Trump – Unfit to Serve…Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

I believe that Donald Trump is on the cusp of losing the Republican nomination and I psy 1believe he knows it which is why he has turned the blame factor up to full blast but who is really to blame?

Nobody but Donald J. Trump.

Trump’s narcissistic ego disallows any acceptance of self-blame, and his bombast flows over to his followers who have become so emotionally invested in Trump that they simply can’t handle or accept simple facts.

And there are plenty of facts.

Let’s take Colorado as an example…Trump’s followers are all over social media blaming Ted Cruz for Trump’s zero delegates, and they’re acting like this was something concocted BY Cruz at the last minute and that Cruz behaved unethically in winning all 34 of Colorado’s delegates.

Here are the facts…

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I’ll Stand With the Constitutional Conservative

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

A few days ago, I was told, in no uncertain terms by one of Donald Trump’s blind followers to, cru 1take my support for Cruz and “stick it!”

She failed to say where but she was clear in that she simply didn’t want to read the truth about Trump, and in that respect, she is not alone as Trump’s followers just don’t seem to be capable of handling the truth.

I have always said that if one really wants to know what liberals are up to, just look at what they accuse Conservatives of doing. If there is a liberal handbook, I suggest that blaming conservatives for exactly what the liberal is doing is on page one.

Before the final tally from Wisconsin was in, but after it was clear that Ted Cruz would post a double digit victory there, Donald Trump issued another signature tantrum in which he accused Cruz of a crime directly related to this election.

Trump accused Cruz of coordinating directly with his Super Pacs which is in direct violation of election law and he did so without providing any details, without naming any witnesses and without even the slightest shred of evidence and while many regard such an allegation as little more than sour grapes, the incessant whining of one who acts like a 2 year old who didn’t get his way…I suggest there is much more to it than that.

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Trump Substitutes Fantasy for Substance

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

While Donald Trump has said that, “I’m capable of changing to anything I want to non 1change to,” is has become obvious that what he meant was that he’s able to pander to whoever he wants to but he has shown, all too often, that he has no intention at all of changing.

Over the past two weeks, Trump has launched frivolous and baseless attacks against Heidi Cruz, the baseless National Enquirer rubbish smelled of his hair gel and Mexican made clothing line,  issued multiple statements regarding his multiple positions on abortion, had a disastrous, nationally televised town hall appearance in which he contradicted himself over and over again while naming education and healthcare as two of the three primary functions of government and had his Chinese made campaign hat handed to him by Wisconsin talk radio host Charlie Sykes.

But change?

No, Donald Trump hasn’t changed one little bit and that is exactly why he got pummeled in the Wisconsin primary Tuesday night. Further evidence of Trump’s inability to change was evident  in a statement released by his campaign after Tuesday night’s utter defeat in Wisconsin…

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Bugs Bunny Was Right…What a Maroon


By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

As bugs bunny would say…mor 1

“What a maroon…”

The man who would be POTUS…the loon followed by blind, low-information voters…Donald J. Trump…is now bordering on displaying the collective intelligence of a sack of potatoes.

My apologies to spuds everywhere.

Given that whoever the next POTUS is, that person will be tasked with appointing at least one, if not several Supreme Court Justices and one would think…no…one would HOPE that whoever that is has, at the very least, an inkling of what the job of a Supreme Court Justice actually is.

Now we KNOW that Ted Cruz knows exactly what the duties of the SCOTUS are. After all, Cruz has argued several cases before the nation’s highest court and as a Constitutional expert, Cruz knows full well that the SCOTUS interprets the Constitution were our laws are concerned. It is the job of the SCOTUS to determine whether or not our laws meet Constitutional muster.

But moron Don?

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A Matter of Trends, Numbers and Momentum

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Ted Cruz won two states in the March 5th showdowns. Donald Trump won two states in the March 5th showddel 1owns. Trump’s camp is happy to say they won as many states last Saturday as did Cruz but that doesn’t really tell the whole story, does it?

Cruz won 68 delegates last Saturday. Trump only won 53 delegates that night and that’s a lot more telling than the two to two tie isn’t it?

But even that doesn’t tell the full story.

Trump under-performed in Louisiana. In polls leading up to that state’s primary, Trump held a double digit lead. It was supposed to be an easy win for Trump and while he did win that state…he only beat Cruz by less than four points. It was close. It was a whole lot closer than Trump wanted it to be and a whole lot closer than Trump thought it would be.

Trump also won Kentucky, but in polls there, before the March 5th caucus, Trump also enjoyed a double digit lead over Ted Cruz by a margin of 35-15 according to RealClear Politics. That was a 20 point lead but on caucus night, Trump barely managed to win by 35.9 to Cruz’s 31.6…a difference of only 4.3 percent.

