Friday Fume

In Sweden a couple of days ago, TOUGH GUY Barack Hussein Obama was whining about the way he’s sometimes treated  in the United States and the names he sometimes gets called and then, he suggested he’d be more welcomed in Europe.

I have 2 words for him…


Senator Bob Corker (RINO TN) asked the HEAD of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, GENERAL MAYHEM DEMPSEY what it was that this administration was “seeking” by attacking Syria.


I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking.”

Naturally, after that…CORKER voted in FAVOR of the attack resolution.

I’m pretty sure I know what conservative voters are gonna be “SEEKING” the next time CORKER’S up for election.

And Obama has old Bill Clinton is out there trying to sell Obamacare because, try as he might…Obama CAN’T FIND A SINGLE ASPIRIN FACTORY TO BOMB IN SYRIA OR…AN INTERN TO HUM…”HAIL TO THE CHIEF” WHILE HE DOES IT!!!

Trust me, there IS humor to be found in this absurd Syria situation if ya dig for it and you know me…I walk LOUDLY and carry a BIG shovel!!!

My friends and Patriots…

Today is Friday and…

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We knew it all along.

We did, and now, we have the proof of it from none other than Obama’s point man on the need to attack…commit an act of war…against Syria.

We said this was nothing but a distraction and John Kerry, in a terse exchange yesterday before the house committee, has offered proof positive.

Obama is desperate…DESPERATE…to run and hide from Benghazi and his role in the murders of 4 Americans there 1 year ago.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner is SO desperate that he is now willing to commit an act of war and worse, against a country that poses no threat to the United States to divert attention away from what he knows to be acts of treason in Benghazi.

Yesterday, congressman Jeff Duncan, a conservative from South Carolina, posed this to John Kerry:

“I cannot discuss the possibility of the U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war without talking about Benghazi.”

Congressman Duncan was nowhere near finished either.

He then went on to state, in no uncertain manner…

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Obama Is Giving Your 2nd Amendment Rights to Terrorists

Let’s have a look at the pattern of behavior regarding our 2nd Amendment presented by the Obama administration for a moment.

We know these things are happening, that they are consistent and that the list of them continues to grow but, sometimes, until we see it in writing, the overall danger of the pattern is dismissed.

It shouldn’t be.

To fully understand the Obama concept of our 2nd Amendment, one needs to go back to the beginning.

In this case, the beginning is when Obama was a “professor” at the university of Chicago teaching, of all things, Constitutional Law to young and impressionable, government school indoctrinated youth.

That is where economist, then a professor himself and now author, John R. Lott Jr. met Barack Hussein Obama.

In his book, “At the Brink” in the 3rd chapter, Lott tells of when he and Obama had a discussion regarding guns and the 2nd Amendment.

What, according to Lott, Obama said was stunning and important to his current stance on guns.

Said Obama…

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Obama – You Don’t Have the Right to Lecture US on Moral Obligations

How’s that again?

Seriously…Did Obama REALLY say that???

“I think we have both a moral obligation and a national security interest in both a) ending the slaughter in Syria and b) ensuring a stable Syria.”


That is exactly what he said.

So…NOW he wants to talk about “MORAL OBLIGATIONS???”


Let’s talk about “MORAL OBLIGATIONS.”

HILLARY CLINTON had a “MORAL OBLIGATION” to ensure that our diplomats were protected in Libya.

Under HER “leadership,” no doubt guided by her “MORAL OBLIGATIONS,” our security personnel in Libya, specifically Benghazi, were drawn DOWN.

Under her “MORAL OBLIGATION” to ensure their safety…

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Weekend Edition: Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee

Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee,

It is well past the time for you to admit you made a mistake.

On October 9th, 2009, you gave one of your “PEACE” prizes to one Barack Hussein Obama and cited…

Obama’s “promotion of nuclear nonproliferation” and a “new climate” in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world,” In doing so.

Even an organization as suspect as yours must now accept that this was a large crock of crap.

Outside of the despots in Iran and North Korea, who ISN’T for nuclear nonproliferation?


If that was a valid reason for giving someone a medal you would be turning those things out like Hershey’s cranks out Kisses.

And this…”OUTREACH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” might be one of the most LUDACRIS things ever imagined.

Have you dunderheads noticed what’s going ON in that world???

The MUSLIMS dislike us more NOW than they did when you put Obama on a pedestal.


Not only that but…Just look at the things your “PEACE” prize winner has been doing.

For instance…

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Weekend Edition: Syria – Operation: Because Everybody’s Laughing

There has been a number of inane comments made by the Obama administration regarding the desire to launch an attack on Syria but, perhaps the most brainless to date was uttered by Nancy Pelosi.

Here is exactly what she said on Thursday night.

“Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security. We must be clear that the United States rejects the use of chemical weapons by Assad or any other regime.”

The woman is beyond even professional help.

First of all…Do we even know that ASSAD ordered the gassing?


