Liberal Economics 101

At what point, one wonders, will liberal voters say enough is enough of the green energy debacle? At what point will THEY admit, OPENLY, that Obama’s green energy program is nothing but a huge lie?

How much money, belonging to American taxpayers, will have to be wasted?

Enbridge Energy Partners and Silver State North went into operation last week and will now file for up to $50 million dollars in U.S. taxpayer stimulus money. Compared to Solyndra, that’s not much. Also compared to Solyndra, this company is BOOMING!!!

What do we GET for OUR $50 million?

We get 2 full-time jobs and energy that costs 3 times as much as energy from natural gas.

Allow me to connect some dots here.

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Massachusetts Bake Sale Terrorism


Today, the FPI, (Food Police Idiots) the top law enforcement agency of the Nanny States of America, has issued an all points bulletin for a TERRORIST so vile, so despicable, as to be the cause of death and general mayhem to our nation’s children and children through the known world.

The bulletin reads…DEAD or ALIVE!!!

If YOU see this individual, call the FPI immediately.



As we understand, via unnamed and anonymous sources, SEAL Team 6½ is now on HIGH ALERT and ready to spring into action without due credit to be given, upon the issue of a memo to be delivered to Admiral McRaven.

Appearing now, at the top of the FPI Most Wanted Terrorist List is…

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Friday Fume

Well…Here we are at the end of another week of liberal insanity.

This is where we shine the light of truth on the liberal/socialist absurdity and watch ’em scatter like roaches.

Sit down and hang on, fellow Patriots…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Al Armendariz, an EPA administrator from the Dallas office, made the remarks at a local Texas government meeting and now they’re coming to light. He was talking about how he wants EPS regulations enforced.

“It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw, and they’d crucify them.”

“And then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.”


This MORON, appointed by EMPEROR OBEYME…is an idiot.

Oh…he apologized but DON’T THEY ALL…

“I apologize to those I have offended and regret my poor choice of words.”

Which of course prompted the Emperor’s town crier…Jay Carney to pipe up with, “What he said is clearly not representative of either this president’s belief in the way that we should approach these matters or in the way that he has approached these matters — either from this office here in the White House or at the EPA.”

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It’s Time for the Tea Party Movement to End

There’s an incendiary headline for you.

The time for the Tea Party movement to die is now. Right now. It has served its purpose and now it’s time to kill it off, say goodbye and bury the movement forever.

Bury the MOVEMENT…Not the idea or the ideals but the MOVEMENT.


That’s right…it’s now time to turn the movement into a full fledged PARTY before the next presidential election. Such things cannot happen overnight and time must be taken to do it the right way but do it we must.

If you are as tired as I am of being held hostage by the Republican Party establishment, WE have to make it clear to THEM that we’re just not gonna take it any more.

The Republican Party, the party of conservatism, REAGAN’S party has become the just barely right of center but leaning toward the center party and because of what we have been through for DECADES, that’s no longer good enough.

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Screw Business as Usual…A Fire and Brimstone Strategy

It’s going to be an ugly campaign. We all know it and we’re ready for it but it’s going to the ugliest and nastiest and dirtiest campaign in history.

Regardless of whom the GOP nominee turns out to be, why NOT take the early lead?

If the GOP Nominee takes this advice, it will send a clear message to the Republican establishment that conservatives aren’t going to do business as usual any more. It would shake the establishment and pull together conservative voters.

Even if the establishment candidate, Romney, becomes the nominee and adopts this measure, HE would pull together the conservative vote.

Here is a little something else this would do…It would shake the Obama campaign to its core.

As soon as the 1,144 delegates are in hand, WHOEVER garners them either at the convention or before…put this into motion.

Rather than a leisurely march toward a VP nominee or a surprise VP announcement like we got in 2008, vet the possible VPs NOW and stand ready to announce the running mate in a nationally televised press conference the day after the delegates are in hand.

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The Inaugural Address That Must be Delivered

As it appears Romney IS now the inevitable GOP nominee, I believe THIS is the address we MUST hear on day 1.

Thank you and good afternoon.

My name is Mitt Romney and I am the President of the United States of America.

There are some things we need to get straight and the sooner the better.

Let me start…Now.

This great nation is a mess. Our economy, our government, employment, our debt. It’s all a mess.

This is something which needs to be made crystal clear. I did not inherit this mess. I have chosen to correct it. The time for blame is over and the mess is what it is regardless of how or who created it. I ran for President and was elected to this office to correct the problems not to blame others for them.

