Liberals are Entitled to Have Their Lack of Morality Paid For

Let the Republicans put forth a bill to make it illegal for taxpayer money to be used to pay for abortions or birth control and boy oh boy howdy…liberals come unglued, don’t they?

They stomp about, spitting mad, call their own Congressional hearings, dig into their pool of shills to produce people to speak their mantra and start making demands.

They are entitled.

They have a right.

It’s suddenly all about health.

Right along with their demands, they issue strong statements against the Republicans too.

Stay out of our bodies.

You have no right.

Eventually, liberals start marching up and down sidewalks and block traffic carrying signs with slogans like, “GOVERNMENT STAY OUT OF MY WOMB” and “MY BODY MY CHOICE.”

Liberals, and in this case, liberal women…LISTEN UP AND LISTEN CLOSE!!!

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Desperate Obama Goes to War on Religion

Mention a war on Christmas or a war on religion to a liberal and they will dismiss you. They’ll laugh and call you names. Liberals will tell you that you’re crazy and other things too.

They will. You know it, I know it and THEY know it.

Here’s something else we all know too.

There’s a war against religion being waged in this country and leading that war, are liberals and this administration.

Every Christmas, we go through it. No manger scenes in parks, no Christmas carols in schools or post offices. Christmas trees and Christmas programs become “Winter” trees and programs.

The war on Christmas is just a skirmish and one which was meant to start the process.

Now, liberals are starting to feel the pressure. They’re getting desperate. Their grip on power is starting to erode.

We know that and they know it too.

The midterm election of 2010 was a warning shot over their bow. It scared them. They thought THEY had it in the bag and THEY got a shellacking. They weren’t ready for it. They never saw it coming.

Now, as we head into the 2012 election, they, the liberal/socialists and their leader, Obama, are feeling the pressure and they’re ramping up the war. Way up.

Remember when Obamacare had to be passed to find out what was in it?

Turns out, one of the things in it was a mandate that religious organizations purchase Obamacare with coverage for abortions, contraception, morning-after pills and sterilizations.

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Obama’s SOTU…Socialism of the Union

I believe that, last night, we heard the LAST State of the Union address from Obama.

(Waiting for the thunderous applause to die down)

Thank you…Thank you very much…Thank you…Please…Please, be seated…Thank you very much.

It was more of the same old thing. Lots more.

Hike taxes on the rich.

Fair share.

More government.

Honestly, one needs a socialist decoder ring to fully understand an Obama speech.

“The state of our union is getting stronger, and we’ve come too far to turn back now.”

Decoded: Substitute “socialism” for “Union” and you get the real message.

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SOTU…A Look Back and a Look Forward

On Tuesday night, less than 48 hours before Obama has been subpoenaed to appear in a Georgia courtroom in a case regarding his eligibility to serve, he will deliver the 2012 State of the Union address.

We can hardly wait.

This year’s SOTU is expected to focus on “A Return to American Values.”

Obama? American Values?

Isn’t that an oxymoron of sorts?

“American Values, of course, being the “Oxy”…

Before we look too deep into the shallow end of the pool regarding the 2012 SOTU speech, shall we look back at the 2011 version?

Remember when…

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MLK…The Messenger vs the Message

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. On this day, we celebrate, what…exactly?

Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday?

He was born in January 15th and today is the 16 th. I’ve always been one who celebrates birthdays ON the actual day of birth.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is always celebrated on Monday so that government workers can have a day off. After all, they haven’t had a day off in nearly 3 weeks and they must be exhausted.

Is this a celebration of African-Americans who used to be Black after they were Negros in the days of Martin Luther King Jr? That would seem a little…racist…wouldn’t it?

It’s not the sort of holiday where people have family picnics or travel. It doesn’t have a traditional meal like Thanksgiving does. It’s not really full of festive fun for children or marked by church services either.

It’s supposed to be a celebration of the man and the ideals for which he stood.

Today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, you cannot watch the news without hearing it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day going into and coming out of each and every break. For God’s sake, they are even giving Martin Luther King Jr. weather updates.

Yes, we all know it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day and we don’t need to be piously reminded of it by those who don’t really understand WHY it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day any more than do I.

Now, am I saying we SHOULDN’T have this holiday?

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Econ 101 for Useful Idiots

The middle class…we must do what we can for the middle class. That is the Obama mantra isn’t it? Build up the middle class.

Really, it’s class warfare. Liberals hate to hear that but that’s really what it is. That’s what so many conservatives say and we hear it often from almost all the GOP candidates.

