ENOUGH ALREADY – Arrest Hillary and Obama

The report that Hillary Clinton has been waiting for, before she agreed to testify regarding Benghazi has arrived and it’s little wonder why she now has a headache.

“…a pervasive realization among personnel who served in Benghazi that the Special Mission was not a high priority for Washington when it came to security-related requests, especially those relating to staffing.”

“Systemic failures…”

“Leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus.”

The security posture at the Benghazi consulate was “short-term, transitory” and “relatively inexperienced” — and ultimately “inadequate.”

The review board “found little evidence” that the guards provided by the militia “offered any meaningful defense”

The attacks “were unanticipated in their scale and intensity.”

U.S. officials were unable to find Ambassador Stevens “for several hours.”

So far, there is now one single thing, in the non-classified portions of the report, which states anything…ANYTHING different than what we, at The National Patriot, have reported.

Not one single thing.

In the 3 months since the terrorist attack in Benghazi which took the lives of 4 Americans, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has steadfastly refused to testify until this “internal report” had been concluded.

Odd isn’t it…That within a week of the report being made public, Clinton had a…stomach virus and…suffered a “concussion” which will prevent her from testifying at tomorrow’s hearing?

Just plain good damned timing is what I’d call it.

Oh…She’s well enough to “work from home” but far, far too incapacitated to show up and answer questions.

What’s next…Memory loss???

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Friday Fume

So, amid lunacy from socialists caught on camera dishing out violence in Lansing as our Emperor prepares for a 4 MILLION DOLLAR vacation as the rest of us head for the FISCAL CLIFF because HE wants to SOAK the so-called “rich” we have accomplished some GOOD things this week.

We’ve helped Clint Tarver get back on HIS feet after his hotdog stand was destroyed by socialist goons AND…We sent off THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of Christmas cards to our military Heroes!!!


But, let’s face it…right now, we bobbing along in a life raft of decency on a sea  socialist idiocracy.

Hey…at least we have Friday and friends…

I’m fuming.

I guess the EPA isn’t regulating ENOUGH of our lives yet and so…In Virginia…the Marxist agency now wants to regulate…


First of all…in the last 90 days…the EPA has enacted 900 NEW REGULATIONS and they were all held in secret UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION!!!

Now…They have determined that RAIN, at least in Virginia…IS A POLLUTANT!!!

When it rains hard…apparently, rainwater runs off and the EPA in their “wisdom” has decreed that more GRASS is needed to ABSORB the rain.

So what does it mean???

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In a World Gone Mad…An Unlikely Hero???

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

The guy who made a poor quality video about Muhammad sits in jail.

The guy who advocated the torture and painful, slow deaths of the U.S. military and their families…HE got to perform at the president’s Christmas party.

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

After Morsi declares himself a dictator, the Egyptian army is now taking control of “security” for an upcoming “election” regarding the new “constitution” which is to cement Morsi’s newly declared powers.

People by the hundreds of thousands are in the streets protesting the moves and what are WE doing???

We ARE SENDING Egypt…20 more brand new F-16 fighter jets!!!

Isn’t that special???

In Syria, Assad has mixed his deadly cocktails of nerve gas and the clock is ticking. In less than 60 days, that gas will become unstable and have to be destroyed. Raise your hands if you think Assad is going to let it sit without being used.

Obama said a month or 2 ago that should Assad MOVE his chemical weapons stockpiles…THAT would cross a red line and “something” would be done about it.

Well…He moved them AND mixed them and what did Obama do???

He moved the goal posts.

NOW…Obama says that should Assad USE those weapons…”Something” will be done because that’s where the NEW red line is today.

If he USES those weapons…Won’t it be too LATE to “do something” about it?

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Friday Fume

I have our CHRISTMAS lights up…we got our CHRISTMAS tree up and decorated with CHRISTMAS ornaments and we sent our CHRISTMAS cards out to our troops.

LIBERALS on the other hand…Have been VERY busy trying to OUT STUPID each other!!!

What else is new?

I know all my Patriot friends have been plenty busy getting ready for CHRISTMAS too so…I’ve been paying attention FOR them and…here are the results.

It’s Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.


No…NOT on something as trivial as the LOOMING DEBT CRISIS or the FISCAL CLIFF…

THAT would have been silly.

THIS DEAL…engineered by that short bus dipstick Harry Reid…


Saints be praised.

The senate’s head GOOBER struck a deal to get RAISINETS!!!!

Apparently there’s nothing pressing happening in DC so the inmates can watch a movie in the asylum.

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” isn’t available on Netflix this week???


Still too soon?

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Army WINS The War on Christmas!!!!

So…What exactly DOES an Islamic terrorist have to do with atheists and the war on Christmas?

More than you might think and for entirely different reasons than you might think.

Have I gone MAD?

Maybe but…Allow me to connect a few unlikely dots and then you can be the judge.

Hang on, this might be a little tricky.

The Islamic terrorist in question is well known.

Nidal Hassan. Yes…THAT Nidal Hassan. THE Nidal Hassan who shot up Ft. Hood Texas in what has been labeled by this pro-Islamist administration as…”Workplace violence.”

Back in November 2009, Hassan went on a rampaging terrorist attack wounding 29 and killing 13 while yeling “Allahu Akbar.”

We all know the story.

Since being taken into custody, the terrorist grew a beard which has become a great point of contention.

Just a couple of months ago, the military judge, Col. Gregory Gross, ordered that the terrorist either shave off the beard or be forcibly shaved.

Okay…HERE’S where this gets interesting…

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Weekend Edition: The Emperor and the Pharaoh

So much for the Arab Spring.

Those of us who are, by liberal/socialists definition, blind to reality, saw it coming.