It’s a tremendous undertaking. It will not be fast. It will not be easy.

But rest assured, we will begin today to take the appropriate steps to make things right again.

The first and most important step we can take in this regard is to start getting government out of the way. Our future will be built exactly the way our great past was built: On the ingenuity of, on the creativity of and with the hard work of the private sector. If government stands in the way of what made our nation great, we can never reclaim our greatness.

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Friday Fume

I gotta tell ya, this last week has left my HEAD spinning!

I’m beginning to see a pattern too. The closer we get to the election…Week by week…The deeper into insanity the liberals go.

I suppose desperation could be driving them to the edge but seriously, do they need to take the rest of us along for the ride??

Well, it IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

The GSA…a VALUABLE government agency, basically in charge of not wasting our money has been…


Turns out these YAHOOS spent almost a MILLION dollars on a conference in HENDERSON Nevada. $4.00 shrimp, $14.00 breakfasts…$75,000.00 on a seminar on how to assemble a bicycle…


Now, to be fair, this isn’t JUST the liberals…THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR A LONG TIME but seriously, should the government agency in charge of making sure the government doesn’t waste the people’s money REALLY employ…12,500 PEOPLE???


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Obama is No Beethoven

It has been said that, “A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” It has also been said that the above quote came from Mark Twain. That, in and of itself, may well be a lie as it seems more probable that the quote came from Charles Haddon Spurgeon; but aside from this, what of Spurgeon do we know or, for that matter, care.

Regardless of the origin, the quote is true but only up to a point.

It describes but the beginning of the race. Truth, eventually, wins the day because the lie, eventually, stumbles.

As for Twain, a voluminous liar in practice, he did have something to say on the matter.

The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant encumbrance. How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

“Almost all lies are acts, and speech has no part in them.”

I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won’t.”

Twain, indeed had a great deal to say regarding the practice or art of the lie, but perhaps my favorite is this:

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Obama on Solyndra…Not Whisker of Truth

My, oh my, but aren’t liberals enlightened? Aren’t they intellectual?

The liberal’s new favorite adverb is…

Per se.

Liberals are SO enlightened and SO intellectual that they, at the drop of a hat, now speak Latin.

Joe Biden…an intellectual giant if ever one existed, stated last December that, “the Taliban per se is not our enemy.” Of course, that non, “per se” enemy is the very non “per se” enemy who have been raising all sorts of hell and has recently murdered 6 U.S. soldiers over burned Korans.

Now, as of yesterday, Obama jumped in.

“Obviously, we wish Solyndra hadn’t gone bankrupt. Part of the reason they did was because the Chinese were subsidizing their solar industry and flooding the market in ways that Solyndra couldn’t compete. But understand: This was not our program, per se. Congress — Democrats and Republicans — put together a loan guarantee program because they understood historically that when you get new industries, it’s easy to raise money for startups, but if you want to take them to scale, oftentimes there’s a lot of risk involved, and what the loan guarantee program was designed to do was to help start up companies get to scale.”

One can only suspect that the same reality of our “per se not” our enemy can easily be applied to “not our program, per se.”

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Doing the Liberal Hocus Pocus

14 percent. That, according to a recent survey, is the number of people who strongly agree that Obama is handling the gas price issue well. 14 percent.

Who ARE those people? How much Kool Aid are THEY drinking and WHAT are they smoking?

65 percent disapprove; and of that 65 percent, 52 percent disapprove STRONGLY. Heck, 59 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. 50 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy strongly.

In nearly every campaign appearance, Obama pats himself on the back for his own handling of the gas price situation but the spinning is starting to make people dizzy. That’s because in nearly every campaign appearance, Obama is taking both sides of the issue.

No surprise, it’s what liberals do but apparently, there ARE 14 percent of people who are completely unable to see through it.

Here’s how the liberal double spin works.

Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings tell us that oil and gas are the energy sources of the past. They’re old hat, obsolete, passé, and as hip as an 8 track tape. We hear that over and over again.

Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings also tell us that, “We can’t just drill our way out of the problem.” We hear THAT over and over too, don’t we?

Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings have been telling us that even if we WERE to drill here drill now, it would take 10 to 15 years for any oil produced to have a positive effect on the economy. In fact, Obama aside, liberal/socialists have been using THAT line for more than 2 decades.

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