Friday Fume

Such a week. Oh my goodness.

Dennis Rodman is now BFF with Lil’ Kim over in North Diarrhea…

Curly is our new Pentagon Chief…Larry is the Secretary of State and we’re just WAITING for MOE(HAMMAD) to lead the CIA!!!!


THAT didn’t end well for those OTHER Dictators…Did it???


It’s a wonder we don’t ALL go screaming into the night isn’t it?

Well, somehow, we’ve survived another week of socialist stupidity and we need some laughs to maintain our sanity.

It’s Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

Can we all move on now?

Now that the Pope has gone to do whatever retired Popes do?

Look, I KNOW he’s the first one to give his 2 weeks notice and then retire in 598 years so, those who were in charge of the retirement party were sort of…Caught napping but good grief…2 full weeks of LASTS after being the FIRST in 598 years was a little much..

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Giving Obama’s SOTU the BIRD!


Tuesday night, our Dictator delivered his Hate of the Union address.

The gallery was full of professional victims and…Ted Nugent.

Oh, I COULD regale you with fact checks and and counterpoints along with pointing out all the contradictions but, why bother?

It’s been done and it doesn’t honestly differ much from his previous Lying like a rug addresses.

Instead, I thought maybe a pictorial recounting of the way Patriots viewed the drooling and applause laden fiasco might serve as a better alternative and when it comes to giving the entire manifesto the bird…I say…Flip it THE most PATRIOTIC bird you can find!

SO…Needless to say, after the first 5 minutes, the Dictator’s nose had exceeded the limits of my 55 inch screen.

It’s a good thing this festival of bull wasn’t shown in 3D…

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As the Dictator prepares to deliver his Confusion of Lies Address tonight, he is faced with a litany of problems.

North Korea has apparently, conducted their 3rd nuclear test which flies in the face of U.N. resolutions.

U.N. resolutions are, as we all know, worthless but North Korea’s test, which registered a 4.9 on the Richter Scale is just the tip of the iceberg.

North Korea, as we all know, is tight with Iran and Iran, as we all know, is nearing the red line on THEIR nuclear program.

It doesn’t take a nuclear scientist to understand the implications.

As soon as Iran refines uranium to weapons grade, the rest of their work has been done FOR them by North Korea.

The reclusive and insane North Korean government has already and clearly, created nuclear bombs AND, if that isn’t enough…North Korea is much, MUCH closer to intercontinental ballistic missiles that is the “monkey launching” Ahmadinejad.

What Iran lacks in nuke technology North Korea can provide and what North Korea may need in delivery technology…Iran can provide.

A match made in hell to be sure.

This, of course, is not the only problem for the Dictator tonight.

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Desperation in the Words of the Dictator

If you are a minority, gay, illegal immigrant from a communist country, yesterday’s coronation of the Dictator was your dog and pony show.

Politically direct enough for ya?

The orification from the Orifice in Chief was a deep courtesy to the ilk of Lenin, Mao, Castro and Gay Guevara.

Look…I realize that I have mentioned “gay” in 2 out of the first 3 sentences but, before anyone comes unhinged, yesterday’s unhinged ceremony included the divisiveness of gays and straights in the body of the Dictator’s speech AND  in its closing prayer not to mention the divisiveness of race and class standing to boot.

The Dictator used his coronation to draw a clear line that he only sees ONE side of what divides this nation…THE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST side.

Don’t think so?

How about THIS quote?

“Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.”

If you thought the last 4 years made you sick…You have not yet begun to vomit.

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A Tsunami in a Sea of Lies

FromGuantanamo bay to be closed within a year” to “You Didn’t Build that.” The Dictator, Obama, has lied as often as Biden has gaffed.

It’s been an amazing 4 years of bald face lying to those who elected him and to those who didn’t.

The clear difference is, those of us who declined to anoint the Dictator KNOW he’s lying and those who DID…KNOW it but simply don’t care.

What follows is but a partial list of whoppers from the Lyin’ King.

“I Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.”

77% of Americans are not happy with that lie.

“The Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without stimulus.”

What the Dictator apparently FAILED to tell us was that WITH the stimulus…Unemployment would rise to more than 10%.

“I’ll Cut The Deficit in Half by end of first term.”

As our annual deficit has doubled, I’m not sure if this is 1 lie or more than 4 TRILLION lies.

I am immediately instituting PayGo “Pay as you go.”

Sooo…You DON’T need another debt ceiling raise after all???

“We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care.”

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I Don’t Need a Drone to Identify BULLCRAP!!!

Think about it…When WAS the last time YOU were invited to DISCUSS anything on a NATIONAL scale???



That’s because there is NO SUCH THING as a NATIONAL DISCUSSION.

But that is exactly what the socialists say they want…A national discussion regarding the 2nd Amendment and gun control.

“I think when we talk about the assault weapons ban that was in place in the U.S., to have allowed that to have gone away …These are assault weapons. You don’t hunt deer with these things.”

Those were the words, spoken yesterday by Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy.

His words are being echoed far and wide by socialists elected or not, on social media, news reports and by dictator loving socialist pundits.



You can NOT alter the meaning of the Constitution.

