SEIU Exposes Their Connection to the Protests

Ha! I just got this email from SEIU – they obviously don’t have any idea who the hell I am, but I do love knowing what these trouble makers are up to.

By the way, the leaders at SEIU make over 6 figures…Hypocrites!!

Dear [Patriot Rocker],

By now you’ve seen the thousands of brave students, workers and the unemployed occupying Wall Street.

But did you know that as of yesterday, there are over 300 solidarity “occupy events” happening across the country and around the clock?

In Philadelphia, 1,000+ individuals took to City Hall on Tuesday night.

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“Occupy Wall Street” is a SOCIALIST Dress Rehearsal!!

If you have, as I do, liberal friends either in person or through social media, no doubt you, as have I, been on the receiving end of dismissive and at times, curse-laden retorts when you truthfully refer to their party as socialists.

Glenn Beck, for years, has been on the receiving end of such vitriol every time he brings up Cloward and Piven or Saul Alinsky.

I’m about to link it all together for you in one neat and tidy little package.

The “Occupy Wall Street” protests.

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Fantasy World of the “Occupy Wall Street” Adult Children

The “Occupy Wall Street” adult children have listed 13 proposed demands from their website. I especially love Demand 9.

Yeah, that should work out just perfect. Nothing like a couple hundred million poor people flooding into our country at the same time! Pure Genius! And go to the link below and read their comments, it’s fantastic! It will remind you of the 6th grade debate team! Completely oblivious to the real world.

Demand One: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour.

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Conversations with Nutters

Ok, I am the new dog on the block, but I have known the contributors to this blog for some time now.  With much arm twisting, they FINALLY got me to come along and contribute my words to this great blog.  I do not pretend to be an expert in anything, though I am versed on a lot.  I may not come across to eloquently at times, but I promise I will answer your questions.  I welcome constructive criticism but negativity is not tolerated.  I do not subscribe to any political ideology except that of the Constitution, battered and bruised as she may be.  I have given my time to this country doing many things I can’t talk about, ever.  I held my hand up nearly 20 years ago and swore:  I, Shadow Patriot, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I will piss you off.  I will make you laugh.  I will give you something to think about.  I may even make you like me.  But what I won’t ever do is candy coat anything.  I call it like I see it…I always have.

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Obamacare Puts YOUR Privacy at Risk

Yesterday, I wrote an article regarding the need to stop Obamacare – not just through the court system but by repeal. The Obama administration has passed on the opportunity to delay things in an Alabama court which will take the Obamacare case directly to the Supreme Court with a decision expected early next summer.

I stated that even LOSING in court, Obama would know his precious socialized healthcare program wouldn’t be dead…just on life support. That is why conservatives MUST take the Senate in 2012 so that repeal will finally pull the plug.

Okay, a friend, a liberal friend, shot off an email and of course, his viewpoint is a great deal different than mine.

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Obamacare Headed for Life Support – But Only WE can Kill It!

Obamacare is on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The administration has passed on an opportunity to ask an Alabama court for further review after the court agreed with 26 states that the bill was unconstitutional.

That means, when the Supreme Court goes into session in October, Obamacare will be on the docket and chances are the case will be heard before the end of this year with a decision coming probably next summer in the heat of the 2012 presidential campaign.

That’s NOT the big news surrounding Obamacare however.

This is one of those good news/bad news things – and before we get to the bad news, the really disturbing news, we should look at the ramifications of the decision at hand.

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We Were Americans Once

I remember a time, it wasn’t so long ago, when a touchdown was scored, back patting, helmet slapping, jumping up and down and high fives were expected. Yes, even in high school. It was a score and it was exciting and the players were elated.

A while back, in a high school game, a player scored, dropped to one knee and pointed toward the night sky.  He was penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct and his team assessed a 15-yard penalty on the kickoff.

Unsportsmanlike conduct  for recognizing God. I’m not sure when taking a knee in the end zone and pointing to the heavens became unsportsmanlike but I do know this…

We were Americans once.

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Obama’s Economic Plan is Pure Genius!!

Yesterday, on the Sunday talking heads shows from one end of the channel spectrum to the other, Republicans lined up to tell us how the Obama plan, to be revealed today, is “Class Warfare.” At first blush, I admit that it looks like class warfare – but with sincere apologies to the likes of Karl Rove and Paul Ryan, They couldn’t be more wrong.

Today, Obama will unveil the latest segment of his plan to fix everything from unemployment and a tanked economy to the deficit and the heartbreak of psoriasis.

It’s not class warfare.

It’s a domestic kinetic action.

Obama, on the heels of announcing the$450 billion dollar American Jobs Act, which he said was completely paid for, will finally tell us HOW he intends to pay for it.

Tax hikes.

Well, don’t think of it as tax hikes…Think of it instead, as New Revenue.

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Giving Obama His Due Respect!!

Never has such an anticipated speech by a President been so completely forgettable before it’s even been presented. Obama will deliver his great jobs speech before a joint session of congress and while liberals will no doubt stand and applaud at every little thing and will cheer each at every spending measure Obama announces, the response will be silent and that silence will be deafening!!

Republicans expect so little from this ballyhooed speech that they have already decided not to even offer a rebuttal.

Nancy Pelosi, deposed from the speaker’s chair last November is not happy about it either. Nancy has her former speaker’s panties all wadded up as she has let it be known that such a non rebuttal is an affront to the President.

Oh my.

Presidents speak before a joint session of congress for the State of the Union or if they want to wage war. Outside of that, such a speech is rarely given especially on matters of domestic economics.

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Obama’s Port in a Storm?

For days now, the news has been full of predictions…Hurricane predictions. Irene has been bearing down on our east coast as it crossed the Bahamas. You never really know with a hurricane…category 3, category 4, category 2…as they move they gain and lose power but, all the computer models showed this one WAS going to hit the coast at SOME strength.

This storm was so immense that when it hit and as it rolled up the coast, it would affect nearly 20% of all Americans. There would be flooding, wind damage, coastal erosion and mass power outages from North Carolina to Boston.

We have known of this storm and its potential for damage for nearly a week. Emergency officials in those areas expected to be hit and hit hard, ordered mandatory evacuations, ordered extra body bags, issued stern warnings that if you stayed, and then needed help, it would not be coming to you because you were told to leave and you didn’t.

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