The Obamacare Website – 100% SECURITY FREE

The differences between the next 2 sentences are subtle but, distinctively important.

If you have already “enrolled” in Obamacare…You’ve been absolutely fooled.

If you’re planning to enroll in Obamacare…You’re an absolute fool.

Do not take either of those 2 sentences lightly and, take the latter of them extremely seriously because, your financial future depends on it.

As bad as the prices of Obamacare premiums are and, as the sticker shock of those premium rates spreads like the plague, it’s not the rates that pose the greatest threat to your financial security.

It’s the LACK of security…To be precise…It’s the lack of Obamacare website security.

It is, in fact, nonexistent.

Yes. You read that correctly. has no end-to-end security.


It’s not that, like so many OTHER parts of the site, it’s not working…IT’S THAT SECURITY FOR THE SYSTEM HAD NEVER EVEN BEEN WRITTEN FOR THE SYSTEM!!!

Were some individual parts of the broken Obamacare website security tested before that roll out?

MAYBE but…

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As an EPIC FAILURE, Obamacare is a Spectacular Success

Socialist propaganda 101 is now in session.

According to the socialist Dictator’s minion, Jeff Zeintz, “There is a “night and day” difference between on October 1 and the same site on December 1.”

Night and day difference…NIGHT and DAY…

Here’s what Julie Bataille, chief propagandist for the federal agency charged with developing and operating (Socialist) had to say yesterday…”The website now works smoothly for the vast majority of users.”

Smoothly, she says…SMOOTHLY…

And then, there was the “Senior Aid to the Dictator, Obama” who stated…”(Socialist) is greatly improved after more than a month of intense repair work.”


Back to Jeff Zeintz…“We’ve widened the system’s on-ramp – it now has four lanes instead of one or two. We have a much more stable system that is reliably open for business.”

Reliably open for business???


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The Obamacare Café – Eat What You’re TOLD to Eat

America was promised that the Obamacare website would be fixed, up and running by November 30th, 2013.

Kathleen Sebelius TOLD congress that it WOULD be fixed. She TOLD them it would be DONE…By November 30th, 2013.

THAT, of course, was before Kathleen Sebelius told America that the Obamacare website would be running at 80% by November 30th, 2013.

80%…According to Sebelius and the Obama administration was their definition of…SUCCESS.

So…80% by November 30th but…THAT was before Sebelius told America that users OF the website would have a much better experience on December 1st on that Obamacare website  than they had when it rolled out on October 1st, 2013.


We went from the greatest thing since sliced cheese before the October roll out to…”We’ll have it fixed” by November 30th, 2013 soon AFTER the October 1st roll out to…”We’ll have it running at 80% by November 30th and THAT will be a SUCCESS to…”WELL…You’ll have a better experience with the Obamacare website on December 1st than you did on October 1st.”

Here we are…Today is December 2nd, 2013 and how’s that Obamacare website doing?

In FACT…It’s working at 0% right now and this obtuse administration is claiming some element of success for that.

No…I did NOT miss a keystroke. I typed in 0% and I MEANT…

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How Liberals Would LIKE to Revise Thanksgiving

We all know the basics of the story of the first Thanksgiving.

We know of the Pilgrims, their friendship with the Indians and how they came together at a feast to celebrate the first successful harvest.


What if the story were written TODAY using LIBERAL mentality and a COMMON CORE approach to what liberals and socialists must surely see as THE most politically INCORRECT story of America’s history ever told?

Oh…How the story would change.

First of all…The Mayflower.

The ship that carried 102 Pilgrims to the new world would be HERALDED by the liberals for using WIND POWER and the Pilgrims CHAMPIONED for being GREENIES!!!

It’s not like they had a choice for had it been available in 1620…The Pilgrims would have CERTAINLY foregone the grueling 66 day journey for a 4 or 5 day cruise in a ship belching smoke and throwing the leftovers from each day’s all you can snarf buffet…overboard.


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Obamacare – Make No Mistake…The WORLD is Watching

Fallout from Obama’s man-made disaster, Obamacare, is not limited to those Americans being cancelled by their insurance carriers.

The fallout is not limited to the economy.

It’s not limited to the white house or the liberal/socialist party or agenda either.

There is fallout that nobody is talking about and the ramifications of it are dire.

Dire to national security and dire to international security as well.

And, to be certain, the fallout is not just from Obamacare as Obamacare is nothing more than a microcosm of the real problem.

The problem is trust.

Obama doesn’t have it. His polls are falling by the day as more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that he is unworthy of trust but the polls don’t show the whole story.

For 5 long years, Obama and his administration have been plagued by what HE has called…”PHONY SCANDALS” and while you can fool some of the people SOME of the time, we know that one can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Our allies, around the world have been watching.

As the NSA was spying on THEM…

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Obamacare and Benghazi Now Have Liberals at DEFCON 2

Everywhere you look, liberals are melting down.

They’re losing their collective minds and one is left to wonder which is more devastating to the socialist left…That they have been ensnared in their own web lies or…That the Tea Party has been right about Obamacare all along?

One by one, any liberal that has invested their flagging  credibility in Obamacare…Runs toward the nearest microphone to deliver what can only be described as…BULLCRAP…to try and salvage their hopes for 2014.

Lies, to cover the lies that covered OTHER lies about the BIG lie…Obamacare.

Before I tell you why I think there may be more to it than astounding desperation…Let’s have a surface-scratching look at what’s been going on out there in the Obamanation of liberal/socialist nightmares.

Last Friday, in a press conference, Nancy Pelosi responded to an Obamacare question with THIS bit of absolute denial…

“Did I ever tell my constituents that if they like their plan they could keep it? I would have if I’d ever met anybody who liked his or her plan, but that was not my experience.”


