Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” to Imperial Rule

America is poised to the razor’s edge of an abyss the depths of which have no measure. Make no mistake, this is a fact.

We currently have a “president” who stands at that deadly precipice and orders the nation…”FORWARD.”

If what Obama did last Friday, with his immigration decree doesn’t wake you up, you are forever lost.

Allow me to be as clear and succinct as is humanly possible.

In November, there will be 2 names on the presidential ballot.



That’s it. That’s it no matter who would rather have someone else’s name there instead of Romney. I am one of them as of the field which ran, I would have much preferred Newt Gingrich. No matter what thread of hope onto which I hang, there will be no brokered convention. Newt will not be the nominee.

The exact same is a fact for the followers of Ron Paul. The supporters of Sarah Palin, Allen West, Perry, Cain, Santorum, Pawlenty, Bachmann and on and on.

It is just as true for those who support candidates who have never been heard of by people outside of their circle of friends. John Dummett Jr. comes to mind…A candidate with no name recognition whatsoever outside a small yet determined band of social media advocates.

None will be the nominee to face Obama but Mitt Romney.

That is a fact and those who don’t believe it had better start.

In November, on the presidential ballot will be 2 names. Obama and Romney.

Those who would cast a write in vote for someone other than Romney and then stand their ground and state that they voted for liberty are fools.

That too is a fact.

Every vote NOT cast for Romney in November IS a vote for Obama in that each such vote is a vote not in the Romney tally and THAT allows Obama to gain a crucial step ahead of the only other name on that ballot.

One need look no further back than Ross Perot.

Perot siphoned off enough votes from Bush 41 to keep Bush from defeating Clinton. Perot was just 1…JUST 1… “other candidate and this year, in the most important election since 1860, there are too many “other” candidates to count.

Each “other” candidate…All those different write ins, will garner, maybe, 1 or 2% of the vote IF they’re lucky. 10 “other candidates would split 10%-20% of the vote.

That is exactly the same as spotting Obama, 10%-20% in a race that has THE most dire consequences in HISTORY.

Those who would vote a write in and declare that they voted for liberty might just as well buy the bullets for the firing squad facing them and proudly declaring that they cleaned the rifles for them.

Here it is, straight forward and with no apologies.

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On Immigration, the Emperor Lights Another Match

Today, in yet ANOTHER outrageous IMPERIAL move, Obama and his minion, Janet Napolitano, DECREED that, from this point forward, immigration law will reflect that a segment of those, depending on their age, between 16 and 30 years, who have been in the United States for a period of not less than 5 years, with a few other stipulations, who are here ILLEGALLY will NOT be deported and WILL be given work visas.

All one need do is LOOK at the Constitution to see, CLEARLY, this is an affront to our founding document!!

Section. 2.

Clause 1: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

Clause 2: He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Clause 3: The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Section 2 of Article 2 of the Constitution made the President the Commander in Chief of the Military and gave him the power to make political appointments.
Section. 3.

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Section 3 of Article 2 of the Constitution mandated that the President report to Congress on the State of the Union.

Section. 4.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Contained within the powers given to the President and the Executive Branch, there is NOTHING permitting what Obama and Napolitano did today.


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Friday Fume

What a week. I have to admit…I’m a little dizzy from all the liberal spin this week.

While these KNOT HEADS chase their own tails at warp speed, I have to sit by WATCHING them.

Don’t these nuts know they can kiss their own butts without the whirling rampage? Honestly, I never know whether to be completely appalled or mildly entertained by it all.

I suppose, a little of both. Oh well…It IS Friday and either way…

I’m fuming.

So…There was Eric Holder, appearing in front of a Senate hearing a few days ago, where he actually said that he was showing consistent values and…



It seems to me that if this moron would PART with about 72,400 documents, memos and emails AS QUICKLY AS HE DID WITH THOSE GUNS….Congress wouldn’t be heading FAST AND FURIOUSLY TOWARD CONTEMPT CHARGES!!!

Now, the head of the DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE wants to cut a deal with Issa…What did he call it…Oh yeah…

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A House of Cards in a Perfect Storm

Well…It’s about time, isn’t it?

After being given more than a year to comply with congressional subpoenas and nearly a month after a Memorial Day weekend deadline went unheeded, It now looks as though congress, like most conservatives, have finally had enough of Eric Holder and his antics.

Last Saturday, in the article, “Mr. Speaker…File Contempt Charges…NOW!!” we at The National Patriot sent an open letter to Speaker Boehner’s office and asked that our Patriot readers follow suite and email the link to the article to him as well.

To believe it was our letter and the flooding of Boehner’s email which turned the tide would be a false pat on the back, but, it certainly didn’t hurt.

One can easily suspect similar pressure came from within the house chamber.

The list of Members of Congress who have called for Holder’s resignation or firing has grown over the last 6 months to now number more than 130. It’s very possible that number swelled after last Friday’s hearing in which, Holder again, stone walled and dodged questions.

Never, in memory, have we witnessed such a direct and compelling display of contempt of congress.

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A Fox, a Weasel and 2 Badgers Now on Guard

This is perhaps the most obvious case of the fox guarding the hen house ever.

