14 percent. That, according to a recent survey, is the number of people who strongly agree that Obama is handling the gas price issue well. 14 percent.
Who ARE those people? How much Kool Aid are THEY drinking and WHAT are they smoking?
65 percent disapprove; and of that 65 percent, 52 percent disapprove STRONGLY. Heck, 59 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. 50 percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy strongly.
In nearly every campaign appearance, Obama pats himself on the back for his own handling of the gas price situation but the spinning is starting to make people dizzy. That’s because in nearly every campaign appearance, Obama is taking both sides of the issue.
No surprise, it’s what liberals do but apparently, there ARE 14 percent of people who are completely unable to see through it.
Here’s how the liberal double spin works.
Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings tell us that oil and gas are the energy sources of the past. They’re old hat, obsolete, passé, and as hip as an 8 track tape. We hear that over and over again.
Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings also tell us that, “We can’t just drill our way out of the problem.” We hear THAT over and over too, don’t we?
Obama and his liberal/socialist lemmings have been telling us that even if we WERE to drill here drill now, it would take 10 to 15 years for any oil produced to have a positive effect on the economy. In fact, Obama aside, liberal/socialists have been using THAT line for more than 2 decades.
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