Obama on a High Wire

The desperation of the Emperor to remain in power is beginning to show. For all his talk over the last 3 years regarding driving the car, Obama is about to drop the transmission out of it due to jamming the gears.

In the last couple of days, the Emperor has gone from 100 miles per hour into reverse without even slowing down.

First, it was his blink of an eye reversal on super PAC money.

A couple of years ago, the Emperor scolded the Supreme Court Justices during his State of the Union speech for allowing unlimited Super PAC funding for candidates.

Just a couple of days ago, the Emperor again talked about Super PAC funding being wrong.

Then, yesterday, Obama jammed it into reverse urging Super PAC financiers to pour money into HIS campaign.

Liberals are scoffing at any mention of hypocrisy saying if it’s good for Republicans, it’s good for liberals too – but in doing so, they must completely ignore the fact that while Republicans never took a stance against it…Obama DID.

HIS reversal on this topic is the very definition of hypocrisy.

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What Obama DOESN’T Want You to Know About “Hopey Changey”

Can we give it a rest? Can we just give it a rest?

I’m talking about the nonsense put forth by so many reports that Obama has now kicked off his 2012 campaign. Every day, after an Obama speech, someone claims that Obama has kicked off his campaign.


Obama kicked off his 2012 campaign the day he took office back in 2009 so can we please give the “He just kicked off his campaign” stuff a rest?

That’s one of the biggest problems with this administration…That they have never, for a single minute, been OUT of campaign mode. Rather than seeing to the business of the country, rather than seeing to the business of the people, Obama has spent his entire term engaged in the business of Obama.

Hey liberals…How’s that hopey changey crap working out for you?

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The Federal Government and King George

This article is an exploration on many of the charges listed in the Declaration of Independence against King George and how they apply to the Federal Government.  I had been thinking of this for quite some time, as had many others before me apparently.  There are a few decent articles written on this subject on the internet, from which I have gained some inspiration.  I purposefully tried to eliminate the idea that our current “President” has committed the same offenses and rather decided that the behemoth of our Federal Government is at fault.

The reason it is at fault can be summed up in the Declaration of Independence.  The condition of American society with regard to the power the Federal Government has on all of us shows “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  This is just as true today as it was over 200 years ago.  It is not just the fault of the President, but of the government as a whole.  The checks and balances system is broken, and few have the moral compass to keep the nation pointed in the right direction even if it means they will not see another term.  We have become accustomed to Federal involvement in our daily lives.  Whereas the Constitution used to provide the guidepost to which all politicians used to face, it is now carved up, interpreted and reinterpreted to justify any and all actions against liberty.

With that, I give you the following charges against King George, and the actions of the Federal Government that mirror the justification of those charges (not inclusive of all charges, just the ones I could justify):

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Eric Holder’s Selective Application of the Law

Eric Holder, our nation’s Attorney General, is a racist. Plain and simple, no two ways around it, a racist.

Oh, we’ve suspected as much for some time.

When the New Black Panthers, caught on video, were intimidating voters in Pittsburgh and Holder did nothing…we suspected he was a racist, but, in all fairness, we had nothing from which to make a direct comparison. There were no WHITE people standing out front of a polling place intimidating voters for Holder to either ignore or throw the book at…so, we could only suspect his racism.

That has now CHANGED and we DO have direct comparisons.

Eric Holder is a racist.

Our direct comparison comes to us in the form of Voter ID Laws.

Holder, racist that he is, is shutting down state’s voter ID laws.

This week, he shut down South Carolina’s new Voter ID law and he’s looking at several other states new Voter ID laws as well. Holder is shutting them down because, he claims, these new laws unfairly discriminate against minorities and old people.

He had to toss in “old people” in an attempt to mask his racism.

It’s not working.

According to the racist Eric Holder, old people and minorities don’t have access to photo ID’s or at least, not the same access that white people have and therefore, any law requiring a photo ID to vote, is discrimination.

Here’s the problem with Holder, the racist’s claim.

According to his, and various other liberal’s own numbers, which will surely change as this story unfolds, 25% of minorities don’t have a photo ID.


Oh the humanity!!!

Liberals, and the racist Holder, seem to think that’s a lot…a WHOLE lot.

Now correct me if I’m wrong but…Using THEIR numbers…doesn’t that mean that…75% of minorities DO have a photo ID?


Why, that’s 3 times more than…a WHOLE lot…isn’t it???