In this case, it’s worse than that.

Here, we have a weasel, guarding the hen house and reporting his findings to a fox.

Eric Holder, perhaps the most corrupt Attorney General in our nation’s history, has appointed 2 investigators to look into leaks coming from the White House. Those two investigators report only to Holder; and he, in turn, reports to perhaps the most corrupt president in our nation’s history.

Seal Team 6.

The doctor who helped identify bin Laden.

The CIA double agent who helped nab the 2nd underwear bomber.

The cyber virus that hit the Iranian nuclear program.

Obama’s drone kill list.

Somebody high up…VERY high up…Can’t keep their mouth shut.

Last week, Obama in a press conference, stated that to insinuate that the leaks were coming from his administration was both wrong and offensive.

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The Wisconsin Effect on Liberal/Socialists

Last night, liberal/socialists were crying in their beer. Governor Scott Walker won Wisconsin…Again…in stunning fashion. Walker becomes the first Governor to face a recall and win which makes his victory historic.

This morning, liberal/socialists will stop crying and start denying.

It will start with the fact that conservatives outspent liberals in the Wisconsin reelection. Of the 63 million dollars spent in total, only 14 million was spent by liberals. To this, liberals will say that most of the money favoring Walker came from outside Wisconsin while his opponent Barrett, garnered most of HIS money from WITHIN the state and THEREFORE…Conservatives BOUGHT the election.

Nice spin.

While it’s true that Walker’s coffers were filled in a large part from outside the State of Wisconsin, the bulk of his donations came in $50 increments. Yes, big donors DID put in, but this was a grassroots-level funding machine; and what liberals KNOW and won’t ADMIT is that Walker’s support from OUTSIDE Wisconsin signals a conservative Tea Party element HIGHLY engaged…NATIONWIDE.

That does NOT bode well for liberals in November, and they are in denial.

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Holder Perpetrating Voter Fraud in Florida

“We have an obligation to make sure the voter rolls are accurate and we are going to continue forward and do everything that we can legally do to make sure than ineligible voters cannot vote. We are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot. We are not going to give up our efforts to make sure the voter rolls are accurate.”

That is the message from the Florida Attorney General’s office regarding Eric Holders desperate demand that the state cease and desist in purging voter rolls of illegal aliens  who are registered to vote illegally.

Florida has had quite enough and one can see fit to they are not alone in that sentiment.

Where exactly does this leave Holder? In a not so enviable position really.

Section 5 is the basis for his argument but, it’s a long shot at this point. Section 5 protects minorities from illegal practices regarding voting in several southern states where, admittedly in the past, such things took place. Voter intimidation, refusal to register minorities etc.

Now, due to Section 5, those states must okay any change in voter law with the nation’s Department of Justice.

Holder is really, really reaching to use Section 5 in this way. Really reaching.

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With the Wisconsin recall election a mere 2 weeks away, set for June 5th, all political eyes are squarely on the Badger state.

Many are calling this a microcosm for the national election in November but, I’m not sure that’s accurate.

Micro seems far too small a comparison to me.

A foreshadowing is maybe more appropriate.

With two weeks to go, Governor Scott Walker’s lead in recent polls, is growing. Just two weeks ago, the race between Walker and liberal rival, Tom Barrett was a dead even heat. That is no longer the case. In a poll conducted just a couple days ago, Walker has a 6 point lead and indications are that his lead could grow to around 9 points by recall election day.

If there is a microcosm involved it comes from liberals.

As Governor Walker and the state legislature implemented measures to remove collective bargaining rights from public unions, liberals went into orbit and showed their true colors.

What happened at the State Capitol was disgusting. Liberals “occupied” the capitol, inside and out, hurled slurs and written threats to legislators, Governor Walker and any who stood with them.

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Friday Fume

We’re less than 6 months out from the 2012 election, and liberals are shifting their antics into high gear. One would think they’d pace themselves, but no…Liberal/socialists are at full throttle.

It’s obvious they can’t see where they’re going with their heads where they are, but I have to admit, watching them run about like idiots is a hoot.

Are ya ready? Got your helmets? Seat belts on?

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

It seems that, every village that’s missing an idiot can quit looking…We’ve found them…In SUNLAND PARK, NEW MEXICO!!!

That is where a WHOLE HERD of liberal/socialists elected one of their own kind, Daniel Salinas, as Mayor.

When you have a village FULL of idiots…SOMEONE has to lead them.


Of course, he’s not in it alone…

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The Commencement Address Grads NEED to Hear

Well, another May is half over and another year gone by without any asylum of higher learning asking me to provide sage wisdom to graduating seniors.

I don’t know why.

Dressed in caps and gowns, young people are heading out into the world and they need advice. Not the sort of advice they’re likely to get but real advice. They need the sort of advice that will help them face reality and cope with it.

On the off chance that even one “Future of Our Nation” graduate will see this, allow me to offer such advice.

Young people…YOU are the future of this great nation and I shudder at the very thought of it.

You may well not like my advice and many of you probably won’t follow it, but, someday, you will realize you should have.

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