Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 2

lg 1So, this regime is planning to transfer 140 million acres of our western lands from “mixed use” to “treasured lands” status soon which means that NO individual or private company will have any access to them whatsoever. 140 million acres…the combined size of Wyoming and Colorado and for what?

Well, THEY claim it is to “protect the environment” which is a long over used and false claim.

It’s the land grab equivalent of the standard clarion lie from the left when it comes to attempts to pass legislation or, in the case of this insipid regime, use the dictator’s pen to sign away more and more of the rights that keep us free…”Oh, we MUST do it for the CHILDREN!!!”

Well, I’m calling BULLCRAP on this “protect the environment” land grab nonsense and I can prove it.

Let’s go back to the Clinton administration.

1996…That’s when Clinton went after 1.7 million acres in Utah. His administration claimed it was “to protect the environment” because those lands, he claimed, were endangered.

What a coincidence that those “endangered” lands, so in need of government management were the very lands where the largest untapped coal reserves in the nation were located and, the house committee called him out on it.

Naturally, Clinton responded with: “Mining jobs are good jobs, and mining is important to our national security — but we can’t have mines everywhere, and we shouldn’t have mines that threaten national treasures,” but the real story…the PROOF…came from a document sent from his Chair of the Council for Environmental Quality, one Kathleen Alana “Katie” McGinty who wrote in an email that: “these lands are not really endangered.”

 “Oh, we MUST do it for the children!!!”

A liberal lie meant to take away our rights.

“We MUST protect the ENVIRONMENT!!!”

A liberal lie meant to take away our land…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 3


BLM land already owned

Before I begin please read parts 1 and 2 (out of 4) of my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Craig Andresen’s expose on these federal land grabs either on his blog ‘The National Patriot’ or on my blog ‘The Patriot Factor’ as each part leads into the next part.

Now let’s recap some important facts…according to the Congressional Research Service, the federal government (including the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, National Parks, and military bases) controls roughly 81% of the land in Nevada, 62% in Alaska, 67% in Utah, 53% in Oregon, 62% in Idaho, 42% in Arizona, 48% in California, 48% in Wyoming, 35% in New Mexico, and 36% in Colorado, and the BLM also controls 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estates throughout the nation.

‘Supposedly’ desolate land wanted by BLM

These numbers equate to roughly 260 million acres in the western states…translating into a land grab equal to the size of Colorado and Wyoming combined…with most of that land being listed as mixed-use land (land allowing for two or more different types of uses, for example land used by the public or rented to private companies)…but now the feds want to transfer 140 million of those 260 million acres over to what they call ‘Treasured Land’ status (land that NO citizen or private company can access).


Friday Fume

fume 1Oh man, oh man…we’ve actually made it to the end of another week of liberal insanity and, before I get to the MEAT of the socialist crap burger…allow me to impart a small byproduct of it to you.

In Illinois…where people are mired in all manner of liberal devastation from debt and overspending to corruption and violence…the state House Committee has put forth the idea that ILLINOIS TAXPAYERS should CHOKE UP…$100 MILLION DOLLARS to build the…

Barack Hussein oh blow it out your ASS…PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY and mosque.

Well…That should make it the world’s most expensive OUTHOUSE BASEMENT ever constructed.

Patriot friends…It’s Friday and in case you haven’t guessed…

I’m fuming.

The National September 11th Memorial Museum is set to open to the public next month and wouldn’t ya just know it…there’s a gaggle on numb-nuts that are blathering about a film that’s to be shown there because…they’re afraid it might upset the Islamists and Jihadis.

And we all know what the Jihadis and Islamists do when they get their head diapers in a wad…



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A Government Against the People

grab 1Slowly, quietly, over decades of regulation by unelected bureaucrats and with the assistance of those elected to pass legislation to advance the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness who have done everything but, lands that once belonged to private individuals and families have been ceded first to the state and then, to the statists.

After decades of backroom deals, bribes, pocket lining and dirty deeds, the land of the western United States now belongs to the United States government.

Just days ago, in a meeting scheduled well before the Battle of Bunkerville, legislators from 9 western states gathered with the goal of kicking the U.S. government off those lands and out of those states.

