Obama’s Policies Have UNIONS Seeing RED!!

screw 1Okay…from the lips of liberals…

Conservatives are obstructionists. WE are the racists…the jobs killers and the reason the economy sucks out loud. Liberals love to claim that Conservatives comprise the “do nothing congress” and Obama stands there last week in Kansas City chiding US to “come on…come on now, let’s get things done.”

Meanwhile, on the back shelves of Harry Reid’s liberal/socialist controlled senate…

Some 356 bills…PASSED by the House…are collecting dust because Reid himself refuses to bring them to a vote.

OF those 356 bills…

98% were passed with bipartisan support…200 of them were passed unanimously by the ENTIRE house without a single objection from the liberals ensconced there…and more than 100 others were passed with 75% of house DEMOCRATS supporting them.

40 of those bills would directly help lower unemployment and many of them offer assistance to the “more than 3.4 million workers between the ages of 20 and 59″ missing from our labor force.”

There they sit…356 bills, including a border bill passed just last Friday…on Harry Reid’s desk because Reid himself refuses to have them brought up for a vote.

And Lois Lerner thinks that CONSERVATIVES are the ASSHOLES???

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Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds

real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

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Would SOMEBODY please potty train the Dictator…

AC 1Someone needs to tell it like it is…may as well be me.

Yesterday, after spending the last five days being repeatedly slapped in the face with a wet Supreme Court of the United States fish, the Dictator stepped up to a Rose Garden microphone with GRUMPY the ASS CLOWN, Joe Biden, standing behind him in the lamest attempt I’ve even seen at adding some absurd sense of gravitas to his wilting poll numbers.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…pass a bill.”

That’s what the occupier of our oval office said yesterday regarding immigration reform. That is exactly what he said.

Now, let’s look to that statement without the ass hat filter and using our double top secret liberal ideology decoder ring, we can discern the real meaning of his words.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…just let me have my way…officially…by passing amnesty and allowing my party to register as many illegal aliens as is humanly possible.”

Oh, he tried to spin his pleading and whining as some sort of humanitarian effort and something which would solve every problem we, as a borderless nation face…amnesty would solve unemployment…cut the national debt and I THOUGHT I heard something between the blah, blah, blah and the yada, yada, yada about how allowing our country to be overrun by law breaking pillagers would cure athletes foot too but in reality, it was little more than a pity party.

What little more it was had to do with his taking more executive actions.

Where’s that particular wet fish again…the one the SCOTUS whacked him with a few days ago? Apparently, somebody needs to take another swing and this time, with meaningful intentions.

Apparently, Boehner’s pending lawsuit holds all the impact of a trout.

The real question here is…

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been another tough week for liberal idiots…

They’ve been proven wrong on Iraq…wrong on the criticism of Bush…wrong on their denial of Obama’s scandals and yesterday…

The Supreme Court voted NINE to NOTHING that Obama completely blew the Constitutional Separation of Powers clause. NINE TO NOTHING and now BOEHNER is SUING the Dictator for ABUSES of POWER!!!

While rational people, at the bottom of a deep hole would quit digging…LIBERALS ARE ASKING FOR MORE SHOVELS and who are we to deny their request?

Well, lookie here, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Back in 1960, the city of Detroit had THE highest per capita income in the NATION and then…liberals took it over.

Today…Detroit is a third world city and like third world COUNTRIES…their people have gone to the UNITED NATIONS of thugs, thieves and despots seeking powder blue helmet relief from their day to day struggles.

A gaggle of liberals from a COALITION of…wait for it…WELFARE RIGHTS GROUPS…are all upset because the water has been shut off to 4700 Detroit water customers because…THEY HAVE FAILED TO PAY THEIR WATER BILLS…and those who demand that others take care of them…VIA WELFARE…went to the U.N. to get their water turned back on.

