Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Part 2

By: Diane Sori

My RIGHT SIDE PATRIOT partner and owner of The National Patriot, Craig Andresen, and I have teamed up to expose the truth about Benghazi…the truth the media…including FOX News…will NOT tell you. And as they say, ‘the devil is in the details’…and those details can be found buried within the entirety of ‘The U.S. Senate Select Committee on INTELLIGENCE REVIEW of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi’ and NOT within the abbreviated version the media ‘sold’ to the public.

These details are so critical and so ignored that Craig and I are doing a three-part series running today and tomorrow in our respective blogs and on Facebook leading up to our RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio show this Wednesday at 2pm. Comprising our full second hour starting at 3pm, Craig and I will break down our finds into even more details…details and facts Obama and Hillary need to be kept hidden for fear that both a Constitutional crisis and their respective arrests might be in the making. Please visit Craig’s blog first (Part 1) as he exposes the events leading up to Benghazi.

And now I will pick-up where Craig’s article leaves off…

When foreign diplomats sense their lives are in danger they try to send paper ‘classified documents’ to ‘safe’ places or they destroy those documents which could fall into enemy hands. And if choosing to smuggle documents out they do NOT send them to just one person…they send copies of said documents to many…either couriering them out via a trusted person or most likely in Stevens’ case sending the computer files through the internet and e-mails to those they trust.  I would safely guess that’s what Stevens did, for being the consummate professional he was known to be, he probably documented everything (I believe) he suspected about Obama’s involvement in the guns and weapons running operation, and sent it to those he trusted as the events in Benghazi and around the area started to heat up. And most likely Stevens’ actions and his suppositions were discovered by Obama’s and Hillary’s people, and thus he was marked for a ‘targeted kill’ to silence him, because the presidential election was coming up and Obama could NOT afford any bad press.Sadly, Smith, Woods, and Doherty were mere collateral damage.

Weekend Edition: Benghazi TREASON – An Orchestrated Convenience

tnp eagleWhat in the hell was former Deputy Director of the CIA, Mike Morrell, TALKING about last Wednesday under sworn testimony before the house committee?



He agreed to appear at the hearing, to in his words, “Lay out the facts,” regarding the altering of the CIA’s Benghazi talking points memo because, again in his own words,  “The ethical code under which intelligence officers carry out their responsibilities calls for total objectivity.”

What followed was, in fact, THE most SUBJECTIVE testimony, full of abject contradictions, he could have possibly delivered.

It was, to be blunt, nothing less than a stunning exercise in ass covering that left more questions than it answered including one very important query…

Exactly who’s ass was he covering FOR???

Michelle Bachmann, who doled out perhaps THE most pointed and forceful line of questioning during the hearing has her theory on that answer.

According to congresswoman Bachmann, Mike Morrell was, “taking the fall” for Hillary Clinton.

“She couldn’t have a better person to take the fall for her because Morrell was involved in rewriting the talking points as he was the No. 2 at CIA,” congresswoman Bachmann related to WND in a candid interview. Bachmann was submitting that Morrell was cleaning up the mess to allow Hillary, “WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MAKE” Clinton to make a 2016 run for the oval office, “so, he can come in authoritatively [and] say, ‘No, that’s not the story. The story is the fake story we tried to push.'”

Perhaps but, Morrell would also have to be confirmed in 2016 and, the way things are shaping up for the 2014 midterms, even IF Hillary runs and wins, she may well be facing a republican majority in the house AND the senate rendering such a confirmation highly unlikely.

That said…

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Friday Fume

fume 1Well of all the…


$400,000.00 of OUR money…TAXPAYER dollars…Are about to be spent on WHAT…Exactly???

A CAMEL statue?

It’s only a one humper too.

And it’s not going to be placed in some fancy east coast art museum or on the Washington mall. Nooooooooo…


The 500-pound, fiberglass, aluminum, stainless-steel, acrylic and painted white monstrosity is called…

Get this…


So…Who’s bright idea is THIS???



And you wonder why MAHMOUD KABOOM is gonna get all ALALALALALALALALA over this thing???


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Obama – From the 2008 “Messiah” to a 2014 Pariah

mess 1Think back to early June of 2008…Almost 6 years ago.

The only thing missing from Obama’s nomination coronation in Denver was the white donkey he was to have ridden into the arena that night.

Look at him now.

A shell of his former glory.

Women used to pretend to faint at the mere sight of him.

Socialists with microphones used to claim tingles were running up their collective legs.

Young Americans were dancing in the streets.

In the black community, you could hear the echoes of “Free at Last, free at last.”

Obama promised the most transparent administration in history. He was to have been the great uniter. Obama, the Constitutional law professor claimed he would preside by the rule of law and not by the pen.

His wife was finally proud of her country.

Barack Hussein Obama was the liberal’s messiah.

And now? Well…

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Obama – If You LIKE Your Internet, You Can KEEP It.

icann 1If you’re reading this article today, you are doing so via a system created and protected by, of all things, the U.S. government.

I know…

The same entity that couldn’t even build a website has, since its inception, kept the internet safe and free but, one shouldn’t confuse the current regime with the government as a whole and, there is something else that has made government “control” of the internet a viable and workable situation.

The United States government, because of the foresight of Newt Gingrich when he was in the house, has maintained a strict HANDS OFF policy where the worldwide web has been concerned.

THAT is about to change.


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or…ICANN will soon be controlling everything regarding internet traffic.

This is more than dangerous.

This is nothing less than putting virtually all communications between free thinking people into the hands of those who DEPLORE free thinking.

And, in true Obama regime mode…

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Shifting Focus From Malaysia Back to Obama’s Malaise

pitch 1With the world focused on a missing Malaysian airliner and the dire consequences associated with its possible use…Nobody can be happier than Obama.