That 75% of minorities CAN and HAVE obtained photo ID’s tells ME that the other 25% COULD if they wanted to. I contend that IF one has the ability to vote, one also has the ability to get a photo ID. To have the ABILITY to vote meaning they can fog a mirror and they are in this country LEGALLY.

Oh yes, the direct comparison…

People need to show a photo ID for lots of things, don’t they?

Photo ID’s are required when you go to the bank, when you try to board an airplane, when you pick up items from the pharmacy, when a credit or debit card is used, when you are contacted by police…the list is nearly endless.

Has Eric Holder gone after any of those entities which require a photo ID?

ANY of them???


He’s ONLY going after STATES who are passing new VOTER ID LAWS…isn’t he?

White people, who apparently have no problem whatsoever getting a photo ID, must, because of Eric Holder’s ignoring of the situation, SHOW those photo ID’s EVERYWHERE but minorities…because 25% can’t seem to obtain a photo ID…should NOT be required to have them for a singular purpose…voting.

Let me tell you something…Were I black…I’d be OUTRAGED at Holder right about now.


If minorities are indeed being disenfranchised from voting because they don’t have a photo ID, are they not also being disenfranchised from all the other businesses and entities which require the presentation of said photo ID???

Of course, we know this is all BS and Holder is FULL of it.

The only people who will be disenfranchised by voter ID laws are dead people, those who claim to be someone they’re not and illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens were never “Franchised” to begin with so, how can they possibly become DISenfranchised?

Dead people are “Previously franchised” but, sadly, no longer franchised due to having their voting privileges cancelled by a much higher power.

Those who claim to be someone they’re not ARE franchised – but ONLY as THEMSELVES and NOBODY is franchised to vote more than once in a given election.

Oddly enough, those who claim to be someone they’re not, illegal aliens and the “Previously Franchised” nearly always vote for liberals and THAT is exactly why Holder is SO adamant about protecting THEIR voting rights!!!

Here’s a little something Holder probably doesn’t want you to know.

If he gets HIS way, you won’t need a photo ID to VOTE for a president but, if you want to get into the White House where a president lives…YOU HAVE TO SHOW A PHOTO ID!!!

What we have in this administration, in Eric Holder and in liberals in general, is a political ideology bent on encouraging fraud and illegal activity in an effort to curry votes.  How else can his insistence that voter ID laws are racially motivated while ignoring all other requirements to show photo ID be explained?

If ACORN and their ilk weren’t bent on registering dead voters, the Dallas Cowboys and illegal aliens, individual states might not be passing voter ID laws now. If people didn’t break the law to get into our country and then go driving about without a care in the world, their vehicles would not be impounded.

The 14th Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

I suggest Holder, and this administration, by striking down voter ID laws are in violation of the 14th Amendment.

Holder is saying that requiring a photo ID be shown to vote but saying NOTHING regarding photo ID’s being required for score of other things and THAT is not EQUAL protection. The ONLY people being “protected” by Holder, regarding photo ID voter laws are those who would perpetrate fraud.

Let me state that again.

The ONLY people being “protected” by Holder, regarding photo ID voter laws are those who would perpetrate fraud.

Since when, precisely, has it become the mission of the United States Attorney General, to protect those who would commit fraud?

The voter ID laws are just PART of it.

I also submit that by blocking states from establishing their own laws to prevent illegal immigration, such as Arizona’s SB1070, Holder and this administration is ALSO in violation of the 14th Amendment as their actions are meant to protect those who are breaking the law at the expense of those who are law abiding citizens.

Whether we are talking about the voter ID laws or the federal blocking of laws like SB1070, we are in fact talking about UNEQUAL protection under the law.

If, as Holder contends, it is unconstitutional to require a photo ID to be allowed to vote then it should ALSO be considered for a bank to require a photo ID or an airline, or a store or the white house. It should also be considered unconstitutional for law enforcement to ask for a photo ID if it is unconstitutional for a photo ID to be required at the voting booth.

I contend it is Holder and his selective application of law which is unconstitutional and any Attorney General who applies the law in a selective manner is not fit to hold the office and should therefore, immediately, be removed.

The FACTS regarding the supposed 25% of minorities who do not currently have a valid photo ID are clear. They CAN, if they are legal to vote, obtain one AND they have 11 months in which to do so. If they CHOOSE not to, then they should not be allowed to vote AS PER THEIR CHOICE.

I also believe that a system of ID be implemented for those voting via absentee ballot. With the technology available today, a simple finger print on a prescribed place on the absentee ballot checked against a voter registration card would suffice.