The 2nd Amendment was NOT meant to preserve an individual’s right to go hunting regardless of what you WANT everyone to believe and no matter HOW many times you repeat the lie.

Were that the case, our original Patriots would have been allowed bows and arrows…

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Friday Fume

So, amid lunacy from socialists caught on camera dishing out violence in Lansing as our Emperor prepares for a 4 MILLION DOLLAR vacation as the rest of us head for the FISCAL CLIFF because HE wants to SOAK the so-called “rich” we have accomplished some GOOD things this week.

We’ve helped Clint Tarver get back on HIS feet after his hotdog stand was destroyed by socialist goons AND…We sent off THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of Christmas cards to our military Heroes!!!


But, let’s face it…right now, we bobbing along in a life raft of decency on a sea  socialist idiocracy.

Hey…at least we have Friday and friends…

I’m fuming.

I guess the EPA isn’t regulating ENOUGH of our lives yet and so…In Virginia…the Marxist agency now wants to regulate…


First of all…in the last 90 days…the EPA has enacted 900 NEW REGULATIONS and they were all held in secret UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION!!!

Now…They have determined that RAIN, at least in Virginia…IS A POLLUTANT!!!

When it rains hard…apparently, rainwater runs off and the EPA in their “wisdom” has decreed that more GRASS is needed to ABSORB the rain.

So what does it mean???

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In a World Gone Mad…An Unlikely Hero???

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

The guy who made a poor quality video about Muhammad sits in jail.

The guy who advocated the torture and painful, slow deaths of the U.S. military and their families…HE got to perform at the president’s Christmas party.

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

After Morsi declares himself a dictator, the Egyptian army is now taking control of “security” for an upcoming “election” regarding the new “constitution” which is to cement Morsi’s newly declared powers.

People by the hundreds of thousands are in the streets protesting the moves and what are WE doing???

We ARE SENDING Egypt…20 more brand new F-16 fighter jets!!!

Isn’t that special???

In Syria, Assad has mixed his deadly cocktails of nerve gas and the clock is ticking. In less than 60 days, that gas will become unstable and have to be destroyed. Raise your hands if you think Assad is going to let it sit without being used.

Obama said a month or 2 ago that should Assad MOVE his chemical weapons stockpiles…THAT would cross a red line and “something” would be done about it.

Well…He moved them AND mixed them and what did Obama do???

He moved the goal posts.

NOW…Obama says that should Assad USE those weapons…”Something” will be done because that’s where the NEW red line is today.

If he USES those weapons…Won’t it be too LATE to “do something” about it?

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Papa John’s and the Whiny Weasels of Socialism

A word of warning to the Whiny Weasels of Socialism.

Be careful what you vote for…You may just get it and WHEN you get exactly that for which you voted…DON’T START WHINING ABOUT IT!!!

9 days ago, socialists voted for the Emperor and now, they’re starting to realize the fruits of their labors.


Lots of them.

Socialists now want to boycott Papa John’s and Applebees because they are cutting work hours of their employees. They say such a move is…Un-American.


Socialists think something is Un-American???
Let me explain this in a way that anyone with a working brain cell can understand it.

Let’s use Papa John’s as our example.

Here is a company which started when somebody decided there was a better way to make pizza. Fresh instead of frozen ingredients, a great sauce a great crust and a great price.

A classic AMERICAN idea.

It grew because people who like pizza liked the complete Papa John’s recipe.

It grew and grew. People wanted to own their OWN Papa Johns and franchises were sold.

Very American.

After the expenses, ingredients, building and real estate costs, insurance, equipment, EMPLOYEES, taxes etc…The typical franchisee had…HAD a profit margin of around 10%.

Now, because of increased regulations, hikes in the minimum wage, rising insurance costs and the clamping down on business loans, higher costs due to rising gas prices for delivery of goods and delivery of pizzas…Over the last 4 years…The average franchisee NOW has a profit margin of…2%.

Along comes Obamacare.

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Defining Fundamental Transformation

Let me see if I have all this straight.

Over an 16 month time span, there were 234 terrorist attacks in Libya…48 in Benghazi…2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador,…The British and the Red Cross pull OUT of Benghazi…OUR Consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice…Our security people in Libya sent a dozen or so pleas for MORE security and WARNED of the growing threat from terrorist factions linked to al Qaeda…Our Ambassador sent messages to the State Department warning of those threats and alerting those in charge to the fact that the LIBYANS there to protect us were casing the joint and…

Nobody did a damn thing about ANY of it other than to DECREASE security in Benghazi.

We have 4 Americans killed in Benghazi due to a terrorist attack and while it was watched live in real-time at out State Department and in the white house situation room…Nobody was sent to help…any who were in a position to help were ordered to stand down, those who defied those orders were either killed in Benghazi or removed from their commands and…

Nobody but NOBODY is responsible.

Do I have that about right???

It’s now been nearly 2 weeks since Hurricane Sandy slammed the east coast and just a couple of days shy of 2 weeks since the Emperor graced New Jersey with his presence.

While mingling with the serfs, the Emperor heap praise upon FEMA and the FEMA director for the fine job they were doing but…

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