Obama, Solyndra and the Spastic Monkey Approach to Lying

As the Solyndra scandal hit the news a couple of weeks ago, the Obama administration obviously knew that they were in trouble. With Obama’s polling figures sinking already, the economy in the tank, the first downgrade in our nation’s history having just been handed down, unemployment still high and for the first time in decades, a month in which not a single new job had been created, Obama could not afford a hit like Solyndra.

Obama, his administration and liberals in general have, once again, resorted to a worn out strategy.

Blame Bush.

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Government + Liberal + Program = Failure

Liberals LOVE to harp on and on endlessly about the separation of church and state – but when the church is THEIR brand of religion, separation be DAMNED and FULL STEAM AHEAD!

Liberals bow to the altar of global warming and believe their messiah can walk on Brita filtered water without leaving a carbon footprint. What’s more, they want us ALL to become obedient little green disciples and worship the great and mighty Oz Gore.

Liberals have for years been attempting to bully nonbelievers into the green jobs crowd and have, at least to some extent, been weirdly successful. We can no longer buy good old regular light bulbs. Thanks to the greenie weenies, we have to buy…CFL bulbs. GREAT JOB liberals. Break one and you have to call the HAZMAT team and what if you toss one into a land fill? They’re full of mercury and they are all made in China!

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FDA Should Be Crying Over Spilled Milk

First, they went after the Amish…and spilled the milk.

Now they’ve gone after a private raw food group…and cut the cheese.

Watch out, all producers of natural food, the FDA nannies are on their way to plan a sting operation on your small family business! And we, the taxpayers, have paid for one-year investigations into these providers of raw products to knowledgeable and informed buyers!!

What I have learned from these raids is that it is legal to sell these raw products in 10 states, illegal in 11 and DC – but it is the Feds who enforce it through their thugs in the Food and Drug Administration! That means that even if you live in a state where it is legal, you get to foot the bill for these bureaucrats and their teams of law enforcement personnel to pose as purchasers for more than a year (“to gather evidence”) and then obtain warrants and raid Amish farms! Hmmmm – aren’t there more important uses for our taxpayer dollars and the time of our law enforcement officers?

And why, as consumers, are we being denied the right to eat what we want? I wonder how long it will be before they come knocking on our doors to inspect the contents of our refrigerators for contraband raw milk and fresh cheese…

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EPA’s Choke Hold On Economic Growth! by Margaret Smith

My last posting was an eye opener to the chains which our government places on business via “helping” with Regulations. After spending numerous hours on research and reading about Regulations, I realized I was a new born in the world of Government Regulations. I decided it was time to skip the first steps of walking, grow up, ascertain as much information I could to the affects this government has placed on our economic prosperity. I was shocked to find there are many who would place the life cycle of a fish ahead of the life of a human. I was shocked to discover that there are people in our country who would rather support an environmental department that is funded by taxpayers instead of supporting a business that would create more revenue. The most distressing discovery to this date is our (including mine) lack of knowledge for which the Environmental Government Agency known as the EPA has been responsible in destroying American jobs. I offer the following tidbits of information. I hope the citizens who are reading this take the time to get fired up and start firing back at this department; for surly it will be the demise of any industry surviving in America.

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Cut the Shackles of Government Regulation!

By Margaret Smith on May 23, 2011

We have so many Federal regulations affecting businesses that small and large companies had to create positions just to deal with the “shackles of government”; now that is job creation!

Consider how the US EPA started, officially it is stated as December 1970, yet was truly revolutionized in 1962. This time frame is when Rachel Carson wrote “Silent Spring” in serial form in the New Yorker. The article was about pesticides and its effect on the bird population. Because of its popularity from readers the book was published and started a grass roots movement of environmentalist. Today, because of his books influence we have, ” 14,000 scientists, lawyers, managers, and other employees across the country to fight the good fight for “environmental protection.” Many of us probably would not be so concerned about the USEPA if it was only fighting pesticide companies.

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