A Most Fictitious Farewell…Now Get Out!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

ofw 1Just this past Tuesday night, a spectacle of spectacles took place in Chicago. In what is arguably the nation’s biggest gun-free…target rich zone, where more than 750 murders took place in 2016, a 58% spike over the previous year, and where a total of 4,368 people were shot last year…

Obama gave his farewell speech.

For the record, in the liberal gun-free Mecca of Chicago…more than 90 people have been shot so far, since January 1st of this year.

But there he was, Mr. Gun Control, and the nation’s leading firearms salesman for 8 years running, licking himself all over…much like my dog does in front of company…telling the assembled socialist collective what a great job he’s done leading our nation…from behind.

Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t drag his butt across the carpet when he was finished, but let’s have a look at some of the highlights from that spreading of manure.

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Time For Truth – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

time-1In my previous article, in great detail, I outlined the reason why democrats and liberals are acting as they are in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory and Hillary Clinton’s loss as well as why they are still in such a state of disbelief over the reality of the 2016 election.

But I also said there were those, on my own side of the aisle, who are having trouble accepting reality.

While I write and broadcast commentary from the right side of politics, I have always based my commentary on facts and the truth. I can see absolutely no reason to alter that approach just because Trump won and Hillary lost. After all, simply winning the White House has never been my end game. Getting our country back to the Constitutional rule of law has…and I don’t give a happy damn who is in the Oval Office…our Founders and Framers entrusted nothing less to We the People than being honest in our political approach.

Here we go…

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Life’s a Bitch, Princess…Deal With It

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

deal-1It’s high time I deliver a quaint message to one particular group of individuals, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t give a happy damn whose fragile feelings I hurt in the process.

I’m talking about those quivering, gelatinous puddles of liberal goo in our universities and colleges who despite seeking a higher education, just can’t handle reality.

If, for the last week or so, you’ve been curled up in the fetal position, sobbing and unshowered, wadding and unwadding globs of Play Dough and your soiled panties, blowing bubbles when you aren’t drooling and wondering why your specifically assigned therapy puppy won’t give you the time of day…it’s because your parents failed.

They brought you up to believe that somehow, you were more special than you ever really were. They told you that no matter how bad you were at something…you were great at it. They managed to convince you that you were their little princess whether you peed standing up or sitting down and they told you that you were always going to be able to have whatever you wanted.

Your parents were abject failures, but they aren’t the only abject failures in your young lives because your teachers lied to you.

That’s right…

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A Moral High Ground Reality Check

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Imagine, if you will, a cliff at the brink of a bottomless abyss and the only thing there, as a aby-1barrier, is an electric fence.

Form that image in your mind and I promise I’ll get back to it before I’m finished here.

In scantly 3 weeks, on November 8th, America will have a choice to make. The stakes couldn’t possibly be higher, the ramifications couldn’t possibly be more dire nor could the consequences of that decision be more important, not only here at home, but around the world.

Like it or not, we are the balance in a world that’s on fire and near the tipping point. We are the world’s police. What we do, where we stand, and how we react have consequences and ripple effects that reach far beyond our shores and set the tone for both our allies and for our enemies.

I, like so many others, am sick and tired of being faced with voting for the lesser of the two evils. But I, like far too few, realize that no matter what, we will always be faced with voting for the lesser of the two evils.

Yes, I realize that there are many who, because of that aspect of the election, have decided to stand on their own island of pride, and write in a candidate’s name or vote for a 3rd party candidate because, according to them, it’s the moral thing to do, or it serves well their conscience.

I have a question, actually several questions, for those folks.

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A World of Heartfelt Appreciation

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Friends…on June 28th, my friend and colleague Diane Sori posted an article regarding my personal story and our current situation thanks to Obamacare. I can’t thank her donate 1enough for her desire to help…and help, she indeed has.

I wanted to bring you all up to speed with the progress made to this point, but before I do that, allow to take a moment to offer our most sincere appreciation for all that has been done…for all the kind and heartfelt donations to our GoFundMe site and for all the sharing of our story.

Your help in this most trying time, your generous donations mean more to us than words could ever express.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude and we thank each and every one who has given so generously to help us out.

