Weekend Edition: The Proverbial Fool Laughed

I have, for some time, questioned whether I would ever come across someone who’s arrogance could rise above that of Obama.

After watching last Thursday night’s Vice Presidential debate, I no longer have that question.

Joe Biden’s performance reeked of arrogance, reeked of disrespect and reeked of a deep psychosis.

It just flat out reeked.



1) a brief popular epigram or maxim : adage

The thing about proverbs is that they are precursors of future events.

The Biblical Proverbs were written nearly 3000 years ago and are as true in their wisdom today as when they were written.

Take, for instance, Proverbs 29:9.

There are many translations but, essentially, they are the same.

“If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.”

Last Thursday night, a wise man argued with a fool. The fool raged and the fool laughed. The fool interrupted the wise man 81 times in 90 minutes with his raging and with his laughter.

There was no quiet.

Fortuitous? Indeed. However, one need not go back so far as the days of Solomon to fins a man, wise enough, to be fortuitous.

No. One need only go back to a Thursday night in late August.

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Dropping the Question of Mass Destruction

As we speed toward the November 6th election and even faster toward the next presidential debate, I believe there is but a single question which Mitt Romney could pose that would virtually bring the Obama campaign, not to mention his Canadian made bus…To a screeching halt.

Romney would need to preface the single simple question with a statement and that could be done either in his next opening or closing statement. I would suggest that should Romney win the coin toss he should choose to go first.

Now before I reveal that statement and simple question, we should take a quick look back at the last 4 years.

During Obama’s time in office, he has yet to pass a budget and even though his party controlled both the house and the senate for the 1st two years, Obama has steadfastly blamed republicans for the lack of a budget.

When it comes to the deficit, we have racked up more than a trillion dollars per year during the Obama administration and, Obama has blamed republicans for that too. Well…Republicans and George W. Bush.

During Obama’s 4 years in office, our National Debt has increased by more than 5 trillion dollars. Who’s to blame? George W. Bush because, as Obama has blathered over and over again…Things were worse than he thought when he took office.

For the first time in our history, our credit rating has been downgraded…twice…so who might be held to blame by the Obama team?


George W. Bush…Republicans…Republicans…George W. Bush and on and on it goes.


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Weekend Edition: The Debate – Why Obama Lost

So. Why DID Obama look so bad in the 1st debate? What happened? Why did he lose so badly?

I believe that, to get to the root of it, we first must look at the fall-out.

Since the debate, the Obama campaign, liberals, liberal pundits and liberal celebrities have been trying to explain away Obama’s dismal performance.

First they said that Romney was all style and no substance.

This would be a good time to remind you that liberals always accuse conservatives of what they, themselves are guilty of.

Then, they said that Obama didn’t do well because…Romney was lying. Obama himself said that Romney was lying and suggested that, “If you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth.”

I agree which is why I won’t be voting for Obama.

Al Gore said Obama’s disaster of a debate was due to Denver’s altitude.

None of those things, thrown at the wall, stuck.

So…Yesterday, Obama’s minions said it was because Romney spent more time preparing.

Oh? That’s a crime of some sort? While Obama was on the radio with “Pimp with a LimP”…on The View, Lettererman…60 Minutes…Partying with Beyonce and Jay-Z…skipping meetings with world leaders and skipping his Daily Intell Briefings…Romney was preparing for the debate?

That fell flat in a hurry as well.

NOW…the latest reason being thrown at the wall for Obama’s lousy debate showing is…Romney isn’t as conservative as Obama thought he would be???

Good grief…

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Friday Fume

So…We’re a month and a day away from the election and, just as we promised, liberal/socialists are coming more unhinged by the HOUR.

They are feeling the effects of their grip on power slipping and sliding and they’re going moonbat CRAZY!!!

The toughest part of writing the FUME is not FINDING the lunacy but, NARROWING IT DOWN for publication week by week.

The loony bin’s cup runneth over.

Well, grab onto something bolted down tighter than an American Airline’s seat and HANG ON…Here we go!!!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

So…In Rahm Emmanuel’s Chicago…They’re now asking for ideas on HOW  TO CUT DOWN ON GUN CRIMES!!!




Isn’t it amazing how liberal/socialists think their plans are spot-on perfect…until they run into…REALITY????

Kinda makes ya wonder when they’re gonna come to the realization that SOCIALISM ITSELF DOESN’T WORK???

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Obama’s Second Shellacking!!!

And so the first presidential debate of 2012 is in the books.

Romney 1.

Obama 0.

Obama hasn’t taken a shellacking like that since the 2010 midterm elections.

It was so one sided that even liberal pundits were lamenting their loss. There was no tingle running up Chris Matthew’s leg. Bill Maher tweeted: “Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney.”

CNN, MSNBC, ALL the liberal media had Romney squarely in the winner’s column.

VAN JONES said: “Romney was able to ‘out-Obama’ Obama. On the connection piece, on the authenticity piece, on the being able to tell the story.”

It came down to several things.

Romney was more upbeat than was Obama and it showed throughout. Obama just didn’t have the energy level…Head down…and smirking often.

It’s more than that though. Much more.

Mitt Romney was on point. He had the facts. He had the numbers. And he let them flow. Mitt Romney never seemed to be searching for answers.