Interesting, but there’s more to be told before we can accurately see the big picture here.

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Obamacare’s Planned Failure Almost Complete

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

oc 1While everybody remains laser-focused on the 2016 candidates, one of the major issues of this election is, by and large, going unnoticed or drastically under reported…Obamacare.

Last week, Mandy Cohen, a senior official in the Obama regime’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, stonewalled a congressional committee regarding the future of Obamacare’s 11 remaining co-ops but she did admit one thing…

That those 11 of the original 23 co-ops are in big trouble financially.

How deep is the hole in which they currently find themselves?

Deep. Very, VERY deep.

In fact, 8 of the 11 could well go under by the end of this year and each of those 8 are now facing either “federal enhanced oversight,” or are currently operating under a “federal “corrective action plan.”

But there’s more…plenty more…

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Those Who Ignore History…

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

ts 1In attempting to understand the whole Pied Piper of blind sheep phenomenon that is Donald Trump, I have reached some conclusions which, in turn, have led to more questions than answers.

People are angry. I get that because I’m angry too. We’re angry that after turning the House red…nothing happened the way we were hoping it would happen. After turning the Senate red too…still nothing.

We have a majority in both houses of congress and yet those we elected to put a stop to Obama and his socialistic crap have done exactly nothing to put a stop to Obama’s socialistic crap. We elected them to stop government waste. We have MORE government waste. We elected them to strengthen the military and help our Veterans. We still have a military in decline and our Veterans aren’t being helped.

We elected them to not make deals with the ilk of Iran. We have a deal with Iran.

Yeah, I’m plenty mad so I get it.

We elected these people to the House and to the Senate to stop Obama’s pro-Islam, anti-America agenda and to stop him in his tracks on everything from Obamacare to GITMO…from Benghazi to Black Lives Matter and from unconstitutional Executive orders to blanket amnesty and what have we got for our election efforts?

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Speaking of Donald Trump…

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Donald Trump…the unhinged, narcissistic, liberal-leaning, Trumper-tantrum throwing, whining, vulgar, knee-jerk reactionary, afraid of a woman’s questions, Chinese-made campaign hat mogul and moonbat who’s meltdowns are now edging Charlie Sheen out of the #1 position in the realm of EPIC meltdowns, had THIS to say about Ted Cruz just a couple of days ago…

“Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual.”

Trump…the something less than a man who once PRAISED Megyn Kelly before calling her a bimbo and then later, cowardly ditching a debate because SHE was one of the moderators…the guy who once compared Ben Carson to a CHILD MOLESTER before becoming his BFF said THIS about Ted Cruz just a few days ago…

“Cruz has become unhinged and is lying with the hopes that his statements will go unchecked until after the election and he will save his failing campaign.”

Speaking of hoping his statements will go unchecked…

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The TRUTH About Socks, Underwear and Socialism

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

I would like to take a little time to address liberals. Specifically those liberals who are drooling over Bernie Sanders.ber 1

You know who you are.

You are the ones who pee yourselves every time Grumpy mentions free crap. He’s going to give you this for free, that for free, other things for free, EVERYTHING for free. Free healthcare. Free college tuition.

Free childcare…which goes along nicely with his proposals to expand the welfare system by which women can have as many babies as they want, by as many different men as they can roll around with and then have all their child care paid for…for FREE and if those welfare moms want to send their little welfare rug rats off to pre-school…


Yep…a vote for Bernie is a vote for FREE crap for the rest of your life and, if you’re a good little socialist…you’ll get a free pony.

Ol’ Bernie sure is the generous sort, isn’t he?

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Who Has the Substance and the Vision?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

vis 1If America is to continue to be what Ronald Reagan described as, “the shining light on the hill,” what we need, what we must have, is leadership. True leadership. We must have the sort of leadership that holds the vision of the Founders and Framers in the highest regard and the sort of leadership that realizes that our Constitution regulated government, not guns, placed strict limits on the power of the presidency rather than on the power of the people and made government accountable TO the people rather than making the people accountable to the government.

2016 could well be our last chance to reclaim the vision of our Founders and Framers. It could well be the last opportunity we have to save our exceptionalism and to save our liberties.

What we need, what we must have, is the sort of leadership that is laser focused on what’s best for the nation, how to rebuild our place on the world stage, how to implement national security, rebuild the trust of our allies and how to stop our economic bleeding that is the result of too much government interference in every aspect of our personal lives, too many government mandated regulations and far, far too much government waste in our government’s spending habits.

From the left side of the aisle, the candidates are Bernie Sanders, a confirmed and admitted socialist and Hillary Clinton, a corrupt politician who is under numerous investigations that could, should and I believe will result in indictments including espionage against the United States.

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