Bunkerville and the Bundy’s were merely the tipping point of a situation that had already gone well beyond enough is enough.

Ronald Reagan once said that “government is not the solution to the problem…Government IS the problem,” and those words ring as true today, if not more so than they did when first spoken.

According to Idaho Speaker of the House Scott Bedke…forests, wetlands and range lands in his state have fared better and suffered less damage from watersheds and fires than have lands in his state that are under the control of the federal government. There is a good reason for that too. Lands that are managed by the state are lands that are closer to the people who live on or near them than are lands managed by those in Washington DC but there are other reasons too.

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Weekend Edition: Harry Greed Was Right About 1 Thing…

tnp eagleEarlier this week, the senate’s top shyster, Harry Greed, made a few statements worthy of note and far be it for me to take a pass on them.

First, right after the government BLM goons cut and ran from the Bundy Ranch, Harry Greed ran to the nearest microphone to belligerently state, “Well, it’s not over. We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it’s not over.”

Then, just days later as his Facebook page was blowing up with FED up American people Harry Greed so passionately dislikes, he released a terse blast telling those fed up with the Reid and Sons scam artists to stop posting to his page because he had no intention of answering them after which, he had the whole thread or, multiple threads taken down and replaced with something having nothing whatsoever to do with the Battle of Bunkerville.

And third, just a couple of days ago, Harry, Harry Quite Contrary released THIS bit of bellicose blathering:

“These people, who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists.”

“Keep in mind what happened up there. There were hundreds, hundreds of people from around the country, that came there. They had sniper rifles on the freeway. They had assault weapons. They had automatic weapons.”

Sounds a lot like a man whose $5 billion dollar Chinese solar energy well, destined to put millions into his own pockets, is drying up to me but, I submit there is more…much more to it than that.

Harry Reid puts the BUNK in Bunkerville.

First of all, rather than stand and face the music regarding the fact that he’s up past his myopic eyeballs in this whole Bundy Ranch fiasco and dealing with those who are taking him to task on social media for it, Mr. Scam Man blasts away and removes all but his self-congratulatory threads from Facebook.

If you can’t take the heat Harry…

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Desert Stormed –Patriot Militias Used the 2nd to Protect the 1st

2 AMEND 1From Obama and his ballyhooed pen to the abject hypocrisy from the ilk of Feinstein and Schumer, every time a high profile crime takes place  involving a gun, more and more gun control laws are called for by liberals and socialists.

A shooting at a school?

More restrictive gun laws. That’s the answer.

A shooting at a mall or movie theater?

More restrictive gun control laws will fix it.

Mass shootings on a military post?

Yep. You guessed it. More and more and MORE restrictive gun laws and you can just about bet your bottom dollar that, after last weekend’s Bundy Ranch standoff where armed federal agents were intimidated into retreat by equally armed citizens, we’re going to be hearing about the need to restrict We the People from our right to keep and bear arms…again.

It is abjectly absurd what liberals and socialists want you to believe regarding our right to keep and bear arms.

 “I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. And we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation—THAT HUNTING AND SHOOTING are part of a cherished national heritage.”

That, from one Barack Hussein Obama who claims to have been a Constitutional professor and wants you to believe that the 2nd Amendment was, of all things, about hunting.


It is an oft parroted lie by liberals desperately trying to restrict the 2nd Amendment.

“Nobody needs an AR-15 to go hunting.”

Here’s one from that crackpot Diane Feinstein:

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Battle of Bunkerville – The New Patriot Revolution Begins

blm 1Don’t let the liberals lie and claim there was a “DEAL” struck at the Bundy Ranch last Sunday whereby the BLM agreed to release the cattle they had illegally rounded up.

Don’t buy into the mainstream media soft sell of how the “deal” was something akin to a stand down to allow the courts to further assess the situation because the BLM didn’t want to put anyone in harm’s way either.

Neither is the truth and what the BLM…the Obama regime and the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know is that, in fact, it was what they claim to be the “all talk and no go” Conservatives…Patriots and militia groups that FORCED the feds to cut and run for the time being.

There have been numerous reports regarding what went down and, with so many people claiming this and that, we turn to a source which cannot be impugned.

