Robin Williams – Yes…He’s Still Dead…



ROBIN WILLIAMS IS STILL DEAD yet despite the fact that he is, indeed, dead and has remained so for nearly 24 hours…

Our national debt has not dropped and remains in the $18 TRILLION dollar neighborhood…

Lois Lerner’s emails have yet to be found…

There has been NO justice for Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty or Tyrone Woods…

All manner of ILLEGAL ALIENS, some carrying infectious diseases are STILL pouring across our border and for that matter…so too are terrorists from barbaric Muslim countries.


Robin Williams remains, at this hour, dead…however…

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Friday Fume

fume 1Day by day…minute by minute…Liberals IQ’s are PLUMMETING!!!

Every Friday, I let off a little steam and THIS Friday is no exception. I mean really…did you SEE this from a couple of days ago???

Obama, the dictator, stood at a press conference and actually had THIS to say about whipping out his anti-constitutional PEN and taking voter registration action regarding ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!

“The American people don’t want me just standing around twiddling my thumbs and waiting for Congress to get something done.”

He’s right you know…we DON’T want him standing around twiddling his thumbs…


Well…here’s your week in review…WITH A LITTLE ATTITUDE…

Friends and Patriots…

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Liberal congresswoman, Julia Brownley from the Socialist Repiblik of Kalifornia sent out a campaign flyer a week ago, trying to convince those in her 26th District that she’s all about the family and…THE MILITARY and along with photos of some kids and a family…most likely none of them her own…was one very particular image…

A woman, dressed in what, at first glance, looked like a NAVY uniform but…NOT to some VETERANS who received the flyer.

Veterans should be IMPORTANT to the politburo wannabe congresswoman as she IS on the House Committee for Veteran Affairs IS ranking member on the House’s Subcommittee on Health, which oversees the VA AND…HER DISTRICT INCLUDES…THE NAVAL BASE IN VENTURA but…

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Conservatives, Let’s Get Our PRIORITIES Straight

solve 1Well, thank GOD that all our LITTLE insignificant problems as a nation have been resolved. Honestly, they were getting a bit annoying.

You know, thinks like our soaring national debt…all $18 TRILLION dollars of it and rising. Pesky really. But apparently, that’s been fixed so there is NOTHING more to worry about in that regard and may I just add…it’s about damn time.

GAS prices must be on THEIR way down which also means that nobody will have to worry this coming winter about the cost to heat their homes as the cost of electricity must also be dropping.

How’s your 401k doing?

Last week’s nose dive doesn’t mean a thing. Just because the Fed may stop artificially propping up the stock market and driving inflation up but…no worries.

Aren’t you glad that Obamacare finally got fixed? Admit it…YOU getting tired of seeing the same old doctor and having the same old insurance you’ve had for years? I know I was but now…BOY oh BOY…we have new and improved GOVERNMENT mandated health insurance to take the place of that old crap we USED to have and I, as a guy, am just GIDDY that for the first time in my life…MY visit to the gynecologist will finally be covered…after I pay my whopping deductible that is but hey…I’m resting better NOW than I did BEFORE Obamacare and I’m willing to bet YOU are too.

Darn good thing we don’t have any problems down on the southern border huh? Could you IMAGINE what things would be like if it STILL wasn’t secure down there? Why…ILLEGAL ALIENS might still be thinking they could waltz into our country any old time they liked but…not today.

We SOLVED that nuisance problem didn’t we?

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Obama’s Policies Have UNIONS Seeing RED!!

screw 1Okay…from the lips of liberals…

Conservatives are obstructionists. WE are the racists…the jobs killers and the reason the economy sucks out loud. Liberals love to claim that Conservatives comprise the “do nothing congress” and Obama stands there last week in Kansas City chiding US to “come on…come on now, let’s get things done.”

Meanwhile, on the back shelves of Harry Reid’s liberal/socialist controlled senate…

Some 356 bills…PASSED by the House…are collecting dust because Reid himself refuses to bring them to a vote.

OF those 356 bills…

98% were passed with bipartisan support…200 of them were passed unanimously by the ENTIRE house without a single objection from the liberals ensconced there…and more than 100 others were passed with 75% of house DEMOCRATS supporting them.

40 of those bills would directly help lower unemployment and many of them offer assistance to the “more than 3.4 million workers between the ages of 20 and 59″ missing from our labor force.”

There they sit…356 bills, including a border bill passed just last Friday…on Harry Reid’s desk because Reid himself refuses to have them brought up for a vote.

And Lois Lerner thinks that CONSERVATIVES are the ASSHOLES???

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This is What Happens When Judges READ the Bill

ka 1One of the key selling points employed by Obamacare snake oil salesmen was SUBSIDIES!!!


To liberals, that meant something for nothing.

To those with a working brain cell…it meant $1 TRILLION DOLLARS of AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY as part of THE largest tax increase in American history.

Yesterday, 2 federal courts offered up two opposite opinions on that spoon full of sugar-coated crap in the Kool Aid pitcher.

Let’s take the second opinion first.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, hearing a case challenging the subsidies related to those who somehow managed to sign up for socialism on that malfunctioning Obamacare federal website and THEY found that the subsidies were A-ok and upheld the federal government’s ability to give your tax dollars to the something for nothing crowd.

