By: Diane Sori

Sir Winston ChurchillAnd so they came to Paris…One by one from all over France they gathered to stand strong and united as one against terrorism…against muslim islamic terrorism.
And they came…one and a half million French men, women, and children marching through the streets of Paris (3.7 million marched across all of France)…NOT for a funeral or memorial service per se, but for a quiet and respectful act of protest and show of solidarity against the out of control political ideology known as islam.
The world’s great leaders…over 50 in fact… including Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (the man who warned the world time and again about the dangers of islam)…stood alongside French President Francois Hollande. Joined by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, they all linked arms to march together as one to show the world they stood united with the people of France…to show the world they stood united against islamic terrorism.