We Called it and the Liberals Left Has Delivered!

Almost as if on cue. just a few days after writing and posting “Another School Shooting and the Liberal Double Standard,” a story comes across the wires which is so predictable, it’s frightening.

If you haven’t read that article you should before finishing this one.

Have we heard a word, a single word from the liberal left regarding the candlelight vigils and prayer meetings for students of Chardon in the wake of that horrible school shooting earlier this week?


Not even a whisper.

Had these same students held prayers BEFORE the tragic event which has now claimed the lives of 3 students, we would have had liberals, their mouthpieces and the ACLU coming unhinged; but, in response to the shooting, no way.

Let me be clear, they, the liberal left and their mouthpieces, SHOULD keep their yaps shut.

They should also shut up if a school wants to have a prayer at a graduation or if a student prays at the lunch table or if a student athlete Tebows on the sideline.

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Another School Shooting and the Liberal Double Standard

There could be no more clear an illustration of the double standard of liberals or their mouthpieces such as the ACLU that the horrible turn of events in Ohio this morning.

Chardon High School was the scene of terror. It was around 8:15 local time this morning, while students were preparing for their first classes of the day, many eating breakfast in the cafeteria, that a student with a gun opened fire inside the school.

We don’t know much yet but we do know the gunman fled and was caught off the school grounds. We know 5 students were wounded.

We now know that 1 has died of those injuries.

The students have been released to their parents.

We also know, via various reports from some students, that the gunman had, through social media, made threats over the weekend.

Here is something else we now know.

The Superintendent of Schools there has stated there will be a candlelight vigil, tomorrow evening, at a church across the street from the school.

Liberals, their mouthpieces, the ACLU…none of them will utter a word.

A candlelight vigil, for students, at a church.

Let a prayer be uttered at a high school graduation and all hell would break loose. Let a student athlete point to the heavens upon scoring a touchdown or hitting a homer, well, the student would be penalized and the fallout wouldn’t be pretty.

A school choir singing the praises of Allah is fine but let a school choir, even an extra curriculum choir sing of praising Jesus?

No way.

All those things are fair game to liberals, their mouthpieces and the ACLU.

Students, meeting in a church, to pray about the previously day’s tragic happenings?

That will be met with silence.

All of these things, relating to prayer or Christianity in schools should be met in the exact same manner.


Liberals, their mouthpieces and the ACLU love to pipe up about separation of church and state. They love to sow the seeds of offense. If you PRAY…You will OFFEND those who don’t. You’ll OFFEND those who might hold a different belief OTHER than Christianity.

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SOTU…A Look Back and a Look Forward

On Tuesday night, less than 48 hours before Obama has been subpoenaed to appear in a Georgia courtroom in a case regarding his eligibility to serve, he will deliver the 2012 State of the Union address.

We can hardly wait.

This year’s SOTU is expected to focus on “A Return to American Values.”

Obama? American Values?

Isn’t that an oxymoron of sorts?

“American Values, of course, being the “Oxy”…

Before we look too deep into the shallow end of the pool regarding the 2012 SOTU speech, shall we look back at the 2011 version?

Remember when…

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MLK…The Messenger vs the Message

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. On this day, we celebrate, what…exactly?

Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday?

He was born in January 15th and today is the 16 th. I’ve always been one who celebrates birthdays ON the actual day of birth.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is always celebrated on Monday so that government workers can have a day off. After all, they haven’t had a day off in nearly 3 weeks and they must be exhausted.

Is this a celebration of African-Americans who used to be Black after they were Negros in the days of Martin Luther King Jr? That would seem a little…racist…wouldn’t it?

It’s not the sort of holiday where people have family picnics or travel. It doesn’t have a traditional meal like Thanksgiving does. It’s not really full of festive fun for children or marked by church services either.

It’s supposed to be a celebration of the man and the ideals for which he stood.

Today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, you cannot watch the news without hearing it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day going into and coming out of each and every break. For God’s sake, they are even giving Martin Luther King Jr. weather updates.

Yes, we all know it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day and we don’t need to be piously reminded of it by those who don’t really understand WHY it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day any more than do I.

Now, am I saying we SHOULDN’T have this holiday?

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What Obama DOESN’T Want You to Know About “Hopey Changey”

Can we give it a rest? Can we just give it a rest?

I’m talking about the nonsense put forth by so many reports that Obama has now kicked off his 2012 campaign. Every day, after an Obama speech, someone claims that Obama has kicked off his campaign.


Obama kicked off his 2012 campaign the day he took office back in 2009 so can we please give the “He just kicked off his campaign” stuff a rest?

That’s one of the biggest problems with this administration…That they have never, for a single minute, been OUT of campaign mode. Rather than seeing to the business of the country, rather than seeing to the business of the people, Obama has spent his entire term engaged in the business of Obama.

Hey liberals…How’s that hopey changey crap working out for you?