Obama did. There were several times throughout the 90 minute debate that Obama had to circle around to discover an answer in his responses to questions.

Off prompter…Obama is lost.

Mitt Romney was on the offensive.

Obama played defense and played defense badly.

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Weekend Edition: Ig Nobel Answers to Unquestioned Issues

There are certain ways by which we recognize greatness.

Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden.

And then, there too are ways by which we recognize the not so greatness of scientific research.

The first Ig Nobels were awarded in 1991, at that time for discoveries “that cannot, or should not, be reproduced.” The prizes are presented by real Nobel laureates in Sanders Theater at Harvard University. There are a number of running jokes, including a little girl who yells, “Please stop: I’m bored,” in a high-pitched voice if speakers go on too long and paper airplanes being tossed at the audience by the presenters.  The ceremony always closes with the phrase: “If you didn’t win a prize — and especially if you did — better luck next year!”

Given the fact that Al Gore was given an actual Nobel prize for science quackery and Obama was handed one for what…We do not know…One is left to question why the Nobel prizes are considered prestigious and the Ig Nobels are considered a joke.

Here are this year’s Ig Nobel winners and my comments on them.

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Friday Fume

I’ll be the first to admit that there are a great many things I don’t understand.


If there’s one thing I know with certitude…It’s that liberals are completely off their collective rockers.

It’s an epidemic. Thank GOD conservatives have a natural immunity to LDS…Liberal Derangement Syndrome.

Listen, aside from all the liberal insanity happening in various far-flung corners of the world…Right here at HOME they are doing their level best to prove they’re stark-raving bats in the belfry, marble-free NIMRODS!!!

What amazes me most of all is that liberals keep trying to get elected.

For GOD’S sake…If they’d just listen to the words and ideas that come out of their mouths…THEY wouldn’t vote for THEMSELVES!!!



Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

An age old common place bit of American fun is falling prey to liberal insanity in Rhode Island.

The Father Daughter dance.

Apparently…liberal/socialists believe…BEYOND ALL REALITY…that the father/daughter dance is the embodiment of GENDER INEQUALITY!!!


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Weekend Edition: To HELL With It!!!

When Muslims with a 7th century mentality, arm themselves with 21st century weapons and threaten to kill anyone who refuses to revert to their way of thinking…

What exactly do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a high school football player points to the sky after a touchdown…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims start acting on their threats by bombing buildings and market places, busses and trains…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a statue of the Ten Commandments is placed in a courthouse…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims hijack our planes and kill 3000 of us on a single day…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When someone wants to offer a prayer at a city council meeting…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

When Muslims turn their underwear into bombs, strap explosives to their own children and kill our soldiers on our own soil…What do liberals tell us to do?

Be tolerant.

When a cross is placed in the dessert or an artifact that resembles a cross is to be placed in the 9-11 Memorial Museum…What do liberals tell us to do?

Don’t tolerate that.

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11 Years Later, Remembrance and Forewarning

11 years ago, we were doing whatever we normally did on a Tuesday morning in September. We were at work or going to work. We were at school or on our way there. At home, maybe in a car, a bus or on a train.

Tens of thousands were on planes or ready to board one.

It was just another Tuesday morning.

Then, it changed.

The World Trade Towers. The Pentagon. A field in rural Pennsylvania.

Everything changed.

Nothing would be quite the same again.

We were saddened, apprehensive, scared and looking for a sign of hope.

In the most abnormal of situations, those were the proper emotions.

We were also shocked, stunned and in disbelief.

We shouldn’t have been. We should have seen it coming. We should have realized we were a target and it wasn’t the first time.

8 years earlier, the World Trade Center had been attacked and that attack, like 9-11, had been at the hands of the same murderous group.

Al Qaeda.

The Kovar Towers? That was al Qaeda too.

The USS Cole?

Al Qaeda.

They had been at war with us for a long time but we were not at war with them. 9-11 was the next step in their escalating reign of terror against the United States and we should have seen it coming. We should have but, we didn’t and we paid a very high price for being asleep.

After 5 years…10…11 years…Are we any more awake than we were on that Tuesday morning in September back in 2001?

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Liberals: Victims of Their Own Victimization


We all know that liberals love victims but, it goes much deeper than that doesn’t it?

Liberals NEED victims and where they can’t FIND them, they’re more than happy to CREATE them.

Were it not for victims, liberals would cease to exist. They’d dry up and they’d blow away. There would be no further need for them.

This has been their Mode of Operation for DECADES.

It’s no different today that it’s ever been.

Class warfare.

Those in the middle class are now the victims of the upper class. Just ask a liberal.

It’s those vicious greedy evil people who HAVE money but aren’t paying their “fair share” of the taxes that are the problem. Right? They have to cough up more, and more, and more…Don’t they?

Never mind that those making $250,000.00 every year or more are already paying 64% of ALL the taxes while accounting for only 29% of the people…THEY’RE not paying THEIR “fair share” are they?

Therefore, if you fall below that magic $250,000.00 income number…YOU…ACCORDING TO LIBERALS…ARE A VICTIM!!!

Illegal aliens.

Those who break the law by entering our country illegally are victims.

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