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Weekend Edition: The REAL Solution to the Obamacare Disaster


Obama’s Obamacare “fix” will have the same effect on the Obamacare DISASTER as drilling holes in the bottoms of the Titanic lifeboats would have had in “fixing” THAT disaster.

As Americans are focused, and rightly so, on the most current and direct effects of the lie and bribery induced Obamacare “law” there are other and equally dire implications as well.

Employers, having dealt with the gross uncertainty of the “law’s” implications have already started laying employees off and/or cutting employees from full to part-time status.

Many more have simply put on hold, the inevitable and will make those moves next year as time runs out on their 1 year delay.

The economy, propped up only by the furious printing of money by the Fed remains stagnant because businesses, large and small, refuse to grow or expand due to the overbearing consequences related directly TO Obamacare for doing so.

At this point, the number of Americans that have received cancellation notices from their policy holders has hit 5.1 MILLION and we all know there are many, many more to come.

The rates of Obamacare policies are, in the majority of cases, much higher than folks were paying for their privately held policies and, they simply can’t afford…Obama’s “affordable” healthcare.

There is, in fact, only ONE way to fix this.

REPEAL OBAMACARE…Run all 2700 pages of it and the 18,000 regulations attached TO it through the shredder…Burn the remains and bury the ashes in THE deepest recesses of the sea.

The REAL fix for the healthcare system in America is…

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Weekend Edition: Don’t be Fooled by the Fix

On Thursday, Obama said…“We are going to solve those problems. We are going to get this right, and the Affordable Care Act is going to work.”

He’s lying…Bald-faced, with purpose and malice of forethought…Obama is LYING…AGAIN!!!

Obamacare is precisely the unmitigated disaster Conservatives have always claimed it to be.

There is no getting around that fact and it matters not the spin put on this economic and personal disaster befalling our nation and the people by liberals and socialists now DESPERATE to maintain their seats in congress.

There are inescapable facts from which they cannot hide.

From the very start…

ONLY Democrats voted FOR Obamacare.

Not ONE SINGLE, SOLITARY Republican voted to pass the bill that nobody was allowed to read.

Not one.

Obama had to BRIBE members of congress from his own party just to get it passed.

The litany of lies emanating from Obama and the Democrats in congress is far too long to reprint again and by now, we all know what they are so, I will spare you the list.

Here is another inescapable fact…

At each and every step along the path to destruction…ONLY the Republicans…The Conservatives and the Tea Party tried to stop this disaster from becoming the reality it is today.

More than 40 times, the REPUBLICANS tried to defund or repeal this disaster and at every step along the way…the DEMOCRATS blocked each and every move INCLUDING the REPUBLICAN resolution that would have SEEN TO IT that ANY AMERICAN WISHING TO KEEP THE EXISTING PLAN AND DOCTORS THEY HAD COULD KEEP THEM.

Now…Obama has attempted to institute a purely political “fix” to the 3 years worth of lying regarding people being allowed to keep their existing plans and the doctors they liked but…Both sadly AND predictably…

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Friday Fume

Oh boy…Where do I even begin with this week’s list of liberal lunacy???

Nancy Pelosi actually said of Obamacare…“All of the implementation has gone very well.”


Then…the crusty old moonbat TWEETED…”FACT: Despite website glitches ­­≈ 1m have applied and are eligible to #getcovered on #ACA marketplaces. 500,000 have already secured coverage”

Ummm She issued that AFTER Sebelius ADMITTED that ONLY 106,000 had…”SELECTED” coverage but, SHE ALSO REFUSED to say how many had ACTUALLY PAID for it.

Obviously, Pelosi is using the same tabulation system liberals used to count the votes in 2012.


Over in Moscow…Pyotr Pavlensky decided to protest the Kremlin’s crackdown on human rights by…STRIPING NAKED…SITTING ON THE RED SQUARE BRICKS AND…NAILING HIS NARDS TO THE STREET!!!


First…Just let me say…


Okay…Now then…

It’s not at all unlike the way OBAMA protested CAPITALISM by STAPLING his to a 2700 PAGE SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE MANIFESTO!!!

At least the BOLSHOI stands to get a new SOPRANO out of the deal.

Anyway…It’s been quite the week but, here we are…On Friday and…

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In Spotlight of Truth – Liberals Running From Their Own Shadows

Liberals and socialists in congress are lining up against their Dictator because they know they don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell in the 2014 midterms if they don’t.

They are desperate to be seen as standing AGAINST Obamacare…Now…But they and ONLY they voted FOR Obamacare.

That is a matter of RECORD that cannot be run away from.

Bill Clinton came out and called for changing the law to allow people to keep their previously existing insurance because HE’S trying to provide distance for Hillary’s run in 2016 but…

HE is on record of being Obama’s Obamacare MOUTHPIECE in the 2012 campaign and SHE is on record too.

Here’s Bill as late as September 4th…3 weeks before the roll out of Obamacare:

“We need all hands on deck here. The health of our people, the security and stability of our families and the strength of our economy are all riding on getting health care reform right and doing it well. That means we have to do it together.”

And about 4 weeks AFTER the roll out?

“The computer deal will get fixed up. Don’t worry about that, But our side, we’re not so ideological,” said Clinton. “So, instead of bashing them and screaming about how incompetent they were, most of our people just tried to help people understand the law and make it work and then wait for it to get fixed.”

“There’s a big difference in being an ideologue and being practical, putting people first as opposed to some abstract philosophy first.”

On September 13th, just 2 weeks before the Obamacare roll out, HILLARY Clinton stated:

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