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The Federal Government and King George

This article is an exploration on many of the charges listed in the Declaration of Independence against King George and how they apply to the Federal Government.  I had been thinking of this for quite some time, as had many others before me apparently.  There are a few decent articles written on this subject on the internet, from which I have gained some inspiration.  I purposefully tried to eliminate the idea that our current “President” has committed the same offenses and rather decided that the behemoth of our Federal Government is at fault.

The reason it is at fault can be summed up in the Declaration of Independence.  The condition of American society with regard to the power the Federal Government has on all of us shows “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  This is just as true today as it was over 200 years ago.  It is not just the fault of the President, but of the government as a whole.  The checks and balances system is broken, and few have the moral compass to keep the nation pointed in the right direction even if it means they will not see another term.  We have become accustomed to Federal involvement in our daily lives.  Whereas the Constitution used to provide the guidepost to which all politicians used to face, it is now carved up, interpreted and reinterpreted to justify any and all actions against liberty.

With that, I give you the following charges against King George, and the actions of the Federal Government that mirror the justification of those charges (not inclusive of all charges, just the ones I could justify):

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Why Liberals Have Declared War on Christmas

Liberals are the purveyors of political correctness and political correctness is the method by which liberals promote the trashing of American values.

This, to liberals, will be scorned and I will be ridiculed by them for stating it but that changes nothing as it is indeed fact. For liberals to promote their socialist agenda and ideology, traditional American values must be torn down and the way to accomplish that is to attempt to shame those who hold such values in high esteem into shying away from them.

While political correctness weasels its way into society’s daily lexicon, it is rarely more on display than at this particular time of the year.


The reason political correctness is so invasive during the Christmas season is because religion is the most deeply rooted of all traditional American values and Christianity has been, whether liberals like it or not, the leading religion in our nation since its founding.

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UC Davis Pepper Spraying…The Unintended Truth

Sometimes, video evidence isn’t what it seems to be. Sometimes, it can be very misleading if all you see is an excerpt, taken out of context, from the whole of the event. That now appears to be exactly the case with a widely circulated video clip from last week.

I am sure most people, by now, have seen the clip of police pepper spraying OWS morons at U.C. Davis. There they were, looking all peaceful, sitting on the ground, arms linked when along came the big bad police, those establishment, law enforcement officers who, out of the blue and for no reason at all, let loose with cans of pepper spray.

Oh the humanity, the horror. Doing such a thing to those who were simply exercising their 1st amendment right to gather, why, it’s just unthinkable.

UC Davis Chancellor, Linda Katehi, has, with tears in her eyes, apologized to students for the actions of the police.

Two officers and the campus police chief have been placed on leave.

UC President Mark Yudof has denounced the police for the pepper spraying of those students.

Students at UC Davis are demanding the Chancellor resign and they want the cops fired.

It’s a mess at UC Davis and all because of this piece of irrefutable video evidence.

That video clip CLEARLY show police pepper spraying those students FOR NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER!

Whoa…Hang on there…Not so fast.

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Liberals Need to KISS OFF

A serious incident took place yesterday on the playground of a Lee County Florida school and not one but two Sheriff’s Deputies were called by the school’s administrators.

What happened was apparently so shocking and disturbing to the school’s administrators that they first called the Florida Department of Children and Families which suggested that law enforcement be called instead.

The SHOCK…the horror of it all…Let us pray…except, not on school grounds.

Here’s how it all went down.

Two 12 year old girls were standing and…gasp…talking…Apparently, as girls of that, or nearly any age will, about which one liked a certain 12 year old boy more.

After a short time trading, “I like him more…” “No…I like him more…” one of the two suspects walked over to where the victim was standing and that’s when it happened.


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Friday Fume

Liberal lunacy knows no bounds and it can be found…EVERYWHERE. Day by day…Week by week, I absorb it like a barrier reef sponge and every Friday, wring it out all over this page.

The amount of liberal idiocy this week is STAGGERING and before I go super nova…

Let’s have at it.

It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Let’s start this week in the great white north, Kanuckville…Otherwise known as Canada…Toronto to be specific.

On Monday, Earl Beatty Junior and Senior Public School principal Alicia Fernandez sent home a note warning parents their students are no longer allowed to bring soccer balls, basketballs, baseballs, footballs and volleyballs to school.

It seems, a while back, a parent got beaned in the Kanuck noggin with a soccer ball and NOW…Balls are deemed DANGEROUS to the kids.


Gentlemen…for the love of all that is right in the world…DO NOT TAKE YOUR…BALLS…TO SCHOOL…LEST MS. FERNANDEZ LOCK THEM IN A DRAWER!!!!!

True to liberal thought…BASEBALLS will NOT be allowed at Earl Beatty schools but…BATS are apparently NOT as dangerous and according to the new rules, WILL be allowed.


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