Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds

real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

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Would SOMEBODY please potty train the Dictator…

AC 1Someone needs to tell it like it is…may as well be me.

Yesterday, after spending the last five days being repeatedly slapped in the face with a wet Supreme Court of the United States fish, the Dictator stepped up to a Rose Garden microphone with GRUMPY the ASS CLOWN, Joe Biden, standing behind him in the lamest attempt I’ve even seen at adding some absurd sense of gravitas to his wilting poll numbers.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…pass a bill.”

That’s what the occupier of our oval office said yesterday regarding immigration reform. That is exactly what he said.

Now, let’s look to that statement without the ass hat filter and using our double top secret liberal ideology decoder ring, we can discern the real meaning of his words.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…just let me have my way…officially…by passing amnesty and allowing my party to register as many illegal aliens as is humanly possible.”

Oh, he tried to spin his pleading and whining as some sort of humanitarian effort and something which would solve every problem we, as a borderless nation face…amnesty would solve unemployment…cut the national debt and I THOUGHT I heard something between the blah, blah, blah and the yada, yada, yada about how allowing our country to be overrun by law breaking pillagers would cure athletes foot too but in reality, it was little more than a pity party.

What little more it was had to do with his taking more executive actions.

Where’s that particular wet fish again…the one the SCOTUS whacked him with a few days ago? Apparently, somebody needs to take another swing and this time, with meaningful intentions.

Apparently, Boehner’s pending lawsuit holds all the impact of a trout.

The real question here is…

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The Scandals are Real – Obama’s the Phony

scan 1Remember the good ol’ days of the Obama regime?

Me either but there WERE days when things were not as they are today. Mainly because they were the earliest days of the regime and the Dictator hadn’t the time yet to extend his special brand of Muslim and socialist corruption far and wide.

Before he was even elected back in 2008, there were those of us who were wondering exactly who this guy was?

Barack Hussein Obama…there were plenty of indications back THEN that he wasn’t who he said he was…an American citizen. Old book jackets said he was born in Kenya. The Kenyan GOVERNMENT said he was born in Kenya.

There were no college records we were allowed to see…no thesis we were allowed to read…nobody knew who financed his upper class education, and where-oh-where was his BIRTH CERTIFICATE???

Well…he cleared it all up by RELEASING his birth certificate didn’t he? You know…the one that was proven to be a fake by people who understood exactly how to fake that sort of thing and then by a law enforcement investigation that also proved his social security number is fraudulent and so is his selective service registration but…those were the good ol’ days of the regime.

What followed has been nothing short of a cascade of corruption flowing down from what was purported to be the “most transparent administration in history.”

Fast and Furious…

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Weekend Edition: Obama – American Agent of Islam (Part 2)

tnp eagleYesterday, in part 1 of this 2 part series, I clearly defined Obama as a Muslim and the meaning of his coded message, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

If you missed that article, I would advise you to read it by clicking here before proceeding with THIS article.

Currently, we are aghast at what is transpiring in Iraq as ISIS, runs with brutal barbarism through a country that 4500 members of our military died to liberate and thousands more were wounded in as Obama raises money for the DNC and plays rounds of golf in California and while aghast, we should not be at all surprised.

What we are witnessing is what I have called before…the Obama doctrine and make no mistake; his true legacy will not be compiled in the annals of America rather, in the annals of Islam.

ISIS is the ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’ and they wouldn’t be in any position today to expand their barbaric reach from their roots in Turkey were it not for their AAI…’AMERICAN AGENT of ISLAM’…Barack Hussein Obama and his six year doctrine.

From the time Obama set up shop in our white house, he has categorically aided this caliphate scenario and to hold any hope of change in “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”  as I outlined yesterday, he MUST have a caliphate in place in the Middle East.

Obama told our enemies from his first days in office exactly when he would remove all traces of the United States military from Iraq.

He has done the exact same for our enemies in Afghanistan.

He said Qaddafi must go from Libya and to aid that occurrence, Obama supplied al-Qaeda terrorist “rebels” with weapons.

Obama said Mubarak must go from Egypt and backed the Arab Spring to see that it happened. Once gone from power, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood and as their defacto agent…AAI (American Agent of Islam) placed THEM into power.

Obama has said that Assad must go from Syria and to help that take place, he has been arming al-Qaeda “rebels” there.

The Obama doctrine has a singular purpose on the world stage…

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A Tea for Two Foes – Liberals and RINOs

org 1How did things turn out in your state’s primary elections this year? Did your Tea Party candidate win? Some did, a few, too few for my liking and most likely for your liking as well.

Why is that? Why didn’t we win MORE primaries?

I’ll tell you why. Because as Tea Party Patriots and those who want a return to a Constitutional republic, far too many of us stand on our own little individual islands when it comes to candidates and that is exactly what liberals and for that matter, the GOP establishment want us to do.

It’s time to change all that and start winning…not only in the primary elections but in the general elections too but what we need is a strategy. A WINNING strategy.

First off…one of the main reasons the Tea Party didn’t show well in this year’s primaries is right there on our voter registration cards.

Back in 2010, with the decisive victory in the house, the shellacking of the liberals, many went and changed their voter registration to Tea Party based on how proud we were of what we had just accomplished. Pride gets us nowhere and here’s why.

In MANY states, when it comes to the primaries, only registered REPUBLICANS can VOTE in the primaries. If you have reregistered as something else…Tea Party…Constitutional Party…Libertarian…whatever…you can’t vote in the primary or, if they allow you to CAST a vote…it’s wiped out by your ‘other’ party registration. That being the case, guess who wins…the GOP establishment candidate and NOT the Tea Party candidate.

