“Occupiers” Inhabiting a Failing Agenda

“Whose Park?…OUR Park!”

That was the chant starting around midnight in Zuccotti Park in New York as NYPD officers started clearing out the protesters. “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!” was another chant being belted out through a chorus of Occu-Pie-Holes.

Zuccotti Park is being clear out, at least for a few hours to clean up and remove the filth from 2 months of squatters. It’s become a health hazard, the people who live around the park are sick of it and businesses in the area have had enough. Mayor Bloomberg issued the order to clear the park and about 400 police officers started the process around midnight.

Once the park is cleaned, protesters WILL be allowed to return but they will NOT be allowed to bring their tents, tarps, shanty town kitchens or sleeping bags and winter is forthcoming. It is folly to believe the “Occupiers” are cut from the same cloth which wrapped the frozen feet of Washington’s men at Valley Forge as those men were fighting for ideals while the “Occupiers” are clinging to ideology.

That “Whose Park…OUR Park” chant couldn’t be more wrong.

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Is Penn State a Microcosm of Today’s Society?

When the Rule of Law Falls Beneath the Code of Morals

While we at The National Patriot do not venture off the political stage I am hoping you, our fine readers, will allow something of an exception here.

For more than 40 years, one man has either paced the sidelines or led from the box in Penn State. He has become the most successful coach in college football history. Joe Paterno and his career seem to be finished due to a sex scandal at that school.

Allow me for a moment to add some personal disclosure here. I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, and to this day, I am a true dyed in the wool Husker fan. I was attending the University of Nebraska back in the early 1980s when one of the most contentious games ever played between the Huskers and Penn State took place. Penn State won that game with the assistance of a couple of the worst calls ever seen by the officials.

Decades later, Graham Spanier, the current President of Penn State, was the President of the University of Nebraska.

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The Friday Fume

By Craig Andresen 11-4-11

Well, you would think that going through another week of all of this tripe would have me singing the blues…

In your lowest possible voice please…

Nobody knows

The Liberals I’ve Seen,

Nobody Knows My Nausea…

Ah but it is finally Friday – and as we all know, on Friday, I get to let off a good deal of steam. This Friday is no different and you can bet, if liberals are out there…

I’m fuming.

Over at the liberal asylum, perhaps better known as the United Nations, it’s been a banner week. The white coat and blue beret crowd has finally let it slip that the vast majority of their CLIMATE CHANGE or GLOBAL WARMING or STUCK ON STUPID…whatever they’re calling it this week… reports HAVE BEEN WRITTEN BY GRAD STUDENTS!!!

Ummm…These aren’t your high level genius in the making grad students…THESE ARE GARDEN VARIETY GRADUATE STUDENTS WITH LITTLE OR NO EXPERIENCE IN THEIR FIELD OF STUDY!!!

Oh yeah, we’ve all been led to believe that the “CLIMATE BIBLE”…THAT PIECE OF JUNK SCIENCE WHICH IS CALLED “THE PANEL OF CLIMATE CHANGE REPORT”…RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORLD AGENDA AND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN WASTED SPENDING…Is not written by some PHD or weather guru of great renown, NOT penned by the greatest mind in global rectal temperature taking…not authored by GOD on stone tablets… Continue reading

100 or So Muslim Students Need to Take a Hike


The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights says yes…Really. They ARE indeed investigating a possible violation of human rights regarding Muslim students.


John Banzhaf, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School says yes…Really…As he has filed an official complaint on behalf of those Muslim students.



Muslim students at Catholic University are suing claiming their human rights have been violated because when they pray they are surrounded by…gasp…images of Christ, priests, saints and other Catholic imagery.

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Islam IS the Enemy!

Yesterday we looked back with an article, “9-11, We Remember” as many readers shared their memories of that day of unbelievable shock.

Today is September 12th 2011. From the day after until today, what have we learned in the 10 year span? What have we REALLY learned?

10 years ago today, we still stared at the TV and listened to radio reports. We were still in shock. The twin towers were gone, the Pentagon had been hit, there was a hole in the ground in PA where another plane had crashed and we watched and listened.

Across the country, airplanes sat on runways, most of them were not anywhere near their point of origin or destination. Tens of thousands of passengers were stranded.

10 years ago today, Americans wanted to help and thinking surely there would be hundreds if not thousands of injured survivors, we donated blood. Fire and rescue crews from cities towns and rural areas found a way to get to New York and help in the ground zero efforts.

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Let’s Trade California

By Patty Ewing Robichaud, July 28, 2011

I was born and grew up in the Los Angeles area of Southern California for the most part. There was a time when I believed Los Angeles was the center of the civilized universe with its diversity of people, landscapes (mountains to beaches), laid-back attitude, and temperate weather. Sure, there was smog some days, and the temperature would soar into the 100s every October – but it was tolerable. I didn’t even mind when people said California was the Granola State, full of fruits, nuts, and flakes!

Employment opportunities abounded, aerospace was setting us apart from the rest of the world, entertainment and amusement was always accessible, and everyone had a car. No matter how far you drive in Los Angeles, it seems to take over an hour – whether it is 10 miles or 50 – but you accept that as the price of being mobile!

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Teacher Unions

By Mark Wallace on March 10, 2011

Unions are one of the biggest problems in America. Why? For starters, consider this. No one ever got to be union president by assuring her rank-and-file that the glass is half full. Union leaders are always entirely about creating discontent among the rank-and-file, even when none would exist without their efforts. Why? Because if they don’t, they know they will be challenged for union leadership by even more militant cronies. Therefore, the inexorable trend within any union is to create (not recognize the existence of, but create) more and more discontented members.

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