Who Knew…When…And Why Didn’t Anybody Try To Stop It?

Joe Paterno knew. He knew about Jerry Sandusky. Paterno knew back in 1998 that Sandusky was being investigated on charges of child molestation and he knew in 2002 when Mike McQueary told him what he witnessed in the shower room. Paterno knew and all he did was kick it a rung or two up the ladder. Paterno told the Penn State Athletic Director and the school’s Vice President.

If McQueary knew and Paterno knew, and Curley and Schultz knew…so did a lot of other people. Graham Spanier, the school’s President knew. He’s the former President now.

It’s impossible to believe that, among a coaching staff which works so closely together every day, they didn’t all know.

A Pennsylvania DA who had investigated Sandusky back in 1998 vanished in 2005. Vanished, never to be seen or heard from again and has now been declared legally dead but no trace of his body has been found either. That DA knew.

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New Voter ID Laws Have Liberals Walking Funny

Liberals are getting their collective panties all wadded up – but what else is new? This round of bloomer bunching is all about new voter ID laws and liberals are nearly beside themselves.

Right now, at least 34 states have instituted new voter ID laws which require, among other things, that when voters show up at the polls, they have ID and in some cases…OH THE HUMANITY…They will need a PHOTO ID!!

Why…According to many liberals…the Republicans are intentionally disenfranchising 30 million voters!


Wendy Weiser who was the co-author of the Brannan Center Report stated, “When you have millions potentially unable to vote, it will undoubtedly have political consequences.”

Really? Unable to vote?

Congressman John Lewis (Dem. – GA) is calling these new voter ID laws a “Poll tax.”

Seriously? A tax?

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Holder Sues for Right to Continue Immigration Failures

Yet another state, this time, South Carolina, has been added to the list of states now being sued by this administration over their laws aimed at stemming the tide of illegal immigration. According to the Obama administration, individual states have no right to protect their citizens from, try to stop the wild out-of-control spending related to or stop employers from hiring illegal aliens.

As a state, just try and do something about it, and you will be sued.

On the other hand, make your state or your city a sanctuary for illegal aliens and what exactly will this administration do?


Here’s another way to look at it.

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In What America do YOU Believe?

Has the fool on the hill finally seen the light? Has Obama started to come around to OUR side? It certainly seems like it if you listen to the words he is now employing on his latest campaign swing.

“If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own.”

Sounds a lot like…Self Reliance to me.

Here’s the code.

Obama = Big Government.

On your own = Self Reliance

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This is nothing short of pure insanity. It’s OUTRAGEOUS and it’s WRONG. The world is turning upside down and this administration is proving every day that they are indeed…fundamentally changing…our nation.


Border Agent Jesus E. Diaz Jr. was named in a November 2009 federal grand jury indictment with deprivation of rights under color of law during an October 2008 arrest near the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass and has now been sentenced to 2 years behind bars.

Here is what happened.

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A Progressive March to the Brink of Self Destruction

The election of 2012 will be the – THE – most important election in our 235-year history. We’ve heard this said and while many agree, I believe it needs context. To say an election is THE most important, one really needs to know which previous election set the standard.

To do that, I believe we must go back and have a look at the election of 1860.

It was the 1860 election which gave us President Lincoln – but it was what led to that momentous moment which makes the 1860 election so important and to this day, the most…MOST important we have ever seen.

We all know that slavery was the…THE issue in that election but few people know why. Of course there are the known factors in that slavery was wrong, the south wanted it, the north did not and the divide would lead to civil war – but what was it which lit the fuse?

To be frank, it was the Kansas–Nebraska Act.

In 1854, that Act, which replaced the Missouri Compromise, was written by and pushed to passage by Lincoln’s future opponent Stephen Douglas.

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A Patriot, AZ Sheriff and Maybe a Force in the House

Look out D.C. because you just might find a new Sheriff in town!!!

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu is strongly considering a run for the House in 2012 and The National Patriot could not possibly be happier to hear it!

In Pinal County, AZ, Sheriff Paul has formed an exploratory committee looking into this possibility – and as we all know, one does not form such a committee without a serious reason.

Sheriff Paul has become nationally known – but unlike Sheriff Joe, also from Arizona – Sheriff Paul does not seem to seek publicity for his own reelections but because of a deep seeded drive for the safety of those he has sworn to protect. While both are fine law enforcement individuals, they do have a decidedly different style.

Sheriff Babeu has brought more attention to the legal aspects, the safety aspects and the dire consequences of illegal immigration than any other single law enforcement officer in the country. The lack of federal control over the border, the flood of drugs, the rise in violence and the staggering financial burden of illegal immigration do not happen in Sheriff Paul’s BACKyard…they happen every day in his FRONT yard.

This Patriot Sheriff has been for years trying to wake up national law makers and make his county, his state and the nation more safe but has been met by frustration over and over again. First, that frustration came from his own Governor and now, that FORMER Governor is heading up Homeland Security; and in that position, Napolitano has consistently claimed the border is safer now than ever before.

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What’s So Hard to Understand About “Illegal” in “Illegal Immigration?”

Shadow here.  I was perusing the DrudgeReport and came across an article regarding Alabama and their new anti-illegal rule.   I am applauding Alabama.  They managed to do something many states, most notably Arizona (who Mexico tried to sue… What???), were unable to do.  They passed their version of SB1070.  This is having a profound effect on the state as a whole.  Read more here.

So, I got more air to clear, and you can probably guess the subject matter by now:  Immigration.  Specifically, illegal immigration.

First of all, for some, the phrase “illegal immigration” tends to conjure up images of the poor Mexican immigrant wearing a poncho and a sombrero just trying to make ends meet.  While this may be true in some cases, there is a reason why “illegal immigration” isn’t written as “illegal MEXICAN immigration.”  It is written as “illegal immigration” because not only Mexicans immigrate to the US illegally!!  People from all over the world come here illegally, most maybe because they are looking for a better life or a life away from oppression.  Regardless of WHY they come here illegally, the fact is they broke our laws in doing so, and have affected the whole fabric of the United States in the following ways (not inclusive):

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A Fast and Furious Suspension of Reality

“Attorney General Holder and I are taking several new and aggressive steps as part of the administration’s comprehensive plan. Those steps include the following: DOJ’s Drug Enforcement Administration, which already has the largest U.S. drug enforcement presence in Mexico with 11 offices in that country, is placing 16 new DEA positions in southwest border field positions .., uh, field operations, specifically to target Mexican trafficking and associated violence.”

“The DEA is also deploying four new mobile enforcement teams to specifically target Mexican methamphetamine trafficking both along the border and in U.S. cities impacted by the cartels.”

“DOJ’s bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is increasing its efforts by adding 37 new employees and three new offices, using $10 million in Recovery Act funds and redeploying 100 personnel to the southwest border in the next 45 days to fortify its Project Gunrunner, which is aimed at disrupting arms trafficking between the United States and Mexico,”
The words above were spoken, in the White House briefing from, to reporters, by David Ogden, Deputy Attorney General on March 24th 2009.

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“Occupy Wall Street” is a SOCIALIST Dress Rehearsal!!

If you have, as I do, liberal friends either in person or through social media, no doubt you, as have I, been on the receiving end of dismissive and at times, curse-laden retorts when you truthfully refer to their party as socialists.

Glenn Beck, for years, has been on the receiving end of such vitriol every time he brings up Cloward and Piven or Saul Alinsky.

I’m about to link it all together for you in one neat and tidy little package.

The “Occupy Wall Street” protests.

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