All steps to PREVENT possible voter fraud rather than any step to enable it should be employed.

Holder and this administration continue to take steps to ENABLE voter fraud by challenging or blocking voter ID laws.

Voting for those who would lead our towns, cities, states and nation must…MUST be protected against fraud or the possibility of it if we are to remain free. ANY action by ANY level of government to protect those who would commit such fraud is, in fact, promoting such fraud and therefore, an infringement of our very freedoms.

The enactment of voter ID laws does NOT disenfranchise anyone but blocking those laws DOES.

Now, either Holder is actively encouraging fraud, or he’s a racist.

How else can his actions possibly be explained???

Who Knew…When…And Why Didn’t Anybody Try To Stop It?

Joe Paterno knew. He knew about Jerry Sandusky. Paterno knew back in 1998 that Sandusky was being investigated on charges of child molestation and he knew in 2002 when Mike McQueary told him what he witnessed in the shower room. Paterno knew and all he did was kick it a rung or two up the ladder. Paterno told the Penn State Athletic Director and the school’s Vice President.

If McQueary knew and Paterno knew, and Curley and Schultz knew…so did a lot of other people. Graham Spanier, the school’s President knew. He’s the former President now.

It’s impossible to believe that, among a coaching staff which works so closely together every day, they didn’t all know.

A Pennsylvania DA who had investigated Sandusky back in 1998 vanished in 2005. Vanished, never to be seen or heard from again and has now been declared legally dead but no trace of his body has been found either. That DA knew.

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New Voter ID Laws Have Liberals Walking Funny

Liberals are getting their collective panties all wadded up – but what else is new? This round of bloomer bunching is all about new voter ID laws and liberals are nearly beside themselves.

Right now, at least 34 states have instituted new voter ID laws which require, among other things, that when voters show up at the polls, they have ID and in some cases…OH THE HUMANITY…They will need a PHOTO ID!!

Why…According to many liberals…the Republicans are intentionally disenfranchising 30 million voters!


Wendy Weiser who was the co-author of the Brannan Center Report stated, “When you have millions potentially unable to vote, it will undoubtedly have political consequences.”

Really? Unable to vote?

Congressman John Lewis (Dem. – GA) is calling these new voter ID laws a “Poll tax.”

Seriously? A tax?

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Holder Sues for Right to Continue Immigration Failures

Yet another state, this time, South Carolina, has been added to the list of states now being sued by this administration over their laws aimed at stemming the tide of illegal immigration. According to the Obama administration, individual states have no right to protect their citizens from, try to stop the wild out-of-control spending related to or stop employers from hiring illegal aliens.

As a state, just try and do something about it, and you will be sued.

On the other hand, make your state or your city a sanctuary for illegal aliens and what exactly will this administration do?


Here’s another way to look at it.

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In What America do YOU Believe?

Has the fool on the hill finally seen the light? Has Obama started to come around to OUR side? It certainly seems like it if you listen to the words he is now employing on his latest campaign swing.

“If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own.”

Sounds a lot like…Self Reliance to me.

Here’s the code.

Obama = Big Government.

On your own = Self Reliance

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This is nothing short of pure insanity. It’s OUTRAGEOUS and it’s WRONG. The world is turning upside down and this administration is proving every day that they are indeed…fundamentally changing…our nation.


Border Agent Jesus E. Diaz Jr. was named in a November 2009 federal grand jury indictment with deprivation of rights under color of law during an October 2008 arrest near the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass and has now been sentenced to 2 years behind bars.

Here is what happened.

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A Progressive March to the Brink of Self Destruction

The election of 2012 will be the – THE – most important election in our 235-year history. We’ve heard this said and while many agree, I believe it needs context. To say an election is THE most important, one really needs to know which previous election set the standard.

To do that, I believe we must go back and have a look at the election of 1860.

It was the 1860 election which gave us President Lincoln – but it was what led to that momentous moment which makes the 1860 election so important and to this day, the most…MOST important we have ever seen.

We all know that slavery was the…THE issue in that election but few people know why. Of course there are the known factors in that slavery was wrong, the south wanted it, the north did not and the divide would lead to civil war – but what was it which lit the fuse?

To be frank, it was the Kansas–Nebraska Act.

In 1854, that Act, which replaced the Missouri Compromise, was written by and pushed to passage by Lincoln’s future opponent Stephen Douglas.

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