National Suicide or a Call to Arms?


Who would have guessed that Americans would enjoy free birth control pills, punishing success, food stamps, welfare, reduced freedoms, a weak national defense, appeasement of Islamists, high unemployment, a staggering and growing national debt, borrowing money from China, jacking up taxes, government control of your healthcare decisions  and killing their unborn children to this degree?

Who would have guessed that the American people would just keep digging from the bottom of a mine shaft to nowhere?

What’s the matter America?

Gas prices not high enough yet?

Your share of the national debt hasn’t hit 4 times your annual salary?

The dollar hasn’t been devalued far enough yet to suit you?

Not enough Constitution hating legislators on the Supreme Court yet?

What is it for Christ’s sake???

What’s it gonna take to wake up more than just die-hard engaged conservatives???

The Arab Spring Parade down Main Street of YOUR town?

I mean…Detroit is a rat hole and Dearbornistan is being run by the Muslim Brotherhood and yet, Michigan still votes for socialists.

On the East Coast…New York and New Jersey…people are homeless and those who still have a home don’t have electricity, don’t have heat, can’t buy gas, garbage and debris is everywhere and non union workers are chased out of town but, THEY still vote for MORE government.

The SAME “more government” who isn’t doing a damned thing to help them.

Hey…Jersey…Staten Island…Not thirsty enough yet???

Maybe we just don’t have enough Americans getting killed by terrorists on the other side of the world because the very people who should be protecting them AREN’T and they’re telling those who COULD have to “STAND DOWN!!”

Conservatives have had quite enough thank you very much but…

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Today, WE Choose and Obama Must Lose!!!

This is IT!!!

November 6th, 2012.

Today…WE choose.

Obama vs Romney.  Socialism vs Capitalism.  Free stuff vs Freedom.  Arrogance vs Humility.  Corruption vs Competence.   Bigger government vs Smaller government.  Community Organizer vs Successful Businessman.  Appeasement vs Strength.  Lies vs Integrity.

If you really want to boil it down…

Obama wants fewer rich people.

Romney wants fewer poor people.

Our economy is closer to the abyss today that it was 4 years ago. Then, we were in a recession and today, we face the fiscal cliff and Obama shouts…”Forward.”

With Obamacare, Obama engineered the largest single tax increase in American history with 21 NEW taxes…12 of which hit directly against the middle class he claims to embrace. Now, he wants to raise taxes again.

4 years ago, gas prices were $1.84/gallon. Today, it’s $3.50/gallon.

When Obama took office, he inherited a AAA credit rating and today, we’ve been downgraded twice.

Since Obama took office, the average income has dropped by more than $4000.00 and more people have completely dropped out of the workforce than have become employed.

When Obama took office, there were 32 million Americans on food stamps and today, that number has risen to 47 million Americans.

Obama says we’re moving in the right direction. He says things are getting better. Obama says we’re making progress and we shouldn’t stop now. “Forward” he says. “Forward.”

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Tomorrow, We Take Out the Trash!!

When I vote tomorrow I will be voting for much, MUCH more than a new President.

I will be voting for my country.

If you think this is all about Romney over Obama you need to think again.

By voting for Romney and Ryan, I’ll be voting OUT Obama and the human gaff machine Joe Biden.

It clearly doesn’t stop there.

When I cast my vote for Romney I’ll be voting against Eric Holder, an Attorney General held in Contempt for stone walling congress over a failed gun running operation which led to the murder of Agent Brian Terry and more than 200 civilians in Mexico.

My vote for Mitt Romney will be a vote against Tim Geithner, a tax cheat who now heads the very government operation tasked with collecting our taxes.

By Voting Romney, I’ll vote against John Clapper, perhaps the most useless National Intell Chief one could ever, EVER have on guard.

By Voting for Mitt, I’ll be voting against and voting OUT Hillary. Yes, I know she said she would only serve as Secretary of State for one term but seriously…She’s a BIG part of what got 4 Americans killed in Benghazi and anyone who would take Lil’ Kim’s promise in North Korea as gospel needs voting out.

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Weekend Edition: I WILL STAND UP!!!!

Our Declaration of Independence, one of the greatest documents ever written, ends with these words:

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Those words, which should ring in the ears of every American are followed by 56 signatures.

Each man who affixed his name on that Declaration believed in those words and each did indeed pledge to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor.