The news cycle, all 24 hours of it for the past 9 days, has centered on what happened to flight 370 and NONE of those 24 hours have been used to shine the light of truth on Obama.

It’s high time we use that particular spotlight.

While Russia and Putin were busy holding a mock referendum regarding the fate of Crimea and preparing their plans to take Ukraine into the old Soviet fold…

What exactly was Obama doing?

He was whining to Ryan Seacrest that he has been unfairly maligned for…

Wearing mom jeans.

Yes…You read that correctly.

“I’ve been unfairly maligned about my jeans.”

“The truth is, generally I look very sharp in jeans. There was one episode like four years ago in which I was wearing some loose jeans, mainly because I was out on the pitcher’s mound and I didn’t want to feel confined while I was pitching, and I think I’ve paid my penance for that. I got whacked pretty good. Since that time, my jeans fit very well.”

The Soviet Union is reforming under the boot of a former KGB agent and OUR Dictator wants to be cut some slack for wearing MOM JEANS???

They’re bad enough and to make it worse…

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Weekend Edition: Flight 370’s Fate is Sealed

370 1There is a great deal more that we don’t know regarding the vanished Malaysian flight 370 than what we do know but, what we do know is disturbing to say the least.

We know that the flight departed Kuala Lumpur  on time, with 227 passengers and 12 crew onboard.

We know that 2 of those passengers were Iranian traveling on stolen passports with one way tickets and, that at least one passenger was a Chinese Uighur (translated to Chinese follower of a muslim terrorist organization) while 20 were, reportedly, high tech electrical engineers who had connections to the United States Department of Defense.

I’ll get back to those 2 Iranians shortly and trust me, disturbing doesn’t begin to cover it.

We know the plane was bound for Beijing and that, sometime after clearing Malaysian air space, the pilots said “Goodnight” and then…Somebody on the flight deck, for some reason, turned off the transponders.

We also know, via the Malaysian military, that flight 370 then deviated from its intended path, turned to the west and flew back over the Malaysian peninsula where, according to a 3rd source of transponder, it gained altitude to near 45 thousand, well above the plane’s optimal flight level and then, dropped to 23 thousand…Well below its normal cruising altitude.

After that, while either flying to the northwest or, possibly to the south, southeast, that 3rd device, ACARS, the one that sent data directly from the Rolls Royce engines via satellite, THAT transponder was also shut down.

Let me briefly explain how these transponders are shut down.

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Obama’s Free-Range, Illegal Alien Decree

Just a few days ago, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher, issued a NEW DIRECTIVE called, “Use of safe tactics and techniques.”

Before I get into it…Allow me to bring up something which, on first blush, would seem to be totally unrelated.

Free-Range Chickens.

Those are chicken dinners running amok without any supervision…Free to roam fruited plains from sea to shining sea.

They are not to be confused with SMART chickens which, were they really, wouldn’t be caught dead in the frozen foods section at your local market.

Now then, back to the NEW DIRECTIVE as issued by the U.S. Border Patrol.

It is an engraved invitation for “FREE-RANGE ILLEGAL ALIENS” that permits them to RUN AMOK without fear of being rounded up any time soon.

Here are the lily-livered details…

(1)    In accordance with CBP’s current Use of Force policy, agents shall not discharge their firearms at a moving vehicle unless the agent has a reasonable belief, based on the totality of the circumstances that deadly force is being used against an agent or another person present; such deadly force may include a moving vehicle aimed at agents or others present, but would not include a moving vehicle merely fleeing from agents. Further, agents should not place themselves in the path of a moving vehicle or use their body to block a vehicle’s path.

But wait, there’s more…

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Friday Fume

Okay…So I missed writing the Fume last week. I knew you could Fume on for ONE Friday without me.

THIS week, however, is a different egg altogether and as eggs go…LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS ARE…


No quick hitters this week…We’re diving right in so…HANG ON…

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

THIS guy just HAS to be an Obama voter and once you read through this, you’ll most likely agree, HE’S ONE SICK PUPPY!!!

Lucky but…SICK!!!

Here’s what happened.

Police in Tampa Florida were called out to the home of one, 57 year old Bernard Marsonek last Tuesday where they were, according TO the police, “GREETED” by a small crowd of this moron’s neighbors.

The cops found Marsonek inside his home and, upon running him through their “BAD BOY’S” DATABASE…They discovered the…um…’excited’ miscreant to be a FELON.

After a little looking about…Tampa police found, in his home…A GUN!!!

Now one would think the 2…Being a FELON in possession of a GUN…would have been enough to slap the cuffs on ol’ Bernie but…

That was NOT what he was arrested for.

Oh no…

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Friday Fume

It’s been yet another week of unbridled, lobotomized, liberal lunacy and they don’t show any signs of slowing down.

Before we jump into the shallow end of this week’s gene pool, let’s have a look at a few quick hitters.

Get a load of THIS…

The FCC now wants to have GOVERNMENT GOONS in NEWSROOMS from sea to shining sea.

Do you suppose MSNBC will even notice or, are they sprucing up a corner office with a wet bar?

How about THIS one?

The Department of Energy has been monitoring a New Mexico repository for nuclear waste for signs of…Radioactivity.


What’s next?

Monitoring gym lockers for signs of smelly socks???

And…Kayla Michelle Finley of South Carolina had to spend a night in JAIL a few evenings ago because she was ARRESTED for FAILING TO RETURN A MOVIE SHE HAD RENTED…9 YEARS AGO!!!

The movie was “Monster-in-Law” starring Jennifer Lopez and JANE FONDA!!!



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