The die has been cast for the 2014 midterm elections as well as for the 2016 general elections and liberals know that the overriding issues for either election are not in their favor.
This is why we have seen ramped up efforts on the part of liberals to demonize the Tea Party.
Make no mistake, these are preemptive strikes.
During the 2010 midterms, liberals took the Tea Party far, far too lightly and the result was a major shellacking. Liberals lost the house and with it, the smooth waters for Obama’s socialist agenda.
Now, Obama’s party is running scared, sensing a sequel to those 2010 midterms.
Historically, midterm elections do not favor the party in power and liberals know that all too well.
To combat the coming storm, liberals are now increasing their efforts to label Conservatives as the party of evil, vile and destructive agenda motives.
Arsonists…Hostage takers…Terrorists…purveyors of domestic violence…Demanding ransoms…Extremists…Racist…
You have heard the labels and they will only become more vile as we approach the 2014 elections with the Tea Party square in the crosshairs.
The liberal core voters are uninformed, will vote democrat, as they have for decades, even in the face of their own reality, and they are gullible, believing whatever they are told by their party regardless of the truth.
The truth of the Tea Party is exactly the opposite of the liberal propaganda.
The Tea Party.
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