From Fast and Furious to Slow and Curious?

Congressman Issa and the House Committee investigating Eric Holder and the Fast and Furious scandal has given Holder until Memorial Day weekend to cough up the rest of the 80,000 documents, emails and memos regarding their investigation.

Waiting in the wings is a contempt of Congress charge against Holder.

Last week, Utah Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the Oversight in Government Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations introduced an amendment to the Justice Department’s appropriations bill to cut dollars from the DOJ budget and another measure which would cut $1 million dollars from the DOJ over its stonewalling and stall tactics regarding Fast and Furious.

Said Chaffitz, “You shouldn’t be using federal taxpayer dollars to lie to Congress.”

The vote on the measures passed, 381-41 and all of the 41 are Democrats.

This, of course means, there are 41 liberals in the House who believe that the DOJ and Eric Holder have every right TO use taxpayer money to lie to Congress.

That is shameful at every level and at every turn.

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Obama’s Strategy Exposed

As we head into the back straight of the 2012 election, speeding toward November 6th, expecting the dirtiest campaign in history, one thing is clear.

Obama only needs about 2 dozen more.

2 dozen more…what…exactly?


About 1 per week should do it. 24 weeks…24 distractions.

This week’s distraction is, of course, gay marriage. He’s for it again. Oh yes, Obama was against it then he was  for it before he was against it  again and then he was evolving and now…he’s for it…again.

In this week’s distraction, he rolled out a new pre-distraction distraction. Joe Biden who went on the Sunday shows and let it slip that he had no problem with gay marriage. OH THE HUMANITY of yet another Biden gaff. This was no gaff. This was a planned distraction to pave the way FOR the distraction.

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Massachusetts Bake Sale Terrorism


Today, the FPI, (Food Police Idiots) the top law enforcement agency of the Nanny States of America, has issued an all points bulletin for a TERRORIST so vile, so despicable, as to be the cause of death and general mayhem to our nation’s children and children through the known world.

The bulletin reads…DEAD or ALIVE!!!

If YOU see this individual, call the FPI immediately.



As we understand, via unnamed and anonymous sources, SEAL Team 6½ is now on HIGH ALERT and ready to spring into action without due credit to be given, upon the issue of a memo to be delivered to Admiral McRaven.

Appearing now, at the top of the FPI Most Wanted Terrorist List is…

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Friday Fume

Oh…Hello…Is it the end of the week already?

Here I’ve been, trying like crazy to hum a happy tune while all week, all around me, things are going to hell in a liberal/socialist hand basket.

You know me…I TRY not to let it all get to me but…


I’m fuming.

This week, we start by taking a little walk in the park…any park…

On May 1st…OCCUPI…which I’m sure is the plural of Occupus…WAS GOING TO SHUT DOWN AMERICA!!!

Never have so many feared so much since the Myans ran out of binders for their calendars.

The OCCUPI were going to shut down bridges, streets, commerce and banks. They were going to make it impossible to get to work, school, playgrounds, and hospitals. They were going to cause such mass havoc that the United States as we know it would be brought to its knees.

Ummmmm…Did they forget to hit “SEND” on their email? WHERE THE HECK WAS EVERYBODY??? In major cities across this great land…Chicago…New York…Dallas…Atlanta…L.A. they were barely able to shut down a crosswalk.


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We The People vs Obama

It stands for the same thing regardless of the language.

Avante!, organ of the Portuguese Communist Party

Avanti!, organ of the Italian Socialist Party

Eteenpäin, Finnish-language newspaper in the United States

Új Előre (‘New Forward’), a Hungarian-language newspaper in the United States

Voorwaarts!, organ of the Communist Youth Movement (Netherlands)

Vorwärts, organ of the Social Democratic Party of Germany

Vorwärts!, published from Paris in 1844 and associated with the Communist League


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“Birth Certificate” a Distraction leading to an Undoing

Sometimes, what we know NOW as opposed to what we knew THEN can make a great deal of difference in clearing the picture.

I have suggested, for some time now, that anything this administration does, in a big way, is cover for something else. We need look no further back than a year ago to see this in what may well be its pinnacle usage.

I would also suggest, this is how Obama has painted himself into a corner.

It was one year ago, yesterday, that Obama made a big deal of releasing his “Birth Certificate.” He held a press conference. He showed it off. He said it was his, it was real and it would end any questions about it.

It was, as we know NOW, not his, not real and certainly did not end any questions about it.

Obama, it seems, didn’t take Sheriff Joe Arpaio into account.

I’ll get back to that.

The one question I asked the day he released that “birth certificate” and one that was asked by many was: Why then?