Do you think THEY…”Stood Down?”

Emphatically…They did NOT!

Did the Patriots who fought and died for the idea behind that document…”Stand Down?”


In the ice and snow of Valley Forge…Did Washington…”Stand Down?”


In the years after the war of revolution, when called upon to pen the Constitution, did James Madison “Stand Down?”

No. No he did not.

In the War of 1812, when things looked darkest and the British was sacking the White House…Who “Stood Down?”

No one. In fact, Dolley Madison took the portrait of Washington from the wall and saved it…for the NEW White House.

In the quest to put an end to slavery, did Lincoln “Stand Down?”

The burden of the war between the states was great but, no…NO HE DID NOT “stand Down.”

Our country is FULL of people who never “Stood Down” and it always has been. From those who, with an idea and firm resolve gave birth to this great nation, fought for it, died for it and settled it to those who built it, powered it, explored it and added to it.

Did those who came here from lands far away, who felt free upon seeing Lady Liberty and who learned the language and our culture to make a better life for themselves, their children and their children’s children “Stand Down?”

Certainly not.

His advisers told him not to say it, they told him not to use the line in his speech. It was too forceful they told him…It would be upsetting.

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Friday Fume

Well…just a few more days and at least we won’t have to watch political ads for a couple more years.

Liberal/socialists can feel it all slipping away. Poll after poll has momentum leaning to the right and the liberal/socialists are lashing out.

They’re vandalizing cars with Romney stickers on them and throwing nails in the driveways of Romney rallies.

They even trotted out that old, tired horse, Gloria Allwashedup to spring an October surprise and the judge told her to go pound sand.

The attacks are getting WAY over the top because, the liberals can’t talk about foreign OR domestic policy NOW!!!


It’s Friday Friends and Patriots and guess what?


I’m fuming.

Okay…I’ve officially HAD it up to my GILLS with these dopey PETA whackos.

A couple of weeks ago…A truck hauling 1,600 of SEA bass flipped and all the fish flopped out.

Look…I love sea bass like Obama loves puppies…WITH A SIDE OF HASH BROWNS AND AN ICE COLD BEER…but really? The PETA poops want the city of Irvine California to put a MARKER on the road as a MEMORIAL???


According to the head PETA fish hugger…Dina Kourda… The MEMORIAL MARKER would remind drivers of the fish and to… “Value their lives and feel pain.”

In a rare moment of clarity for any town in California…Irvine officials said…no way.

SOOOOO…I have an idea.

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Putting it All on theTable

We are now a week and a day from the election.

What does Obama have left?


He’s running on empty.

The choice could not be more clear.

Mitt Romney is a man of character.

Obama, a man who’s only campaign rhetoric now is character assassination. Last week, his Chicago thugs recruited Gloria Allred to try and embroil Romney is something related to his testimony in a decade old divorce and child custody case.

A judge look at the “evidence” and told Allred to pound sand.

Mitt Romney has an economic plan to grow the national economy, cut taxes without cutting revenue, put us on a path toward energy independence, focus education on students, teachers and schools instead of the teacher’s unions, create jobs by allowing private industry to flourish and crack down on trading partners who gip the system by manipulating their currency.

Obama has the exact same plan he had 4 years ago which has doubled the deficit and added 6 trillion bucks to the debt, seen 23 million people still looking for work, increased welfare and food stamps to historic levels and led to the most anemic GDP in history.

Mitt Romney understands that peace must be gained through strength, that we must stand with our allies and against our enemies and adversaries, that there can be no daylight between our great nation and the great nation of Israel and that terrorism IS terrorism and we must stay on the offensive against it.

Obama thinks a foreign policy of appeasement and apology combined with his own personal arrogance is the right path.

Mitt Romney has spent 25 years in the private sector growing and managing businesses.

Obama has never run a lemonade stand.

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Obama’s “New” Plan Sinking Fast

Well, well, well…

With 14 days to go until election day, Obama has finally unveiled his NEW and IMPROVED plan for the next 4 years.

The empty chair and opened an empty binder.

It’s time for a new economic patriotism, rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong, thriving middle class. Over the past 31 months, American businesses have created 5.2 million jobs. Independent economists project that our economy will create an additional 12 million jobs in the next four years. The President believes we must do even more to grow our economy and strengthen the middle class. The goal of his jobs plan is to strengthen middle-class security by making smart investments in education and training, growing small businesses, promoting technology and innovation, and reducing the deficit.

