Nitwits, Hair Brains and Socialists…OH MY!!!!

Okay…Let me see if I have this straight.

Hair Brained Harry Reid who has offered such pearls of wisdom as these:

“The tea party will disappear as soon as the economy gets better and the economy is getting better all the time.”

“Until the Republicans get real, we can’t do [spending bills], because [House Republicans] have refused to adhere to the law that guides this country.”

“Last year, Amonix CEO Brian Robertson was tragically killed in a plane crash and unfortunately the company was unable to recover from this difficult time.”

“Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”

“This war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.”

At one point Hair Brained Harry said THIS about John Roberts…

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Obama Cuts NASA Budget, Takes Credit for Success

Just 2 months ago, NASA canceled the X-Ray Telescope Mission due to budget cuts.

Obama’s proposed 2013 budget, which, like all his budgets, failed to garner a single vote in the Senate, slashed $300 million dollars from NASA.

Last night, the $2.5 BILLION dollar Curiosity Mars Rover made a successful landing on our neighboring planet and, always one to grab for credit, the Obama white house released this statement:

“Tonight, on the planet Mars, the United States of America made history.

The successful landing of Curiosity – the most sophisticated roving laboratory ever to land on another planet – marks an unprecedented feat of technology that will stand as a point of national pride far into the future. It proves that even the longest of odds are no match for our unique blend of ingenuity and determination.

Tonight’s success, delivered by NASA, parallels our major steps forward towards a vision for a new partnership with American companies to send American astronauts into space on American spacecraft. That partnership will save taxpayer dollars while allowing NASA to do what it has always done best – push the very boundaries of human knowledge. And tonight’s success reminds us that our preeminence – not just in space, but here on Earth – depends on continuing to invest wisely in the innovation, technology, and basic research that has always made our economy the envy of the world.

Isn’t that special?

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Friday Fume

As we get closer and closer to the election…Liberals get closer and closer to the RUBBER ROOM.

They continue to grow more and more desperate and hence, they become more and more unglued.

We should fully expect liberals to foolishness to go completely off the scale and this week has been no exception. We, as conservatives can either pull our hair out or…laugh at them while we watch them flail about.

So what do you say Patriots? Shall we keep the pressure ON???

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, well, well…How about we start things off today inside the demented mind of Harry Reid?

In the last few days…ol’ Harry has stated and doubled down on something that even HE admits, he doesn’t know if it is true or not.

This jackass is flitting about saying that in the last 10 years…Mitt Romney has paid no taxes.

He says, “I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination. I have had a number of people tell me that.”

Who, Harry? WHO’S been telling you that???

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Cokie Plays the Race Card…GO FISH!!!

In What can only be described as a desperate attempt to brand the 2012 election as racist and/or to keep some hope of racial division alive, yesterday, Cokie Roberts made a bazaar statement on NPR.

“You remember well the Reagan Democrats, those ethnic white voters who had been Democrats for many years, turned out for Ronald Reagan and have been fairly predictable Republicans since then Now, it’s a smaller percentage of the population, of the voting population than it used to be, but white voters are still much more Republican than any other group in the electorate. 

“They went for McCain in 2008 by 55 percent, and I think that, you know, getting those ethnic voters excited is really what Romney has in mind here. It’s more for the folks at home, the descendants of the people that he will be speaking to in Poland.”

So…Cokie is saying that the only reason Romney went to Poland and gave a speech was to excite…”WHITE ETHNIC VOTERS.”


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Obama IN Context – OUT OF Time

Code words. Liberals are full of them.

Liberals are full of a great many things, most stink out loud and code words are certainly on that list. What liberals don’t want anybody to know is what certain code words really mean and, when exposed, they deny the definition with vigor.

Today, we reveal the secret behind one of their favorite codes.

We hear it all the time and, frankly, we’re sick of it.

Liberals have nobody to blame but themselves.

Here it is…

“That was taken out of context.”

Clearly, there are variations…

“That was taken completely out of context.”

“You can’t take something out of context and try to make people believe in something that was never said.”

“You have to quit taking things out of context.”

And an all time favorite…”Conservatives are always taking things out of context.”

It’s code and, now, because of this article…Not so secret any more.

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Friday Fume

Friends and Patriots…Today is a special Friday!!!

This is our 52nd FUME which means…NEXT Friday is The National Patriot’s 1 year anniversary!!!

Do you KNOW what that means???

THAT means that TOGETHER…We have survived a FULL YEAR’S worth of liberal INSANITY and to celebrate…I left a little video fun for ya at the end of this Fume!!!

So what do you say we strap ourselves in TIGHT and wrap this week up with yet ANOTHER review with ATTITUDE???

If you’re ready…SO AM I!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Say it’s not so…

Guess who’s ready to throw his pants back into the political ring???


That’s right, THE PETER TWEETER wants to run for MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY!!!

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Story Time with the Emperor

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

Funny…We didn’t hear THAT from Obama 4 years ago…did we?

Imagine a guy campaigning on THAT sentiment and actually winning a 1st term. Now…Imagine a guy campaigning on that sentiment for a 2nd term. Well, you don’t have to imagine it because that is exactly what Emperor Obama is doing.

Now…imagine this Emperor trying to woo the votes of small business owners with a line like that.

“Greetings small business owners. Ya know…it occurs to me that, if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

By the sweat of their brow, through trial and error, great ideas, through ground level grassroots marketing, after putting all they had into their business to get it off the ground, late nights, early mornings, no vacations and doing without, you are told by the Emperor that…

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

Of course, that wasn’t the entire message.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.  It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something…there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.”

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

What exactly DOES the Emperor MEAN by that?

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Friday Fume

It’s that time again friends.

Time to sit back, take that load off your shoulders and let it out.

We’ve survived another week of liberal/socialist mayhem and the only way to keep it from driving us all over the edge, is to have a bit of a laugh.

While there’s no telling WHAT the liberals have in store for us NEXT week, we’ll find a way to make fun of that when the time comes.

For now, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Last week, SPECIAL U.N. ENVOY…KOFI ANNAN…said…”My presence here proves that I believe Iran can play a positive role and should therefore be a part of the solution in the Syrian crisis.”

“If we don’t make a real effort to resolve this issue peacefully and it were to get out of hand and spread in the region, it can lead to consequences that none of us could imagine.”


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Long Term Solutions to a 1 Term Problem

Yesterday, in our article, “Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn” we pointed out the extreme short term thinking of the Emperor and its negative effects on small businesses. We also promised a long term solution.

To understand the long term solutions we must look back a little.

While Obama’s excuse for the economic disaster has always been, and continues to be George W. Bush, it is clearly a false notion.

Congress switched hands in the midterm election of 2006 with liberals taking control in January of 2007. Obama ran on false promises of fixing the economy and from the time he took office until the midterm 2010 election, HIS party controlled both the House and the Senate but, rather than working on the economy, Obama took advantage of his party’s control of congress to ram through Obamacare.

The following chart shows employment statistics from 2004 to the present.

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Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn

So…Obama’s is bending the truth to the absolute breaking point…AGAIN…And it seems that nobody is going to call him out.

Well, almost nobody.

Obama made what SEEMS like an overstatement when he said, “I’ve cut taxes for small business owners 18 times since I’ve been in office.”


18 times huh?

Okay…Let’s take a look.

Indeed there have been 18 “cuts” for small businesses in the Obama reign but, one must use quotation marks when stating it because not all the “cuts” are cuts.

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