Desperation in the Words of the Dictator

If you are a minority, gay, illegal immigrant from a communist country, yesterday’s coronation of the Dictator was your dog and pony show.

Politically direct enough for ya?

The orification from the Orifice in Chief was a deep courtesy to the ilk of Lenin, Mao, Castro and Gay Guevara.

Look…I realize that I have mentioned “gay” in 2 out of the first 3 sentences but, before anyone comes unhinged, yesterday’s unhinged ceremony included the divisiveness of gays and straights in the body of the Dictator’s speech AND  in its closing prayer not to mention the divisiveness of race and class standing to boot.

The Dictator used his coronation to draw a clear line that he only sees ONE side of what divides this nation…THE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST side.

Don’t think so?

How about THIS quote?

“Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.”

If you thought the last 4 years made you sick…You have not yet begun to vomit.

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A Tsunami in a Sea of Lies

FromGuantanamo bay to be closed within a year” to “You Didn’t Build that.” The Dictator, Obama, has lied as often as Biden has gaffed.

It’s been an amazing 4 years of bald face lying to those who elected him and to those who didn’t.

The clear difference is, those of us who declined to anoint the Dictator KNOW he’s lying and those who DID…KNOW it but simply don’t care.

What follows is but a partial list of whoppers from the Lyin’ King.

“I Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.”

77% of Americans are not happy with that lie.

“The Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without stimulus.”

What the Dictator apparently FAILED to tell us was that WITH the stimulus…Unemployment would rise to more than 10%.

“I’ll Cut The Deficit in Half by end of first term.”

As our annual deficit has doubled, I’m not sure if this is 1 lie or more than 4 TRILLION lies.

I am immediately instituting PayGo “Pay as you go.”

Sooo…You DON’T need another debt ceiling raise after all???

“We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care.”

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It’s Good for the Goose – SCREW the Gander

Yesterday…The Emperor granted to Pravda and Fox News, a Propaganda Conference.

How nice.

Throughout his telling of lies, The Emperor continually referred to raising the debt ceiling and the Republicans desire NOT to do so, as going to a restaurant and not paying the bill.

Excuse me but…If I didn’t have the money…If YOU didn’t have the money…WE wouldn’t GO to a restaurant for dinner.

At one point, the Emperor actually quoted John Boehner during LAST year’s debt ceiling debate in order to make his point on why there should be no argument about doing it AGAIN.

Ummm…Excuse me AGAIN but…

Back in 2006…The Emperor HIMSELF said…and I quote…

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

I mean if we’re going to bandy about quotes regarding the debt ceiling which is directly relatable to our debt…

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Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots

Dear Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots,

We tried to tell you but YOU told US we were crazy.

You got your 1st paycheck of 2013 last Friday and many, MANY of you were astonished that it was smaller than it was the Friday before.

Guess what?

Elections have consequences.

YOU voted for what you DIDN’T get in your paychecks…TWICE.

You did and YOU know it.

For the last 4 years, the Emperor has made it very clear that he wanted to stick it to the “rich” and hike THEIR taxes.

WE, as conservatives, TRIED to tell you that HE was lying.

We tried and we tried and every time we told you he was going to hike YOUR taxes, even though YOU are part of the MIDDLE CLASS that the Emperor said MUST NOT be harmed by higher taxes…

YOU told us that WE had NO IDEA what we were talking about.

YOU called US crazy. You called US names.

YOU said WE were lying.

Well, now that you’ve seen your paychecks, what do you think?

77% of ALL Americans, regardless of their class, lower, middle or upper, have had their taxes jacked up.

YOU are among them.

WE were telling YOU the TRUTH.

Remember Obamacare?

Well, THAT’S just PART of your current tax hike.

We told you so.

Your payroll tax went up too, didn’t it?

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Unconstitutional Fiscal Cliff Deals for Socialist Dummies

How will the new UNCONSTITUTIONAL fiscal cliff tax deal effect our economy?

I’ll get back to that but first…

Let me count the ways.

First of all, the new legislation sets the standard for “rich” at $400k for an individual or $450k for a family rather than the $250k originally desired by the Emperor.

This will leave some small business in the NON rich category but not ALL small businesses.

Those small businesses which exceed the “rich” limit will have some options available to them. They can simply put the breaks on any planned growth of their business which will be the case for those approaching the limit or, they can downsize if they are just barely OVER the limit.

What will be the MOST likely scenario will be businesses raising the cost of goods or services to compensate for their increased tax bill.

THAT, of course means, those who BUY those goods or services will have THEIR taxes raised by proxy.

Then there is the fact that EVERYBODY…not just the “rich” will see a tax increase.

That’s right…Part of the new fiscal cliff tax deal is that everybody…EVERYBODY will see their PAYROLL taxes go UP which means EVERYBODY will have LESS take home pay.

Nice huh?

All that talk from the Emperor during his campaign about making sure that the middle class would NOT have their taxes raised?

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We Have Officially Gone Over the Sanity Cliff

Maybe the Mayans were right and we’re all too apathetic to notice that the world really has come to an end.

We are no longer facing the fiscal cliff…We’ve officially gone over it, for now. Today, maybe tomorrow or perhaps later in the week, the House will attempt something only seen previously in cartoons…Hanging in mid-air, turning around and trying to run back to safety before gravity sets in.