Here’s the REAL story…about HALF of the 324,000 Detroit water customers are at least 2 months over due on their water bills and of THOSE…46,000 were sent shut off notices and of THOSE…only 10% were ACTUALLY shut off and here’s where it gets interesting…Of the 4500 that were shut off…HALF OF THEM CAME IN AND PAID IN FULL WITHIN 2 DAYS!!!

That means that a damn good number of those who simply felt they didn’t need to pay their water bill…COULD HAVE buy why spend your OWN money when you can live off of someone ELSE’S dime???


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Friday Fume

fume 1Every Friday, we take a look at the week’s liberal/socialist knot-headed behavior and highlight just a little of their asylum antics here in the Fume. If we can’t find a way to laugh at em…WE’LL ALL BECOME JUST AS MORONIC AS THEY ARE!!!

That said…hold on to something well anchored and put down your beverages because…


It IS Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Well…so far this week…we’ve found Casey Kasem…the SUN’S TWIN BROTHER  and Chis Columbus’ Santa Maria but…WHERE IN THE HELL IS THAT DAMNED AIRPLANE???

In the case of the missing for more than 2 months flight 370…investigators have now come to the near conclusion that the “pings” they were hearing 2 months ago…PROBABLY WEREN’T THE PLANE???


What’s even more puzzling that that is the fact that they’re STILL LOOKING AROUND THE BOTTOM OF THE INDIAN OCEAN for the thing.

Allow me to offer a little advice here and, bear in mind that I am NOT an aviation “Where’s Waldo” expert but…if the pings weren’t coming from the plane’s black boxes and nobody has seen one single “SEAT CUSHION THAT CAN BE USED AS A FLOATATION DEVICE” in more than 2 MONTHS OF SNIFFING ABOUT IN THE OCEAN…there’s a pretty good chance that the airplane…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 4

This article has been co-written by Diane Sori.

In Part 1 of our series, “Government Lanwestern 1d Grabs: The Truth Exposed,” my Right Side Patriots radio partner Diane Sori and I laid out the groundwork behind the federal government’s seizing of land in the western United States over decades of a take an inch…take a mile agenda used by administrations from both sides of the aisle and how the current regime has labeled PRIVATE landholdings in the west as an “ACUTE” problem.

We were able to convey that information thanks to congressman Rob Bishop’s discovery of long buried emails and documents which help expose NEW land grabs in progress along with this regime’s plans, via the BLM and the Department of the Interior pressuring Obama to use his pen and the Antiquities Act of 1906 to not only steal land from private landholders but, to move some 140 MILLION acres (an area the size of the states of Colorado and Wyoming…COMBINED) from “mixed use” to “TREASURED LANDS” status thus rendering it completely off limits to American citizens.

In “Government Land Grabs: Exposing The Truth Part 2,” we proved that the seizing of western lands has virtually NOTHING to do with the liberal call to “protect the environment” and virtually EVERYTHING to do with government control of natural resources in order to control the people.

The maps we show eliminate the possibility of coincidence in that those lands are rife with coal, oil shale and other fossil fuel deposits that the current regime wants to keep off limits to private landholders and we provided evidence of how Obama and his ilk want to keep us dependent on foreign sources for our energy needs.

In “Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed Part 3,” we took our investigation passed oil, gas and coal to provide clear evidence of where our nation’s reserves of URANIUM rest and…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 2

lg 1So, this regime is planning to transfer 140 million acres of our western lands from “mixed use” to “treasured lands” status soon which means that NO individual or private company will have any access to them whatsoever. 140 million acres…the combined size of Wyoming and Colorado and for what?

Well, THEY claim it is to “protect the environment” which is a long over used and false claim.

It’s the land grab equivalent of the standard clarion lie from the left when it comes to attempts to pass legislation or, in the case of this insipid regime, use the dictator’s pen to sign away more and more of the rights that keep us free…”Oh, we MUST do it for the CHILDREN!!!”

Well, I’m calling BULLCRAP on this “protect the environment” land grab nonsense and I can prove it.

Let’s go back to the Clinton administration.

1996…That’s when Clinton went after 1.7 million acres in Utah. His administration claimed it was “to protect the environment” because those lands, he claimed, were endangered.