The unbiased eye of today’s NEW media…


After attempts by Clark County Sheriff, Doug Gillespie, to bluff the militia Patriot groups into leaving while the BLM and federal agents kept the rustled cattle, the Patriots declined to stand down. In fact, those Patriots made a bold move to exert the power of We the People in a most provoking manner.

Rather than stand their ground…Patriots on foot and horseback approached the barricades erected by the BLM and heavily armed federal agents all the while being ordered by bull horned voices to stop, not approach and back away from those barricades.

The Patriots refused and shouted back their own demands that the BLM and those pointing their weapons directly at advancing Patriots be the ones to leave.

Upon reaching the barricade, something of a confrontation between the Patriot militia groups and an armed federal agent took place face to face with the patriots abjectly refusing to be intimidated in any way.

In the video below…

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Weekend Edition: Bundy Ranch – This Time, The Patriots Came Armed

tnp eagleCliven Bundy is not trying to commit atrocities against the people of the state of Nevada.

Cliven Bundy is not a threat to neighboring states.

Cliven Bundy is not some 3rd world dictator gassing and killing those who don’t agree with him and…

Cliven Bundy poses no threat to the desert tortoises that live alongside his cattle.


By Saturday morning, April 12th, 2014…The FAA…a government agency working in cahoots with the BLM, another government agency, had declared the air space above the Bundy Ranch to be…


Yes, this is happening even as you read this article in what used to be the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.

While we rather doubt anyone straying into the no fly zone will be shot down, do we know that for sure? After all, the Bundy Ranch IS surrounded by hundreds of heavily armed federal agents. There are snipers on the hilltops surrounding Cliven Bundy and his family. Protesters have been met with force. Women have been knocked to the ground. K-9 unites have been threatening protesters for days now.

One of Mr. Bundy’s sons was arrested last week for the horrible crime of taking pictures of the snipers. Another was tased by federal agents last Friday.

Right here in what USED to be a free country.

The federal government has set up restrictive “free speech zones” away from the Bundy Ranch itself. Those wishing to express themselves under the now defunct 1st Amendment must do so from the confines of a corral or they face arrest.

So, what is it that this regime doesn’t want its citizens to see from the land or the air?

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Friday Fume

fume 4Oh what a week this has been.

Liberal March madness is what I call it.

What is WRONG with these people anyway???

We’ve got news of a SCHOOL TEACHER in England who has DEMANDED a student REMOVE a HELP FOR HEROES WRIST BAND that he wears for the murdered Lee Rigby…In case it might OFFEND A MUSLIM!!!

We’re talking about people who are followers of a PEDOPHILE and there’s a teacher out there who is afraid they’ll be offended by a WRISTBAND?????

Ketchup Boy Kerry was in LONDON a few days ago announcing SANCTIONS against a few Russians nobody’s ever heard of and he went WAY out of his way to make it clear to Putin that we were NOT THREATENING him and that the sanctions were, “NOTHING PERSONAL!!!”



INSURANCE COMPANIES are now saying that your already UNAFFORDABLE “affordable” care act premiums will most likely DOUBLE next year because…NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE ARE SIGNING UP FOR THE CRAP…OF THOSE WHO ARE SIGNING UP…NOT ENOUGH ARE PAYING AND…ONLY 11% OF THOSE WHO DIDN’T HAVE INSURANCE BEFORE Obamacrap want anything to DO with Obamacrap!!!

Gee…We never saw THAT coming did we???

Anyway…It’s Friday and, time to let it out…

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Obama – If You LIKE Your Internet, You Can KEEP It.

icann 1If you’re reading this article today, you are doing so via a system created and protected by, of all things, the U.S. government.

I know…

The same entity that couldn’t even build a website has, since its inception, kept the internet safe and free but, one shouldn’t confuse the current regime with the government as a whole and, there is something else that has made government “control” of the internet a viable and workable situation.

The United States government, because of the foresight of Newt Gingrich when he was in the house, has maintained a strict HANDS OFF policy where the worldwide web has been concerned.

THAT is about to change.


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or…ICANN will soon be controlling everything regarding internet traffic.

This is more than dangerous.

This is nothing less than putting virtually all communications between free thinking people into the hands of those who DEPLORE free thinking.

And, in true Obama regime mode…

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