Friday Fume

Liberal lunacy knows no bounds and it can be found…EVERYWHERE. Day by day…Week by week, I absorb it like a barrier reef sponge and every Friday, wring it out all over this page.

The amount of liberal idiocy this week is STAGGERING and before I go super nova…

Let’s have at it.

It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Let’s start this week in the great white north, Kanuckville…Otherwise known as Canada…Toronto to be specific.

On Monday, Earl Beatty Junior and Senior Public School principal Alicia Fernandez sent home a note warning parents their students are no longer allowed to bring soccer balls, basketballs, baseballs, footballs and volleyballs to school.

It seems, a while back, a parent got beaned in the Kanuck noggin with a soccer ball and NOW…Balls are deemed DANGEROUS to the kids.


Gentlemen…for the love of all that is right in the world…DO NOT TAKE YOUR…BALLS…TO SCHOOL…LEST MS. FERNANDEZ LOCK THEM IN A DRAWER!!!!!

True to liberal thought…BASEBALLS will NOT be allowed at Earl Beatty schools but…BATS are apparently NOT as dangerous and according to the new rules, WILL be allowed.


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Hey Allen West…Time for Show and Tell

Solyndra and all the emails, subpoenas, hearings and cover ups, Fast and Furious with its memos, emails, who knew what and when along with its subpoenas and testimony, GOP campaign polls changing daily, the whole Occupy Wall Street drama, Penn State and on and on and on…


The real story is the Super Committee and what is happening, or not happening, between 12 members of congress.

With less than a week to go before triggers kick in and drastic cuts are made to Medicare and our Defense Department, there just doesn’t seem to be any movement. Or is there?

Obama and the liberals have been trying to make a living on, and or campaigning against, what they have, for some time now, labeled a “Do Nothing Congress” and therein rests the issue.

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“Occupiers” Inhabiting a Failing Agenda

“Whose Park?…OUR Park!”

That was the chant starting around midnight in Zuccotti Park in New York as NYPD officers started clearing out the protesters. “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!” was another chant being belted out through a chorus of Occu-Pie-Holes.

Zuccotti Park is being clear out, at least for a few hours to clean up and remove the filth from 2 months of squatters. It’s become a health hazard, the people who live around the park are sick of it and businesses in the area have had enough. Mayor Bloomberg issued the order to clear the park and about 400 police officers started the process around midnight.

Once the park is cleaned, protesters WILL be allowed to return but they will NOT be allowed to bring their tents, tarps, shanty town kitchens or sleeping bags and winter is forthcoming. It is folly to believe the “Occupiers” are cut from the same cloth which wrapped the frozen feet of Washington’s men at Valley Forge as those men were fighting for ideals while the “Occupiers” are clinging to ideology.

That “Whose Park…OUR Park” chant couldn’t be more wrong.

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Occupy WHAT???

After a full month of “Occupy” protests I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of those…”Occupiers” are really just looking for options. They don’t feel they have any.

So, to help those who just feel lost, I have decided to offer a few suggestions.

1)      Occupy your own dwelling.

2)      Occupy a Port-a-Potty

3)      Occupy Common Sense

4)      Occupy your OWN bank account

5)      Occupy Rehab

6)      Occupy a country which doesn’t allow  you  to “Occupy” anything

7)      Occupy a job

8)      Occupy your pants

9)      Occupy a mental ward

10)   Occupy a shower

I’m just one guy and I am certain our TNP readers can come up with far more great ideas here than can I. Friends, please…I encourage YOU to offer YOUR suggestions…YOUR best options for the “Occupiers” who are just plain lost, out there, wandering the wilderness in search of the most appropriate locations to…Occupy.

Help them friends…Use the comment box below and offer YOUR best “Occupy” locations and then SHARE this with every conservative you know!!!

In What America do YOU Believe?

Has the fool on the hill finally seen the light? Has Obama started to come around to OUR side? It certainly seems like it if you listen to the words he is now employing on his latest campaign swing.

“If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own.”

Sounds a lot like…Self Reliance to me.

Here’s the code.

Obama = Big Government.