Do we know that ONLY Assad’s army is responsible for the gassing?


Given that, there are even MORE pressing questions needing to be addressed when it comes to this absurd statement from Pelosi.


How, exactly, is the gassing of anyone, half a world away and limited to the borders of Syria a THREAT TO…OUR…NATIONAL SECURITY???

We have an unsealed border to our south and we know full well that Hezbollah has their operatives on the Mexican side of the border.


Obama gave THOUSANDS of weapons to MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS.

THAT is a National Security matter.

The Obama administration if rife with members of THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.


The list of REAL matters of NATIONAL SECURITY, ignored and coddled by this absurd administration is LONG and DANGEROUS but…

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Friday Fume

What a week it’s been.

I don’t know about you but, my nerves are closer to the breaking point than the elastic waistband on Chris Christie’s tighty whities!!!!

Now THERE’S a mental image.

In New York the other day, Obama told the assembled sheep that, “At some point, the government is gonna run out of money.”


Rose Marks, a FLORIDA fortune teller who claims that PSYCHIC POWERS have run in her family for 1500 years…IS ON TRIAL FOR A $25 MILLION DOLLAR FRAUD scam.

She never saw it coming.

AND…One of the leaders of the New BlacKKK Panthers…One, Hashim Nzinga (buy a vowel) has had his…CONVICTED FELON IN POSSESSION OF A GUN charges dropped in Georgia.

Good thing for him he isn’t a WHITE/HISPANIC without a felony record OR WE WOULD NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT!!!!!

Yep…It’s the end of the week…FRIDAY my Patriot friends and…

I’m fuming.

Okay…HERE’S a moron of the liberal persuasion for ya.

36-year-old David Wayne Jordan…Well known to local law enforcement in Whatcom County Washington for having previously been a guest at the grey bar related to assault and resisting arrest…

Has been ARRESTED AGAIN for…

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In a not at all surprising move yesterday, Russia and China, both vitriolic supporters of Assad, got up and walked OUT of a U.N. Security Council meeting regarding Syria and the impending military strike Obama is desperate to make.


Their position is clear and that’s not good news for the U.N. puppet, Obama.

He will NOT have the authorization of his beloved union of despots, thugs and thieves to launch attacks on Syria but…Will he have the authorization of his own CONGRESS?

Ahhhhh…That is the question.

Obama and HIS regime say that the impending strikes are not about regime change in SYRIA.


He HAS to make that claim, for doing otherwise, would be announcing his transparent support of al Qaeda and other terrorist entities in yet another sovereign nation.

He did it in Libya and covered it up.

He did it in Egypt and cloaked it in a “democratic election.”

He did it in Iraq and Afghanistan by announcing our retreat.

He did it in Iran by NOT interfering when pro-democracy protesters were massacred there.

Now, by aiding and trying to supply al Qaeda, Ansar al-Sharia and other such ilk in Syria, he intends to assist those terrorist groups by striking Syria with Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Obama wants to attack…

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Obama – On the Verge of Starting WW3

For the last couple of days, I have outlined, here in The National Patriot, the foreign policy of this Obama regime related to Syria and I have tied in Benghazi, Gaddafi, Egypt and offered evidence that the WMD attacks in Syria were carried out by Syrian “rebels.”

I have also stated that ISRAEL is directly in the crosshairs.

Allow me to now expand on that scenario.

It is only a matter of time now, with more than 360 cruise missiles aboard U.S. warships, before Obama pulls the trigger.

There is something very, VERY important you should know.

The WMD inside of Syria, the components of which were most likely delivered to them by Saddam in the weeks leading to the war in 2003, can NOT…Let me repeat that for clarity…

CAN NOT be destroyed by missile strikes.

Obama can rain HELL on Syria with missile attacks but, he can NOT destroy the WMD as most of it is kept underground and, any strike ON it would SPREAD it.

Now…Consider that the WMD that has been used, has been used by the “REBELS” rather than by ASSAD and you will start taking in the bigger picture.


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BUSH Lied and People Died? WHO’S LYING NOW???

The liberal “there were no WMD in Iraq” crowd is being suspiciously silent right now as their chosen one, Obama, is about to launch military strikes against Syria’s Assad.

There ARE WMD in Syria and I doubt anybody would deny that but, there are some very dire questions which must be posed.

First…Where did Syria GET the WMD?

Remember…the “There were no WMD in Iraq” crown has, for a decade, jeered at the idea that WMD were moved FROM Iraq TO Syria even though there were satellite images clearly showing caravans of heavy trucks moving SOMETHING out of Iraq and across the border into Syria.

Now, chemical weapons are being USED in Syria and that brings up the 2nd dire question.

WHO is using them?

Yesterday, Obama trotted out the Vietnam war traitor, John Kerry, to tell us all that, “What is before us today is real, and it is compelling.”

Kerry stated, “Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up.”


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