There could be no more clear an illustration of the double standard of liberals or their mouthpieces such as the ACLU that the horrible turn of events in Ohio this morning.
Chardon High School was the scene of terror. It was around 8:15 local time this morning, while students were preparing for their first classes of the day, many eating breakfast in the cafeteria, that a student with a gun opened fire inside the school.
We don’t know much yet but we do know the gunman fled and was caught off the school grounds. We know 5 students were wounded.
We now know that 1 has died of those injuries.
The students have been released to their parents.
We also know, via various reports from some students, that the gunman had, through social media, made threats over the weekend.
Here is something else we now know.
The Superintendent of Schools there has stated there will be a candlelight vigil, tomorrow evening, at a church across the street from the school.
Liberals, their mouthpieces, the ACLU…none of them will utter a word.
A candlelight vigil, for students, at a church.
Let a prayer be uttered at a high school graduation and all hell would break loose. Let a student athlete point to the heavens upon scoring a touchdown or hitting a homer, well, the student would be penalized and the fallout wouldn’t be pretty.
A school choir singing the praises of Allah is fine but let a school choir, even an extra curriculum choir sing of praising Jesus?
No way.
All those things are fair game to liberals, their mouthpieces and the ACLU.
Students, meeting in a church, to pray about the previously day’s tragic happenings?
That will be met with silence.
All of these things, relating to prayer or Christianity in schools should be met in the exact same manner.
Liberals, their mouthpieces and the ACLU love to pipe up about separation of church and state. They love to sow the seeds of offense. If you PRAY…You will OFFEND those who don’t. You’ll OFFEND those who might hold a different belief OTHER than Christianity.
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