We must remember that the Tea Party is a MOVEMENT, a grass roots movement…

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For Tea Party – – Politics WIN, Social Issues Lose

unite 1Under the ‘leadership from behind’ of Barack Hussein Obama, the world is going to hell in a handbag. The decline is staggering and we’re witnessing the downfall on both a global and national scale.

Given the dire state of things now and the even MORE dire consequences to come, I am amazed at what some from both sides of the political aisle believe to be our greatest threats.

Our founders and framers entrusted to us, their future generations, the greatest nation ever created and I believe they would be aghast at what it’s become…at what WE’VE become and how even we Conservatives plan to fix this damned mess.

Domestically…as a nation we are approaching $18 TRILLION dollars in the hole. $18 TRILLION dollars in debt and while our founders and framers knew we would need to borrow money from time to time, they also understood the need to pay off our national debt. That is one of the key reasons they set up our government to be a small, LIMITED government so as to leave as much money in the pockets of the people as possible and not burden them with the debts incurred by government.

Right now, as things stand, our great, great grandchildren wouldn’t be able to pay back today’s national debt if we quit our deficit spending here and now and we most clearly can’t depend on our economy to save us. Not now. Not under Obama’s ideology of entitlements being traded for votes.

In the first quarter of this year, after 5 full years of Obama steering the economic train…

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Friday Fume

fume 1As I sat down to hammer out this week’s attitude-laced week in review, I really wanted to go off on Hillary’s new book and signing tour but…in the grand scheme of things…635 pages of toilet paper pales in the light of other decidedly liberal/socialist stupidity.

It’s been a tough week to be a liberal and I’m sure they’re getting dizzy from all the spinning they’ve been doing while trying to get out of the hole they keep digging for themselves.

How about we all take a break from pulling our hair out and spend a few minutes giving liberals, socialists and their collective ilk all the credit they deserve?

My friends…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Just a couple of days ago, there was quite the scene taking place just outside the white house.

It was shortly before 3:00 pm when reporters were starting to file in for their daily dose of regime propaganda when a fellow approached the security gate and told the Secret Service that he had a 3 o’clock appointment with, “Mr. Obama.”

He then showed them some foreign driver’s license whereupon  the palace guard promptly told him he would need a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE or a PASSPORT.

That’s right… a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE OR A PASSPORT TO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE which comes as quite a shock since the dude that LIVES at the white house…APPARENTLY DOESN’T HAVE EITHER ONE but that’s not the most shocking part of all this…

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Amnesty is Nothing But Trading Citizenship for Votes

BIDEN 1According to Vice Weasel, Joe Biden…

“These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully, and by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view. They just want a decent life for their kids and a chance to contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build the next great American century. I really believe that. That’s what they’re fighting for.”

That’s a direct quote from his speech a few days ago at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and, it leaves me with what I believe to be a pertinent question.


He’s talking about ILLEGAL (undocumented in liberal speak) ALIENS.

One simply cannot be an ALIEN…Illegal OR undocumented and still be an AMERICAN. It doesn’t work that way Joe and YOU KNOW IT.

What those people are, to liberals, are UNREGISTERED LIBERAL VOTERS and nothing less.

Hmmm…Come to think of it, I have more than one pertinent question.

Given the FACT that we learned, ON THE SAME DAY as this BLOVIATING, BOVINE BUTT-BLAST’S speech…That ICE, under this regime has turned loose some 68,000 ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…into our cities and onto our streets…COUPLED WITH THE FACT THAT…they have failed to remove from our soil…SOME 870 THOUSAND…ILLEGAL ALIENS…WITH MANDATORY DEPORTATION ORDERS AGAINST THEM…IN 2013 ALONE…


Oh yes…

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Obama’s Free-Range, Illegal Alien Decree

Just a few days ago, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher, issued a NEW DIRECTIVE called, “Use of safe tactics and techniques.”

Before I get into it…Allow me to bring up something which, on first blush, would seem to be totally unrelated.

Free-Range Chickens.

Those are chicken dinners running amok without any supervision…Free to roam fruited plains from sea to shining sea.

They are not to be confused with SMART chickens which, were they really, wouldn’t be caught dead in the frozen foods section at your local market.

Now then, back to the NEW DIRECTIVE as issued by the U.S. Border Patrol.

It is an engraved invitation for “FREE-RANGE ILLEGAL ALIENS” that permits them to RUN AMOK without fear of being rounded up any time soon.

Here are the lily-livered details…

(1)    In accordance with CBP’s current Use of Force policy, agents shall not discharge their firearms at a moving vehicle unless the agent has a reasonable belief, based on the totality of the circumstances that deadly force is being used against an agent or another person present; such deadly force may include a moving vehicle aimed at agents or others present, but would not include a moving vehicle merely fleeing from agents. Further, agents should not place themselves in the path of a moving vehicle or use their body to block a vehicle’s path.

But wait, there’s more…

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How to LOSE an Election in 10 Easy Steps

As we have an election in a short 8 ½ months, primaries in just 3 months and, since we haven’t done this sort of thing for the last 15 months or so…I thought now might be a good time for a refresher course in how to LOSE an election.

Somehow, we, as Conservatives, screwed it up back in 2010 and actually won the darn thing.

If memory serves…It was called a shellacking and, we certainly wouldn’t want to have THAT again.

Would we?

So…Let’s get started…

How to LOSE an election.


Don’t do your own.

It takes time…It’s hard and it simply isn’t necessary in this day and age. There are PLENTY of folks scattered about on social media that you don’t know a single thing about who will be more than happy to do your research for you.

By all means…TRUST them.

There are a lot of axes out there and more than enough people willing to grind them and, it really doesn’t matter whether or not THEY share YOUR values and ideology…THEY did the research and, according to them…PIGS can FLY.

Just go with it.


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