Liberals: Victims of Their Own Victimization


We all know that liberals love victims but, it goes much deeper than that doesn’t it?

Liberals NEED victims and where they can’t FIND them, they’re more than happy to CREATE them.

Were it not for victims, liberals would cease to exist. They’d dry up and they’d blow away. There would be no further need for them.

This has been their Mode of Operation for DECADES.

It’s no different today that it’s ever been.

Class warfare.

Those in the middle class are now the victims of the upper class. Just ask a liberal.

It’s those vicious greedy evil people who HAVE money but aren’t paying their “fair share” of the taxes that are the problem. Right? They have to cough up more, and more, and more…Don’t they?

Never mind that those making $250,000.00 every year or more are already paying 64% of ALL the taxes while accounting for only 29% of the people…THEY’RE not paying THEIR “fair share” are they?

Therefore, if you fall below that magic $250,000.00 income number…YOU…ACCORDING TO LIBERALS…ARE A VICTIM!!!

Illegal aliens.

Those who break the law by entering our country illegally are victims.

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Conservative’s War on Women Explained


I’ve been putting a few things together. Connecting the dots, as it were.

You know how I enjoy connecting the dots.

Well, I’m going to do something here I have never done before. I am going to offer my assistance to the liberal/socialists.

Alright now, where to begin.

Okay. In a recent ABC News Poll…The numbers are somewhat startling for Obama. In April, Female voters preferred Obama 57-39%. However…the most RECENT poll shows a VERY different story.

Female voters NOW prefer Romney to Obama by 50% (Romney) to 46% for Obama.

My goodness. What happened???

For months now, angry liberal/socialists have been telling the nation that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” They’ve been painting conservatives as purely EVIL towards women. They say that Romney HATES women and Ryan HATES women.

They’ve said it and said it. From the campaign trail and every liberal/socialist spinning head pundit has said it and said it.

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The Empty Chair Convention Begins


Talk about your rough starts…

Obama and his minions are kicking off their 2012 Liberal/Socialist convention amid what is understatedly, a malaise.

Yesterday, the day before the Occupy Charlotte event gets under way, was “National Empty Chair Day,” an event which was born from Clint Eastwood’s Republican Convention appearance which will stretch until the end of the Liberal/Socialist convention on Thursday.

Bolstered by a grassroots effort on social media, “National Empty Chair Day” was replete with a never ending display of creative images of empty chairs posted from sea to shining sea.

Conservative Patriots placed empty chairs everywhere they could think of. In front of their homes, in parks, on streets, the bottoms of pools, stacked, in rows, in offices…everywhere.

We, at The National Patriot, added in our own take on it…seen here.

Over the weekend, on the eve of “National Empty Chair Day,” Mount  Suckmore…The giant sand sculpture of Obama outside the convention hall was damaged by heavy rain.

It’s a fitting tribute…

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Friday Fume

Well, we did it. We made it through another week and what a week it was.

While all eyes were focused on the Convention, mine included, the crazy train rolled on, packed with liberal fools, headed straight over the cliff.

Shining examples of liberal loose marbles were everywhere.

Let the games begin!!!

It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Well…ONE thing is crystal clear. MSNBC stands for Main Stream National Bigot Conspiracy!!!!

After accusing anything, everything and everybody conservative of being racists…MSNBC, during the Republican Convention refused to air minority conservative speakers!!!

Leading the way down the rabbit hole was Chris Matthews.

Here is how I believe a breakfast meeting between Matthews and I would go:

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The Tea Party Effect at the Convention

With one night to go…It’s already been quite a Convention.

So far, Republicans have been showcasing the differences between  the Romney/Ryan ticket and the Obama administration’s ideology.

As it turns out, liberal/socialist loons have been all too happy to help.

It started even before the Convention with Chris Matthews yelling at Priebus about how Romney is a racist because he mentioned his OWN birth certificate and place of birth.

Then, there were the Code Pinko whackos dressed up like women’s reproductive organs.

Now, as the Convention has progressed, the bats are most certainly out of the belfry.

On the first night of speeches, the race baiting MSNBC decided NOT to show speeches made by conservatives who, just happened to be, minorities. This of course means that in the goo filled minds of liberals in control of MSNBC…If we don’t SHOW minorities speaking…They don’t exist.

This of course follows the 3 year old trick of closing one’s eyes and hence, being invisible.

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Liberals in Full-On Meltdown Mode

There are a few things from the start of the Republican National Convention which should surprise nobody.

