagon had him as a guest speaker believing, at the time, that Al Awlaki could and would shed light on the mindset of Jihadists. He was at that time considered a valuable resource and a moderate who might help build bridges.

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Paul Followers Now Going After Those Who Stand With Israel

Anybody who is politically inclined, a conservative and into social media has no doubt been noticing the tactics and strategies of those who follow Ron Paul. If you’re a Ron Paul follower yourself, you will no doubt start vibrating while reading this.

Paulbots can do themselves a big favor and save some time by getting their collective panties in a wad right now.

The latest tactic, or strategy being employed by the Ron Paul followers, Paulbots, is to attack through their various social media outlets, those who support Benjamin Netanyahu.

Paulbots, as we know, love to jump into the discussions of others and start poking those who are engaged with a stick trying to provoke a fight. This latest tactic simply isn’t going to win them any friends in the conservative community. Oh, their choir will crow – but outside that select and isolated group, they’re just completely missing the mark.

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