Socialism – The Mental Disorder Explained

Socialism is a disease. It’s a mental affliction and it causes those infected with it to lose their minds.

It’s also contagious.

As the disease afflicts liberals, its progressive nature turns them into socialists.

It starts in childhood unless inoculated against and is fostered through the government school system where it becomes an epidemic.

Many, already infected in THEIR youth become carriers, spreading the disorder to others.

Symptoms are visible and include the eating of bean sprouts, the wearing of Birkenstocks even during winter, extremely short hair cuts on women and long hair on men, a constant and improvable belief in global warming,

Perhaps the MOST notable signature symptom of SMD (Socialist Mental Disorder) is the uncontrollable proclivity to blame others for your own ideology’s behavior.

A case study can be made with Ed Schultz.

Just a couple of nights ago, Schultz, host of a barely seen MSNBC propaganda show, made a rather odd statement.

He blames Detroit’s financial demise on…

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Ignore Trayvon? Move on? Old News? THINK AGAIN!!!

I would like to take a moment and address all of this Trayvon and Zimmerman nonsense.

I am seeing it all over social media and frankly, enough is enough.

I’m talking about all those who say there should be nothing more said regarding Trayvon and Zimmerman. They say we need to focus and while I agree, I am still at something of a loss.

Focus on what, exactly?

It seems every other post I see telling me to focus is telling me to focus on something different.

Focus on Benghazi…THAT is THE most important thing.

Focus on Obamacare. THAT is THE most important thing.

Focus on Obama’s records fraud. THAT is THE most important thing.

Focus on the IRS abuse of power.

Focus on the NRA.

Focus on agenda 21.

Focus on abortion.

Focus on Extortion 17.

Focus on this…Focus on THAT…

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Welcome to Trayvon’s World

Welcome to Trayvon’s world.

Trayvon’s world is populated by “creep ass crackers” and “niggas.”

In Trayvon’s world, the people HE associates with speak something THEY call, “Black English” and they don’t see anything racial about the term “creepy ass cracker.”

Trayvon himself smokes pot. He has pictures of himself doing it on his phone along with pictures of him holding a gun and giving those looking AT his pictures the middle finger.

Trayvon has been thrown out of school. Not once but twice and Trayvon has things that obviously don’t belong to him. He has women’s jewelry, lots of it, in his book bag.

Trayvon’s world was dominated by those who pimp race and have become purveyors of racial unrest. People like the “Rev.” Al Sharpton and the “Rev.” Jesse Jackson Junior. Such people only raise their heads and voices when there is race to be exploited. It’s a way to put their own names into the headlines and, they think, to justify their own existence.

Trayvon’s world has it’s own band of militants meant to intimidate others. The New Blackkk Panther Party. They make threats and act tough because they believe others will fear them. Fear equal respect in Trayvon’s world and it’s not earned, it comes in response to thuggery.

In Trayvon’s world, what matters is the color of your skin. Black is right and white is wrong.


 Trayvon respects those who feel as he does. He would have respected Obama. Obama, like Trayvon is black. Obama, like Trayvon was a drug user. Obama, like Trayvon cares more about the color of his skin than he does about anything else.

Obama has said…

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Friday Fume

It’s NOT that there are so many thugs in Chicago that’s been causing the murder rates there to remain so high.

According to Chicago’s SS Chief, Supt. Garry McCarthy, It’s…

Wait for it…


Yep, that’s right…The SUMMER WEATHER…has a role in the murder rate in Chicago.

Or…Is it global HUMIDITY???

It’s a lot hotter…ALL YEAR LONG…In Phoenix but Phoenix doesn’t have the murder rate that Chicago has.

Phoenix, you see, has a “dry” heat.

Now…MIAMI on the other hand…Is MORE humid than CHICAGO and just as hot but…MIAMI doesn’t have as high a murder rate as Chicago EITHER.


Have ya ever been to New Orleans?

It’s hot and GOD AWFUL humid in New Orleans and the place is CRAWLING with liberal creole cretins but they don’t have the murder rate of Chicago either.


It’s hot in Cairo.

In Egypt…

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Weekend Edition: Obama – Organizing for the Muslim Brotherhood

After little more than a year of actually running a country, the Muslim Brotherhood ruined a country.

Shocker huh?

Egypt is a mess. Let’s be frank here…It’s a worse mess than it was before the Muslim Brotherhood took over and there is a reason for that.

Oh sure, change like that is never easy or fast but, under their new “President,” Morsi, their economy plunged to new depths, tourism, once the leading revenue source, has dropped to near zero and unemployment is going sky high.

The people OF Egypt have never really left the streets in protest since 2011’s “Arab Spring” and it’s only gotten worse in recent weeks.

There IS another reason, outside of Morsi, for the unrest.