Now then…on to the update…

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Trump’s “John Miller” Con…Exposed

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Back in 1991, Donald J. Trump was giving interviews to magazines and newspapers. That miller 1in and of itself, is not surprising. But he was giving those interviews, not as Donald J. Trump…but as Donald Trump’s PR spokesman…John Miller.

In fact, in a court case in 1990, Trump admitted, under oath, that he sometimes posed as John Miller or John Baron…concocted PR representatives for himself.

Add to that, the fact that Trump, as Miller, once gave an interview to People magazine where he said some rather off-the-cuff things regarding Marla Maples and Carla Bruni. The reporter, suspecting that she had, in fact, been talking to Trump himself, played that recorded interview FOR Maples and she IDENTIFIED the voice on the tape AS Donald Trump.

Now, fast forward 25 years, to just a day or two ago, when in a telephone interview on the Today Show, when confronted with the leaked tape of the Miller interview…Trump claimed it WASN’T him and he didn’t even know a thing ABOUT this John Miller thing.

“No, I don’t think it — I don’t know anything about it. You’re telling me about it for the first time and it doesn’t sound like my voice at all. I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice and then you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams — doesn’t sound like me.”

Trump then continued…

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Trump and Hillary…One and the Same

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

For the better part of the last 10 months, Donald Trump’s blind followers have been vile in per 1their comments directed at any candidate who dared to challenge their presumptive dictator and equally as vile toward anyone who dared to support any other candidate than Trump.

Trump has called Carly Fiorina ugly, called Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, ugly and unbalanced, has compared Ben Carson to a child molester, Demeaned Marco Rubio, Called Ted Cruz a liar, insinuated that Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination, had false stories planted that Cruz himself was having 5 affairs, demeaned Jeb Bush, blamed 9-11 on George Bush, incited riots, encouraged his followers to commit violence while offering to pay their legal fees for doing so, mocked Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes and accused Ted Cruz of being the Zodiac killer.

Naturally, Trump’s blind followers picked up every bit of this rubbish and immediately spread it all over social media.

Now, as Trump closes in on the nomination…his blind followers are blaming those whom they so vilely attacked for the past 10 months for splitting the party. It’s OUR fault, according to the Trumpers, that the party is now split six ways from Sunday. WE’RE to blame…or so THEY say.


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Next week, my state of Nebraska will hold its primary election and on that day, I will proudly nt 1cast my ballot for Senator ted Cruz and in doing so, I will hold my head as high as the day I cast my vote for Ronald Reagan.

We now have a good idea who the nominees will be. Hillary and Trump are currently leading but Hillary may never make it to the nomination due to a pending indictment as per the FBI investigation into her email scandal which involves espionage.

Trump is facing two court actions…Trump University, a scam engineered to line his pockets and a pending rape charge involving a 13 year old girl in a civil action.

This is the best America has to offer?

No…no it is not. We have far better than either of those two festering louts.

We have Ted Cruz…

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Trump – Unfit to Serve…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Yesterday, in “Trump – Unfit to Serve…Part 1 of 2” I outlined several recent events and dic 1Donald Trump’s reactions to them while also touching upon Trump’s more generally known characteristics of being narcissistic, arrogant and demeaning.

But to really, truly grasp the inner workings of Donald Trump’s mindset, which is more psychosis than mindset, we most look at other character traits he possesses.

While Trump’s followers applaud these traits, and excuse them as being not politically correct, others don’t care for his behavioral traits, are annoyed by them, or are repulsed by them. It has been well-known for some time that Trump’s unfavorable ratings were quite high but just a couple of days ago, new polling suggests that his unfavorable ratings have now reached 70% which is historically, a record high since this data has been compiled dating back to 1992.

Before I provide some of Trump’s more basic characteristics, it should also be noted that although Trump is currently the front runner in the 2016 Republican race, his numbers are the lowest since 1980 which, as you will soon see, plays a vital role in his behavior.

Everybody, it seems, has an opinion of Donald Trump, and like him or dislike him…his basic traits are the linchpin which guides all of our feelings toward him.

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