In part it’s true. Class warfare. Pitting those who don’t have as much as other against those who have more.

That’s the basis for the whole “Occupy” movement.

At best, occupiers are useful idiots in the grand Obama scheme.

Why “At best?”

Because there is a lot more to the Obama scheme than class warfare. Let’s make this as simple as possible so even liberals can understand it.

What have been the clarion calls from Obama since 2008?

Share the wealth.

Hike taxes on the rich.

Both are meant to accomplish one thing. Take money from those who have more of it.

By saying “SHARE” Obama makes it seem as though those who have it should share it with those who don’t have as much. Sharing is good isn’t it? Aren’t we taught to share as children?

The problem is, Obama never says with whom those who have money should share it does he?

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What Obama DOESN’T Want You to Know About “Hopey Changey”

Can we give it a rest? Can we just give it a rest?

I’m talking about the nonsense put forth by so many reports that Obama has now kicked off his 2012 campaign. Every day, after an Obama speech, someone claims that Obama has kicked off his campaign.


Obama kicked off his 2012 campaign the day he took office back in 2009 so can we please give the “He just kicked off his campaign” stuff a rest?

That’s one of the biggest problems with this administration…That they have never, for a single minute, been OUT of campaign mode. Rather than seeing to the business of the country, rather than seeing to the business of the people, Obama has spent his entire term engaged in the business of Obama.

Hey liberals…How’s that hopey changey crap working out for you?

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Friday Fume

So, friends…We’ve reached the end of another week.

I am reaching the conclusion that liberals, each and every day, make a list of things to do. On one side of the list is common sense approaches to the issues of the day. One the other, how to approach said issues in the most moronic way possible.

In order to exhibit such consistently idiotic behavior, pre-planning MUST be necessary.

I can assure you of two things:

The moronic approach is on the left side of the list and…

Today is Friday so…I’m fuming!


With the “Occupy Anything Except a Shower” crowd dwindling…mostly due to cold weather and arrests…reportedly, there is ONE liberal FOOL who is still VERY much at it but one has to wonder…WHY???

Steinar Skramstad is a 32-year-old IDIOT who has made his mission, and his ALONE to…


This…PENGUIN’S ARSE…is holding his protest outside HIS PARENTS’ HOUSE.

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UC Davis Pepper Spraying…The Unintended Truth

Sometimes, video evidence isn’t what it seems to be. Sometimes, it can be very misleading if all you see is an excerpt, taken out of context, from the whole of the event. That now appears to be exactly the case with a widely circulated video clip from last week.

I am sure most people, by now, have seen the clip of police pepper spraying OWS morons at U.C. Davis. There they were, looking all peaceful, sitting on the ground, arms linked when along came the big bad police, those establishment, law enforcement officers who, out of the blue and for no reason at all, let loose with cans of pepper spray.

Oh the humanity, the horror. Doing such a thing to those who were simply exercising their 1st amendment right to gather, why, it’s just unthinkable.

UC Davis Chancellor, Linda Katehi, has, with tears in her eyes, apologized to students for the actions of the police.

Two officers and the campus police chief have been placed on leave.

UC President Mark Yudof has denounced the police for the pepper spraying of those students.

Students at UC Davis are demanding the Chancellor resign and they want the cops fired.

It’s a mess at UC Davis and all because of this piece of irrefutable video evidence.

That video clip CLEARLY show police pepper spraying those students FOR NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER!

Whoa…Hang on there…Not so fast.

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Let Liberals Pull the “Trigger”

And now we know the truth. John Kerry, on Fox News this morning, admitted that the only reason there’s no deal from the “Super Committee” is because of the Bush Tax cuts.

In reality, those tax cuts could and should be referred to as the Bush/Obama tax cuts as it was Obama who renewed them.

Republicans on the committee has steadfastly refused to make the Bush/Obama tax cuts a part of the 1.2 trillion dollars in deficit cuts and for good reason. They promised not to.

Liberals on that committee want nothing more than to hike taxes. Liberals feel the wealthiest 1 or 2 percent of Americans must be soaked for more taxes. Oh, never mind that those are the same people who already pay 40% of all taxes…To liberals, it’s not enough.

In the liberal mindset, success MUST be punished.

Let’s not forget that this commission, the “Super Committee” was to have been non partisan and the solutions they were convened to seek, non partisan as well.

Let’s not forget also that doing away with the Bush tax cuts was a major plank in Obama’s 2008 campaign.

Therefore, one is left no alternative but to conclude that eliminating what is now, the Bush/Obama tax cuts, via the “Super Committee” is 100% partisan.

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