First, we had Chuck Todd from the Obama propaganda wing known as NBC, stating that, “There are folks with the Romney campaign who think, ‘Boy, Romney can’t catch a break ever since he named Paul Ryan. He got a little momentum after the Ryan pick and then he’s disrupted by two storms. One, a political storm in Todd Akin which we just brought up. But now an actual storm, and when you think when this storm moves to and closer to Louisiana, the specter, the sort of shadow of Bush and Katrina does hang over this convention.

Seriously? THIS is where the liberal media wants to go?

If there is ANY specter or shadow of Katrina it casts itself directly over liberals.

Louisiana had a liberal governor who did NOTHING in the face of the COMING storm and woefully dropped the ball in its wake. The liberal media has, since Katrina, blamed Bush for not sending in the National Guard to evacuate people when, in fact, it would have been illegal to do so without the request of the state’s Governor. She failed to make that request.

It was also the prevue of New Orleans’ Mayor, another liberal, who fled the city for higher ground…IN DALLAS.

And let’s not even get started on the 10s of MILLIONS of dollars given to New Orleans to shore up their levies over the decades which decades of liberal officials spent elsewhere.

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Today’s One and Only Convention Speech

Today, at the Convention, not much is going to happen. They’ll gavel in…Go into recess…And hit the cocktail parties because of the big storm.

All the speaker who were scheduled to orate today from the podium, have had their slots shifted and some, like the Governors of the gulf states, have far more important thing to attend to.

ALL the speeches set for today…ALL of them, ar postponed.

All but one.

I figured that, since the podium was open…

Why not?


Greetings to…well…nobody in particular.

I saw on NBC News a couple of days ago, where Neil Young died. This came as quite a shock to me and, I’m reasonable sure, to Neil Young.

It was Neil Armstrong who passed away but, to NBC…Really…What’s the difference? One was an American Hero who became the first man to walk on the Moon and the other is a guy who horned his way into somebody else’s band.

I’m sure NBC’s coverage of this convention will be filled with the same attention to fact as their announcement of the passing of Neil Young.

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Friday Fume

As the polls start to shift, the liberal LOONS are getting twitchier by the minute!!!

They’re seeing their grip on power slip faster t than their GRIP ON SANITY!!!

In desperation, they are grasping the thinnest of threads as they dangle over the abyss and knowing they are about to take the plunge…they seem more and more bent on trying to take us all with them!!!

But guess what?

We’ve GOT all our marbles and we believe in our values…AMERICAN VALUES and unlike the liberal lemmings…WE WILL NOT GO WILLINGLY OVER THE CLIFF!!!

My friends and fellow Patriots…Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

For GOD’s sake…

The Freedom From Religion Foundation dipsticks are at it again.

This time, all the way from Wisconsin, they are trying to force an investigation into a GEORGIA high school because the football coach ALLOWED LOCAL CHURCHES TO PREPARE PRE-GAME MEALS FOR THE TEAM!!!

HEAVEN forbid…

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The Battle Hymn of the 2012 Election

Over the weekend, I was struck by the words of Paul Ryan at a rally in Manassas Virginia.

It was how he opened his comments.

What he said has been the clarion call of conservatives since the 2010 midterm election.

As the music played at each rally announcing Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate, I could help but think…

We need an anthem. No…We need a battle song.

What we DON:T need is a rehashed song bent and twisted to meet the need. Any old song will do if that’s the criteria.


What we need is a  song, written by someone who feels the way WE do. A song which expresses OUR clarion call.

We need a song which speaks directly to US, of who WE are and to what WE must do.

It needs to be a song OF the People, BY the People and FOR the people.

That’s why, when I heard Paul Ryan’s opening words in Manassas on Saturday…I knew EXACTLY what our song should be.


If you are not yet familiar with Ava Aston…You should be.

A while back, I found the song that she wrote and it shook me to the core.

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Obama to Biden: “Oh…Cabin Boy…”

America now has a choice.

Romney/Ryan or Obama/Biden.

The former stands for everything the latter doesn’t and liberal/socialists know it.

Yesterday, I predicted the liberal/socialist response and it wasn’t hard to see coming. Liberals are scared and they’re trying to do everything they can to fake glee over the announcement that Paul Ryan is the VP choice.

It became very obvious very quickly that the pre-approved liberal talking points went out in a hurry and equally clear that liberal pundits had been sweating it out waiting on those emails.

One by one, each repeated the exact same line. Word for word.

“The Paul Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it.”

Interview after interview, pundit after pundit, the liberal/socialist line was repeated over and over again.

“The Paul Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it.”

You’re darn right it will and what liberal/socialists don’t want you to know is exactly what Paul Ryan DOES know…

If we don’t end Medicare…”AS WE KNOW IT…” it will come to an end altogether.

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