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It’s Time for the Tea Party Movement to End

There’s an incendiary headline for you.

The time for the Tea Party movement to die is now. Right now. It has served its purpose and now it’s time to kill it off, say goodbye and bury the movement forever.

Bury the MOVEMENT…Not the idea or the ideals but the MOVEMENT.


That’s right…it’s now time to turn the movement into a full fledged PARTY before the next presidential election. Such things cannot happen overnight and time must be taken to do it the right way but do it we must.

If you are as tired as I am of being held hostage by the Republican Party establishment, WE have to make it clear to THEM that we’re just not gonna take it any more.

The Republican Party, the party of conservatism, REAGAN’S party has become the just barely right of center but leaning toward the center party and because of what we have been through for DECADES, that’s no longer good enough.

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The Inaugural Address That Must be Delivered

As it appears Romney IS now the inevitable GOP nominee, I believe THIS is the address we MUST hear on day 1.

Thank you and good afternoon.

My name is Mitt Romney and I am the President of the United States of America.

There are some things we need to get straight and the sooner the better.

Let me start…Now.

This great nation is a mess. Our economy, our government, employment, our debt. It’s all a mess.

This is something which needs to be made crystal clear. I did not inherit this mess. I have chosen to correct it. The time for blame is over and the mess is what it is regardless of how or who created it. I ran for President and was elected to this office to correct the problems not to blame others for them.

It’s a tremendous undertaking. It will not be fast. It will not be easy.

But rest assured, we will begin today to take the appropriate steps to make things right again.

The first and most important step we can take in this regard is to start getting government out of the way. Our future will be built exactly the way our great past was built: On the ingenuity of, on the creativity of and with the hard work of the private sector. If government stands in the way of what made our nation great, we can never reclaim our greatness.

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Texas Voter ID Law is NOT Racist…Blocking it IS

Tom Perez, the head of the Texas Civil Rights Division, sent a whopping 6-page letter to the Texas Director of Elections stating, “Texas has not ‘sustained its burden’ under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act to show that the new law will not have a discriminatory effect on minority voters.”

According to those who track such things, about 11% of Hispanics in Texas don’t have a valid photo ID, and a law which would require a valid photo ID to vote would be racist.

This is not a great deal different than the reason given for blocking the new South Carolina voter ID law. In South Carolina, it seems that about 20% of black people don’t have a valid photo ID.

Here are a couple of questions which need to be asked:

1)      If 80% to 89% of these folks CAN obtain a valid photo ID, and apparently HAVE…why then can’t the remaining 11% to 20% get THEIR hands on one?

2)      What makes such a law racist?

Let’s take the last question first.

This law, like all the rest which the DOJ claims to be racist, requires ALL who want to vote to present a valid photo ID. That means…white folks, black folks, brown folks…EVERYBODY, regardless of skin color, would have to present a valid photo ID to vote. How is THAT racist? If the law said ONLY Hispanics needed the photo ID or ONLY white people with a photo ID would be allowed to vote…Okay…Racist; but requiring EVERYBODY to have a photo ID is…FAIR.

There are some in Texas who claim that a portion of that 11% of Hispanics who do NOT currently have a valid photo ID live 175 miles (round trip) from where they could obtain such an ID and therefore, it’s a hardship for them to get one.


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Why Sheriff Joe’s Finding Are SO Important

This afternoon, the much awaited results of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse were made known. Arpaio presented the evidence to a room full of reporters and used a multi-media presentation to show the process.

Without going into detail, the results were not all that surprising as we already suspected what we learned.

Regarding Obama’s birth certificate, the Cold Case Posse utilized forensic document experts to show HOW it was created. The document was indeed layered but, by showing a control document, the experts were able to explain how a computer scan will layer, in more than 100 layers, such a document.

Those layers are random. A computer scan will take portions of a given document randomly and layer them together until the full document is processed. A bit here, a parcel there, no rhyme no reason.

Obama’s birth certificate, on the other hand, contained only 9 layers. That, while not at all consistent with a computer scan of a document, was not the real surprise. In those 9 layers, each layer contained a perfectly logical order.

For instance, all the names were on one layer. All the dates were on one layer. All the information of any certain topic was contained in its own layer.

This simply never happens with a computer scan. In fact, according to forensic document experts, the ONLY way that happens if a human is controlling the creation of the document.

The conclusion regarding the birth certificate was that it is 100% fraudulent.

Much the same techniques and processes with a few differences created Obama’s Selective Service card. It simply did not match, in appearance or standard date stamps used in 1980 to a real, authentic Selective Service card.

The Card also was found to be 100% fraudulent.

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