Last night, the senate passed a sort of, almost, not really fix for the fiscal crisis in that it included no spending cuts, doesn’t deal at all with sequester and only raises taxes on those making $400k per year.

The house hasn’t voted yet, and they might not like it at all since they didn’t like it when the tax hikes hit those making a million or more.

Given the fact that congress has a single digit approval rating, they waited until AFTER the last minute to do anything on this fiscal cliff issue and the senate hasn’t passed a budget in 1400 days or so…

Naturally they all deserve a raise.


I mean, we’re now 16.4 TRILLION dollars in debt, taxes are going up, spending is NOT going down and Congress  is basically waiving the white flag so…Obama signs an executive order giving them all a raise.

That ONLY makes sense if the world actually HAS ended…Right?

$16.4 trillion dollars in debt…

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Weekend Edition: 2013 – Resolve Over Resolutions

While others busy themselves making predictions for the New Year and others with formulating resolutions, I have neither the time nor the patience for either.

Instead, I will relate MY RESOLVE for the New Year.

Before I begin, you should know that I mean these wholeheartedly and I am quite serious about each and every one of them.

So…2013…Where should I begin?

First…I intend to start an online petition which, should it gain 1 million signatures, would outlaw all online petitions.

Seriously…Name ONE online petition which has EVER gained the required number of signatures and has then gone on to accomplish ANYTHING. Name ONE. Go ahead…We’re all waiting…

I…And I suspect YOU…Are bombarded by such petitions DAILY and they are ALL posted as though the future of the world depends on YOU signing the thing. Well…Guess what?

IT DOESN’T and YOUR signature might make you FEEL good but, in reality…IT’S ALMOST AS MEANINGFUL AS AN EMAIL FROM A NIGERIAN PRINCE.

I’ll get the ball rolling and if YOU’LL just sign on…WE CAN STOP ONLINE PETITIONS FOR ALL TIME!!!!

Second…I am finished with listening to ANY “End of the World” prophecy garbage.

It’s not because I feel it is a waste of time or nonsense.

It’s because I simply can’t take any more of that sort of disappointment.

EVERY damned time SOMEBODY says the world is going to end…IT DOESN’T.

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Resigned? Fired? – They’re STILL on the Payroll

In a corrupt government, one can expect slime at every turn.

The Benghazi 4 have now been given the finger once again by the State Department 4.

Those reported to have resigned or been fired have NOT and now, according to the New York Post, will be KEEPING their State Department jobs.

Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, who “resigned” in the wake of a State Department internal investigative report has, in fact, ONLY resigned an “appointed” position and is STILL on the State Department payroll.

Boswell is simply moving to a different desk.

The other 3, including Charlene Lamb, were NOT fired…THEY are on “administrative leave” and ARE expected to be back at work in the State Department shortly although, probably at different posts.



We have a Secretary of State who “suffers a concussion” but never goes to a hospital, never has a CT scan and is well enough to work from home but far, FAR to “concussed” to appear at a congressional hearing and now, 4 who we were told, were FINISHED at the Department of State who, in fact, are FAR FROM finished there.

If that’s not enough…We have the soon to be nominated John Kerry to fill the Secretary of State position.

John Kerry…

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URGENT!!! Amerika…THIS is Your Final Warning!!!

Are you awake yet Amerika???

That is NOT a typo.

I’m talking to YOU…Citizens of the Socialist Banana Republik of the Former United States.

Some of you, far too many, have been hitting the snooze button for far, FAR too long.


Are you awake…YET???

Yesterday, in what was surely the strangest press conference I have ever seen held by a president…One masquerading as one made some EAR SHATTERING announcements.

Ear shattering only if you aren’t DEAF to the sound of a nation’s destruction.

Normally, appointing Joe Biden to do ANYTHING would be a laughing matter but, this simply isn’t funny.

Biden has been put in charge of Obama’s commission to end gun violence.

The reason this isn’t at all laughable is because Biden couldn’t lead anyone’s way out of a wet paper sack and Obama damned well knows it.

Biden, therefore, is nothing but a figurehead and future pavement under a Canadian made bus should anything go wrong.

The entire commission, whoever should be appointed to it is a sham.

To be succinct…This panel or commission or board…Whatever it ends up being labeled…Is nothing different from the group of scum who drew up the Sharia law “constitution” for Morsi in Egypt.

It’s a kangaroo committee.

Make no mistake…The Emperor means to disarm Amerika and lay waste to the 2nd Amendment.

Allow me to connect a few dots and decode a couple of things from yesterday’s presser.

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I Don’t Need a Drone to Identify BULLCRAP!!!

Think about it…When WAS the last time YOU were invited to DISCUSS anything on a NATIONAL scale???



That’s because there is NO SUCH THING as a NATIONAL DISCUSSION.

But that is exactly what the socialists say they want…A national discussion regarding the 2nd Amendment and gun control.

“I think when we talk about the assault weapons ban that was in place in the U.S., to have allowed that to have gone away …These are assault weapons. You don’t hunt deer with these things.”

Those were the words, spoken yesterday by Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy.

His words are being echoed far and wide by socialists elected or not, on social media, news reports and by dictator loving socialist pundits.



You can NOT alter the meaning of the Constitution.

The 2nd Amendment was NOT meant to preserve an individual’s right to go hunting regardless of what you WANT everyone to believe and no matter HOW many times you repeat the lie.

Were that the case, our original Patriots would have been allowed bows and arrows…

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