Good grief…THAT is the opening salvo in the Emperor’s “new” “A Plan for Jobs & Middle Class Security.”

The 23 page glossy pamphlet  goes on to talk about hiring 100 thousand new teachers and building roads and bridges…Raising taxes on the wealthy and using “war savings” to cut the deficit.

1. President Obama’s plan reduces the deficit by more than $4 trillion over the next decade, including $1 trillion in spending cuts he signed into law last summer, and cutting $2.50 in spending for every $1 in additional revenue from the wealthiest families and closing corporate loopholes.

2. The plan makes sure millionaires aren’t paying lower tax rates than many middle-class families.

3. President Obama would commit half of the money saved from responsibly ending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to reducing the deficit and the other half to putting Americans back to work rebuilding roads, bridges, runways, and schools here in the United States.

Welcome to the new plan…Same as the old plan.

On Education…

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Obama’s Desperate Debate Falls Short

“In nowhere in the world is America’s influence greater today than it was four years ago.”

That was the allegation leveled bt Mitt Romney toward Obama last night in he was 100% correct.

It was clear that both candidates entered the debate with their own strategy.

For Obama, the strategy was to of goad Romney, debase Romney and try to lure Romney into being a pro war president.

For Romney, the strategy was to be presidential, diplomatic, knowledgeable, show that his administration would project strength at every turn on the world stage and turn the debate back to economic policy.

Obama left the debate frustrated that Romney would not take the bait, not be goaded in the directions Obama wanted and stood strong against Obama’s debasing tactics countering them with facts.

Romney left the debate having accomplished each and every one of his strategic goals.

Obama clearly had the edge in the number of “one liners” but, they were snarky, patronizing and intentionally meant to be belittling. Frankly, anything but presidential. Obama’s presentation of those one liners came across as frustrated and petty.

Romney dismissed them all with one simple line: “Attacking me is not an agenda.”

Without say it, that line summed up Obama’s entire campaign.

Regarding the foreign policy portions of the debate, Obama continually reduced his points to the smallest denominator.

I, me, me, me, I and on and “we killed bin Laden…

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Friday Fume

Liberal/socialists are spinning faster than pulsars and, in what is becoming deeper and deeper desperation, the lies spewing from them are running down the walls all over the place.

While the Obama Campaign Administration tells their lies louder and faster than ever before…Romney just sticks to the facts and guess what? Romney is now leading the polls.

It’s harder now than ever before to keep up with the liberal/socialist manure spreaders but…I’m always game to try.

My Friends and fellow Patriots…

Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Senator Coburn from Oklahoma has published his 2012 book of government waste.

Oh…It’s a page turner!!!

Every year, Coburn catalogs the wasteful spending of congress and puts it all out there for prying eyes.

Let’s see…

NASA spent $947 MILLION dollars developing…A MENU OF FOOD WE COULD EAT ON MARS!!!



For that matter…Why not just put the same stuff on the menu that is on the menu at the Space Station???


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Debate 2: Obama’s Desperation is Showing

I lost count last night, during the debate, of how many times Obama asked Moderator Candy Crowley to either change the topic or how many times she cut off Mitt Romney to change the topic.

Each time Romney cornered Obama with facts to which Obama clearly didn’t want to respond, one of those two things happened.

Neither Crowley nor Obama however, could stave Romney off for the entire 90 minutes.

Romney shredded Obama on the economy and buried Obama under the record of his presidency. That moment came after a man who had voted Obama in 2008 asked him, essentially, why should I vote for you in 2012?

Obama responded with the talking points conjured up by his campaign, trying to highlight a dismal 4 years. It came across like a guy putting lipstick on a pig.

Romney showed the pig for what it has been over the past 4 years by simply quoting facts.

“I think you know better. I think you know that these last four years haven’t been so good as the president just described and that you don’t feel like your confident that the next four years are going to be much better either.

I can tell you that if you were to elect President Obama, you know what you’re going to get. You’re going to get a repeat of the last four years. We just can’t afford four more years like the last four years.”

From there, Romney literally listed the litany of Obama failures over the last 4 years and Obama, for one of the few times during the debate, sat quietly.

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