On your own = Self Reliance

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Are any of you familiar with the movie “Fallen?” The film begins with a cop, played by Denzel Washington, paying visit to a serial killer prior to his–the killer’s–execution. During the scene, the killer takes Denzel by the hand and sings “Time Is On My Side.” Moments later, the killer is executed and the plot thickens. Although his body is toast, the spirit remains floating from one body to the next, first to a person working at the prison, then on to a construction worker, and so on and so forth. Unsuspecting citizens play host to an infiltrating demon spirit’s agenda, recommencing with more killings at the behest of the soul which has taken them over.

At first, Denzel suspects there are copycat killings taking place; however, as these killings are being committed by one-time, normal, everyday productive members of society, he realizes that something else is going on. He realizes that these people were not acting on their own accord; rather, they served as puppets for a homicidal and incorporeal puppeteer…who would move on to the next body by a touch of the hand, a bump, a graze, a brush-by; a brief instant of contact allows for the spirit to switch bodies…and walk away from the scene undetected. This brings Denzel into the occult world, as he looks for alternate ways to put an end to this, but the situation seems hopeless, even when the killer sits at his desk and taunts him. Take a look at this scene, and you’ll understand what I mean…

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Liberals…You ARE Who You Stand With

Well, conservatives have been saying and saying it and liberals have been denying it and denying it – but it is getting VERY hard to for liberals to say it with a straight face.

We have sited over and over the links between the socialists, the communists and the democrats. Now, the communists and socialists are helping to make our argument for u,s but they’re not the only ones.

Obama, Pelosi and liberal after liberal have stood up and backed the “Occupy” mobs and offered THEIR words of support to them. Did I mention the unions are right there in the mix too.

The Unions stand WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Obama Stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Pelosi stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Liberal Hollywood stands WITH the “Occupy” mobs.

Now…so does the Communist Party USA!!!

Liberals and the MSM have been trying, REALLY trying, to convince us that the “Occupy” mobs are just like the Tea Party. Hmmm…I don’t recall the Tea Party events being backed by…THE COMMUNIST PARTY…do you?

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The Mail Route Bail Out?

Neither rain nor sleet, nor snow nor dark of night will stay the post office from their appointed rounds. Debt on the other hand just might.

The USPS is running out of money, nearly bankrupt.

How can you be “NEARLY” bankrupt when you’re $10 BILLION in debt?

At that point shouldn’t the word “Nearly” just be removed?

Looks like it’s time for the Great Mail Route Bail Out!

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Obamacare is now “CLASSless”

Obama’ quietly has struck a part of his own Obamacare bill because, guess what, it’s unsustainable and now tha plug has been pulled on the “CLASS Act,” Community Living Assistance Service and Supports, part of Obamacare.

CLASS was the part of Obamacare most heavily championed by Ted Kennedy and also heavily backed by AARP and was supposed to have provided ongoing long term care and was meant to keep the elderly out of long term care facilities. It would have cost workers a ton and would have burdened private insurance companies and ultimately, the American taxpayers.

Average premiums would have run from around $200.00 to nearly $400.00 but could have, in some cases, run as high as $3000.00. Low income individuals would have only been charged $5.00 per month for the coverage but here was the giant problem…According to the CBO…the annual payout for those $5.00/month contributors would have been around $27,000.00.

Workers would have had $2,800.00/year automatically taken by the government for this program and would have had no choice but to enroll in it.

CLASS would have relied on the healthy young workers to cover the elderly for long term care outside of facilities.

Socialism always works until you run out of other people’s money.

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Jesse Jackson Jr. Trys to Mask Socialist Agenda!!

Leave it to liberals to attempt yet another trial balloon aimed at bringing socialism to our nation. It was just a couple of weeks ago that the liberal North Carolina Governor floated the idea of suspending congressional elections for a couple of years.

That was met with great disdain by Patriots and she then tried to back away from her statement by claiming it to be hyperbole and sarcasm.

Now, Jesse Jackson Jr. the congressman from Illinois, has floated ANOTHER lame liberal trial balloon.

J.J. Jr. says that the GOVERNMENT should HIRE all 15 million unemployed workers at a cost of $600 BILLION dollars!!

According to J.J. Jr., “It could be a five-year program. For another $104 billion, we bail out all of the states. For another $100 billion, we bail out all of the cities.”

Now he’s up to $804 BILLION.

Oh…But WAIT…There’s MORE!!!…

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