What a coincidence that those “endangered” lands, so in need of government management were the very lands where the largest untapped coal reserves in the nation were located and, the house committee called him out on it.

Naturally, Clinton responded with: “Mining jobs are good jobs, and mining is important to our national security — but we can’t have mines everywhere, and we shouldn’t have mines that threaten national treasures,” but the real story…the PROOF…came from a document sent from his Chair of the Council for Environmental Quality, one Kathleen Alana “Katie” McGinty who wrote in an email that: “these lands are not really endangered.”

 “Oh, we MUST do it for the children!!!”

A liberal lie meant to take away our rights.

“We MUST protect the ENVIRONMENT!!!”

A liberal lie meant to take away our land…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 3


BLM land already owned

Before I begin please read parts 1 and 2 (out of 4) of my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Craig Andresen’s expose on these federal land grabs either on his blog ‘The National Patriot’ www.thenationalpatriot.com or on my blog ‘The Patriot Factor’ www.thepatriotfactor.blogspot.com as each part leads into the next part.

Now let’s recap some important facts…according to the Congressional Research Service, the federal government (including the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, National Parks, and military bases) controls roughly 81% of the land in Nevada, 62% in Alaska, 67% in Utah, 53% in Oregon, 62% in Idaho, 42% in Arizona, 48% in California, 48% in Wyoming, 35% in New Mexico, and 36% in Colorado, and the BLM also controls 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estates throughout the nation.

‘Supposedly’ desolate land wanted by BLM

These numbers equate to roughly 260 million acres in the western states…translating into a land grab equal to the size of Colorado and Wyoming combined…with most of that land being listed as mixed-use land (land allowing for two or more different types of uses, for example land used by the public or rented to private companies)…but now the feds want to transfer 140 million of those 260 million acres over to what they call ‘Treasured Land’ status (land that NO citizen or private company can access).


Friday Fume

fume 1Oh man, oh man…we’ve actually made it to the end of another week of liberal insanity and, before I get to the MEAT of the socialist crap burger…allow me to impart a small byproduct of it to you.

In Illinois…where people are mired in all manner of liberal devastation from debt and overspending to corruption and violence…the state House Committee has put forth the idea that ILLINOIS TAXPAYERS should CHOKE UP…$100 MILLION DOLLARS to build the…

Barack Hussein oh blow it out your ASS…PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY and mosque.

Well…That should make it the world’s most expensive OUTHOUSE BASEMENT ever constructed.

Patriot friends…It’s Friday and in case you haven’t guessed…

I’m fuming.

The National September 11th Memorial Museum is set to open to the public next month and wouldn’t ya just know it…there’s a gaggle on numb-nuts that are blathering about a film that’s to be shown there because…they’re afraid it might upset the Islamists and Jihadis.

And we all know what the Jihadis and Islamists do when they get their head diapers in a wad…



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A Government Against the People

grab 1Slowly, quietly, over decades of regulation by unelected bureaucrats and with the assistance of those elected to pass legislation to advance the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness who have done everything but, lands that once belonged to private individuals and families have been ceded first to the state and then, to the statists.

After decades of backroom deals, bribes, pocket lining and dirty deeds, the land of the western United States now belongs to the United States government.

Just days ago, in a meeting scheduled well before the Battle of Bunkerville, legislators from 9 western states gathered with the goal of kicking the U.S. government off those lands and out of those states.

Bunkerville and the Bundy’s were merely the tipping point of a situation that had already gone well beyond enough is enough.

Ronald Reagan once said that “government is not the solution to the problem…Government IS the problem,” and those words ring as true today, if not more so than they did when first spoken.

According to Idaho Speaker of the House Scott Bedke…forests, wetlands and range lands in his state have fared better and suffered less damage from watersheds and fires than have lands in his state that are under the control of the federal government. There is a good reason for that too. Lands that are managed by the state are lands that are closer to the people who live on or near them than are lands managed by those in Washington DC but there are other reasons too.

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