Obama was the one who said Mubarak had to go and, perhaps more importantly, Obama was the one who said that the Muslim Brotherhood must have a seat at the table in forming a NEW government in Egypt.

Obama backed the wrong horse.

Within his administration, Obama’s minions vocally backed his hair brained play.

Perhaps most notably there was James Clapper, Obama’s Director of National Ignorance who, in 2011, stated that the Muslim Brotherhood was, “very heterogeneous group, largely secular.”

Let’s decipher that comment and define it clearly…

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The Formal Indictment of Barack Hussein Obama

As Conservatives and Tea Party faithful, we are constantly preaching adherence to that great document, beginning with the words, We the People…

Our Constitution is that document meant to limit the scope of government and to protect We the People FROM government.

We cite the Constitution, we hold it up as THE law of the land and we strongly disagree with those, whether within our own party of the opposition who seek to circumvent or ignore it.

Our Founders and Framers were far-sighted enough to know that such a document was necessary and arguably, for the exact reason with which we now face…A president who sees himself more as a King or a Dictator, a congress complacent to maintain status quo and the abuses of power against the people that go with those things.


Today is the 4th of July.

Our Independence Day.

In past years, I have provided historical perspectives and behind the scenes essays regarding our starting point as a nation.

Well and fine however, this year, on Independence Day, we need something stronger. Something more pointed and something that rises to a call to action.

Today, we need…We REQUIRE…

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Weekend Edition: It Takes A Village Idiot

Before Hillary Clinton wrote a book about it, it was an old African proverb.

We, as conservatives, have railed against the notion but…Should we?

”It takes a village to raise a child.”

As I think back to MY younger days…To a large extent, there WAS a “village” involved.

My friend’s parents were part of that “village” and so was my church. There were the teachers in my schools, older kids who were either good or bad role models, extended family and neighbors.

Primarily, there were my parents but, to be fair, others; many others were involved in some way, shape or form. A “village” of sorts, I suppose and anything you did, right or wrong, good or bad, was seen by SOMEBODY who knew my parents and had no qualms whatsoever in reporting it TOO them.

Maybe it just took a village to keep an eye out.

There IS another old adage…

“Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot.”

The good news is…We have located the missing village idiots.

The bad news is…

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Friday Fume

You would SWEAR I’m making this up but…NO I AM NOT!!!


Over HERE…That’s considered RACIST!!!

In an obvious attempt to kill Sunday ratings…THE REGIME is hatching a plan to PUSH OBAMACARE ON NFL BROADCASTS!!!

I have no idea if that Obamacare covers pre-existing head injuries, steroid use OR GUNSHOT WOUNDS but…At least for the 1st 3-4 years of their careers…THE WORLDS BIGGEST, BADDEST, FASTEST AND STRONGEST ATHLETES CAN STAY ON MOMMY’S AND DADDY’S INSURANCE PROGRAM!!!

And… Bombastic Bloomberg is now going after…4TH OF JULY…SPARKLERS because…HE says they can be used by…TERRORISTS!!!!!

Just wait till he finds out what al Qaeda could do with SOAP BUBBLES!!!!!

It’s been yet ANOTHER week LOADED with liberal STUPIDITY and I can’t hold back any longer.

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

So…There they were…Socialists in Texas…Raising hell and CHEERING on the murder of unborn children.

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Snowden…Hero, Traitor or Straight to Video D List Movie?

Ed Snowden.

A squirrely cross between Carmen San Diego and Waldo…

Where in the world IS Ed Snowden??

He WAS in Hawaii before he hightailed it to Hong Kong.

It was while he was IN Hong Kong that his hybrid leak of national security secrets and whistle-blowing regarding the NSA and their spying on ALL Americans became public knowledge. He gave a Q and A via the internet during his 2 week stay in the People’s Republic of China and then, boarded a plane for Moscow.

Supposedly flanked by Wikileaks lawyers and advisers, Snowden landed in Russia for a layover on what everyone believed was a run for Ecuador but, alas, the plane bound for a South American country not friendly to the United States left Russia with HIS seat empty.

So…Now we are left with a few questions…

Where IS Ed Snowden and, is he a traitor or a hero?

Let’s take the 2nd question first.

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Friday Fume

Well…Another week of EPIC socialist stupidity in the can.

We live in difficult times of warped socialist sensibilities and free-falling morals. It would be too much to handle if we couldn’t find a way to laugh at it from time to time.

At the end of every week, I meet absurdity with absurdity…HEAD ON and this week is no exception.


Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Look…You didn’t need to grow up in farm country to recognize the utter stupidity of the latest move by the Dictator’s Palace Guards.

As we all know, the Dictator was in Northern Ireland for a few days and staying in some posh lakeside resort.


Apparently, surrounding the resort, one would find farm fields.


So…The “SECRET” Service decided to pose as…FARMERS to patrol those fields and NOT be noticed or…Stand out regardless of HOW outstanding they are in their field.


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