With apologies to the Bard…

Now is the winter of their discontent made glorious summer by this sun of Cairo.

Has Hillary Clinton been made a fool of again? I rather doubt it. Hillary Clinton’s most trusted and consistently visible adviser is Huma Abedin. The two are joined at the hip. Abedin is, to put it bluntly, the Muslim Brotherhood’s “diplomatic” arm or OUR State Department.

A boil on the buttocks of diplomacy between the United States and our allies.

Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood go much deeper than ideology. They are familiar ties and deeply rooted.

It is inconceivable to me that Abedin knew nothing of the planned power grab by Egypt’s Morsi and therefore, inconceivable that Clinton didn’t know.

We knew this would happen years ago.

Our Emperor, Obama, gave the Muslim Brotherhood the VIP treatment when he started his World Condemnation of America Tour back in 2009. Obama spoke in Cairo, the Brotherhood sat up front and, at the end of the speech, in Arabic, Obama said he was one of them.

With Cairo’s Tahrir Square filled with angry protesters, our Emperor said that Mubarak had to go.

Then, said the Emperor, the Muslim Brotherhood deserved a seat at the table in the formation of a NEW Egyptian government.

The Muslim Brotherhood claimed they would NOT seek the presidency…

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Friday Fume

Well, It’s a special after Thanksgiving edition of the Fume today.

After being mesmerized by the aroma of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, yams, bread and pumpkin pies…It’s back to reality.

Sit back, hang on and let’s get through this together.

It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Okay then.  This should come as no surprise to Patriots.

In Chicago…socialist voters voted FOR a guy WHO NEVER EVEN CAMPAIGNED because he was IN A  MENTAL HOSPITAL and who has been under investigation by the Feds AND the House Ethics Committee for…



Frankly, considering how things went in the last election…


Junior Jackson is apparently working out a PLEA DEAL which MIGHT have him do a LITTLE time but…It’s a fair bet that shortly AFTER the plea deal is struck


According to the OTHER, OLDER Jackson…

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Nobody Died From the Use of White Out

Good grief.

Now Congress is going to hold hearings, being people in and question them regarding talking points.



Rather than try and find out who changed the talking points that went from Petraeus to who-knows-who and back to Petraeus where, apparently he didn’t recognize his own memo…

How about we try to learn what actually LED to the need for those talking points to begin with before we delve into “Who put the bomp In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp???”

Instead of going full on to discover who used white out and removed “Terrorists” to be replaced with “”grumpy film critics” why aren’t we going balls to the walls to find out the following???

Why were all the requests for added security in Benghazi denied and who exactly denied those requests?

Why was security DOWNSIZED in Benghazi and who made THAT call???

Why, after 234 terrorist attacks in Libya over 16 months, 48 in Benghazi, 2 on our Consulate, 2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador and both the British and the Red Cross pulling OUT of Benghazi was it deemed unnecessary, despite the repeated pleas for more security even by Ambassador Stevens himself, to ramp up security as the anniversary of 9-11 approached???

Who exactly was watching in real time, on 9-11-12, in the State Dept. and in the White House and possible in the Pentagon as the attacks took place???


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Weekend Edition: How Stopping Iran Starts in Gaza

According to the State Department:

“Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997, HAMAS has carried out attacks – such as suicide bombings, rocket launches, improvised explosive device attacks, and shootings – against civilian targets inside Israel.”

Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organization since 1997 but, the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS simply refuse to use the designation in reports of the war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza.


You shouldn’t be.

The attack carried out at Fort Hood has been labeled by the Obama administration as, “Workplace Violence.”

Remember “Man Made Disasters?”

Benghazi they tried to convince us, was the result of film critics panning a bad You Tube video.

The politically correct term for Hamas TERRORISTS is now…

“Militants” or…“Militant Islamic leaders.”

They are terrorists. Hamas is a terrorist organization and the rockets they continue to fire into Israel are acts of terror.

The world’s most corrupt organization, the United Nations, condemns ISRAEL over Israel’s reaction TO these acts of terror perpetrated against them. Israel fights back. Defends herself. The world’s collection of despots, thieves and thugs are beside themselves.


Because “Palestinian” civilians are being killed?

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Weekend Edition: Israel’s Defensible Position

As rockets fly, launched from Gaza into Israel, at Tel Aviv, at Jerusalem and elsewhere, the near future seems clear and I will Stand With Israel.

Israel will soon be at full on war with Hamas.

I don’t quite know where to start.

Perhaps with Egypt.

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president is condemning Israel for their offensive.


Yes, for that is exactly how those bent on the destruction of Israel view Israel defending itself. An offensive.

Rockets, hundreds and hundreds of them, launched by Hama from Gaza and raining death and destruction from the shy in Israel has drawn the response OF Israel and for putting up a defense, for firing into Gaza as a response, Islamists deem Israel as being on the offensive.

It’s Absurd Squared.

Israel has every right to defend itself and its people against such deadly aggression and frankly, their ability to contain themselves to the extent they have is astounding to me.

Israel is also being condemned by the corrupt United Nations. This, naturally, comes as no surprise.

Also joining the anti-Israel chorus, and disgustingly so, are Obama’s voters. This too should come as no surprise as Obama’s foreign policy, as we have outlined on countless occasions, is designed to embolden our enemies and the enemies of our allies. Namely, Israel.

Yesterday, Kim Kardashian tweeted support FOR Israel and immediately, her throngs of liberal/socialist tweeps descended upon her like a pack of wolves. They wished HER dead. Wished the destruction of Israel and leveled at her, vile names and comments.

Within 5 minutes, the woman famous for being famous removed her tweet, having no intestinal fortitude for standing with Israel.

Such is the life of the rich and vapid.

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