Our Embassies in Egypt, Libya, this morning…Yemen and Tunisia…It will not stop there.
Obama has blood on his hands.
It’s just that clear and that plain.
Obama’s actions and inactions in the Middle East and North Africa have led us, our allies and the world to the brink of disaster.
While Obama campaigns, touting his foreign policy “brilliance,” those very policies have led to acts of war against the United States and the deaths of our diplomats abroad.
Throughout 4 years of Obama’s foreign policy, he sends clear and unmistakable messages to our allies and our enemies alike. It’s brought about what we’re seeing right now across the Middle East and North Africa. It’s a disaster and, it’s going to get worse. What follows is a partial list of those messages.
For an American president to turn his back on Israel sends a clear and unmistakable message to our enemies in the region. Those are the same enemies of Israel.
Such actions as meeting with the Palestinian Authority combined with the inaction of never visiting Israel while occupying the white house tells these shared enemies that the United States will stand WITH the enemies and AGAINST our allies.
The actions of ushering Mubarak and Gaddafi out of power combined with the insistence that the Muslim Brotherhood have a seat at the table send clear messages that this administration wants Islam in control of the region and decades old peace accords rendered mute.
Inactivity by this perverse administration regarding the people’s uprisings in both Iran and Syria send the unquestionable signal that democracy, where Islamists are currently in control, is NOT something Obama wants to see.
It continues…