Now…the first court decision from yesterday…

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that those subsidies, to be paid to the something for nothings who signed up on the federal site are null and void.

Oh my, what are we gonna do NOW?

Well, according to the lone dissenter from the DC Court of appeals…“This case is about Appellants’ not-so-veiled attempt to gut the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (‘ACA’).”


Not so fast there Judge Panties-in-a Wad…

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Friday Fume

fume 1What a week it’s been as liberal absurdity has reached a new high.

First, the Dictator goes down to Texas but REFUSES to visit the border where ILLEGALS are POURING in.

Then, yesterday, as the world burned…our greatest ally, Israel, began their ground war against the Gaza terrorists AND a Malaysian PASSENGER jet was BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY BY RUSSIAN REBELS…There was Obama…FUND RAISISING AGAIN…This time in NY…telling jokes and posing for photo ops…NOT SEEMING TO GIVE A DAMN that 23 Americans might be among the dead…

And in between it all…his town liar, Josh Earnest told the press that BECAUSE of Obama…”THE WORLD IS MORE…TRANQUIL!!!”

If, by “more tranquil” he means that “THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET” then yeah…I suppose the world IS more tranquil.

We could all use a few laughs about now…don’t you think?

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Well isn’t this convenient?

The Dictator’s Department of Injustice is now investigating how the Dictator’s minions in the IRS “lost” all those emails and hard drives that could well have provided direct evidence of the Dictator’s direct involvement in the targeting scandal.

Now what do you suppose they’re gonna find?

I’M sure…after a complete and thorough investigation…the derpwads at DOJ will conclude there was “NOT A SMIDGEON OF CORRUPTION” at the IRS GESTAPO!!!

What else should we expect…after all…

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It’s Time for Comprehensive Regime Reform

If you are planning to board a plane anytime soon, for vacation or business, to fly to any U.S. destination, there is something very important youtsa 5 should be aware of and I mean…VERY important.

There is a good chance that there will be passengers on your flight who boarded without any identification whatsoever.

These are people granted immunity from the TSA goon squads at any U.S. airport and their free pass has been authorized by none other than the Obama regime.

While YOU, as an American citizen are NOT allowed to board WITHOUT proper identification…OTHERS are and they are NOT U.S. citizens.

According to NBPC (National Border Protection Council) Local 2455 Spokesman Hector Garza, “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms.”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, ILLEGAL ALIENS who have set foot in OUR country having NO documentation OR ID are being allowed to board ANY commercial flight to ANYWHERE in the country by simply showing their ‘Notice to Appear’ form at the gate.

We all know that along with Mexican and Central American ILLEGAL INVADERS we have members of Mexican drug cartels pouring across our now non existent borders. We also know that gang members from Mexico and Central American countries are escorting many of the illegal invader unaccompanied children across the border as well.

Folks…we are well aware as well that terrorists, sent from Islamic organizations are in the border crossing mix.

NONE of them are illegally INVADING our nation with ID’s or documentation.

NONE of them and yet, all they must show to board our planes at our airports is show their ‘Notice to Appear’ form. All that means is they have been ordered to appear at a deportation hearing. That’s all. And most of them will simply disperse across our nation, from sea to shining sea and take up a below the radar existence in our cities and towns.

It gets worse…

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Weekend Edition: Allahu Akpoop – NOT Martha’s Vineyard!!!

tnp eagleI have an idea.

As Obama and his absurd ilk have absolutely NO intention of deporting the tsunami of ILLEGAL aliens pouring across our southern border and as we know all too well that a multitude of the future liberal voters, infested with all manner of diseases, are to be relocated to cities, towns and congressional districts from sea to shining sea…

I have an idea…as we now learn of a DEAL made between travel agents masquerading as the governments of Mexico and Guatemala (which in Spanglish apparently means ‘homeland of the scabies ridden youth’ ) by which the parade of illegal aliens will be able to move FROM Guatemala THROUGH Mexico…UNHINDERED by any need for documentation except for new ‘Regional Visitor Cards’ which will be handed out like piñata candy at a baseball bat convention thus allowing MORE illegal aliens to get to the Rio Grande water park FASTER than ever before…

I have an idea.

Relax…I’ll get to it…

AND as the ILLEGAL ALIEN who currently has his prayer rug gracing the oblong office has asked…DEMANDED some $3.7 BILLION U.S. Taxpayer dollars to supplement the need for clothing, housing, bug spray, transportation, government indoctrination center educations, $10.10 per hour per ACORN worker, Obama Phones, all the Guatemelons the Guatemalans can eat buffets and various other perks like welfare, Obamacare, and left over Fast and Furious guns for the gang members accompanying the little vermin and their human hosts without allocating a farthing for the silly idea of SHUTTING DOWN THE DAMN BORDER…

I DO have an idea but before I get to that, allow me to also point out that OUR version of Juan (Spanglish for Barack) and Eva (Spanglish for MOOOOOOchelle) are packing their bags (why both are taking mens boxer shorts is anybody’s guess) in preparation for their annual pilgrimage to identify with the middle class by staying in a $12 MILLION DOLLAR home in…

Here’s  my idea and thanks for waiting…

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Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds

real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

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